Paterson recognizes Palestine?

It looks like Seal has changed his post from what he said originally, but I am sure many of the viewers remember what he said previously but he still is dragging in mention of a Black man for whatever reason that seems to float his boat. Now how do you know if an American flag was flying nearby or not? Did you get special information from someone in Paterson by chance? And, I know that Seal will be very happy to give us the exact wording of the law.

i changed nothing.

what i see is a mayor of a small new jersey city who believes in the diversity of that city and america and i see that city and their mayor celebrating that diversity by raising the flags of the various ethnicities that comprise the people of that city.

it had not been a problem heretofore until he decided to allow the small palestinian population of that city some recognition and then he was attacked viciously and maliciously and lied about, his reputation maligned, and his city denigrated.

if the groups involved in these unwarranted attacks were to be broken down, we would find that those slandering the this good man, and i believe he is a good man, are right wing bigots...but even more predominant in this feeding frenzy are jewish groups and individuals.

it actually shocked me that, as a culture, american jews could be so malicious, petty, and vindictive, and that attitude was pretty well displayed on this board. now, you and others can wail on about me being an "anti-semite" or a "jew hater" or whatever for saying this, but what i have said is true.

the man was celebrating america as he has done with different groups in the past and he discovered the wrath of jewish america. the jews did not acquit themselves at all in this one. they lost friends and further tarnished what was once a reputation of acceptance, fairness, and magnaminity.

shame on all of you who wrongfully maligned this good man and this good, american community.
Shame on you for denying that you changed anything, but in the scheme of things it is not that important why you changed it. However, keep on babbling on like you have been doing for days. I am getting a good chuckle out of you. By the way, where's the exact wording of the law since you want everyone to think you know so much?

again, i changed nothing in the post in the post in question. hhad i edited it, it would be reflected on the bottom. usually the only thing i edit anyway is typos and the occasional misspelled word.

you are being foolish. i never indicated that i knew what the law said. what i indicated was that you didn't know exactly what the new jersey statute said so you have no idea if a law was broken or not but be assuered, if asny law was broken, the maliciousness and vicious of one of these jewish bloggers would file a complaint, especially after constructing this nmountain out of a pile of sand.

nor do i know if there was a flagpole nearby, and neither do you. there is no perspective to the photo. it is pretty much a moot point anyway...the mayor nor anyone else did not break the law if your link is to be believed, even without the details.

from your link...

"New Jersey prohibits the display of a flag of a foreign country unless accompanied by a U.S. flag of at least equal dimensions. "

Flag laws in the United States

in between your chuckles, you may actually try to read something and understand simple english.
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Ol' Hoss always admits his mistakes when he has no proof, goes along regardless and hopes nobody notices. However this time he got caught and is willing to take the abuse he deserves. And so here is the picture of the American flag of equal dimensions, flying alongside the terrorist flag of the Great State of Palestine. Hope everyone is satisfied.

Man Behind "Palestinian" Jihad Flag at Paterson, NJ City Hall a Convicted Felon - Atlas Shrugs

That looks photoshopped or something - compare it to the picture in the OP where it's only flown at half mast:

The "half mast" photo was on the way to the top. I have the video. The ululating sounded like banshees. Why would anyone want to photoshop the picture? The idea is to show that there is only one (1) flagpole. I doubt if the photographer was thinking, "I had better photoshop this 'cause ol' Hossfly will want to post it on USMB''.

I expect the city is familiar with laws they must follow regarding flags and abided by them. If they had not, we would expect to see legal action taken by the legal authorities over the matter. And it seems that has not occurred.
"i hope it hasn't escaped you that you are suggesting that a black man be shackled and whipped for, if what you allege is true and i have my serious doubts, what amounts to a minor misdemeanor of a state law. "

This is a pathetically blatant attempt to inject "racism" into the situation by the poster: nobody knew OR cared about the mayor's race. It is obvious that the over-the-top comments by another poster previously were based entirely upon the idea that a *mayor* was apparently complicit in *law-breaking* activities.

I do not believe for a second that the poster I've quoted had any actual concern about 'racism': this was strictly an attempt to incite ill-will against another poster with a palpably false accusation.

hoss and the jewish posters inTERject racism into everything. the thread is about racism and bigotry. if anyone says anything negative about israel they are called "anti-semite" and "jew hater" or thanked for it, as you have frequently thank roudy.

how many times have i been called a drunk paddy or had my ethnicity maligned.

i knew he was a black man, but be that as it may, i am against any american being taken out and shackled to a pole and whipped. anybody though, with half a brain and even the most rudimentary knowledge of america, should have a would have checked the race of the person that they are suggesting to be whipped in public. he is the mayor of an american city celebrating the diversity of that city, not a runaway slave.

and i stand 100% behind my statement that american jews as a group acquited themselves disgracefully in this matter and, in my opinion, showed their true colours even now, as you condemn me for a relatively minor statement and yet fail to condemn those who have maligned and tried to bring this good man's reputation into disrepute for accepting an immigrant group to our shores and welcoming them. that is totally racist.

you (pl) have acted in a petty and vindictive manner and have demeaned yourselves only.

you should be ashamed. no other ethnic or religious group have been so thorough in their attack on this man and this city.
Ol' Hoss always admits his mistakes when he has no proof, goes along regardless and hopes nobody notices. However this time he got caught and is willing to take the abuse he deserves. And so here is the picture of the American flag of equal dimensions, flying alongside the terrorist flag of the Great State of Palestine. Hope everyone is satisfied.

Man Behind "Palestinian" Jihad Flag at Paterson, NJ City Hall a Convicted Felon - Atlas Shrugs

That looks photoshopped or something - compare it to the picture in the OP where it's only flown at half mast:

The "half mast" photo was on the way to the top. I have the video. The ululating sounded like banshees. Why would anyone want to photoshop the picture? The idea is to show that there is only one (1) flagpole. I doubt if the photographer was thinking, "I had better photoshop this 'cause ol' Hossfly will want to post it on USMB''.

give me a break...coyote is right. that flag looks photoshopped, and not photoshopped very well. compare the dimensions of the two flags for one...the way it hangs for another.

it was photoshopped for sure. thanks, coyote.
Consider this link: Diversity Calendar: Ethnic and Religious Cultural Holidays, Celebrations, and Festivals

Look at all the ethnic American celebrations and holidays and even entire months devoted to Italian Americans, Polish Americans, Jewish Americans, Black Americans and individual days celebrating Phillipino Americans etc etc.

And you guys flip out over one town with a significant Palestinian American population having the audacity to celebrate their heritage and fly a flag? And why? Because they are Palistinian. No one bitches when the Italian flag is flown on flag poles during the Italian Festival. It's not even news.
The Palestinian flag could be seen in all suited places, only if the Israeli flag is right besides it.

That's the bottom line


Many American Jews celebrate Israel's Independence Day and Israel's flag is flown. Should the Palestinian flag be flown right beside it?
What I meant is simple- Palestine won't exist unless there is a secure Israel at its side

Unlike wishful thinking of some, Palestine won't come instead of Israel.

Palestine will be for the Palestinians like Israel will be for the Jews.

Problem solved.
What I meant is simple- Palestine won't exist unless there is a secure Israel at its side

Unlike wishful thinking of some, Palestine won't come instead of Israel.

Palestine will be for the Palestinians like Israel will be for the Jews.

Problem solved.

what a complete load of boolshite.

how many times in the past few years have i heard "judea and samaria belong to israel". you've said it too. what the hell...what, i ask again (and again and again) what do you or jews propose as borders for your apartheid, pariah, "shitty little country".

you will never have peace in the mideast. it is contrary to jewish nature.

nothing has soured me more on jews, not just israelis, as a culture more than this incident. what a petty and vindictive and little people you are. you are so insecure and jealous that you cannot even let these people have even a moment of pride in america.

i still can't believe jews attacked this community the way they did for just flying a flag. diversity is the american dream. attacks on diversity is the american nightmare and jewish americans are no better than palestinian americans, no matter what they think.
You're trolling. I am not going to take that post seriously.

i am not trolling anything.

nothing has disgusted me more about american jews as a group more than this incident. evangelical christians aren't faring to well in my book either but the main attacks have come from jewish groups.

we get it already. you hate arabs and muslims. y'all are dancing around the issue.
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i changed nothing.

what i see is a mayor of a small new jersey city who believes in the diversity of that city and america and i see that city and their mayor celebrating that diversity by raising the flags of the various ethnicities that comprise the people of that city.

it had not been a problem heretofore until he decided to allow the small palestinian population of that city some recognition and then he was attacked viciously and maliciously and lied about, his reputation maligned, and his city denigrated.

if the groups involved in these unwarranted attacks were to be broken down, we would find that those slandering the this good man, and i believe he is a good man, are right wing bigots...but even more predominant in this feeding frenzy are jewish groups and individuals.

it actually shocked me that, as a culture, american jews could be so malicious, petty, and vindictive, and that attitude was pretty well displayed on this board. now, you and others can wail on about me being an "anti-semite" or a "jew hater" or whatever for saying this, but what i have said is true.

the man was celebrating america as he has done with different groups in the past and he discovered the wrath of jewish america. the jews did not acquit themselves at all in this one. they lost friends and further tarnished what was once a reputation of acceptance, fairness, and magnaminity.

shame on all of you who wrongfully maligned this good man and this good, american community.
Shame on you for denying that you changed anything, but in the scheme of things it is not that important why you changed it. However, keep on babbling on like you have been doing for days. I am getting a good chuckle out of you. By the way, where's the exact wording of the law since you want everyone to think you know so much?

again, i changed nothing in the post in the post in question. hhad i edited it, it would be reflected on the bottom. usually the only thing i edit anyway is typos and the occasional misspelled word.

you are being foolish. i never indicated that i knew what the law said. what i indicated was that you didn't know exactly what the new jersey statute said so you have no idea if a law was broken or not but be assuered, if asny law was broken, the maliciousness and vicious of one of these jewish bloggers would file a complaint, especially after constructing this nmountain out of a pile of sand.

nor do i know if there was a flagpole nearby, and neither do you. there is no perspective to the photo. it is pretty much a moot point anyway...the mayor nor anyone else did not break the law if your link is to be believed, even without the details.

from your link...

"New Jersey prohibits the display of a flag of a foreign country unless accompanied by a U.S. flag of at least equal dimensions. "

Flag laws in the United States

in between your chuckles, you may actually try to read something and understand simple english.
I am still chuckling at you falling all over yourself, rambling on and on about this. I hope you don't mind. Were you there to see if there was the American flag also flying or do you think the picture of the one flag was photoshopped too? You seem to be so into this, but yet you were so quiet on another board when you could have discussed what was happening in the entire Middle East. If Gunga Din wrote a story about this flag ceremony, Seal would say he was a Jewish blogger. OK now, Seal, come back with more rambling.
Shame on you for denying that you changed anything, but in the scheme of things it is not that important why you changed it. However, keep on babbling on like you have been doing for days. I am getting a good chuckle out of you. By the way, where's the exact wording of the law since you want everyone to think you know so much?

again, i changed nothing in the post in the post in question. hhad i edited it, it would be reflected on the bottom. usually the only thing i edit anyway is typos and the occasional misspelled word.

you are being foolish. i never indicated that i knew what the law said. what i indicated was that you didn't know exactly what the new jersey statute said so you have no idea if a law was broken or not but be assuered, if asny law was broken, the maliciousness and vicious of one of these jewish bloggers would file a complaint, especially after constructing this nmountain out of a pile of sand.

nor do i know if there was a flagpole nearby, and neither do you. there is no perspective to the photo. it is pretty much a moot point anyway...the mayor nor anyone else did not break the law if your link is to be believed, even without the details.

from your link...

"New Jersey prohibits the display of a flag of a foreign country unless accompanied by a U.S. flag of at least equal dimensions. "

Flag laws in the United States

in between your chuckles, you may actually try to read something and understand simple english.
I am still chuckling at you falling all over yourself, rambling on and on about this. I hope you don't mind. Were you there to see if there was the American flag also flying or do you think the picture of the one flag was photoshopped too? You seem to be so into this, but yet you were so quiet on another board when you could have discussed what was happening in the entire Middle East. If Gunga Din wrote a story about this flag ceremony, Seal would say he was a Jewish blogger. OK now, Seal, come back with more rambling.

i only call jewish bloggers "jewish bloggers".

say something or get of the pot. all you are doing is diverting by making personal attacks.

the dimensions of the flag alone prove their was photoshopping...and how many flagpoles are crooked at the top like that one.

christ, i don't even pay attention to things like photoshop crap but this is obvious.

you got your tit in a ringer and all you are doing now is diverting and hurling personal insults when you should be apologising to me and any other reader.

coyote said we should knock this crap off and i agree. say something about the topic if you expect any further response
sure hoss, whatev.

your racism is not the issue here, really. i think your and other's lack of appreciation for the diversity that makes our country not only unique but great and your willingness to demean good communities and people for acknowledging that diversity is the issue, the inherent racism notwithstanding.

you should address coyotes observations about other ethnicities flying their flags but, well, i guess those other ethnicities aren't the type of ethnicities you object to.
I am still chuckling at you falling all over yourself, rambling on and on about this. I hope you don't mind. Were you there to see if there was the American flag also flying or do you think the picture of the one flag was photoshopped too? You seem to be so into this, but yet you were so quiet on another board when you could have discussed what was happening in the entire Middle East. If Gunga Din wrote a story about this flag ceremony, Seal would say he was a Jewish blogger. OK now, Seal, come back with more rambling.

i only call jewish bloggers "jewish bloggers".

say something or get of the pot. all you are doing is diverting by making personal attacks.

the dimensions of the flag alone prove their was photoshopping...and how many flagpoles are crooked at the top like that one.

christ, i don't even pay attention to things like photoshop crap but this is obvious.

you got your tit in a ringer and all you are doing now is diverting and hurling personal insults when you should be apologising to me and any other reader.

coyote said we should knock this crap off and i agree. say something about the topic if you expect any further response
The point I have been trying to make is there is one single solitary flagpole in front of Paterson City Hall. Tell me if this photo is shopped.

Paterson City Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so what? that doesn't change the fact that there is a past practice of raising other flags without a bit of controversy, nor does it change the fact that pam geller's photograph was doctored.

now, show me a photograph of the paterson city hall with those dimensions and with the palestinian flag and then we can discuss why it did not violate new jersey state law according to the site you posted.

and you are not being successful really in diverting from the disgraceful attack by american jews on this good mayor and proud american community for their celebration of the time honoured tradition of a diverse america.

again, nothing has disgusted me more and this unwarranted attack has actually changed my outlook on jewish culture considerably....not only the attacks on this man, but the absense of jewish voices condemning these attacks. i checked.

you and others really should drop it, but i can beat this dead hoss for as long as you want.

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