Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Dead Souls Of A Cultural Revolution

Last Friday, Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian here on a baseball scholarship, was shot and killed while jogging in Duncan, Okla., population 23,000. He died where he fell.

Police have three suspects, two black and one white. The former said they were bored and decided to shoot Lane for “the fun of it.”

As Lane was white and the shooter black, racism has surfaced as a motive. Thursday came reports that killing a white man may have been an initiation rite for the black teens in joining some offshoot of the Crips or Bloods.

What happened in Oklahoma and the reaction, or lack of reaction to it, tells us much about America in 2013, not much of it good.

Teenagers who can shoot and kill a man out of summertime boredom are moral barbarians, dead souls.

But who created these monsters? Where did they come from? Surely one explanation lies in the fact that the old conscience-forming and character-forming institutions – home, church, school and a moral and healthy culture fortifying basic truths – have collapsed. And the community hardest hit is Black America.

If we go back to the end of World War II, 90 percent of black families consisted of a mother and father and children raised and disciplined by their parents. The churches to which these families went on Sundays were stronger. Black schools may have been largely segregated, but they were also the transmission belts of patriotism and traditional values rooted in biblical truths and a Christian faith.

Though such schools graduated hardworking, law-abiding and productive citizens, today they would be closed as unconstitutional.

Indeed, all of those character- and conscience-forming institutions of yesterday are in an advanced state of decline today.

Seventy-three percent of black kids are born to single moms. Black kids who make it to 12th grade may often be found reading at seventh-, eighth- or ninth-grade levels. In some cities the black dropout rate can hit as high as 50 percent.

Drugs are readily available. And among black males ages 18 to 29, in urban areas, often a third are in prison or jail, or on probation or parole, or walking around with a criminal record.

Where do the kids get their ideas of right and wrong, good and evil? In homes where the father is absent and the TV is always on. From radios tuned in to rap and hip-hop. From films where Hollywood values prevail and the shooting never stops. From street gangs that sometimes form the only families these kids have ever known.

What kind of leadership do we see today in Black America?

What can be said for an NAACP that was lately demanding a Justice Department investigation of a rodeo clown running around a bull ring in rural Missouri in an Obama mask, but cannot find its voice to address a black-on-white atrocity in Middle America?...

Read more at Dead souls of a cultural revolution
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Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(
Buchanan is a vile cancer. It really is true that some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them.
Buchanan is a vile cancer. It really is true that some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them.

Read the article. Try not to be so knee-jerk and predictable. Just calm down, take a deep breathe, and read the article. Then get back to us.
Dead Souls Of A Cultural Revolution

Last Friday, Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian here on a baseball scholarship, was shot and killed while jogging in Duncan, Okla., population 23,000. He died where he fell.

Police have three suspects, two black and one white. The former said they were bored and decided to shoot Lane for “the fun of it.”

As Lane was white and the shooter black, racism has surfaced as a motive. Thursday came reports that killing a white man may have been an initiation rite for the black teens in joining some offshoot of the Crips or Bloods.

What happened in Oklahoma and the reaction, or lack of reaction to it, tells us much about America in 2013, not much of it good.

Teenagers who can shoot and kill a man out of summertime boredom are moral barbarians, dead souls.

But who created these monsters? Where did they come from? Surely one explanation lies in the fact that the old conscience-forming and character-forming institutions – home, church, school and a moral and healthy culture fortifying basic truths – have collapsed. And the community hardest hit is Black America.

If we go back to the end of World War II, 90 percent of black families consisted of a mother and father and children raised and disciplined by their parents. The churches to which these families went on Sundays were stronger. Black schools may have been largely segregated, but they were also the transmission belts of patriotism and traditional values rooted in biblical truths and a Christian faith.

Though such schools graduated hardworking, law-abiding and productive citizens, today they would be closed as unconstitutional.

Indeed, all of those character- and conscience-forming institutions of yesterday are in an advanced state of decline today.

Seventy-three percent of black kids are born to single moms. Black kids who make it to 12th grade may often be found reading at seventh-, eighth- or ninth-grade levels. In some cities the black dropout rate can hit as high as 50 percent.

Drugs are readily available. And among black males ages 18 to 29, in urban areas, often a third are in prison or jail, or on probation or parole, or walking around with a criminal record.

Where do the kids get their ideas of right and wrong, good and evil? In homes where the father is absent and the TV is always on. From radios tuned in to rap and hip-hop. From films where Hollywood values prevail and the shooting never stops. From street gangs that sometimes form the only families these kids have ever known.

What kind of leadership do we see today in Black America?

What can be said for an NAACP that was lately demanding a Justice Department investigation of a rodeo clown running around a bull ring in rural Missouri in an Obama mask, but cannot find its voice to address a black-on-white atrocity in Middle America?...

Read more at Dead souls of a cultural revolution

I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

I have followed Buchanan for decades. I think he's brilliant when it comes to political analysis. He really should stay away from commenting on racial relations.
None of the attackers was white. One became white, like George Zimmerman became white. By a public declaration that he was white. This was necessary because the race baiters have to find some white guy to blame someplace.

The three, including the biracial boy who has suddenly become white, intended to join the Crips which doesn't allow in white people.
Dead Souls Of A Cultural Revolution

Last Friday, Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian here on a baseball scholarship, was shot and killed while jogging in Duncan, Okla., population 23,000. He died where he fell.

Police have three suspects, two black and one white. The former said they were bored and decided to shoot Lane for “the fun of it.”

As Lane was white and the shooter black, racism has surfaced as a motive. Thursday came reports that killing a white man may have been an initiation rite for the black teens in joining some offshoot of the Crips or Bloods.

What happened in Oklahoma and the reaction, or lack of reaction to it, tells us much about America in 2013, not much of it good.

Teenagers who can shoot and kill a man out of summertime boredom are moral barbarians, dead souls.

But who created these monsters? Where did they come from? Surely one explanation lies in the fact that the old conscience-forming and character-forming institutions – home, church, school and a moral and healthy culture fortifying basic truths – have collapsed. And the community hardest hit is Black America.

If we go back to the end of World War II, 90 percent of black families consisted of a mother and father and children raised and disciplined by their parents. The churches to which these families went on Sundays were stronger. Black schools may have been largely segregated, but they were also the transmission belts of patriotism and traditional values rooted in biblical truths and a Christian faith.

Though such schools graduated hardworking, law-abiding and productive citizens, today they would be closed as unconstitutional.

Indeed, all of those character- and conscience-forming institutions of yesterday are in an advanced state of decline today.

Seventy-three percent of black kids are born to single moms. Black kids who make it to 12th grade may often be found reading at seventh-, eighth- or ninth-grade levels. In some cities the black dropout rate can hit as high as 50 percent.

Drugs are readily available. And among black males ages 18 to 29, in urban areas, often a third are in prison or jail, or on probation or parole, or walking around with a criminal record.

Where do the kids get their ideas of right and wrong, good and evil? In homes where the father is absent and the TV is always on. From radios tuned in to rap and hip-hop. From films where Hollywood values prevail and the shooting never stops. From street gangs that sometimes form the only families these kids have ever known.

What kind of leadership do we see today in Black America?

What can be said for an NAACP that was lately demanding a Justice Department investigation of a rodeo clown running around a bull ring in rural Missouri in an Obama mask, but cannot find its voice to address a black-on-white atrocity in Middle America?...

Read more at Dead souls of a cultural revolution

I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?

They've lost quite a bit of credibility in recent years. They seem to have allowed militant Racists to seize control of the organization. They've become everything Martin Luther King would not have wanted. They hate and divide. They do not unite the races.
dimocraps are the most racist people on Earth. Worse than Nazis. In fact, they are descendants of Nazis.

How can ANYONE defend these kind of statistics...?

Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz |

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher.

The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

I have followed Buchanan for decades. I think he's brilliant when it comes to political analysis. He really should stay away from commenting on racial relations.

I hear ya, but did you read the article?
None of the attackers was white. One became white, like George Zimmerman became white. By a public declaration that he was white. This was necessary because the race baiters have to find some white guy to blame someplace.

The three, including the biracial boy who has suddenly become white, intended to join the Crips which doesn't allow in white people.

Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll be convinced by sheer spaced repetition
You people are being led into an engineered divide and conquer scheme that was started with the Zimmerman stupidity. You're being used. It takes your attention away from more important things. That said, this shit is only going to get worse and people are going to do what they must to defend themselves from those that feel they're entitled to something.
Dead Souls Of A Cultural Revolution

Last Friday, Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian here on a baseball scholarship, was shot and killed while jogging in Duncan, Okla., population 23,000. He died where he fell.

Police have three suspects, two black and one white. The former said they were bored and decided to shoot Lane for “the fun of it.”

As Lane was white and the shooter black, racism has surfaced as a motive. Thursday came reports that killing a white man may have been an initiation rite for the black teens in joining some offshoot of the Crips or Bloods.

What happened in Oklahoma and the reaction, or lack of reaction to it, tells us much about America in 2013, not much of it good.

Teenagers who can shoot and kill a man out of summertime boredom are moral barbarians, dead souls.

But who created these monsters? Where did they come from? Surely one explanation lies in the fact that the old conscience-forming and character-forming institutions – home, church, school and a moral and healthy culture fortifying basic truths – have collapsed. And the community hardest hit is Black America.

If we go back to the end of World War II, 90 percent of black families consisted of a mother and father and children raised and disciplined by their parents. The churches to which these families went on Sundays were stronger. Black schools may have been largely segregated, but they were also the transmission belts of patriotism and traditional values rooted in biblical truths and a Christian faith.

Though such schools graduated hardworking, law-abiding and productive citizens, today they would be closed as unconstitutional.

Indeed, all of those character- and conscience-forming institutions of yesterday are in an advanced state of decline today.

Seventy-three percent of black kids are born to single moms. Black kids who make it to 12th grade may often be found reading at seventh-, eighth- or ninth-grade levels. In some cities the black dropout rate can hit as high as 50 percent.

Drugs are readily available. And among black males ages 18 to 29, in urban areas, often a third are in prison or jail, or on probation or parole, or walking around with a criminal record.

Where do the kids get their ideas of right and wrong, good and evil? In homes where the father is absent and the TV is always on. From radios tuned in to rap and hip-hop. From films where Hollywood values prevail and the shooting never stops. From street gangs that sometimes form the only families these kids have ever known.

What kind of leadership do we see today in Black America?

What can be said for an NAACP that was lately demanding a Justice Department investigation of a rodeo clown running around a bull ring in rural Missouri in an Obama mask, but cannot find its voice to address a black-on-white atrocity in Middle America?...

Read more at Dead souls of a cultural revolution

I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?

They've lost quite a bit of credibility in recent years. They seem to have allowed militant Racists to seize control of the organization. They've become everything Martin Luther King would not have wanted. They hate and divide. They do not unite the races.

The only reason they have lost credibility is because people seem to think they should speak out on all crime. I'm sure as individuals they do but as an organization they get involved with legal injustices which seem to be primarly directed at minorities in this country. The NAACP does not hate and divide. The Dems, Rep, and media provide that function.
Buchanan is pretty much correct in the article, uncomfortable as that is for some liberals. As for Buchanan himself, he can get carried at times going off the deep end, but he is correct more often than not.

And i voted for him the GOP Presidential primaries in 1992 and 1996 and came within a hair's breath of voting for him in the 2000 general.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

I have followed Buchanan for decades. I think he's brilliant when it comes to political analysis. He really should stay away from commenting on racial relations.

That's not really Buchanan's approach, if you read his latest "Suicide of a Superpower" he continues with his favorite line of inquiry which is American Culture and his analysis of it, that's what he's doing in this case. It's a cultural analysis and how the disintegration of traditional American Cultural Values impacts the African-American Community (from his viewpoint).

I'll be the first to admit that I think Pat Buchanan has some fairly "out of step" ideas on cultural values from my viewpoint but he's does provide a lot of worthwhile fact based analysis on the subject (in addition to being a fairly talented writer). As with anything else individuals need to provide THEIR OWN reasoning to evaluate the conclusions that Buchanan draws.
You people are being led into an engineered divide and conquer scheme that was started with the Zimmerman stupidity. You're being used. It takes your attention away from more important things. That said, this shit is only going to get worse and people are going to do what they must to defend themselves from those that feel they're entitled to something.

:lol: What about you people? Do you not see youre being led into an engineered divide and conquer scheme as well? Once you realize that its about economics and not race it will be too late.
I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?

They've lost quite a bit of credibility in recent years. They seem to have allowed militant Racists to seize control of the organization. They've become everything Martin Luther King would not have wanted. They hate and divide. They do not unite the races.

The only reason they have lost credibility is because people seem to think they should speak out on all crime. I'm sure as individuals they do but as an organization they get involved with legal injustices which seem to be primarly directed at minorities in this country. The NAACP does not hate and divide. The Dems, Rep, and media provide that function.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the National Association for the Advancement of liberal Colored People are supposed to be concerned with Civil Rights.

They can always hide behind that facade.

But that doesn't stop them from sticking their noses into a tragedy where there was ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of any Civil Rights being violated by anybody at any time.

Except for George Zimmerman's. His rights were violated -- By the very people who are forsworn to upholding Civil Rights.

All those Groups.... The NAALCP, NOW, CAIR... You name it.... The butt-rangers and the muff-divers and pedophiles....

They're all just part of the dimocrap apparatus. ALL of them. scumbags to the core

To think otherwise is to be mentally incompetent
I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?

They've lost quite a bit of credibility in recent years. They seem to have allowed militant Racists to seize control of the organization. They've become everything Martin Luther King would not have wanted. They hate and divide. They do not unite the races.

The only reason they have lost credibility is because people seem to think they should speak out on all crime. I'm sure as individuals they do but as an organization they get involved with legal injustices which seem to be primarly directed at minorities in this country. The NAACP does not hate and divide. The Dems, Rep, and media provide that function.

I beg to differ. They've become a Hate Organization. They're coming off as bitter Racists at this point. They do not represent what Martin Luther King stood for. And that's very sad.
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