Pasta firm Barilla boycotted over 'classic family' remarks

good for your dad!! :clap:

for me ...pasta yes. Nothing beats fresh though! Have you been to flour +water? YUMMY!

espresso......:eusa_hand:..... nnnnnoooo. lol. i dont do well on stimulants.

I have not yet been there, but my girlfriend has been bugging me to take her, so I'm sure I will soon. I've heard good things.

I think the most valuable item currently in my apartment is the $8,000 espresso machine I got as a hand-me-down from my dad.

let her bug you some more!!! Parking sucks..... and i mean...SUCKS!!!! But... its a really great place and the food..... mmmmm...i think you will be happy. :eusa_angel:

omg... PICS of the machine!!!! That is just so cool..... i think i like you dad.

It's not that impressive looking, but apparently it's pretty famous in espresso circles (if such a thing really exists outside of the internet).


you dont salt your pasta water???? :wtf:

you must salt the water.....even with very good pasta you must salt the water.

How come?

it brings up the flavor of the pasta.... its a main seasoning component. After the pasta is boiled you cant season it after is the way it is. Sure you can put sauce and salt on top of the pasta... but the pasta itself will be bland. Not a lot...a few teaspoons per pot.... but its a very impotent step in boiling pasta.

Wow, and I've been doing it wrong this entire time?! Will this work on whole wheat pasta?

I have not yet been there, but my girlfriend has been bugging me to take her, so I'm sure I will soon. I've heard good things.

I think the most valuable item currently in my apartment is the $8,000 espresso machine I got as a hand-me-down from my dad.

let her bug you some more!!! Parking sucks..... and i mean...SUCKS!!!! But... its a really great place and the food..... mmmmm...i think you will be happy. :eusa_angel:

omg... PICS of the machine!!!! That is just so cool..... i think i like you dad.

It's not that impressive looking, but apparently it's pretty famous in espresso circles (if such a thing really exists outside of the internet).


Ooooh, shiiiny!
I have not yet been there, but my girlfriend has been bugging me to take her, so I'm sure I will soon. I've heard good things.

I think the most valuable item currently in my apartment is the $8,000 espresso machine I got as a hand-me-down from my dad.

let her bug you some more!!! Parking sucks..... and i mean...SUCKS!!!! But... its a really great place and the food..... mmmmm...i think you will be happy. :eusa_angel:

omg... PICS of the machine!!!! That is just so cool..... i think i like you dad.

It's not that impressive looking, but apparently it's pretty famous in espresso circles (if such a thing really exists outside of the internet).


i ooogle them at econometric restaurant supply..... but its a bit overkill for me at home.
How come?

it brings up the flavor of the pasta.... its a main seasoning component. After the pasta is boiled you cant season it after is the way it is. Sure you can put sauce and salt on top of the pasta... but the pasta itself will be bland. Not a lot...a few teaspoons per pot.... but its a very impotent step in boiling pasta.

Wow, and I've been doing it wrong this entire time?! Will this work on whole wheat pasta?


yes.... you must salt the water.

it brings up the flavor of the pasta.... its a main seasoning component. After the pasta is boiled you cant season it after is the way it is. Sure you can put sauce and salt on top of the pasta... but the pasta itself will be bland. Not a lot...a few teaspoons per pot.... but its a very impotent step in boiling pasta.

Wow, and I've been doing it wrong this entire time?! Will this work on whole wheat pasta?


yes.... you must salt the water.

Yes, Master Miyagi!

Wax on! (right hand)

Wax off! (left hand)

you dont salt your pasta water???? :wtf:

you must salt the water.....even with very good pasta you must salt the water.

How come?

it brings up the flavor of the pasta.... its a main seasoning component. After the pasta is boiled you cant season it after is the way it is. Sure you can put sauce and salt on top of the pasta... but the pasta itself will be bland. Not a lot...a few teaspoons per pot.... but its a very impotent step in boiling pasta.

There's another reason, and it's about SCIENCE!

But I don't remember what it is.
Barilla Chairman Stands By Anti-Gay Ad Policy, Citing Family Values

It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out. IMO, either his pasta is good and people buy it, or it's not and they don't. If it's mediocre, and they're protesting his stance, then they switch brands. No big. If he hadn't said anything, none of this would have happened.

Well, by his stance, I personally think he doesn't care one way or the other what people think of his opinion.

Qu'ils mangent de la brioche or "Let them eat cake" as it were.
Barilla Chairman Stands By Anti-Gay Ad Policy, Citing Family Values

It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out. IMO, either his pasta is good and people buy it, or it's not and they don't. If it's mediocre, and they're protesting his stance, then they switch brands. No big. If he hadn't said anything, none of this would have happened.

Well, by his stance, I personally think he doesn't care one way or the other what people think of his opinion.

Qu'ils mangent de la brioche or "Let them eat cake" as it were.

Yup. He's standing by his convictions. I can't fault that. His ads are built around tradition. His company is as well.

let her bug you some more!!! Parking sucks..... and i mean...SUCKS!!!! But... its a really great place and the food..... mmmmm...i think you will be happy. :eusa_angel:

omg... PICS of the machine!!!! That is just so cool..... i think i like you dad.

It's not that impressive looking, but apparently it's pretty famous in espresso circles (if such a thing really exists outside of the internet).


Ooooh, shiiiny!

It's the 1986 model, so it's not as shiny as it once was. And there are a few gaskets I need to replace.

But even not working at peak performance, it still can make a better cappuccino than Starbucks or Peet's.
The same places they buy it now, Einstein.

What makes you think major US supermarket chains will carry their products after this?

Past experience. I still see barilla on the store shelves when I go shopping. I'm not too worried about it. You guys are always trying to force us to stop buying this or that, and it always blows up in your faces. I know you like that, but it gets tedious for the rest of us.
just remember to salt the water.......

Do you add oil to the water as well? I believe it helps prevent sticking.

I cook pasta all the time and used to oil the water but when you are using a red or white sauce it keeps it from sticking to the pasta. I haven't really had any problems with pasta sticking not using it.
You haven’t been talking about ‘free speech.’

Restrictions concerning placing limits on free speech apply only to government and public sector law/policy making entities, not private citizens or private groups or organizations.

That gay rights activists in Italy - or anywhere else, for that matter - have advocated a boycott in no way manifests a ‘violation’ of the right of this or any other company to freely express itself.

You again only exhibit your ignorance of the issue.

Its not censorship, but it is a bunch of people being intolerant whiny bitches.

Everyone needs to man up, even women.

I suggest if you have Barilla stock, dump it now.

I use Barilla all the time. No change here.
I just sent a note to my local market...which is also a national/regional chain.

I wonder how many notes like mine will it take before they dump Barilla?

Lot's of pasta companies out there...

Hasn't Chick Fil A closed yet?

Most people really don't care about gay outrage. They might buy more Barilla rather than less simply because they are sick and tired of being led around by "outrage of the day".

CFA is different, they're retail. They can make up the loss of the gay and gay friendly market by having like minded gay haters eat there more often.

Barilla is wholesale. What will a gay hating christian do when they go their local Von's and there is no Barilla on the shelf?

You just don't get this, do you.

It's hilarious. Barilla is dead. All they had to say was they understood the concerns of their customers and would consider those concerns in future marketing campaigns. Instead they run and start humping the leg of jebus...for all the world to see.

As I said, if you got Barilla stock, dump it now, and I mean in the next 12 hours.

Barilla is a private company.

BLLA: Stock Quote - Barilla Holding SpA - Bloomberg
"For us the concept of the sacred family remains one of the basic values of the company," he told Italian radio on Wednesday evening. "I would not do it but not out of a lack of respect for homosexuals who have the right to do what they want without bothering others … [but] I don't see things like they do and I think the family that we speak to is a classic family."

Because you know, fags can't have families...much less "sacred or classic families" and they never buy know...for their nonexistent, non sacred/classic families.

You seem awfully fond of using that particular slur. Suspiciously so...

I have a couple of fag friends, they have given me permission.

Im sure your "fag friends" appriciate you calling them fags :lol:
There will be no Barilla boycott strong enough to cause a ripple in their sales. How is that gay tantrum to move the Olympics going by the way?

a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry

"I would not do a commercial with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect toward homosexuals -- who have the right to do whatever they want without disturbing others -- but because I don't agree with them and I think we want to talk to traditional families," he continued.

"To be clear, I just want to specify that I do have great respect for every person, without any kind of distinction. I do respect gay people and everybody's freedom of expression. I also said I do respect gay marriage," he wrote.

Barilla Chairman Stands By Anti-Gay Ad Policy, Citing Family Values

Why are some boo-hissing this?

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