Pastor Brooks on Hannity right now. Watch if you have time.

Odd. I've certainly heard religious nuts claim God chose Trump to be president, and anything he wants is God approved. You really aren't aware of that?


Have you ever wondered if God chooses our leaders? Did God pick President Donald Trump, who among other things is an unrepentant adulterer? Or how about the extremely pro-abortion Barack Obama, who once railed against Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount in a seldom seen video before he ran for President? What about Kim Jun Un, the vicious dictator of North Korea? Or Mao Zedong, considered by many to be the worse mass murderer in history? Or how about the likes of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler?

Many Christians believe that God chose all these leaders. This belief largely has its roots in Calvinism, a disturbing doctrine that is sadly taught in many seminaries. Believing God chose all leaders fits with their belief that God preordained pretty much everything, including deciding ahead of time who goes to heaven and who goes to hell (see my blog The Predestined for Hell Myth).
this is so typical of the left who wants everyone to worship only government and must attack people who believes in God
You don't believe in God.
Well, except maybe pos trump himself.

"I am the Chosen One"
Does this ^^^^^^^ count?

That somehow freaks you out?

libs such as you prefer to ignore the china issue that trump was talking about and instead bash his faith in God

throughout human men have claimed to be on a mission from God

FDR ended the most quoted speech if his life with a promise to the American people that we will defeat Imperial japan “so help us God”

was that grounds for impeachment in the modern day godless world of nancy pelosi and chuck schumer?

could be
Odd. I've certainly heard religious nuts claim God chose Trump to be president, and anything he wants is God approved. You really aren't aware of that?
how can God choose Trump if Trump is God?

you really are being intentionally stupid.
What is he legit for? There are all kinds of people in Chicago doing what he is as well as everywhere else.

Your bullshit is tired.

Stop reading white right wing racist crap and subscribe so you can get accurate information about the black community in Chicago motherfucker.

Is math racist?
You mean I doent worship the false god of government power that heathen libs believe in

to which I happily agree
You believe in absolute government power.
Only leftists think like this about Trump.
We just love him because he triggers you guys to insanity
He triggered 81 million people to send him home. You love trump because he is a racist just like you.
He triggered 81 million people to send him home. You love trump because he is a racist just like you.

Remember, when Trump said, "You ain't black!" if you don't vote for him or that "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids"?

Your stand against racism seems likes it's built on quicksand
That somehow freaks you out?

libs such as you prefer to ignore the china issue that trump was talking about and instead bash his faith in God

throughout human men have claimed to be on a mission from God

FDR ended the most quoted speech if his life with a promise to the American people that we will defeat Imperial japan “so help us God”

was that grounds for impeachment in the modern day godless world of nancy pelosi and chuck schumer?

could be
"I am the chosen one" and "so help us God" are totally different statements with totally different meanings. Are you too stupid to know the difference?
Ok, my bad

you made a smear of trump supporters using faceless persons

and I disagree
In that case, here are some faces for you.

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