Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history....and the Democrats controlling the House - the budget, the purse strings, spending - could not bring themselves to use even one dime of it to pay down the deficit......financing a 4-year continuous coup is expensive.....


Income tax revenues were better in 2015 without Impeached Trump's tax cuts

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

You obviously didn't provide a link because your graph prove you wrong.:21:

You're such a flaming dumbfuck, you couldn't even find the link in my post.

This one?

The only one in your post that takes you to a BIGGER chart?

Where is the link to the data, Simpleton?
The Democrats actually controlled the House and Senate for the 1st 2 years under Obama. It was not until the GOP took over that any sign of a turn-around from the nose-dive put us in was seen.

Moron I already gave you the graph, wtf is your malfunction?

You see that inflection in job growth just as Obama gets into office? That's what a huge turn-around looks like. -800k job growth turned into stable 200k job growth sustained for 9 years now.

Thank you, Republican House!

You are a total tool. Republicans got majority in 2011, huge turn around well before that and once in power they spent 6 years repealing Obamacare 40 times and investigating Benghazi. :rolleyes:
I see negative numbers on your graph mid to late 2010, Tool.

Dumbfuck. Those negative numbers were the government letting go of all the temporary employees hired months earlier just to work on the census.

You have shit for brains not to know that. :lmao:
He-he, that Obama was ONE kooky motherf*cker, wasn't he?
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
I'm SO glad you see that the Kenyan-born miscreant is ONE lying sonofabitch. It's wonderful that you see this!
What part of 'the strongest economy in the last 50 years',

2.x% growth is the strongest in 50 years?

Really retard?

View attachment 307398

Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth.
  3. Wages: The Washington Post even surrenders to the fact that Trump is the first president to improve wages in a generation where income is at an all-time high.
  4. Stock Market: CNN says the stock market has roared more than 40% since Trump’s election.
  5. Gas and Fuel Prices: Gas prices are low in most U.S. states that don't over-tax fuel with local and state taxes. Many states have $2.15 per gallon gasoline right now. Gas prices may fall this summer according to the latest news.
  6. Ethnic Employment Success: The employment success for all ethnicities is at record high. Obama had difficulty creating jobs and many people gave up looking for work.
  7. Manufacturing Jobs: Manufacturing jobs are back in the U.S. for the first time in a generation. Trump created 284,000 manufacturing jobs in 2018. Forbes implied that millions of manufacturing jobs were lost during Obama’s first 2 years in office. Some 1 in 6 were lost between January 2008 and March 2010 and Obama never got those jobs back.
  8. Taxes and Regulatory: Corporate taxes were cut from 35% to 21%. America moved from worst tax system up to one of the most competitive in the world under Trump’s first 2 years in office. Lower tax rates allow U.S. companies to spend more money, buy more assets, pay more employee benefits, buy stock back to put money on Main Street and into state coffers, and even help pay better dividends to seniors who live paycheck to paycheck.
  9. Nasdaq: The Nasdaq stock market value finally exceeded the 1999 prices under Trump. This implies that companies were stagnant for 18 years until Trump took office.
  10. Level the Playing Field: With a mixed bag of tax-code improvements, removal of red tape, new trade agreements, and competitive tariffs, the U.S. economy is more insulated from failure. Even the Federal Reserve is willing to lower rates if other countries harm the U.S. trading environment.

10 Reasons Trump Economy Is Best in 50 Years
"Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth."


lying brain-washed tool -- Obama is not the only president to never achieve a single year of 3% GDP growth. Guess who the other is...? :lmao:

As far as reaching 3% or better quarterly consistently....

Trump ... 4/12 = 33%

Obama ... 12/32 = 38%
Do an apples to apples, Moron.

Compare the first 4 years of each.

I'm guessing you will run away.....................or go 'BUT BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Suuuuuuure, dumbfuck .... let's compare the years where Obama inherited Bush's Great Recession ... with the years where Impeached Trump inherited a strong and growing economy......

Thank you for professing your love for President Trump. There's hope for you yet, ya knucklehead!
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Um, Your link it to the debt, not deficits.

I'm not shocked an idiot like you doesn't know the difference.:21::21::21:
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452

So the last Barry Hussein budget deficit was $400 BILLION bigger than Trump's last deficit.

Thanks for those numbers, Moron.:5_1_12024::banana::5_1_12024::banana:
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452

So the last Barry Hussein budget deficit was $400 BILLION bigger than Trump's last deficit.

Thanks for those numbers, Moron.:5_1_12024::banana::5_1_12024::banana:
Maybe this will get liitle f*cked up Fauny to finally leave this thread. But that's doubtful..........
Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history....and the Democrats controlling the House - the budget, the purse strings, spending - could not bring themselves to use even one dime of it to pay down the deficit......financing a 4-year continuous coup is expensive.....


Income tax revenues were better in 2015 without Impeached Trump's tax cuts

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

You obviously didn't provide a link because your graph prove you wrong.:21:

You're such a flaming dumbfuck, you couldn't even find the link in my post.

This one?

The only one in your post that takes you to a BIGGER chart? Taxes&units=k&size=m&legend=Income Taxes-fed&year=2015_2020&sname=US&bar=1&stack=1&col=c&source=a_a_a_a_a_b&spending0=1798.47_1742.26_1745.44_1710.66_1732.26_1809.98

Where is the link to the data, Simpleton?

The one you thought I didn't link even though I did.

The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history....and the Democrats controlling the House - the budget, the purse strings, spending - could not bring themselves to use even one dime of it to pay down the deficit......financing a 4-year continuous coup is expensive.....


Income tax revenues were better in 2015 without Impeached Trump's tax cuts

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

You obviously didn't provide a link because your graph prove you wrong.:21:

You're such a flaming dumbfuck, you couldn't even find the link in my post.

This one?

The only one in your post that takes you to a BIGGER chart? Taxes&units=k&size=m&legend=Income Taxes-fed&year=2015_2020&sname=US&bar=1&stack=1&col=c&source=a_a_a_a_a_b&spending0=1798.47_1742.26_1745.44_1710.66_1732.26_1809.98

Where is the link to the data, Simpleton?

The one you thought I didn't link even though I did.

The dumbass that won't go away. Pathetic.
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Um, Your link it to the debt, not deficits.

I'm not shocked an idiot like you doesn't know the difference.:21::21::21:

I posted the annual deficits and provided the link to them, ya fucking moron.


You idiotically claimed the deficit was increasing when Impeached Trump took over. The U.S. Treasury laughs at you too...

FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Um, Your link it to the debt, not deficits.

I'm not shocked an idiot like you doesn't know the difference.:21::21::21:

I posted the annual deficits and provided the link to them, ya fucking moron.


You idiotically claimed the deficit was increasing when Impeached Trump took over. The U.S. Treasury laughs at you too...

FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254
And it STILL won't go away. It appears to be arguing with ITSELF at this point. Pitiful.
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.
That disastrous recovery only occurred in fact free land.
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

I used your link and found a comparison between the first 3 years of Obama and Trump.
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 7.22.37 AM.png

In approximately the same period of time Trump increased national debt 17% Versus Obama 41%.
Now we all agree that Obama was confronted by a recession which according to Bloomberg was caused by allowing unqualified people
to borrow money and "flip" houses.

One of the contributing factors to this relaxation of lending was this and again I'm not making this up.. check the links!

In the Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 1994 suit against redlining. Most significant of all, ACORN was the driving force behind a 1995 regulatory revision pushed through by the Clinton Administration that greatly expanded the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) and laid the groundwork for the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac borne financial crisis we now confront.
Barack Obama was the attorney representing ACORN in this effort.
With this new authority, ACORN used its subsidiary, ACORN Housing, to promote subprime loans more aggressively.
Last edited by a moderator:
Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history....and the Democrats controlling the House - the budget, the purse strings, spending - could not bring themselves to use even one dime of it to pay down the deficit......financing a 4-year continuous coup is expensive.....


Income tax revenues were better in 2015 without Impeached Trump's tax cuts

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

You may need a new chart.
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

It's hysterical how you think I should take someone's opinion over the actual numbers. That tells me you don't like what the actual numbers reveal.
Faun, serious question. You have one of the most corrupt Deep State agents as your avatar who was humiliated and exposed as an idiot. Explain.
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

I used your link and found a comparison between the first 3 years of Obama and Trump.
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
View attachment 307546
In approximately the same period of time Trump increased national debt 17% Versus Obama 41%.
Now we all agree that Obama was confronted by a recession which according to Bloomberg was caused by allowing unqualified people
to borrow money and "flip" houses.

One of the contributing factors to this relaxation of lending was this and again I'm not making this up.. check the links!

In the Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 1994 suit against redlining. Most significant of all, ACORN was the driving force behind a 1995 regulatory revision pushed through by the Clinton Administration that greatly expanded the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) and laid the groundwork for the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac borne financial crisis we now confront.
Barack Obama was the attorney representing ACORN in this effort.
With this new authority, ACORN used its subsidiary, ACORN Housing, to promote subprime loans more aggressively.
Barack H. Obama, Esq.’s Role in the Financial Crisis – Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fe
Thanks for showing how Impeached Trump added 75% as much debt with a strong economy which added millions of jobs; compared to the economy in freefall which lost some 8 million jobs.

What a failure that is for Impeached Trump.
Faun, serious question. You have one of the most corrupt Deep State agents as your avatar who was humiliated and exposed as an idiot. Explain.

"You have one of the most corrupt Deep State agents as your avatar who was humiliated and exposed as an idiot."

so do you.

and trump is worse!
Faun, serious question. You have one of the most corrupt Deep State agents as your avatar who was humiliated and exposed as an idiot. Explain.
I can't answer that because you make no sense. Mueller exonerated Impeached Trump of colluding with Russian hackers. How on Earth does that humiliate him and expose him as an idiot?

Is it your contention that Mueller was wrong about Impeached Trump not being involved with the Russian hackers?
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

I used your link and found a comparison between the first 3 years of Obama and Trump.
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
View attachment 307546
In approximately the same period of time Trump increased national debt 17% Versus Obama 41%.

Ohhh so what you saying is that when we increase debt by 1T a year under Trump in good times, that is only half as bad as Obama running a trillion dollar deficit just out of Great Recession with 10% unemployment.

Welcome to the wonderful world of up-is-down rightwinger logic.

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