Patricia Smith, mother of Benghazi victim - Republican National Convention

Glad you think she was wrong because I sure don't.

The incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department were the cause of the death of her son. Then Hitlery lied her ass off about the whole thing.

??? And I guess next you will try to to argue that 1+1 does not equal 2?

She said that Hillary is personally responsible for the death of her son and should be in jail.
You said Hillary obviously did nothing criminal.

The two are mutually exclusive statements if you don't get that.

Hey. That's the way she feels about it and in a way she's right. If State had pulled our people out like the Brits and the Red Cross there would have been no Benghazi and those four men wouldn't have died.

Can't fault her for the way she feels. Its her son who is dead, not Hitlery's daughter.

1+1 does not SORTA equal to 2.

Quit the weaseling around and just admit the obvious like an honest person.

I am being honest. You just don't want to see it.

You can't cure stupid.
Charles Manson was being honest too. Doesn't mean either one of you are anything less than certifiably insane.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You are an idiot and insane to boot.

Good Lord are you an idiot.
Oh and nice to see that you think a Govt. Investigation was going to find a another Govt. Entity guilty of anything.

You can't cure stupid.
You're beyond help.

Riddle me this, rightard....

If the first GOP-led investigation was not going to find Hillary guilty if anything, why did they start a second investigation when the first one concluded Hillary did not lie? And then another investigation after that one? And then another investigation after that one? And then another investigation after that one? And again and again and again....

Why didn't they stop after the first investigation?

That's easy. The more you investigate the better you look even though you know you won't find anyone guilty of anything.

Oh and Hitlery and her State Department did nothing criminal but they were grossly incompetent and that's what got those four men killed. Gross Incompetence. You can't be jailed for that dumbass.
That doesn't even make sense.

No wonder everyone thinks you're retarded.

You have to be retarded to think the GOP was protecting Hillary. :cuckoo:

Of course it makes no sense to you because you are a biased hack. The only thing you want to tell us is how great Hitlery is even if she's incompetent as hell.

Speaking of retarded?? Well there ya go. You fit that to a tee.

You can't cure stupid.
Spits the rightard who thinks Republicans held eight separate investigations to clear Hillary. :cuckoo:

Because that's what Republicans do -- protect Hillary.


What are you an idiot??

Of course Hitlery was cleared. She did nothing criminal but her and her State Departments incompetence was there for all to see.

You don't want to see it.

Carry on idiot.
I felt bad for her, she's obviously still reeling from her son's death and she deserves nothing less than sympathy. She looked and acted like she desperately needed counseling.
What she's asking for is honesty. She didn't get it.

You're right, she fully believes the lies and conspiracy theories the Republicans have shown her.
They had months of warnings and the anniversary of 9-11 on the way. The Brits and the Red Cross got those same warnings and took them seriously enough to pull their people out of the area.

If State had done that there would have been no Benghazi. Instead they did nothing. That nothing cost the lives of those four men.

Could the ambassador have called Hillary, said it was to dangerous to stay where he was and left the country for safer areas? Sure he could have. Did he? Don't know.

If he could have left on his own decision making power, why didn't he?
He (the Ambassador) shares in his death and the death of the others by deciding to stay till it was to late.

IF he Could have made the decision to leave himself.

If Hillary told him to stay put, different story.
They had months of warnings and the anniversary of 9-11 on the way. The Brits and the Red Cross got those same warnings and took them seriously enough to pull their people out of the area.

If State had done that there would have been no Benghazi. Instead they did nothing. That nothing cost the lives of those four men.

Could the ambassador have called Hillary, said it was to dangerous to stay where he was and left the country for safer areas? Sure he could have. Did he? Don't know.

If he could have left on his own decision making power, why didn't he?
He (the Ambassador) shares in his death and the death of the others by deciding to stay till it was to late.

IF he Could have made the decision to leave himself.

If Hillary told him to stay put, different story.

Hitlery was his boss. She could have ordered he and the entire embassy out of that area.

They had months of warnings. Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out of that area. Our State Department did nothing. That
nothing is what got those men killed.

It's not my fault you don't recognize incompetence when you see it. I sure do.
Of course she did nothing criminal.

Incompetent? You bet your ass. Her and her State Departments gross incompetence are the reason those four men are dead.

So THEREFORE you agree that Patricia Smith is wrong, just as 1+1=2.

Now separately on incompetence point, a point separate from criminality claims by Patricia Smith, can you point to a finding in any report on Benghazi that would make the claim of "gross incompetence" by Hillary as the reason those four men are dead?

I don't recall there being a finding like that, maybe I'm wrong.
You're beyond help.

Riddle me this, rightard....

If the first GOP-led investigation was not going to find Hillary guilty if anything, why did they start a second investigation when the first one concluded Hillary did not lie? And then another investigation after that one? And then another investigation after that one? And then another investigation after that one? And again and again and again....

Why didn't they stop after the first investigation?

That's easy. The more you investigate the better you look even though you know you won't find anyone guilty of anything.

Oh and Hitlery and her State Department did nothing criminal but they were grossly incompetent and that's what got those four men killed. Gross Incompetence. You can't be jailed for that dumbass.
That doesn't even make sense.

No wonder everyone thinks you're retarded.

You have to be retarded to think the GOP was protecting Hillary. :cuckoo:

Of course it makes no sense to you because you are a biased hack. The only thing you want to tell us is how great Hitlery is even if she's incompetent as hell.

Speaking of retarded?? Well there ya go. You fit that to a tee.

You can't cure stupid.
Spits the rightard who thinks Republicans held eight separate investigations to clear Hillary. :cuckoo:

Because that's what Republicans do -- protect Hillary.


What are you an idiot??

Of course Hitlery was cleared. She did nothing criminal but her and her State Departments incompetence was there for all to see.

You don't want to see it.

Carry on idiot.
Cleared by Republicans because they were protecting her ... 8 times ... according to a fruit-loop dingus like you.
Of course she did nothing criminal.

Incompetent? You bet your ass. Her and her State Departments gross incompetence are the reason those four men are dead.

So THEREFORE you agree that Patricia Smith is wrong, just as 1+1=2.

Now separately on incompetence point, a point separate from criminality claims by Patricia Smith, can you point to a finding in any report on Benghazi that would make the claim of "gross incompetence" by Hillary as the reason those four men are dead?

I don't recall there being a finding like that, maybe I'm wrong.

Common Sense is all you need there pal.

They had months of warnings and did nothing.

I don't need anyone to show me what incompetence looks like.

As for Mrs. Smith? She lost her son needlessly and blames Hitlery. I, for one, can't blame her.
Oh like I didn't know they would find Hitlery guilty of nothing? She did nothing criminal.

Well that's refreshing - at least one conservative has managed to admit that Patricia Smith is wrong.

Glad you think she was wrong because I sure don't.

The incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department were the cause of the death of her son. Then Hitlery lied her ass off about the whole thing.

Hitlery will never be held accountable for anything she does and only and idiot would ever think she would be.

Nope, it was smoke inhalation from the diesel fires the rioters started.
Common Sense is all you need there pal..

Often that's just what is said by people to excuse the superficial nature of their assertions.

If it really was as obvious as you say then 8 in-depth looks into the matter by people interested in nothing more than to prove that "common-sense" as facts should have definitively confirmed your assertions.

They haven't.
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Oh like I didn't know they would find Hitlery guilty of nothing? She did nothing criminal.

Well that's refreshing - at least one conservative has managed to admit that Patricia Smith is wrong.

Glad you think she was wrong because I sure don't.

The incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department were the cause of the death of her son. Then Hitlery lied her ass off about the whole thing.

Hitlery will never be held accountable for anything she does and only and idiot would ever think she would be.

Nope, it was smoke inhalation from the diesel fires the rioters started.

Sure. Fires started by terrorists. No rioters in site.
Common Sense is all you need there pal..

Often that's just what is said by people to excuse the superficial nature of their assertions.

If it really was as obvious as you say then 8 in-depth looks into the matter by people interested in nothing more than to prove that "common-sense" as facts should have definitively confirmed your assertions.

They haven't.

Hey, think what you want.

If you don't have enough common sense to see what's right in front of you its no skin off my ass.

Continue to believe she had nothing to do with those deaths if it makes you feel good.

Oh and you are another one that needs an investigation to tell you what to believe.
I felt bad for her, she's obviously still reeling from her son's death and she deserves nothing less than sympathy. She looked and acted like she desperately needed counseling.
Yes, she is pissed Hillary placed him in the position in which he was killed. He died to run guns to the "moderates". Hillary lied to her face because she has no heart.
Hillary did not lie. We know that because 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi have failed to find any evidence she lied to Smith's mother. What was determined by the GOP-led investigations was that for the first two weeks following the attack, which is when Hillary spoke with her, the information coming from our intelligence agencies was that the attack was provoked by the video.

It's not a lie to inform others what you believe from the intelligence community. Didn't you learn anything from Bush promoting WMD in Iraq as conveyed to him by our intelligence community?
Then why did on the night of the attack, she told Chelsea it was a terrorist attack?
Did you not read any of the reports from any of the 8 GOP-led investigations? All this was covered. All of this has been covered on numerous threads on these fora.

The stories were changing throughout that night. One of those initial accounts, which ultimately turned out to be the actual reason, was a coordinated pre-planned attack. At some point during that first night, that was the thinking and that was the story Hillary conveyed to Chelsea. But as events unfolded, there was a belief it was spontaneous because of the video due to other such spontaneous outbreaks. Our intelligence community investigated and their initial conclusion was the video. About 2 weeks later, they revised that conclusion, based on new evidence, that it was not the video.

So there is an attack lasting hours across the globe; and the nutty right wants to skewer Hillary because her story changed as the stream of Intel kept changing.

Until Hillary's e-mail came out, when she told Chelsea that it was a terrorist attack, on the night it happened. Also tell me why the British and the red cross knew to get their guys out of there. You really need to quit lying for Hillary, it make you look stupid.
Common Sense is all you need there pal..

Often that's just what is said by people to excuse the superficial nature of their assertions.

If it really was as obvious as you say then 8 in-depth looks into the matter by people interested in nothing more than to prove that "common-sense" as facts should have definitively confirmed your assertions.

They haven't.

Hey, think what you want.

If you don't have enough common sense to see what's right in front of you its no skin off my ass.

Continue to believe she had nothing to do with those deaths if it makes you feel good.

Oh and you are another one that needs an investigation to tell you what to believe.

Thank you for the permission.

Here is what is common sense to me - nobody had more interest in self-preservation than Stevens, the guy that was on the actual ground, the guy that had more interest than anyone else in the world to save his own skin. The fact that even given all that he still decided to stay tells me that leaving WASN'T the obvious choice you make sound to be from the comfort of your couch and retrospect.

FURTHER, Republicans had every interest in pinning this tragedy on some sort of flaw in Hillary's ability or intent. They couldn't. If it was as dry cut as you seem to think it is, then they WOULD HAVE.
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Hm, maybe they should not be so fast to talk then?



So the question is, why does this person blame the problem of her son being dead on Clinton saying something?

Mm, don't think that's the case at all. Seems she is mad that Hillary and Bamma fucked the shit show up and got four people, her son included killed.
Dishonestly exploiting a tragedy for political gain. Good work, GOP.
Oh, you mean like Obama doing a gun grab after a couple of terrorists shoot up California! Or maybe when he is talking about it's the guns fault when one of his BLM followers kill police officers.

I think Trump sucks, but I also believe he is going to win. Why? Because the alternative is sooooooooooo disgusting, it will drive even those who despise Trump to vote for him in self defense!
Of course a scumbag fucking DemoRAT piece of shit has to make a truly stupid comment!

CapitalZero ^ | 07/18/2016 | Josh Feldman
Chris Matthews immediately reacted to the RNC speech delivered by a mother of one of the Benghazi victims by saying the GOP “ruined their evening” with that speech. Matthews tore into “this gross accusation that somehow Hillary Clinton had anything to do with the death of Chris Stevens” and the three other victims. He didn’t understand why the GOP “would choose to put this on primetime television” and said it’s just “not true” no matter what Smith’s personal feelings are.

Common LIES and SPINNING from a known LIAR and SPINNER!
Did Hillary tell Mrs Smith it was a video that caused the riots or not? She lied to that woman as her son was being carried off the transport plane.

Was it Clinton telling her something that caused her son's death? Because that's what this woman was saying and it's of course NOT TRUE, anyone with half a thought understands this.

So why did she go up there and say it?
What kind of fucking nonsensical argument are you trying to make as you attempt to misrepresent what that mother said in anguish? Hillary didn't send help and refused it when asked prior to the attack. The lie to the mother was saying the attack was because of a film so the mother wouldn't blame her. The mother, Pat Smith, didn't go public until it came out that Hillary lied about the film being the cause. If you can't debate honestly, you should be ignored.

You're on notice!

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