Paterson recognizes Palestine?

I am not trying to 'divert' nor 'denigrate' anything or anyone - least of all the folk of Paterson NJ, which was one of the towns covered by my parents' little local newspaper (they lived in West Milford).

Perhaps you see it as a 'diversion' - but I didn't bring it up.

I am fully convinced that the good mayor's 'race' was irrelevant, and that anyone who brought his race into it was indeed diverting and trying to denigrate others. I consider that an extremely shameful ploy and behavior beneath contempt.

And yet you continue to bring it up rather then discuss the legality of the flag raising.

I HAVE discussed the legality of the flag-raising - several times, including providing a link. I see no reason why we shouldn't be discussing the attempt to paint a critic of the mayor's action (based on some idea of law-breaking) as a racist. Especially when some potters claim to be concerned about people allegedly being denigrated.

It's not my fault that others have chosen to seek to *manufacture* an issue of 'race' when there so obviously was not one. That deceptive and slanderous behavior should be addressed: it was so obviously a 'red herring'.

To be most specific: it's rank hypocrisy to claim to be outraged over Hoss allegedly 'denigrating' the mayor, while falsely portraying his objectons as 'racist' smply because the mayor happens to be a black man.

I do NOT agree with Hoss about the Pal flag being a 'terrorist' banner - although acts most would call 'terrorism' have been committed 'in its name'. I think Hoss is wrong about some things and unfair about some things. But Hoss 'justifying' harsh treatment of a man because that man is black - that is a completely manufactured falsehood.
"the law, if it was broken and there is, as of yet, that it was broken, was of no concern until the palestinian flag was flown."

For this allegation to be valid, one would have to know the procedures followed for EVERY other flag-raising which had taken place in the town. One would further have to know that the law had indeed been violated in other instances as well.

It might be simply that the proper procedure was not correct in this one instance. I don't see where there's enough reliable information available to anyone to be certain.

I think it should go without my saying, that IFF it's the case that the procedure was never questioned before now, that that is almost certainly wrong. Nobody, no group, should be singled out.
Maggie and Hoss;
Neither of you have discussed the legality issue . Maggie you came up with a code and Hoss you try to be fuddle the issue by showing two web sites that have nothing to do with law rather they deal with customs. Here I will make it easy for you stop diverting simply QUOTE me the law !!!

Also Maggie can you please link to the post where racisim is brought up ???
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Patrick, go back and read This was all covered in the first 3 or 4 pages. The statement about NJ flag law, the apparent absence of the US flag being the violation - as it was in front of the city hall, an 'official government' building.

Hoss refers to seal's post bringing up the fact that the mayor is black - and I quoted seal's post in one of my replies to him.

If I had quoted seal incorrectly, or attributed to him someone else's post - do you doubt for a second that he'd have objected? Well, he didn't take issue with my post there.
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Patrick, go back and read This was all covered in the first 3 or 4 pages. The statement about NJ flag law, the apparent absence of the US flag being the violation - as it was in front of the city hall, an 'official government' building.

Hoss refers to seal's post bringing up the fact that the mayor is black - and I quoted seal's post in one of my replies to him.

If I had quoted seal incorrectly, or attributed to him someone else's post - do you doubt for a second that he'd have objected? Well, he didn't take issue with my post there.

if the law was broken, debbie schlussel and pam geller would have pursued it. any citisen can file a complaint in any state. debbie schlussel is an attorney, in fact.

until charges are brought, no law was broken.

that really is not the issue anyway. your only aim is to paint this man and this community in as dark a light as possible.

also, i see people are avoiding the act that U.S representative bill pascrell (D new jersey) read, at the ceremony, a letter of Special Congressional Recognition.
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It's no more a "terrorist" flag than that of Israel.

Thus far, no one has shown it to be "illegal".

Perhaps you just don't care for Palestinian-Americans.
Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans are all right with me and I know a few. It's all about the government, Hamas, PLO, Abbas and the terrorists and their 65 year refusal of Israel.

Perhaps you are confusing flags then. The flag in question is for a hoped for nation of Palestine.

A terrorist flag is more likely to look like this:


or this...

or this...

And yet you continue to bring it up rather then discuss the legality of the flag raising.

I HAVE discussed the legality of the flag-raising - several times, including providing a link. I see no reason why we shouldn't be discussing the attempt to paint a critic of the mayor's action (based on some idea of law-breaking) as a racist. Especially when some potters claim to be concerned about people allegedly being denigrated.

It's not my fault that others have chosen to seek to *manufacture* an issue of 'race' when there so obviously was not one. That deceptive and slanderous behavior should be addressed: it was so obviously a 'red herring'.

To be most specific: it's rank hypocrisy to claim to be outraged over Hoss allegedly 'denigrating' the mayor, while falsely portraying his objectons as 'racist' smply because the mayor happens to be a black man.

I do NOT agree with Hoss about the Pal flag being a 'terrorist' banner - although acts most would call 'terrorism' have been committed 'in its name'. I think Hoss is wrong about some things and unfair about some things. But Hoss 'justifying' harsh treatment of a man because that man is black - that is a completely manufactured falsehood.

Marge, those posts have been deleted as off topic derailing the thread. I'm asking folks to please remain on topic - which is not the race of the Mayor of Paterson.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation :)
One of the real shames of this incident is no matter what happens the good mayor and good people of this American City will be tainted for a long period of time. It really doesnt matter what other people say or what the evidence shows their reputations for a long period of time into the future will be tarnished.The people who wanted an incident now have a manufactured one and IMO they don't really care about right and wrong all they want is something to yell about. Possibly the people who caused this ought to be reminded of the story " The Boy who Cried Wolf "
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