Paterson recognizes Palestine?

". . .your racism is not the issue here, really. i think your and other's lack of appreciation for the diversity that makes our country not only unique but great and your willingness to demean good communities and people for acknowledging that diversity is the issue, the inherent racism notwithstanding."

this is NOT DIVERSITY........................

it's a sick existence..........................

"you should address coyotes observations about other ethnicities flying their flags but, well, i guess those other ethnicities aren't the type of ethnicities you object to."
What I meant is simple- Palestine won't exist unless there is a secure Israel at its side

Unlike wishful thinking of some, Palestine won't come instead of Israel.

Palestine will be for the Palestinians like Israel will be for the Jews.

Problem solved.

what a complete load of boolshite.

how many times in the past few years have i heard "judea and samaria belong to israel". you've said it too. what the hell...what, i ask again (and again and again) what do you or jews propose as borders for your apartheid, pariah, "shitty little country".

you will never have peace in the mideast. it is contrary to jewish nature.

nothing has soured me more on jews, not just israelis, as a culture more than this incident. what a petty and vindictive and little people you are. you are so insecure and jealous that you cannot even let these people have even a moment of pride in america.

i still can't believe jews attacked this community the way they did for just flying a flag. diversity is the american dream. attacks on diversity is the american nightmare and jewish americans are no better than palestinian americans, no matter what they think.

You're trolling. I am not going to take that post seriously.

Actually... The post above yours here is not trolling.

Trolling is trying to pick a fight with a pointless insult... the post above is a genuine opinion for the rest of y'all to agree with or disagree with and discuss.

Carry on.
You're trolling. I am not going to take that post seriously.

i am not trolling anything.

nothing has disgusted me more about american jews as a group more than this incident. evangelical christians aren't faring to well in my book either but the main attacks have come from jewish groups.

we get it already. you hate arabs and muslims. y'all are dancing around the issue.

Why do you think any Jew, American or otherwise, should give a rodent's round rump about whether or not some anonymous ID on a chatboard professes to be 'disgusted' by anything we may say or do, sealie?

The kind of person who perennially makes snide references to 'kapos' and has flat-out stated that 'Jews pushed their own families into cattle cars to get an extra bit of bread' (words to that EXACT effect) - well, that's just someone who is not a very useful 'witness' re: the behavior of any Jews at any time.

That one little 'habit' of yours, seal, has convinced me that yours is a voice not worthy of my serious consideration.
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You're trolling. I am not going to take that post seriously.

i am not trolling anything.

nothing has disgusted me more about american jews as a group more than this incident. evangelical christians aren't faring to well in my book either but the main attacks have come from jewish groups.

we get it already. you hate arabs and muslims. y'all are dancing around the issue.

Why do you think any Jew, American or otherwise, should give a rodent's round rump about whether or not some anonymous ID on a chatboard professes to be 'disgusted' by anything we may say or do, sealie?

The kind of person who perennially makes snide references to 'kapos' and has flat-out stated that 'Jews pushed their own families into cattle cars to get an extra bit of bread' (words to that EXACT effect) - well, that's just someone who is not a very useful 'witness' re: the behavior of any Jews at any time.

That one little 'habit' of yours, seal, has convinced me that yours is a voice not worthy of my serious consideration.

Getting back to the OP we should all remember that it was the Jews on this board and in the media that started all of the hostility. The celebration was originally a demonstration of diversity and they are the ones who have turned it into a hate fest of racism !!!
Getting back to the OP, it was the Mayor who knowingly and willingly broke a law by flying the flag of a 'country' with a terrorist organization for a government. Oh, I know it was only an obscure state law so it's alright to ignore because it's really about honoring the poor, poor Palis and the law doesn't apply in this case. When and if Palestine becomes a state it will be honored in the proper place and not in a hotbed of Islamic worship. XXXXXXX
Getting back to the OP, it was the Mayor who knowingly and willingly broke a law by flying the flag of a 'country' with a terrorist organization for a government. Oh, I know it was only an obscure state law so it's alright to ignore because it's really about honoring the poor, poor Palis and the law doesn't apply in this case. When and if Palestine becomes a state it will be honored in the proper place and not in a hotbed of Islamic worship.

1 ) Since this is at least the second time you have brought it up, maybe you would care to enlighten us with the actual lay that the Mayor broke. So far all we have is your word that he broke the law.
2 ) Seeing as how you say that he " knowingly and willingly " broke this law that you have yet to provide us with please include any evidence that he did what you said.
3 ) Don't the palestinians who are citizens of the city have ever right to be honored as all of the other citizens. I mean wasn't this truely what it was all about the honoring of people rather than nations. At least it was untill a bunch of Jewish protestors and right wing bigots jumped in and turned it into a hate fest.

PC: You have NOT read 'all' the posts, merely all the ones which remained up. If you PM me, I can give you the details.

I've already addressed the topic. I stated:

Cambridge MA has outlawed nuclear war.
Paterson NJ has recognized 'Palestine'.

Both equally as important and effective.

(or words to that effect - I think that's close enough).

As to the motivation of the person supplying the flag, I HOPE it was simply the positive form of 'ethnic' pride - I will assume it was until that person states something to contradict it.

As to the mayor: if Hoss has quoted the law accurately and there was no US flag *higher* than the other, the flag flying was certainly in violation of flag etiquette for certain.

Perhaps many people do not know those 'rules' - one would hope that a mayor did. Flag Code
PatCat - There IS no 'the Jews' and the mayor's race or ethnicity is IRRELEVENT.

I'm sorry, but I must gently request that you eschew the egregious slimy insinuations such as that last post contains should you wish to conduct any discussion of the Paterson incident with me.

Since you know nothing about Cambridge MA, it were best you avoid embarrassing yourself by attempting to discuss that - especially since it was merely an example I used and not part of the discussion : ))
Thread reopened.

The Administration and the Moderation Team are serious in their efforts to have a civil discourse as it pertains to the OP and any further posts which violate Zone 2 rules will be viewed in a more serious manner where infractions will be administered on a case by case basis.

Further, No Discussing infractions, bans, banned members, or specific moderator actions or duties on the open boards.
PC: You have NOT read 'all' the posts, merely all the ones which remained up. If you PM me, I can give you the details.

I've already addressed the topic. I stated:

Cambridge MA has outlawed nuclear war.
Paterson NJ has recognized 'Palestine'.

Both equally as important and effective.

(or words to that effect - I think that's close enough).

As to the motivation of the person supplying the flag, I HOPE it was simply the positive form of 'ethnic' pride - I will assume it was until that person states something to contradict it.

As to the mayor: if Hoss has quoted the law accurately and there was no US flag *higher* than the other, the flag flying was certainly in violation of flag etiquette for certain.

Perhaps many people do not know those 'rules' - one would hope that a mayor did. Flag Code

the issue is not about the raising of a palestinian flag in NJ, per se. nor is it about comparing it any other action such as the one in cambridge MA. the issue is that a good man, by all accounts, of a good american city decided to include in his celebration of the good american value of welcoming a diverse citizenry...a citizenry so wonderfully depicted by the portuguese and jewish writer in her poem, "the new colossus"...and the subsequent maligning and condemnation of this man and his community by groups and individuals, and particularly jewish groups and individuals.

The New Colossus
by Emma Lazarus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The New Colossus- - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More

your people have become the brazen giant. it is time to truly remember your roots and the hardships you once endured.

i welcome palestinians and all new immigrants to this country. we were once you.
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your people have become the brazen giant. it is time to truly remember your roots and the hardships you once endured.

i welcome palestinians and all new immigrants to this country. we were once you.

Good post...and Paterson, a city of great diversity, appears to welcome many immigrant groups. Good for Paterson for not caving :)
". . .your racism is not the issue here, really. i think your and other's lack of appreciation for the diversity that makes our country not only unique but great and your willingness to demean good communities and people for acknowledging that diversity is the issue, the inherent racism notwithstanding."

this is NOT DIVERSITY........................

it's a sick existence..........................

"you should address coyotes observations about other ethnicities flying their flags but, well, i guess those other ethnicities aren't the type of ethnicities you object to."

I do not recall seeing nor can I find any references to the Palestinian immigrant community in Paterson calling for or even wearing Burkas.

In fact - Burkas are worn in few Muslim countries, most seem to prefer headscarves.

Perhaps you can show me this "sick existence" in Paterson?
There is something that has been bothering me about this whole issue. It seems to me that if a law had been broken then there would be people coming out of the woodwork ( Pam Geller comes immediatly to mind because of the stink she made about the bus adds ) to see that charges were brought against those responcible. I mean you can't tell me that with all the fuss and bother that this has generated that the people who have raised that fuss and bother are so benign that they would not at the very least file a civil suit.
I also would like to see the law that has been violated. I have asked for it before and I still have not seen it.
What I meant is simple- Palestine won't exist unless there is a secure Israel at its side

Unlike wishful thinking of some, Palestine won't come instead of Israel.

Palestine will be for the Palestinians like Israel will be for the Jews.

Problem solved.

Ok -- so what you said really had nothing to do with flags but was metaphorical?
There is something that has been bothering me about this whole issue. It seems to me that if a law had been broken then there would be people coming out of the woodwork ( Pam Geller comes immediatly to mind because of the stink she made about the bus adds ) to see that charges were brought against those responcible. I mean you can't tell me that with all the fuss and bother that this has generated that the people who have raised that fuss and bother are so benign that they would not at the very least file a civil suit.
I also would like to see the law that has been violated. I have asked for it before and I still have not seen it.

i agree. pam geller certainly has shown a predisposition for such things what with her ridiculous bus ads and billboard battles. something like filing a criminal complaint would be right up her alley.

i would like to see the law too, that has been violated. we have a lot of opinions on the law being trotted out but no actual law.

the bottom line though, is the violation of the law is just an afterthought being used to justify the malicious attacks. i have seen no such law nor have i seen any evidence that the allgations of breaking the law have occurred. the accusations are just a diversion.
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I've already posted a link to the US Flag Code - which covers the display of flags of foreign nations.
"your people have become the brazen giant. it is time to truly remember your roots and the hardships you once endured."

Am I to understand by the above that you meant 'American Jews'? And that Coyote endorses that particular statement?

If so, I'd like to know how either of you finds such a statement any more accurate or acceptable than if one were to make such blanket allegations about some other group of Americans?

Particularly when I've made it very clear that I hold no such views - and I'm not the only Jewish poster here to have said so.
"your people have become the brazen giant. it is time to truly remember your roots and the hardships you once endured."

Am I to understand by the above that you meant 'American Jews'? And that Coyote endorses that particular statement?

If so, I'd like to know how either of you finds such a statement any more accurate or acceptable than if one were to make such blanket allegations about some other group of Americans?

Particularly when I've made it very clear that I hold no such views - and I'm not the only Jewish poster here to have said so.

You can't take it out of it's context....

the issue is not about the raising of a palestinian flag in NJ, per se. nor is it about comparing it any other action such as the one in cambridge MA. the issue is that a good man, by all accounts, of a good american city decided to include in his celebration of the good american value of welcoming a diverse citizenry...a citizenry so wonderfully depicted by the portuguese and jewish writer in her poem, "the new colossus"...and the subsequent maligning and condemnation of this man and his community by groups and individuals, and particularly jewish groups and individuals.

I think that is a thoughtful post. It's not all Jewish groups and individuals - there are many who are standing up for diversity and the right of people to be free of hatred and bigotry in this country. They stand for what is right and they remember their own roots - something many seem to have forgotten in their haste to pillory this decent man and the Palestinian immigrant community in Paterson who have the audacity to not remain invisable. To be honest I disagree with Seal on only one point - I'm not so sure it's Jewish groups are are most vehement. I think it's the so-called Christian Zionists.
Evidently you think Pam Geller is more representative of the views of a few million of my coreligionists than am I.

Just in case you didn't realize it, I certainly had made no objection to celebrating diversity. Nor would I. My comment was merely to indicate that a single town 'recognizing Palestine' has no political weight - and frankly I think the people calling this some kind of a 'triumph' or 'victory' or any such term are idiots and jerks. (EXACTLY like the smarmy 'Cantabridgian' gits who considered it 'meaingful' that they "outlawed" nuclear war in their town...)

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