Pasta firm Barilla boycotted over 'classic family' remarks

By the way, either way is grammatically acceptable. Perhaps you are familiar with Language Log?

Language Log: Another peace <-> piece shift

Yah, apparently it's because of your youth.

But say one's peace is now so common among younger speakers (who are baffled by the claim that the original noun was piece) that it begins to rival have another thing (for original think) coming as a newly dominant variant."

From the same link;

I'm wondering whether the idiom

"to hold one's peace"

leads people to assume that the opposite idiom should be

"to speak one's peace"

instead of the more correct "to speak one's piece"
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By the way, either way is grammatically acceptable. Perhaps you are familiar with Language Log?

Language Log: Another peace <-> piece shift

Yah, apparently it's because of your youth.

But say one's peace is now so common among younger speakers (who are baffled by the claim that the original noun was piece) that it begins to rival have another thing (for original think) coming as a newly dominant variant."

But then again, what was the point of your correcting me?
My god, BD, just what are you trying to accomplish? Would you care to address my thread?
By the way, either way is grammatically acceptable. Perhaps you are familiar with Language Log?

Language Log: Another peace <-> piece shift

Yah, apparently it's because of your youth.

But say one's peace is now so common among younger speakers (who are baffled by the claim that the original noun was piece) that it begins to rival have another thing (for original think) coming as a newly dominant variant."

But then again, what was the point of your correcting me?

I won't care who makes it or what their lean is if they ever come up with a good, tasty, reasonably-priced wheat-free pasta.

Alrighty then. But still, you could have at least done without playing the grammar police.

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I won't care who makes it or what their lean is if they ever come up with a good, tasty, reasonably-priced wheat-free pasta.

Alrighty then. But still, you could have at least done without playing the grammar police.


Sir, not to rain on your thread parade, but I'm a liberal. It goes without saying that you ascribe no value to my opinion.

I never insisted that I did. But you being a liberal does not stop me from assailing your opinion. Does being a liberal somehow make you impervious to criticism?
Alrighty then. But still, you could have at least done without playing the grammar police.


Sir, not to rain on your thread parade, but I'm a liberal. It goes without saying that you ascribe no value to my opinion.

I never insisted that I did. But you being a liberal does not stop me from assailing your opinion. Does being a liberal somehow make you impervious to criticism?

You didn't insist, you just say it on a daily basis. Your extremely low opinion of Democrats has been posted all over this board.

I am many things. Democrat is just one aspect of me. However, I am being viewed as a Democrat, all else is immaterial.
So, um, why are you moving the goalposts? I didn't say anything about legislating speech. I did however mention how liberals try to force their opinion and speech on those they disagree with. It's on another completely different level than just agreeing and disagreeing. This is taking action, using speech to spur a reprisal. So what you're doing now amount to nothing buy making excuses and obfuscating. You never intended to address my point, did you? It speaks to the liberals closed mind on diverse opinion.

I'm not moving any goalposts. Look back on our conversation, you'll see the only part of your OP that I addressed at all is your ridiculous claims about "free speech".

I didn't address your asinine claims about how this behavior is determined by political persuasion at all.

So, free speech is ridiculous now?

Of course some is. Where are you getting this idea that "free speech" means speech that can't be criticized?

You won't address my claim, or is it because you can't?

Your claim that this is something only liberals do?

I could address it in a number of ways, such as posting various "conservative"-led boycotts of various different things, or videos of "conservatives" shouting down people at town hall events. But it's not really interesting to me, which is why I didn't.

So, Barilla must always cast a positive light on homosexuality at all times, eh?

I said nothing of the sort. Barilla is welcome to say whatever they want.

Oh, boycott them if they ever dare stray off the beaten path.

I've been "boycotting" Barilla for the last 20 years, because I think their pasta sucks. I don't give the slightest little shit about their politics, and if they made good pasta, I'd buy it. I eat at Chik-fil-a whenever I can.

Supporting people's right to the "free speech" involved in organizing a boycott isn't the same as supporting the boycott itself.

So, what was so asinine? Is stating a reality now asinine to you? Or is that your fear of differing opinion speaking for you?

It's asinine to claim that organizing political boycotts is somehow only a tendency of "liberals", and it's funny that you should talk about "fear of differing opinion" when your entire thread consists of accusing liberals of "violating your free speech" simply for having different opinions than you.

You and C_Clayton_James are nearly identical. You can do nothing but insult your opponents, or issue forth anecdotes instead of arguments.

Feel free to point out all those ad hom attacks and anecdotes you're accusing me of.

You avoid the point entirely, just to sate your false outrage.

For the sake of curiosity, what do you think I'm "outraged" about?

I would wager that if Barilla had come out supporting gays, I wouldn't have posted this thread, and you would have said how honorable and upstanding they are for standing up for "equality."

I think you'd probably lose that bet. I don't really care one way or another about the political views of commercial businesses, and I think it's rather unlikely that I would say anything about it at all.

Again, you seem to be under the mistaken impression that I support this boycott of Barilla.

Sigh. This argument would go on all night if I let it. But it won't. Speak your peace, Doc, because this is my final response to you on this subject.

You like to threaten to stop posting a lot.

This is a large message board. No one is forcing you to respond to my posts, and no one is stopping you from just scrolling past them (alas, my position on the staff of this board prevents you from actually using the "Ignore" function on me).

If you don't respond, that's fine with me - but it's not going to stop me from responding to you.

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