Patirots deflated fake news from New York Time NFL team dismantles Trump smear after White House


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The New England Patriots deflated a fake news story blown up by the New York Times.

The Times, which is owned by Mexican immigration activist Carlos Slim, lied on Twitter about the Patriot’s attendance today at the White House.

The Patriots responded to the Times, calling them liars.

NFL team dismantles Trump smear after White House visit
#PhotoGate : Patriots Deflate Fake News from New York Times -patriots-deflate-fake-news-from-the-new-york-times/

The Trump haters are so incredibly sick in the head, they use anything they can to attack this guy . The evience of mental illness show so strongly on these lunatic fkn freaks it's incredible. Those who have some common sense left end up stepping away from the Trump haters and even go as far as to dump having anything to do with the DEMOCRATIC MENTAL CASES..
The New England Patriots deflated a fake news story blown up by the New York Times.

The Times, which is owned by Mexican immigration activist Carlos Slim, lied on Twitter about the Patriot’s attendance today at the White House.

The Patriots responded to the Times, calling them liars.

NFL team dismantles Trump smear after White House visit
#PhotoGate : Patriots Deflate Fake News from New York Times -patriots-deflate-fake-news-from-the-new-york-times/

The Trump haters are so incredibly sick in the head, they use anything they can to attack this guy . The evience of mental illness show so strongly on these lunatic fkn freaks it's incredible. Those who have some common sense left end up stepping away from the Trump haters and even go as far as to dump having anything to do with the DEMOCRATIC MENTAL CASES..
The New England Patriots deflated a fake news story blown up by the New York Times.

The Times, which is owned by Mexican immigration activist Carlos Slim, lied on Twitter about the Patriot’s attendance today at the White House.

The Patriots responded to the Times, calling them liars.

NFL team dismantles Trump smear after White House visit
#PhotoGate : Patriots Deflate Fake News from New York Times -patriots-deflate-fake-news-from-the-new-york-times/

The Trump haters are so incredibly sick in the head, they use anything they can to attack this guy . The evience of mental illness show so strongly on these lunatic fkn freaks it's incredible. Those who have some common sense left end up stepping away from the Trump haters and even go as far as to dump having anything to do with the DEMOCRATIC MENTAL CASES..

I knew Trump was no different than Obama or Bush the fact he is friends with that lying cheating fraud shady brady.Brady,Robert Kraft,and Bill Belicheat are just as much criminals as Aaron Hernandez was only to a lesser extent. Trump is friends with Brady,anybody who is friends with that lying prick obviously has no morals.

this poster nailed it below what he said,the patriots are indeed criminals,

Having criminals @WhiteHouse is terrible for morale. In my view, it undermines everything we want to accomplish as a society.

80 replies46 retweets458 likes

they have tainted a sport making it the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal. I am sick of the NFL.I wont give them a dime anymore.I could care less at this point if they folded up and died.

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