Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

No, you still run and fetch, you just do it for your political class obviously like them chains. Your hatred is so thick and your racism so ingrained that it's made you stupid with it!

Enjoy your continued march into violence; poverty and stupidity-

You may want to take some anger management courses. Not good for your heart to be so angry. I can see you how PO'd you are from here. Let me know youre ok.

Angry? Perhaps. But not heart attack angry- more like sad indignant anger, like you'd have watching idiots ruin your country because they refuse to hear their own stupidity. Heart attack anger-that's your realm. You project your anger onto me just like you do your racism.

Your problem is you have ingested hatred and idiocy for so long you think it's normal.

Maybe something is lost in translation because we are not face to face. I'm definitely not angry nor do I hate anyone. This is actually sort of amusing. Is it possible you are just wrong in what you think? The country is not ruined. I see extra ordinary people doing special things everyday from all races. That gives me joy. I live on a street where we are extremely diverse. My neighbor on one side is white. across the street is a Mexican family. On the other side is another Black family and down the street are some Asians and East Indians. We all get along great. What is going on in your world that makes you think the country is going down the toilet?
You may want to take some anger management courses. Not good for your heart to be so angry. I can see you how PO'd you are from here. Let me know youre ok.

Angry? Perhaps. But not heart attack angry- more like sad indignant anger, like you'd have watching idiots ruin your country because they refuse to hear their own stupidity. Heart attack anger-that's your realm. You project your anger onto me just like you do your racism.

Your problem is you have ingested hatred and idiocy for so long you think it's normal.

Maybe something is lost in translation because we are not face to face. I'm definitely not angry nor do I hate anyone. This is actually sort of amusing. Is it possible you are just wrong in what you think? The country is not ruined. I see extra ordinary people doing special things everyday from all races. That gives me joy. I live on a street where we are extremely diverse. My neighbor on one side is white. across the street is a Mexican family. On the other side is another Black family and down the street are some Asians and East Indians. We all get along great. What is going on in your world that makes you think the country is going down the toilet?

Oh joy of joys you ain't racist cuz you got yourself a white and Mexican neighbor...and even some Asian and Indian ones....but ain't none of them- especially that white one, better be telling you about possible solutions to black crime..boy howdy~

Take out a mirror racist...and you will see why crime and poverty are getting worse in black neighborhoods.
Angry? Perhaps. But not heart attack angry- more like sad indignant anger, like you'd have watching idiots ruin your country because they refuse to hear their own stupidity. Heart attack anger-that's your realm. You project your anger onto me just like you do your racism.

Your problem is you have ingested hatred and idiocy for so long you think it's normal.

Maybe something is lost in translation because we are not face to face. I'm definitely not angry nor do I hate anyone. This is actually sort of amusing. Is it possible you are just wrong in what you think? The country is not ruined. I see extra ordinary people doing special things everyday from all races. That gives me joy. I live on a street where we are extremely diverse. My neighbor on one side is white. across the street is a Mexican family. On the other side is another Black family and down the street are some Asians and East Indians. We all get along great. What is going on in your world that makes you think the country is going down the toilet?

Oh joy of joys you ain't racist cuz you got yourself a white and Mexican neighbor...and even some Asian and Indian ones....but ain't none of them- especially that white one, better be telling you about possible solutions to black crime..boy howdy~

Take out a mirror racist...and you will see why crime and poverty are getting worse in black neighborhoods.

That's not why i am not racist. i'm not racist because I have met good people besides my neighbors that are white. I have a lot of business partners that are white. They don't try and tell me whats wrong with the Black community and how to fix it because they know they have no frame of reference. They understand their white community has serious issues so they wouldn't dare preach to me about how messed up the Black community is. If you were looking in your community you would understand crime and poverty is getting worse in all neighborhoods unless they are wealthy ones. I just recently bought 2 homes and both the families were white and had lost their homes to foreclosure. I see on the news everyday about some white guy raping some girl. Is that a Black crime problem?
Maybe something is lost in translation because we are not face to face. I'm definitely not angry nor do I hate anyone. This is actually sort of amusing. Is it possible you are just wrong in what you think? The country is not ruined. I see extra ordinary people doing special things everyday from all races. That gives me joy. I live on a street where we are extremely diverse. My neighbor on one side is white. across the street is a Mexican family. On the other side is another Black family and down the street are some Asians and East Indians. We all get along great. What is going on in your world that makes you think the country is going down the toilet?

Oh joy of joys you ain't racist cuz you got yourself a white and Mexican neighbor...and even some Asian and Indian ones....but ain't none of them- especially that white one, better be telling you about possible solutions to black crime..boy howdy~

Take out a mirror racist...and you will see why crime and poverty are getting worse in black neighborhoods.

That's not why i am not racist. i'm not racist because I have met good people besides my neighbors that are white. I have a lot of business partners that are white. They don't try and tell me whats wrong with the Black community and how to fix it because they know they have no frame of reference. They understand their white community has serious issues so they wouldn't dare preach to me about how messed up the Black community is. If you were looking in your community you would understand crime and poverty is getting worse in all neighborhoods unless they are wealthy ones. I just recently bought 2 homes and both the families were white and had lost their homes to foreclosure. I see on the news everyday about some white guy raping some girl. Is that a Black crime problem?
You obviously have very little insight into your pathology, or the pathology that is endemic in today's black culture. You seem to try to mitigate it by saying whites have problems too. Like many things, it a matter of degree. So go ahead, kill each other off in astronomical numbers, but try to stick to killing each other. People of other races do not want to part of your problem. If you can't, then expect a backlash, enough is enough.
Evidently not bowing down to the white race and valuing their criticism is a no no!! Dont have a coronary over it. :lol: Just accept that i dont value it. When he addresses specifically the white races issues he will become credible in my eyes and I will give him an audience.

Skin pigment has little to do with anything.

You are intellectually inferior to the vast majority of those posting here; in an attempt to mask this fact, you engage in racism - as sort of a means of blaming your race for your own failings.
Maybe something is lost in translation because we are not face to face. I'm definitely not angry nor do I hate anyone. This is actually sort of amusing. Is it possible you are just wrong in what you think? The country is not ruined. I see extra ordinary people doing special things everyday from all races. That gives me joy. I live on a street where we are extremely diverse. My neighbor on one side is white. across the street is a Mexican family. On the other side is another Black family and down the street are some Asians and East Indians. We all get along great. What is going on in your world that makes you think the country is going down the toilet?

Oh joy of joys you ain't racist cuz you got yourself a white and Mexican neighbor...and even some Asian and Indian ones....but ain't none of them- especially that white one, better be telling you about possible solutions to black crime..boy howdy~

Take out a mirror racist...and you will see why crime and poverty are getting worse in black neighborhoods.

That's not why i am not racist. i'm not racist because I have met good people besides my neighbors that are white. I have a lot of business partners that are white. They don't try and tell me whats wrong with the Black community and how to fix it because they know they have no frame of reference. They understand their white community has serious issues so they wouldn't dare preach to me about how messed up the Black community is. If you were looking in your community you would understand crime and poverty is getting worse in all neighborhoods unless they are wealthy ones. I just recently bought 2 homes and both the families were white and had lost their homes to foreclosure. I see on the news everyday about some white guy raping some girl. Is that a Black crime problem?

Every-time you open your mouth about race- you PROVE your bigotry and racism.

As another poster revcently opined- go ahead and kill off your own ethnicity- but ;leave us white people alone- Otherwise, EXPECT to be told a few fucking things you stupid racist!
Oh joy of joys you ain't racist cuz you got yourself a white and Mexican neighbor...and even some Asian and Indian ones....but ain't none of them- especially that white one, better be telling you about possible solutions to black crime..boy howdy~

Take out a mirror racist...and you will see why crime and poverty are getting worse in black neighborhoods.

That's not why i am not racist. i'm not racist because I have met good people besides my neighbors that are white. I have a lot of business partners that are white. They don't try and tell me whats wrong with the Black community and how to fix it because they know they have no frame of reference. They understand their white community has serious issues so they wouldn't dare preach to me about how messed up the Black community is. If you were looking in your community you would understand crime and poverty is getting worse in all neighborhoods unless they are wealthy ones. I just recently bought 2 homes and both the families were white and had lost their homes to foreclosure. I see on the news everyday about some white guy raping some girl. Is that a Black crime problem?

Every-time you open your mouth about race- you PROVE your bigotry and racism.

As another poster revcently opined- go ahead and kill off your own ethnicity- but ;leave us white people alone- Otherwise, EXPECT to be told a few fucking things you stupid racist!

If you say so. You should really watch that temper. If I should expect to be told a few things you should expect to be told to mind your own business. Deal?
That's not why i am not racist. i'm not racist because I have met good people besides my neighbors that are white. I have a lot of business partners that are white. They don't try and tell me whats wrong with the Black community and how to fix it because they know they have no frame of reference. They understand their white community has serious issues so they wouldn't dare preach to me about how messed up the Black community is. If you were looking in your community you would understand crime and poverty is getting worse in all neighborhoods unless they are wealthy ones. I just recently bought 2 homes and both the families were white and had lost their homes to foreclosure. I see on the news everyday about some white guy raping some girl. Is that a Black crime problem?

Every-time you open your mouth about race- you PROVE your bigotry and racism.

As another poster recently opined- go ahead and kill off your own ethnicity- but leave us white people alone- Otherwise, EXPECT to be told a few fucking things you stupid racist!

If you say so. You should really watch that temper. If I should expect to be told a few things you should expect to be told to mind your own business. Deal?

So long as your business isn't affecting us white folks...which in the context of race relations is impossible... in that vein it IS my business, and the business of every American- you and your other idiot advocates just can't seem to wrap your racist heads around that fact.

You are a slave to stupidity; hatred; partisanship and racism- You should really watch that~
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Every-time you open your mouth about race- you PROVE your bigotry and racism.

As another poster recently opined- go ahead and kill off your own ethnicity- but leave us white people alone- Otherwise, EXPECT to be told a few fucking things you stupid racist!

If you say so. You should really watch that temper. If I should expect to be told a few things you should expect to be told to mind your own business. Deal?

So long as your business isn't effecting us white folks...which in the context of race relations is impossible... in that vein it IS my business, and the business of every American- you and your other idiot advocates just can't seem to wrap your racist heads around that fact.

You are a slave to stupidity; hatred; partisanship and racism- You should really watch that~

Maybe I can make it a little clearer for you. You dont have a choice. I was just being polite. If you get in my business without my permission you will be ignored or told to mind your own business regardless of whether you feel it is effecting you. if you calm down and want to know the truth then you may discuss it with me.
If you say so. You should really watch that temper. If I should expect to be told a few things you should expect to be told to mind your own business. Deal?

So long as your business isn't affecting us white folks...which in the context of race relations is impossible... in that vein it IS my business, and the business of every American- you and your other idiot advocates just can't seem to wrap your racist heads around that fact.

You are a slave to stupidity; hatred; partisanship and racism- You should really watch that~

Maybe I can make it a little clearer for you. You dont have a choice. I was just being polite. If you get in my business without my permission you will be ignored or told to mind your own business regardless of whether you feel it is effecting you. if you calm down and want to know the truth then you may discuss it with me.

There is no discussion with you. You are so full of stupidity, the result of your misplaced arrogance and racism, that apart from agreeing with your moronic logic, discussion is impossible.

Ignore ME all you want to. There are legal means and people in power that won't care if you listen to them or not either.

Our prisons are full of your "folk". Your "folk" continue to have more chaos in their neighborhoods- not less.

Now please do try and work on that racist attitude and stupid logic! :D
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Every-time you open your mouth about race- you PROVE your bigotry and racism.

As another poster recently opined- go ahead and kill off your own ethnicity- but leave us white people alone- Otherwise, EXPECT to be told a few fucking things you stupid racist!

If you say so. You should really watch that temper. If I should expect to be told a few things you should expect to be told to mind your own business. Deal?

So long as your business isn't effecting us white folks...which in the context of race relations is impossible... in that vein it IS my business, and the business of every American- you and your other idiot advocates just can't seem to wrap your racist heads around that fact.

You are a slave to stupidity; hatred; partisanship and racism- You should really watch that~
"effecting"???????? What a moron. You were going for "affecting". :lol::lol::lol:
If you say so. You should really watch that temper. If I should expect to be told a few things you should expect to be told to mind your own business. Deal?

So long as your business isn't affecting us white folks...which in the context of race relations is impossible... in that vein it IS my business, and the business of every American- you and your other idiot advocates just can't seem to wrap your racist heads around that fact.

You are a slave to stupidity; hatred; partisanship and racism- You should really watch that~
"effecting"???????? What a moron. You were going for "affecting". :lol::lol::lol:

Great, my own personal editor! Now go get on to the rest of my writing and edit...go on now get! :lol:
So long as your business isn't effecting us white folks...which in the context of race relations is impossible... in that vein it IS my business, and the business of every American- you and your other idiot advocates just can't seem to wrap your racist heads around that fact.

You are a slave to stupidity; hatred; partisanship and racism- You should really watch that~

Maybe I can make it a little clearer for you. You dont have a choice. I was just being polite. If you get in my business without my permission you will be ignored or told to mind your own business regardless of whether you feel it is effecting you. if you calm down and want to know the truth then you may discuss it with me.

There is no discussion with you. You are so full of stupidity, the resu;lt of your misplaced arrogance and racism, that apart from agreeing with your moronic logic, discussion is impossible.

Ignore ME all you want to. There are legal means and people in power that won't care if you listen to them or not either.

Our prisons are full of your "folk". Your "folk" continue to have more chaos in their neighborhoods- not less.

Now please do try and work on that racist attitude and stupid logic! :D

I think you are just upset because I dont automatically feel you know best because you are white. You know thats really it. No one on here knows who you really are so why not just admit it? So now you are going to sue me over my views? Good luck with that. Our "folk" will be just fine dont worry your little head over it. I'm not in prison and none of the people I mentor will be there either. On top of that there are more just like me teaching all youth the truth and how to deal with ignorance from people of your ilk.
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If you say so. You should really watch that temper. If I should expect to be told a few things you should expect to be told to mind your own business. Deal?

So long as your business isn't effecting us white folks...which in the context of race relations is impossible... in that vein it IS my business, and the business of every American- you and your other idiot advocates just can't seem to wrap your racist heads around that fact.

You are a slave to stupidity; hatred; partisanship and racism- You should really watch that~

Maybe I can make it a little clearer for you. You dont have a choice. I was just being polite. If you get in my business without my permission you will be ignored or told to mind your own business regardless of whether you feel it is effecting you. if you calm down and want to know the truth then you may discuss it with me.

if you want your business kept private why post on the internet ? :cuckoo:
So long as your business isn't effecting us white folks...which in the context of race relations is impossible... in that vein it IS my business, and the business of every American- you and your other idiot advocates just can't seem to wrap your racist heads around that fact.

You are a slave to stupidity; hatred; partisanship and racism- You should really watch that~

Maybe I can make it a little clearer for you. You dont have a choice. I was just being polite. If you get in my business without my permission you will be ignored or told to mind your own business regardless of whether you feel it is effecting you. if you calm down and want to know the truth then you may discuss it with me.

if you want your business kept private why post on the internet ? :cuckoo:

That would be a great question if I posted my business on the internet. Did you reply to the wrong post?

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