Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

So where is the 3rd guy?

The third guy isn't charged with the killing, as you know. There were TWO killers, not three.

The white guy that was pictured with these 2 when the media finally got the right pictures? In your photo the guy on the left is half white. Oh look! I found the photo...

Christopher Lane shooting update: James Edwards Jr, Chancey Luna, Michael Jones charged

Is Obama "white," Orval? Because you of the racist left have been claiming he is black for years. Ah, but truth is situational to you fools.
So where is the 3rd guy?

The third guy isn't charged with the killing, as you know. There were TWO killers, not three.

The white guy that was pictured with these 2 when the media finally got the right pictures? In your photo the guy on the left is half white. Oh look! I found the photo...

Christopher Lane shooting update: James Edwards Jr, Chancey Luna, Michael Jones charged

Is Obama "white," Orval? Because you of the racist left have been claiming he is black for years. Ah, but truth is situational to you fools.

Are you really that much of a simpleton? So what is the 3rd guy charged with? Was he in the car aiding and party to this murder or did he get a deal to roll over on the other 2? What does the POTUS have to do with this?!!
Are you really that much of a simpleton?

To not understand that Obama is "black" because it's politically expedient for racists like you to say he is? Where it's expedient for you to claim a criminal with the identical racial makeup is "white?"

No, i think I've got it, Orval.

So what is the 3rd guy charged with?

Bummer you're not literate.

{Chancey Allen Luna, 16, and James Francis Edwards, Jr., 15, have been charged as adults with first-degree murder. Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, is charged with using a vehicle in the discharge of a weapon and with accessory to first-degree murder. He is considered a youthful offender but will be tried in adult court.}

Race not a factor in Australian baseball player's Oklahoma murder, DA says | Fox News

Was he in the car aiding and party to this murder or did he get a deal to roll over on the other 2? What does the POTUS have to do with this?!![/QUOTE]
Are you really that much of a simpleton?

To not understand that Obama is "black" because it's politically expedient for racists like you to say he is? Where it's expedient for you to claim a criminal with the identical racial makeup is "white?"

No, i think I've got it, Orval.

So what is the 3rd guy charged with?

Bummer you're not literate.

{Chancey Allen Luna, 16, and James Francis Edwards, Jr., 15, have been charged as adults with first-degree murder. Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, is charged with using a vehicle in the discharge of a weapon and with accessory to first-degree murder. He is considered a youthful offender but will be tried in adult court.}

Race not a factor in Australian baseball player's Oklahoma murder, DA says | Fox News

Was he in the car aiding and party to this murder or did he get a deal to roll over on the other 2? What does the POTUS have to do with this?!!

Where did I say the half white guy was "white"? As dumb as you are i will still give you rep points if you can show me that one. The POTUS is Black because thats what he Identifies with. One of the guys charged with murder is indeed half white. Does that bother you that a person with white blood and a full white person is involved in this crime that you want to pin on the Black race? :lol: So the white guy must be a race traitor in your eyes to acutally drive the getaway car and be an accessory in this crime right?
the bottom line for me is that I'm not going to be politically correct and look at some stats that tell me that I have nothing to worry about when it come to inter-racial crime.

I'm going to shoot first and ask questions later

got it niggas?

That's idiotic.

Go wash your white sheets.

Buchanan - some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them. 'course, if here were black (and not so stupid), it would be legal to kill him.
While I have worked feverishly to keep the status of the entire Black American community in perspective,
my doing so often runs counter to those who take unverifiable race based statistics for granted. Dr Carson seems to have fallen into that trap. He states, unequivocably, that 73% of Black babies are born out of wedlock.While it may be true, I want to see how the data was collected and by whom. When I am satisfied that there were no significant embellishments or "fuzzy math" involved, I will then be willing to accept it as fact.

Please. I don't buy any of the stats compiled by white people and promoted by them as "gospel", as it serves their agenda to demean, and demonize black people. The data is "made up", and not factual.

Never trust whitey. Racist.
the bottom line for me is that I'm not going to be politically correct and look at some stats that tell me that I have nothing to worry about when it come to inter-racial crime.

I'm going to shoot first and ask questions later

got it niggas?

That's idiotic.

Go wash your white sheets.

Buchanan - some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them. 'course, if here were black (and not so stupid), it would be legal to kill him.

Turn your rep back on coward.
Asclepias says that since Buchanan is white and didn't grow up in the hood, he can't speak to the issues in the black community with any kind of authority. Perhaps a black man raised in the Detroit hood can. Ben Carson says many of the same things Buchanan does and since he is black, perhaps his words won't fall on deaf ears.

Ben Carson: MLK would be alarmed by black-on-black violence, lack of family values - Washington Times

"There are some areas, however, where I suspect he (MLK) might be less than thrilled. The epidemic of black-on-black violent crime indicates that there has been a significant deterioration of values in the black community. Not only are the lives of their fellow blacks and others being devalued by street thugs, but the lives of unborn babies are being destroyed in disproportionate numbers in the black community.

There was a time when blacks were justifiably angry that the larger community discounted their value, but now, ironically, many members of the black community themselves place little or no value on these precious lives that are snuffed out without thought. I think King would be waging a crusade against the marginalization of black lives in America.

Another area of great concern would be the fact that 73 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock. When this occurs, in most cases the educational pursuits of the mothers are terminated and the babies are condemned to a life of poverty and deprivation, which makes them more likely to end up in the penal system or the welfare system. This is a burden not only for the black community but for the nation at large.

Although I believe King would be very concerned for all parties in these tragedies, his energies would be primarily channeled into an attempt to give these young women the kind of self-esteem that would preclude their yielding to the charms of individuals who really don’t care about them and are only interested in their selfish pleasures.

King was a huge advocate of education and would be horrified by the high dropout rates in many inner-city high schools. He, like many others, was vilified, beaten and jailed for trying to open the doors of education to everyone, regardless of their race.

If he were alive today, he would have to witness people turning their backs on those open doors and choosing to pursue lives of crime or dependency. I do not believe he would simply complain about these things, however.

Rather, he would be raising funds to create programs that would show these young people that they do have real choices that can greatly enhance the quality of their lives.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment for King would be the wholesale adoption of a victim mentality that makes people feel that they are entitled to being cared for by others rather than working tirelessly to create wealth and opportunities for their progeny.

The amount of wealth that resides within the black community today is staggering. If the black community, like Jewish, Korean and other cultures in America, learned how to turn over dollars within their own community at least a couple of times before sending them out into the larger society, they would create wealth.

I believe King would advocate such economic policies and would encourage those who benefit from the wealth to reach back and pull others up by providing jobs and opportunities. I think he would stress the fact that this kind of philosophy will foster freedom and independence for the black community, regardless of whether anybody else helps or not."........

Dr. Carson also noted that he was the only Black kid in his seventh grade class. That means he must have lived in a place that had few black kids. While he was raised in Detroit, he apparently was not exposed to the harsher side of Blackness and the accompanying hood borne distractions that plagues the inner city even though he was “languishing in poverty.” The enigma remains an enigma…why was he the only black kid in his seventh grade class?

Further, in your strategic snip job you failed to include this:

If King could be resurrected and see what was going on in America today, I suspect he would be extraordinarily pleased by many of the things he observed and disappointed by others. He, like almost everyone else, would be thrilled to know that there was a two-term black president of the United States of America and a black attorney general, as well as many other high government officials, business executives and university presidents.
Perhaps just as thrilling would be the sight of black doctors, lawyers, airline pilots, construction foremen, news anchors, school superintendents and almost any other position imaginable in America. The fact that seeing blacks in such positions no longer raises eyebrows is a testimony to the tremendous progress that has been made in America over the last 50 years.

Your snipping seems to imply that Carson believes that Dr. King would be totally dissatisfied with the Black community and that nothing good has come of Dr. King’s work! That is not true! Hopefully, this response will help to keep things in proper context!

Ahhhhh, so Carson is "black".....he just isn't black enough. He lanquished in poverty, but because he was the only black kid in his 7th grade class, his poverty doesn't count. Note, he didn't mention being the only black kid in 1st thru 6th or 8th thru 12th. I understand the game. It's what enables racist like Asclepias and Poet. If you are white and quote statistics or opinions about causes and solutions, they don't count....because you aren't black and from the hood and you can't possibly understand the problems or the solutions. When confronted with a black man from the hood who quotes the same statistics and opinions, then he isn't black enough or is too far removed from his days in the hood to offer a valid opinion. See the issue here? Refusal to take accountability and willingness to make excuses for the problems and sit satisfied with things the way they are. Choosing to live in an alternate reality doesn't change the real world. Asclepias has been asked numerous times to enlighten us from the black perspective of the causes and solutions, but he has dodged it each time. He doesn't see a problem and he doesn't care. For him, it's what being black and from the hood is and the rest of us just need to accept it. Well, bullshit.

As far as my snipping, I snipped what I did in response that Buchanan's views were not valid because he wasn't black and wasn't from the hood. I provided the same views from a man who was black and from the hood. I didn't leave anything out that was pertinent to the point I was making......which wasn't about MLK. That and you should never cut and paste a complete article in a forum. I did however provide the link.
Asclepias says that since Buchanan is white and didn't grow up in the hood, he can't speak to the issues in the black community with any kind of authority. Perhaps a black man raised in the Detroit hood can. Ben Carson says many of the same things Buchanan does and since he is black, perhaps his words won't fall on deaf ears.

Ben Carson: MLK would be alarmed by black-on-black violence, lack of family values - Washington Times

"There are some areas, however, where I suspect he (MLK) might be less than thrilled. The epidemic of black-on-black violent crime indicates that there has been a significant deterioration of values in the black community. Not only are the lives of their fellow blacks and others being devalued by street thugs, but the lives of unborn babies are being destroyed in disproportionate numbers in the black community.

There was a time when blacks were justifiably angry that the larger community discounted their value, but now, ironically, many members of the black community themselves place little or no value on these precious lives that are snuffed out without thought. I think King would be waging a crusade against the marginalization of black lives in America.

Another area of great concern would be the fact that 73 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock. When this occurs, in most cases the educational pursuits of the mothers are terminated and the babies are condemned to a life of poverty and deprivation, which makes them more likely to end up in the penal system or the welfare system. This is a burden not only for the black community but for the nation at large.

Although I believe King would be very concerned for all parties in these tragedies, his energies would be primarily channeled into an attempt to give these young women the kind of self-esteem that would preclude their yielding to the charms of individuals who really don’t care about them and are only interested in their selfish pleasures.

King was a huge advocate of education and would be horrified by the high dropout rates in many inner-city high schools. He, like many others, was vilified, beaten and jailed for trying to open the doors of education to everyone, regardless of their race.

If he were alive today, he would have to witness people turning their backs on those open doors and choosing to pursue lives of crime or dependency. I do not believe he would simply complain about these things, however.

Rather, he would be raising funds to create programs that would show these young people that they do have real choices that can greatly enhance the quality of their lives.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment for King would be the wholesale adoption of a victim mentality that makes people feel that they are entitled to being cared for by others rather than working tirelessly to create wealth and opportunities for their progeny.

The amount of wealth that resides within the black community today is staggering. If the black community, like Jewish, Korean and other cultures in America, learned how to turn over dollars within their own community at least a couple of times before sending them out into the larger society, they would create wealth.

I believe King would advocate such economic policies and would encourage those who benefit from the wealth to reach back and pull others up by providing jobs and opportunities. I think he would stress the fact that this kind of philosophy will foster freedom and independence for the black community, regardless of whether anybody else helps or not."........

Dr. Carson also noted that he was the only Black kid in his seventh grade class. That means he must have lived in a place that had few black kids. While he was raised in Detroit, he apparently was not exposed to the harsher side of Blackness and the accompanying hood borne distractions that plagues the inner city even though he was “languishing in poverty.” The enigma remains an enigma…why was he the only black kid in his seventh grade class?

Further, in your strategic snip job you failed to include this:

If King could be resurrected and see what was going on in America today, I suspect he would be extraordinarily pleased by many of the things he observed and disappointed by others. He, like almost everyone else, would be thrilled to know that there was a two-term black president of the United States of America and a black attorney general, as well as many other high government officials, business executives and university presidents.
Perhaps just as thrilling would be the sight of black doctors, lawyers, airline pilots, construction foremen, news anchors, school superintendents and almost any other position imaginable in America. The fact that seeing blacks in such positions no longer raises eyebrows is a testimony to the tremendous progress that has been made in America over the last 50 years.

Your snipping seems to imply that Carson believes that Dr. King would be totally dissatisfied with the Black community and that nothing good has come of Dr. King’s work! That is not true! Hopefully, this response will help to keep things in proper context!

Ahhhhh, so Carson is "black".....he just isn't black enough. He lanquished in poverty, but because he was the only black kid in his 7th grade class, his poverty doesn't count. Note, he didn't mention being the only black kid in 1st thru 6th or 8th thru 12th. I understand the game. It's what enables racist like Asclepias and Poet. If you are white and quote statistics or opinions about causes and solutions, they don't count....because you aren't black and from the hood and you can't possibly understand the problems or the solutions. When confronted with a black man from the hood who quotes the same statistics and opinions, then he isn't black enough or is too far removed from his days in the hood to offer a valid opinion. See the issue here? Refusal to take accountability and willingness to make excuses for the problems and sit satisfied with things the way they are. Choosing to live in an alternate reality doesn't change the real world. Asclepias has been asked numerous times to enlighten us from the black perspective of the causes and solutions, but he has dodged it each time. He doesn't see a problem and he doesn't care. For him, it's what being black and from the hood is and the rest of us just need to accept it. Well, bullshit.

As far as my snipping, I snipped what I did in response that Buchanan's views were not valid because he wasn't black and wasn't from the hood. I provided the same views from a man who was black and from the hood. I didn't leave anything out that was pertinent to the point I was making......which wasn't about MLK. That and you should never cut and paste a complete article in a forum. I did however provide the link.

What bothers you so much about my dismissal of Buchanan? is it because its Buchanan or is it because I am not saying "yessa massa"? He's white and not fit to pass any sort of judgement on issues with Black people. I dont see why you have an issue with it. The white race is just as messed up as any other race. When you are all saints then come show me how you did it. If not... step off until that time occurs.
Dr. Carson also noted that he was the only Black kid in his seventh grade class. That means he must have lived in a place that had few black kids. While he was raised in Detroit, he apparently was not exposed to the harsher side of Blackness and the accompanying hood borne distractions that plagues the inner city even though he was “languishing in poverty.” The enigma remains an enigma…why was he the only black kid in his seventh grade class?

Further, in your strategic snip job you failed to include this:

Your snipping seems to imply that Carson believes that Dr. King would be totally dissatisfied with the Black community and that nothing good has come of Dr. King’s work! That is not true! Hopefully, this response will help to keep things in proper context!

Ahhhhh, so Carson is "black".....he just isn't black enough. He lanquished in poverty, but because he was the only black kid in his 7th grade class, his poverty doesn't count. Note, he didn't mention being the only black kid in 1st thru 6th or 8th thru 12th. I understand the game. It's what enables racist like Asclepias and Poet. If you are white and quote statistics or opinions about causes and solutions, they don't count....because you aren't black and from the hood and you can't possibly understand the problems or the solutions. When confronted with a black man from the hood who quotes the same statistics and opinions, then he isn't black enough or is too far removed from his days in the hood to offer a valid opinion. See the issue here? Refusal to take accountability and willingness to make excuses for the problems and sit satisfied with things the way they are. Choosing to live in an alternate reality doesn't change the real world. Asclepias has been asked numerous times to enlighten us from the black perspective of the causes and solutions, but he has dodged it each time. He doesn't see a problem and he doesn't care. For him, it's what being black and from the hood is and the rest of us just need to accept it. Well, bullshit.

As far as my snipping, I snipped what I did in response that Buchanan's views were not valid because he wasn't black and wasn't from the hood. I provided the same views from a man who was black and from the hood. I didn't leave anything out that was pertinent to the point I was making......which wasn't about MLK. That and you should never cut and paste a complete article in a forum. I did however provide the link.

What bothers you so much about my dismissal of Buchanan? is it because its Buchanan or is it because I am not saying "yessa massa"? He's white and not fit to pass any sort of judgement on issues with Black people. I dont see why you have an issue with it. The white race is just as messed up as any other race. When you are all saints then come show me how you did it. If not... step off until that time occurs.

"He's White" over and over and GAWD but your sickening racist attitude is so juvenile and stupid!

He's an American and He has EVERY fucking right to have; share; and support his opinions (with facts) to attempt to enact change... Get the fucking racist glasses off your miserable face and try on the American pair- they are much more attractive.
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Dr. Carson also noted that he was the only Black kid in his seventh grade class. That means he must have lived in a place that had few black kids. While he was raised in Detroit, he apparently was not exposed to the harsher side of Blackness and the accompanying hood borne distractions that plagues the inner city even though he was “languishing in poverty.” The enigma remains an enigma…why was he the only black kid in his seventh grade class?

Further, in your strategic snip job you failed to include this:

Your snipping seems to imply that Carson believes that Dr. King would be totally dissatisfied with the Black community and that nothing good has come of Dr. King’s work! That is not true! Hopefully, this response will help to keep things in proper context!

Ahhhhh, so Carson is "black".....he just isn't black enough. He lanquished in poverty, but because he was the only black kid in his 7th grade class, his poverty doesn't count. Note, he didn't mention being the only black kid in 1st thru 6th or 8th thru 12th. I understand the game. It's what enables racist like Asclepias and Poet. If you are white and quote statistics or opinions about causes and solutions, they don't count....because you aren't black and from the hood and you can't possibly understand the problems or the solutions. When confronted with a black man from the hood who quotes the same statistics and opinions, then he isn't black enough or is too far removed from his days in the hood to offer a valid opinion. See the issue here? Refusal to take accountability and willingness to make excuses for the problems and sit satisfied with things the way they are. Choosing to live in an alternate reality doesn't change the real world. Asclepias has been asked numerous times to enlighten us from the black perspective of the causes and solutions, but he has dodged it each time. He doesn't see a problem and he doesn't care. For him, it's what being black and from the hood is and the rest of us just need to accept it. Well, bullshit.

As far as my snipping, I snipped what I did in response that Buchanan's views were not valid because he wasn't black and wasn't from the hood. I provided the same views from a man who was black and from the hood. I didn't leave anything out that was pertinent to the point I was making......which wasn't about MLK. That and you should never cut and paste a complete article in a forum. I did however provide the link.

What bothers you so much about my dismissal of Buchanan? is it because its Buchanan or is it because I am not saying "yessa massa"? He's white and not fit to pass any sort of judgement on issues with Black people. I dont see why you have an issue with it. The white race is just as messed up as any other race. When you are all saints then come show me how you did it. If not... step off until that time occurs.

What bothers me is that the people who scream racist the loudest, usually fail to see the racism in and poet being two such people. Buchanan is human and as such, is perfectly fit to pass judgement on the human condition. You're the one making it all about color. That is MY issue with it. All I've ever asked for is YOUR take on the cause of the problem and YOUR solution. That you refuse to answer tells me that you don't see an issue where one obviuosly exists. The issue does not exist in a vaccum. If the hood or black community won't speak to it, step off and don't cry racism when others do.
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What bothers you so much about my dismissal of Buchanan? is it because its Buchanan or is it because I am not saying "yessa massa"? He's white and not fit to pass any sort of judgement on issues with Black people. I dont see why you have an issue with it. The white race is just as messed up as any other race. When you are all saints then come show me how you did it. If not... step off until that time occurs.

"He's White" over and over and GAWD but your sickening racist attitude is so juvenile and stupid!

He's an American and He has EVERY fucking right to have; share; and support his opinions (with facts) to attempt to enact change... Get the fucking racist off your miserable face and try on the American pair- they are much more attractive.

Evidently not bowing down to the white race and valuing their criticism is a no no!! Dont have a coronary over it. :lol: Just accept that i dont value it. When he addresses specifically the white races issues he will become credible in my eyes and I will give him an audience.
What bothers me is that the people who scream racist the loudest, usually fail to see the racism in and poet being two such people. Buchanan is human and as such, is perfectly fit to pass judgement on the human condition. You're the one making it all about color. That is MY issue with it. All I've ever asked for is YOUR take on the cause of the problem and YOUR solution. That you refuse to answer tells me that you don't see an issue where one obviuoly exists. The issue does not exist in a vaccum. If the hood or black community won't speak to it, step off and don't cry racism when others do.

Wait? Now its the human condition? I thought it was a black crime problem? At least thats how it was described to me. But I am the one making it a color issue? Wow!! You must be pretty flexible to tie yourself in the knots you do to try and convince me I should listen Buchanan. Why is that so important to you? Be honest. I asked you a question and you refused to answer it. When you want to give that a whirl I let you know my thoughts on the issue in my community.
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What bothers you so much about my dismissal of Buchanan? is it because its Buchanan or is it because I am not saying "yessa massa"? He's white and not fit to pass any sort of judgement on issues with Black people. I dont see why you have an issue with it. The white race is just as messed up as any other race. When you are all saints then come show me how you did it. If not... step off until that time occurs.

"He's White" over and over and GAWD but your sickening racist attitude is so juvenile and stupid!

He's an American and He has EVERY fucking right to have; share; and support his opinions (with facts) to attempt to enact change... Get the fucking racist off your miserable face and try on the American pair- they are much more attractive.

Evidently not bowing down to the white race and valuing their criticism is a no no!! Dont have a coronary over it. :lol: Just accept that i dont value it. When he addresses specifically the white races issues he will become credible in my eyes and I will give him an audience.

A racist attitude will get you far in this world. :eusa_whistle:
What bothers me is that the people who scream racist the loudest, usually fail to see the racism in and poet being two such people. Buchanan is human and as such, is perfectly fit to pass judgement on the human condition. You're the one making it all about color. That is MY issue with it. All I've ever asked for is YOUR take on the cause of the problem and YOUR solution. That you refuse to answer tells me that you don't see an issue where one obviuoly exists. The issue does not exist in a vaccum. If the hood or black community won't speak to it, step off and don't cry racism when others do.

Wait? Now its the human condition? I thought it was a black crime problem? At least thats how it was described to me. But I am the one making it a color issue? Wow!! You must be pretty flexible to tie yourself in the knots you do to try and convince me I should listen Buchanan. Why is that so important to you? Be honest.

Seriously? You're like a child that keeps asking why in response to every answer. You simply want to be the "winner" by being the last poster in the thread. It's all yours. You've proven to be a total waste of time in attempting to have an honest adult discussion. Wallow in your personal fantasy reality. You seem very comfortable there. Good day.
What bothers you so much about my dismissal of Buchanan? is it because its Buchanan or is it because I am not saying "yessa massa"? He's white and not fit to pass any sort of judgement on issues with Black people. I dont see why you have an issue with it. The white race is just as messed up as any other race. When you are all saints then come show me how you did it. If not... step off until that time occurs.

"He's White" over and over and GAWD but your sickening racist attitude is so juvenile and stupid!

He's an American and He has EVERY fucking right to have; share; and support his opinions (with facts) to attempt to enact change... Get the fucking racist off your miserable face and try on the American pair- they are much more attractive.

Evidently not bowing down to the white race and valuing their criticism is a no no!! Dont have a coronary over it. :lol: Just accept that i dont value it. When he addresses specifically the white races issues he will become credible in my eyes and I will give him an audience.

No, you still run and fetch, you just do it for your political class obviously like them chains. Your hatred is so thick and your racism so ingrained that it's made you stupid with it!

Enjoy your continued march into violence; poverty and stupidity-
"He's White" over and over and GAWD but your sickening racist attitude is so juvenile and stupid!

He's an American and He has EVERY fucking right to have; share; and support his opinions (with facts) to attempt to enact change... Get the fucking racist off your miserable face and try on the American pair- they are much more attractive.

Evidently not bowing down to the white race and valuing their criticism is a no no!! Dont have a coronary over it. :lol: Just accept that i dont value it. When he addresses specifically the white races issues he will become credible in my eyes and I will give him an audience.

A racist attitude will get you far in this world. :eusa_whistle:

Actually it wont. I already learned that. Now that I am no longer a racist I live a very good life.
What bothers me is that the people who scream racist the loudest, usually fail to see the racism in and poet being two such people. Buchanan is human and as such, is perfectly fit to pass judgement on the human condition. You're the one making it all about color. That is MY issue with it. All I've ever asked for is YOUR take on the cause of the problem and YOUR solution. That you refuse to answer tells me that you don't see an issue where one obviuoly exists. The issue does not exist in a vaccum. If the hood or black community won't speak to it, step off and don't cry racism when others do.

Wait? Now its the human condition? I thought it was a black crime problem? At least thats how it was described to me. But I am the one making it a color issue? Wow!! You must be pretty flexible to tie yourself in the knots you do to try and convince me I should listen Buchanan. Why is that so important to you? Be honest.

Seriously? You're like a child that keeps asking why in response to every answer. You simply want to be the "winner" by being the last poster in the thread. It's all yours. You've proven to be a total waste of time in attempting to have an honest adult discussion. Wallow in your personal fantasy reality. You seem very comfortable there. Good day.

Dont get frustrated and run off with your tail between your legs. All you have to do is be honest. I want to come to a mutual understanding not have the last word. If you could be honest and forthcoming something could be achieved.
"He's White" over and over and GAWD but your sickening racist attitude is so juvenile and stupid!

He's an American and He has EVERY fucking right to have; share; and support his opinions (with facts) to attempt to enact change... Get the fucking racist off your miserable face and try on the American pair- they are much more attractive.

Evidently not bowing down to the white race and valuing their criticism is a no no!! Dont have a coronary over it. :lol: Just accept that i dont value it. When he addresses specifically the white races issues he will become credible in my eyes and I will give him an audience.

No, you still run and fetch, you just do it for your political class obviously like them chains. Your hatred is so thick and your racism so ingrained that it's made you stupid with it!

Enjoy your continued march into violence; poverty and stupidity-

You may want to take some anger management courses. Not good for your heart to be so angry. I can see you how PO'd you are from here. Let me know youre ok.
Evidently not bowing down to the white race and valuing their criticism is a no no!! Dont have a coronary over it. :lol: Just accept that i dont value it. When he addresses specifically the white races issues he will become credible in my eyes and I will give him an audience.

No, you still run and fetch, you just do it for your political class obviously like them chains. Your hatred is so thick and your racism so ingrained that it's made you stupid with it!

Enjoy your continued march into violence; poverty and stupidity-

You may want to take some anger management courses. Not good for your heart to be so angry. I can see you how PO'd you are from here. Let me know youre ok.

Angry? Perhaps. But not heart attack angry- more like sad indignant anger, like you'd have watching idiots ruin your country because they refuse to hear their own stupidity. Heart attack anger-that's your realm. You project your anger onto me just like you do your racism.

Your problem is you have ingested hatred and idiocy for so long you think it's normal.

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