Paterson recognizes Palestine?

Just because I thought this was interesting (from the link in my earlier post):

No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.

IOW, the ONLY place in all the US where an exception is made to flag protocols is at the UN HQ, for the UN flag - and no place else.
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Evidently you think Pam Geller is more representative of the views of a few million of my coreligionists than am I.

No, I do not. She's an extremist and is as representative of Jews as terrorists are of Muslims.

Just in case you didn't realize it, I certainly had made no objection to celebrating diversity. Nor would I. My comment was merely to indicate that a single town 'recognizing Palestine' has no political weight - and frankly I think the people calling this some kind of a 'triumph' or 'victory' or any such term are idiots and jerks. (EXACTLY like the smarmy 'Cantabridgian' gits who considered it 'meaingful' that they "outlawed" nuclear war in their town...)

I agree with you - it doesn't have political weight nor do I think it is intended to. I think it is recognizing the Palestinian American community and it's desire to have it's own state and celebrating what they consider a minor victory in the UN towards that goal - a minor victory achieved without violence. Not a bad thing to celebrate and not a threat to Jews or Israel - merely an important commemeration for a community in a city that recognizes it's diversity. Rather than realizing this - we are seeing the mayor slandered over it. (I'm not saying you did, but other posters here).

I guess it's like Cambridge in that it carries no weight outside of the community, but it's meaningful just the same :)
Just because I thought this was interesting (from the link in my earlier post):

No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.

IOW, the ONLY place in all the US where an exception is made to flag protocols is at the UN HQ, for the UN flag - and no place else.

You know, when you look at that - many people break that law regularly yet only the Palestinians are called to task for it for one day - designated "Palestinian Day"?

Here's what they did for Israel's founding day, in the US: Kumah - Home of Neo-Zionism, Aliyah Revolution, and the real Holy Land Pilgrimage
Just because I thought this was interesting (from the link in my earlier post):

No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.

IOW, the ONLY place in all the US where an exception is made to flag protocols is at the UN HQ, for the UN flag - and no place else.

Does this code that you keep talking about and quoting from have the force of law. If not please try again, and I am still waiting for Hoss to weigh in.
Just because I thought this was interesting (from the link in my earlier post):

No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.

IOW, the ONLY place in all the US where an exception is made to flag protocols is at the UN HQ, for the UN flag - and no place else.

Does this code that you keep talking about and quoting from have the force of law. If not please try again, and I am still waiting for Hoss to weigh in.

the discussion about the legality of this incident is a diversion and a further attempt to denigrate the mayor and the good people of patterson.

rep bill pascrell jr., representative from the congressional district that includes paterson, did present and read a letter of special congressional recognition during the ceremony to the mayor and people of paterson.
Originally posted by reabhloideach
i welcome palestinians and all new immigrants to this country. we were once you.

Please, don't take this as a criticism to you specifically because (being an occasional participant) I don't even know your stance on this issue, but it's mind-boggling to see the same people who welcomes palestinian immigrants to the US, a land to which they have absolutely no historical connection, denying their right to move about their historical homeland (or even 50% of their homeland) and justifying the ethnic supremacism of a state that keeps them corralled in arab Bantustans in order to keep an artificial jewish majority.

America is far from being a totalitarian, stalinist state but, paradoxically, as far as the I/P conflict is concerned, the level of indoctrination and brainwashing the american people is subjected to is only rivaled by the one North Korea imposes on its citizens.
"your people have become the brazen giant. it is time to truly remember your roots and the hardships you once endured."

Am I to understand by the above that you meant 'American Jews'? And that Coyote endorses that particular statement?

If so, I'd like to know how either of you finds such a statement any more accurate or acceptable than if one were to make such blanket allegations about some other group of Americans?

Particularly when I've made it very clear that I hold no such views - and I'm not the only Jewish poster here to have said so.

i doubt if coyote endorses that particular statement but yes, i do mean american jews, and i was shocked at their response and disillusioned about jewish america.

google "paterson new jersey palestinian flag" and you will find a few neutrral articles, (some even by the israeli mainstream press where such neutrality is to be expected from a news article), a few positive news/opinion pieces, but the vast majority of the reports are very negative and an overwhelming majority of those articles had been by jewish groups, publications, blogs, or organisations.

you yourself have said 99% of jews are zionists. i don't think my statement is at all inaccurate, as much as i honestly would like it to be. this reaction by jews really shocked me, the seemingly unanimity fo the reaction without a peep in defense...and even now throughout this thread, and i am not even sure that you realise it, but you are defending those who denigrate this man and the people of this city and have yet to find any real fault with the bigotry of those who have attacked so viciously. you have not made it clear you do not hold such views. in fact, the opposite is true.

regardless of the accuracy of my statement, you ask how we would feel if such blanket allegations were made about some other group of americans. well, i would first determine if the allegations were true or not. some broad generalisations are true, although i do not apply them to individuals. and i generally try to stay away from them, despite this thread, and as i have stated, the reaction to this and the singlemindedness of the reaction shocked me. it really did.

but, such blanket allegations are made by the jewish posters and evangelical posters and otherwise zionist posters every single day about muslims and arabs usually, but also a lot about catholics and christians and some about gentiles...and under some of those posts i see among those listed below..."The Following User Says Thank You to XXXXX For This Useful Post:" the screen name of MHunterB.

y'all picked up this ballo and ran with it...and you (pl) lost friends because of it.

oh...and here is a link for you...

Flag of Israel Hoisted Atop Philadelphia City Hall by Mayor Samuel; Leaders Join Ceremony | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

sure, the stories old, but the seemingly boast is recent and follows on the heels of the palestinian flag raising but you know what. i am going to choose to look at this as a response to all those people who have been so negative and as a positive answer to their allegations. why? just because i want to believe in a shred of decency.
José;7304590 said:
Originally posted by reabhloideach
i welcome palestinians and all new immigrants to this country. we were once you.

Please, don't take this as a criticism to you specifically because (being an occasional participant) I don't even know your stance on this issue, but it's mind-boggling to see the same people who welcomes palestinian immigrants to the US, a land to which they have absolutely no historical connection, denying their right to move about their historical homeland (or even 50% of their homeland) and justifying the ethnic supremacism of a state that keeps them corralled in arab Bantustans in order to keep an artificial jewish majority.

America is far from being a totalitarian, stalinist state but, paradoxically, as far as the I/P conflict is concerned, the level of indoctrination and brainwashing the american people is subjected to is only rivaled by the one North Korea imposes on its citizens.

OK. i won't take this as a criticism of me specifically.
I have been critisized before for using the term " the Jews ". I take those critisisms ( sp ) seriously but in this case I think those words are warrented. One of the things that has been pointed out already in this thread, and I will point it out again, and that is the unanimity of the Jewish responce to this incident. I can understand that individuals of the same cultural group would bond togeather but in my experience there are always outriders, people who disagree !!! Not in this case it seems as if the Jewish community has come togeather to railroad the mayor and weather people realize or not that is an awfully big stick. Add to that fact is the perception that out of all of the zionists responces to this on the board so far the responce has been monolithic. Therefore saying " the Jews " in this case is warrented.
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I have been critisized before for using the term " the Jews ". I take those critisisms ( sp ) seriously but in this case I think those words are warrented. One of the things that has been pointed out already in this thread, and I will point it out again, and that is the unanimity of the Jewish responce to this incident. I can understand that individuals of the same cultural group would bond togeather but in my experience there are always outriders, people who disagree !!! Not in this case it seems as if the Jewish community has come togeather to railroad the mayor and weather people realize or not that is an awfully big stick. Add to that fact is the perception that out of all of the zionists responces to this on the board so far the responce has been monolithic. Therefore saying " the Jews " in this case is warrented.

you probably should say "american jews". most of the israelis actually treated it matter of factly from what i have seen so far.

i had actually expected the ADL to make a statement in defense of the mayor and paterson as they have, in the past, condemned anti-arab/muslim bigotry even they have remained silent.

i think it is time to close this discussion...unless something new comes up.
Just because I thought this was interesting (from the link in my earlier post):

No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.

IOW, the ONLY place in all the US where an exception is made to flag protocols is at the UN HQ, for the UN flag - and no place else.

Does this code that you keep talking about and quoting from have the force of law. If not please try again, and I am still waiting for Hoss to weigh in.
Ol' Hoss has had his say about a terrorist flag flying illegally in front of the Paterson, NJ city hall. The Pali lovers here belittle laws.

Does this code that you keep talking about and quoting from have the force of law. If not please try again, and I am still waiting for Hoss to weigh in.
Ol' Hoss has had his say about a terrorist flag flying illegally in front of the Paterson, NJ city hall. The Pali lovers here belittle laws.

It's no more a "terrorist" flag than that of Israel.

Thus far, no one has shown it to be "illegal".

Perhaps you just don't care for Palestinian-Americans.

Does this code that you keep talking about and quoting from have the force of law. If not please try again, and I am still waiting for Hoss to weigh in.

the discussion about the legality of this incident is a diversion and a further attempt to denigrate the mayor and the good people of patterson.

rep bill pascrell jr., representative from the congressional district that includes paterson, did present and read a letter of special congressional recognition during the ceremony to the mayor and people of paterson.

I am not trying to 'divert' nor 'denigrate' anything or anyone - least of all the folk of Paterson NJ, which was one of the towns covered by my parents' little local newspaper (they lived in West Milford).

Perhaps you see it as a 'diversion' - but I didn't bring it up.

I am fully convinced that the good mayor's 'race' was irrelevant, and that anyone who brought his race into it was indeed diverting and trying to denigrate others. I consider that an extremely shameful ploy and behavior beneath contempt.
Does this code that you keep talking about and quoting from have the force of law. If not please try again, and I am still waiting for Hoss to weigh in.

the discussion about the legality of this incident is a diversion and a further attempt to denigrate the mayor and the good people of patterson.

rep bill pascrell jr., representative from the congressional district that includes paterson, did present and read a letter of special congressional recognition during the ceremony to the mayor and people of paterson.

I am not trying to 'divert' nor 'denigrate' anything or anyone - least of all the folk of Paterson NJ, which was one of the towns covered by my parents' little local newspaper (they lived in West Milford).

Perhaps you see it as a 'diversion' - but I didn't bring it up.

I am fully convinced that the good mayor's 'race' was irrelevant, and that anyone who brought his race into it was indeed diverting and trying to denigrate others. I consider that an extremely shameful ploy and behavior beneath contempt.

And yet you continue to bring it up rather then discuss the legality of the flag raising.

Does this code that you keep talking about and quoting from have the force of law. If not please try again, and I am still waiting for Hoss to weigh in.
Ol' Hoss has had his say about a terrorist flag flying illegally in front of the Paterson, NJ city hall. The Pali lovers here belittle laws.

the law, if it was broken and there is, as of yet, that it was broken, was of no concern until the palestinian flag was flown. it was not an issue to anyone at all when other flags were flown in paterson.

both you and i took an oath to defend the constitution of the united states of america from all enemies, foreign and domestic. that is the supreme law of the land, superceding any other law. perhaps, in your zeal to employ punishment and penalty, you have forgotten the fourteenth amendment and the fifth amendment and their language on equal protection and due process.

now, i am not accusing those who are attacking this man and city so maliciously and selctively while other flags are being flown all over the USA, and not to mention that the raising of this particular flag raising was accompanied by a letter of special congressional recognition that was read at the ceremony, but i will accuse them of tarnishing the welcoming acceptance of different ethnicities for which america is so proud and praised.

i remember my oath. i am sure you do as well. please, do not belittle that law.
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Does this code that you keep talking about and quoting from have the force of law. If not please try again, and I am still waiting for Hoss to weigh in.
Ol' Hoss has had his say about a terrorist flag flying illegally in front of the Paterson, NJ city hall. The Pali lovers here belittle laws.

It's no more a "terrorist" flag than that of Israel.

Thus far, no one has shown it to be "illegal".

Perhaps you just don't care for Palestinian-Americans.
Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans are all right with me and I know a few. It's all about the government, Hamas, PLO, Abbas and the terrorists and their 65 year refusal of Israel.
Ol' Hoss has had his say about a terrorist flag flying illegally in front of the Paterson, NJ city hall. The Pali lovers here belittle laws.

It's no more a "terrorist" flag than that of Israel.

Thus far, no one has shown it to be "illegal".

Perhaps you just don't care for Palestinian-Americans.
Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans are all right with me and I know a few. It's all about the government, Hamas, PLO, Abbas and the terrorists and their 65 year refusal of Israel.

Perhaps you are confusing flags then. The flag in question is for a hoped for nation of Palestine.

A terrorist flag is more likely to look like this:

Ol' Hoss has had his say about a terrorist flag flying illegally in front of the Paterson, NJ city hall. The Pali lovers here belittle laws.

It's no more a "terrorist" flag than that of Israel.

Thus far, no one has shown it to be "illegal".

Perhaps you just don't care for Palestinian-Americans.
Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans are all right with me and I know a few. It's all about the government, Hamas, PLO, Abbas and the terrorists and their 65 year refusal of Israel.

last time i checked, new jersey was on the atlantic coast of north america, as were the citisens of palestinian ethnicity living there?

also, israel is at war with palestine. the USA isn't.

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