Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Pretty amazing considering that all the while Obama was in office, they were calling his economy a "mini-depression," the worst recession since the 30s, and for 8 years we keep looking for the rebound from QE1 and QE2, many calling it the slowest recover they ever saw.

The day Trump was sworn in, the Dow Jones soared. It was like Wall Street breathed a sigh of relief.
A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Um, Your link it to the debt, not deficits.

I'm not shocked an idiot like you doesn't know the difference.:21::21::21:

I posted the annual deficits and provided the link to them, ya fucking moron.


You idiotically claimed the deficit was increasing when Impeached Trump took over. The U.S. Treasury laughs at you too...

FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

2015 $326,546,285,750.51

2016 $1,241,086,361,182.79

Do you know what year Trump trounced Hitlery? Does 2016 sound about right? Is $1.2 TRILLION more than $326 Billion?

US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

View attachment 307385

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
View attachment 307390
The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.
That disastrous recovery only occurred in fact free land.
The worst recovery since WWII.

Barry Hussein sucked.
Thank you, Republican House!

You are a total tool. Republicans got majority in 2011, huge turn around well before that and once in power they spent 6 years repealing Obamacare 40 times and investigating Benghazi. :rolleyes:
I see negative numbers on your graph mid to late 2010, Tool.

Dumbfuck. Those negative numbers were the government letting go of all the temporary employees hired months earlier just to work on the census.

You have shit for brains not to know that. :lmao:
Well then, those negative numbers would repeat themselves every 10 years at the same time then, right?

Link us up to those for the past 4 decades for reference, or can we say you are full of shit?

Which is it Faun ?:21:
Faun is an idiot....when you corner him he will post a laughing gif
like this and run away...

It's really sad to see how much con brains are deteriorated; to the point they're unaware of how the census is conducted every ten years. I shouldn't have to post this. You idiots should already know it....


Total nonfarm payroll employment declined by 125,000 in June, and the unemployment rate edged down to 9.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The decline in payroll employment reflected a decrease (-225,000) in the number of temporary employees working on Census 2010. Private-sector payroll employment edged up by 83,000.

Income tax revenues were better in 2015 without Impeached Trump's tax cuts

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

You obviously didn't provide a link because your graph prove you wrong.:21:

You're such a flaming dumbfuck, you couldn't even find the link in my post.

This one?

The only one in your post that takes you to a BIGGER chart? Taxes&units=k&size=m&legend=Income Taxes-fed&year=2015_2020&sname=US&bar=1&stack=1&col=c&source=a_a_a_a_a_b&spending0=1798.47_1742.26_1745.44_1710.66_1732.26_1809.98

Where is the link to the data, Simpleton?

The one you thought I didn't link even though I did.

It's not a link to the source, dumbass. It just makes your pic bigger.

You have to be the dumbest fuckwad to ever log on the innerwebs.
So? It still takes you to, my source.

Doesn't matter since you won't understand it as proven by your belief that FY2016 was Obama's last budget deficit.

The difference, of course, is Obama started with an economy in freefall where debt was already increasing at absurd rates; whereas Impeached Trump is on pace to add about as much debt in 8 years as Obama did, if given the opportunity, after inheriting a strong and growing economy.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Um, Your link it to the debt, not deficits.

I'm not shocked an idiot like you doesn't know the difference.:21::21::21:

I posted the annual deficits and provided the link to them, ya fucking moron.


You idiotically claimed the deficit was increasing when Impeached Trump took over. The U.S. Treasury laughs at you too...

FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

2015 $326,546,285,750.51

2016 $1,241,086,361,182.79

Do you know what year Trump trounced Hitlery? Does 2016 sound about right? Is $1.2 TRILLION more than $326 Billion?

US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic

Dumbfuck, you actually said FY2016 was Obama's last budget deficit. How the fuck is that the case since Obama passed the FY2017 budget??


That's the most recent chart. You should check InfoWars to see what they say.

I see, must be one of those "truth over facts" things...dumbass.

For those actually interested in the facts of what happened to revenues when tax-cuts went into effect:

Revenues are down down dow

Terrific, another clown.

If I'm the clown why am I the one posting data and facts while all you are doing is clowning?

Gee...because you're too fricken lazy to click on the link, or maybe you have difficulty reading.

Clown, you have no idea wtf you are looking at and how to actually compare those numbers.

To be directly comparable you need to at very least adjust annual revenue numbers for inflation and baseline economic growth.

That adjustment is roughly equal to +4% expected nominal revenue growth.

When you do this minimal adjustment there is very clear and substantial shortfall in revenues since tax-cuts went into effect.

For example lets roughly compare two years:

FY 2018$3.33 trillion
FY 2019 $3.46 trillion

We would expect around 3.7T in 2019 when adjusting for 4% normal increase but actually collected only ~3.5T - thats a ~200B shortfall from baseline.
Last edited:
I see, must be one of those "truth over facts" things...dumbass.

For those actually interested in the facts of what happened to revenues when tax-cuts went into effect:

Revenues are down down dow

Terrific, another clown.

If I'm the clown why am I the one posting data and facts while all you are doing is clowning?

Gee...because you're too fricken lazy to click on the link, or maybe you have difficulty reading.

Clown, you have no idea wtf you are looking at and how to actually compare those numbers.

To be directly comparable you need to at very least adjust annual revenue numbers for inflation and baseline economic growth.

That adjustment is roughly equal to +4% expected nominal revenue growth.

When you do this minimal adjustment there is very clear and substantial shortfall in revenues since tax-cuts went into effect.

For example lets roughly compare two years:

FY 2018$3.33 trillion
FY 2019 $3.46 trillion

We would expect around 3.7T in 2019 when adjusting for 4% normal increase but actually collected only ~3.5T - thats a ~200B shortfall from baseline.

No one gives a fuck on what you would "expect".
For those actually interested in the facts of what happened to revenues when tax-cuts went into effect:

Revenues are down down dow

Terrific, another clown.

If I'm the clown why am I the one posting data and facts while all you are doing is clowning?

Gee...because you're too fricken lazy to click on the link, or maybe you have difficulty reading.

Clown, you have no idea wtf you are looking at and how to actually compare those numbers.

To be directly comparable you need to at very least adjust annual revenue numbers for inflation and baseline economic growth.

That adjustment is roughly equal to +4% expected nominal revenue growth.

When you do this minimal adjustment there is very clear and substantial shortfall in revenues since tax-cuts went into effect.

For example lets roughly compare two years:

FY 2018$3.33 trillion
FY 2019 $3.46 trillion

We would expect around 3.7T in 2019 when adjusting for 4% normal increase but actually collected only ~3.5T - thats a ~200B shortfall from baseline.

No one gives a fuck on what you would "expect".

lol, ok thanks for your input clown.
Obama claims credit for current economy? :auiqs.jpg:Trump sparked the economy by reducing government restrictions on economic growth and natural resources. On top of that he re-negotiated bad trade deals into level playing fields.

Obama just claimed credit for Trump completely reversing all of Obama's economic policies :eusa_think:...:eusa_eh:

So Obama is responsible for Trump's economy in the sense that he provided the bad economy for Trump to fix.

Hussein Barack is delusional, no surprises there! :cuckoo:

Thanks GOD for President Trump!:thup:


So much for Dems trying to argue that Trump's economy is fake, Obama and Biden say its HUGE!

You know how you can tell a Republican economy is great? Democrats start trying to claim credit.

The Impeached Trump economy...

"LOLOL" The ACQUITTED Trump economy, that Obama wants to hijack.
Obama claims credit for current economy? :auiqs.jpg:Trump sparked the economy by reducing government restrictions on economic growth and natural resources. On top of that he re-negotiated bad trade deals into level playing fields.

Obama just claimed credit for Trump completely reversing all of Obama's economic policies :eusa_think:...:eusa_eh:

So Obama is responsible for Trump's economy in the sense that he provided the bad economy for Trump to fix.


Obama is just butthurt because Trump made him look like an amateur in comparison.
Can you even fathom the liberal media fawning and praise of Obama if it was Obama setting these historic all time economic records.
DEficits were going up when Trump took over Obama's disastrous recovery.


FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Um, Your link it to the debt, not deficits.

I'm not shocked an idiot like you doesn't know the difference.:21::21::21:

I posted the annual deficits and provided the link to them, ya fucking moron.


You idiotically claimed the deficit was increasing when Impeached Trump took over. The U.S. Treasury laughs at you too...

FY2016 ... 1,422,827,047,452
FY2017 .......671,455,302,117
FY2018 ....1,271,158,167,127
FY2019 ... 1,203,343,570,254

2015 $326,546,285,750.51

2016 $1,241,086,361,182.79

Do you know what year Trump trounced Hitlery? Does 2016 sound about right? Is $1.2 TRILLION more than $326 Billion?

US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic

Dumbfuck, you actually said FY2016 was Obama's last budget deficit. How the fuck is that the case since Obama passed the FY2017 budget??


Barry Hussein never had a single one of his moronic budgets passed. Some were voted down unanimously.

He sucked.:5_1_12024:

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