Patricia Smith, mother of Benghazi victim - Republican National Convention

Yes she is a pathological liar.

Yea? Because it seems conservatives are the ones performing the pathological lying about Hillary.
I see so you like your pathological liar.

I lean towards the Tea Party republicans not the investment bankers who claim to be conservatives filling their own pocket books regardless of us peons in the cheap seats.

She's no angel (except when compared to pants-on-fire Trump), but it strikes me a bit odd that the people that keep asserting that Hillary is a liar, keep needing to resort to discredited lies to support that argument.
Failed to do her job. Gross Negligence is a criminal act.

Did you advise the multiple committees that investigated Hillary and benghazi? I know you didn't. But it's a shame you weren't there to shed such light and clarity. Why didn't you contribute more to the investigation? Hell, you got ALL the answers.

Maybe a speaking slot at the republican convention? Give a shout out to your USMB fans.

Gimme a b B, gimme a e E, gimme an n N, gimme a g G, gimme a h H, gimme an a A, gimme a z Z, gimme an i I, whats that spell,? HILLARY, what's that spell, HILLARY.

You'll be a.great hit if you use that cheer.
Yes she is a pathological liar.

Yea? Because it seems conservatives are the ones performing the pathological lying about Hillary.
I see so you like your pathological liar.

I lean towards the Tea Party republicans not the investment bankers who claim to be conservatives filling their own pocket books regardless of us peons in the cheap seats.

She's no angel (except when compared to pants-on-fire Trump), but it strikes me a bit odd that the people that keep asserting that Hillary is a liar, keep needing to resort to discredited lies to support that argument.
Did you miss Comey's
appearance before congress? He testified to Hillary's lies. Remember?
So the question is, why does this person blame the problem of her son being dead on Clinton saying something?

Ever notice how republicans always want to blame terrorists for deaths..........Right up to the point where they stop blaming terrorists and blame clinton.

The terrorists did the killings. Somebody point that out to some of these right wing whack jobs.

If Hitlery and her State Department had done their jobs there would have been no Benghazi and four dead men.

Left wing idiot that you are.
Why wouldn't Hillary tell her that? That's what the CIA was telling State.

Bullshit. The CIA knew it was terrorists from the get go and that's what they told the administration.

Its was that douche in the white house and his crew that started that crap about the video. He was more worried about his reelection than he was four dead men and an attack in Libya.
Sorry, but you can't get away with telling lies like that anymore. Not after 8 GOP-led investigations. None of which found the lies you are telling to be true.

The CIA knew it was terrorists. They were in contact with the CIA at the Annex numbnuts.

Of course you are the idiot who needs an investigation to tell you what to believe.

Carry on numbnuts.

This has been beyond thoroughly investigated.

None of the 8 GOP-led investigations found the lies you spew.


You prefer to believe that the video was the cause. Just shows what a mindless drone you are.

The CIA was in contact with the Annex. You don't think those at the Annex knew who was attacking them and there was no demonstration.

You are a mindless, clueless fool.

Carry on mindless.
No, I prefer what 8 GOP-led investigations uncovered. I have no doubt you were all Gung-ho while those investigations were on-going. Probably wringing your hands in anticipation. Now that all 8 have found neither Obama nor Hillary lied, you idiotically think you can cast them aside and ignore their findings.

Well, shit... that isn't gonna happen.

Like it or not, you're stuck with what they found. And what they found is that for two weeks, the CIA informed the White House and the State Department that the video the catalyst for the attack.

Deal with it or choke on it. Either way, it's a win-win for me.
Bullshit. The CIA knew it was terrorists from the get go and that's what they told the administration.

Its was that douche in the white house and his crew that started that crap about the video. He was more worried about his reelection than he was four dead men and an attack in Libya.
Sorry, but you can't get away with telling lies like that anymore. Not after 8 GOP-led investigations. None of which found the lies you are telling to be true.

The CIA knew it was terrorists. They were in contact with the CIA at the Annex numbnuts.

Of course you are the idiot who needs an investigation to tell you what to believe.

Carry on numbnuts.

This has been beyond thoroughly investigated.

None of the 8 GOP-led investigations found the lies you spew.


You prefer to believe that the video was the cause. Just shows what a mindless drone you are.

The CIA was in contact with the Annex. You don't think those at the Annex knew who was attacking them and there was no demonstration.

You are a mindless, clueless fool.

Carry on mindless.
No, I prefer what 8 GOP-led investigations uncovered. I have no doubt you were all Gung-ho while those investigations were on-going. Probably wringing your hands in anticipation. Now that all 8 have found neither Obama nor Hillary loed, you idiotically think you can cast them aside and ignore their findings.

Well, shit... that isn't gonna happen.

Like it or not, you're stuck with what they found. And what they found is that for two weeks, the CIA informed the White House and the State Department that the video the catalyst for the attack.

Deal with it or choke on it. Either way, it's a win-win for me.

Oh like I didn't know they would find Hitlery guilty of nothing? She did nothing criminal. Incompetence isn't criminal. Its just cost the lives of four good men because she and her State Department were grossly incompetent.

Oh and the FBI had no problem telling one and all about how stupid, careless and incompetent she was with her emails.

To bad you can't be thrown in jail for incompetence because she and her entire State Department would be sharing a cell.

Oh and I don't need an investigation to know incompetence when I see it. You apparently do.

You can choke on that dumbasss.
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She also attacked a twelve year old that was brutally raped in her early career even though she knew the perps were guilty.

Isn't that what we pay public defenders to do? To the best of their ability? Of course the most damning part of the case was when she challenged the evidence, and turns out the Sheriff's office had lost it! What lawyer wouldn't take advantage of that, and make a plea deal?
When she made up a bald face lie attacking that twelve year old she was lying her ass off. No lying is not supposed to be acceptable in court or as a senator, to protect your scumbag husband or as a Secretary of State. A law license does not give you a license to lie, steal or cheat.
Yet she told her own family members a completely different narrative.

She lied to a mother that lost her son while executing Hillary’s plan.
as Mrs Clinton testified under oath in October's congressional hearing when questioned on this, the situation was FLUID, changing by the minute. The administration was told by the Cia that this was from a protest of the you tube video gone bad, then the CIA received information that an Al Qaeda type group was taking credit for the attack, THEN the CIA told them that the Terrorist group who initially took credit... RENEGED, and said they didn't do it...

It was 2 weeks before the CIA confirmed the terrorist group that took credit, then immediately reneged credit, actually did it. AND also from the 8 Benghazi Investigations, to this very day, the CIA still believes the youtube video, may have been a part of it.

SHE didn't lie... it was simply the 'fog of war'... and the information she was fed by the CIA changing, minute by minute.

Hm, maybe they should not be so fast to talk then? Maybe wait and see what happens before they go on Sunday news shows? Hillery was the boss of that shit show. She failed. In most jobs, losers don't fail up as they do in politics. At a minimum she as well as those under and above her are grossly incompetent.

Maybe it was not to the USA's benefit to make heroes out of the terrorist attackers...?

Maybe, the video mantra helped save lives at all of the other embassies being attacked in the region at the same time for the video? Report.pdf

Failed to do her job. Gross Negligence is a criminal act.

Did you advise the multiple committees that investigated Hillary and benghazi? I know you didn't. But it's a shame you weren't there to shed such light and clarity. Why didn't you contribute more to the investigation? Hell, you got ALL the answers.

Maybe a speaking slot at the republican convention? Give a shout out to your USMB fans.

Gimme a b B, gimme a e E, gimme an n N, gimme a g G, gimme a h H, gimme an a A, gimme a z Z, gimme an i I, whats that spell,? HILLARY, what's that spell, HILLARY.

You'll be a.great hit if you use that cheer.

Didn't get the opportunity. However, I wouldn't have lied like that bitch did.

So sad you support a criminal. Do you think supporting her means you'll get a piece from her?
Oh like I didn't know they would find Hitlery guilty of nothing? She did nothing criminal.

Well, we are 13 pages into this thread and we now have finally found ONE conservative who has managed to admit that Patricia Smith is obviously wrong.
Oh like I didn't know they would find Hitlery guilty of nothing? She did nothing criminal.

Well that's refreshing - at least one conservative has managed to admit that Patricia Smith is wrong.

Glad you think she was wrong because I sure don't.

The incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department were the cause of the death of her son. Then Hitlery lied her ass off about the whole thing.

Hitlery will never be held accountable for anything she does and only and idiot would ever think she would be.
I felt bad for her, she's obviously still reeling from her son's death and she deserves nothing less than sympathy. She looked and acted like she desperately needed counseling.
Yes, she is pissed Hillary placed him in the position in which he was killed. He died to run guns to the "moderates". Hillary lied to her face because she has no heart.
Hillary did not lie. We know that because 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi have failed to find any evidence she lied to Smith's mother. What was determined by the GOP-led investigations was that for the first two weeks following the attack, which is when Hillary spoke with her, the information coming from our intelligence agencies was that the attack was provoked by the video.

It's not a lie to inform others what you believe from the intelligence community. Didn't you learn anything from Bush promoting WMD in Iraq as conveyed to him by our intelligence community?
Then why did on the night of the attack, she told Chelsea it was a terrorist attack?
Did you not read any of the reports from any of the 8 GOP-led investigations? All this was covered. All of this has been covered on numerous threads on these fora.

The stories were changing throughout that night. One of those initial accounts, which ultimately turned out to be the actual reason, was a coordinated pre-planned attack. At some point during that first night, that was the thinking and that was the story Hillary conveyed to Chelsea. But as events unfolded, there was a belief it was spontaneous because of the video due to other such spontaneous outbreaks. Our intelligence community investigated and their initial conclusion was the video. About 2 weeks later, they revised that conclusion, based on new evidence, that it was not the video.

So there is an attack lasting hours across the globe; and the nutty right wants to skewer Hillary because her story changed as the stream of Intel kept changing.

If I was Trump I would fly her around to every Hillary event so she could attend and call Hillary out. She would be Hillary's nightmare.

Have her demand Hillary tell the truth, apologize for her son's death, and apologize for calling her and the other loved ones 'liars'!
Did Hillary tell Mrs Smith it was a video that caused the riots or not Chris Mathews? She lied to that woman whose son was being carried off the transport plane at that moment.
Why wouldn't Hillary tell her that? That's what the CIA was telling State.

Bullshit. The CIA knew it was terrorists from the get go and that's what they told the administration.

Its was that douche in the white house and his crew that started that crap about the video. He was more worried about his reelection than he was four dead men and an attack in Libya.
Sorry, but you can't get away with telling lies like that anymore. Not after 8 GOP-led investigations. None of which found the lies you are telling to be true.

actually the investigations proved that Hillary and obozo lied to the American people and sent Rice on the Sunday shows as their stooge.

At the same time HRC was telling America and the families of the dead that it was a video, she was telling her daughter and the Egyptian prime minister that it was an act of terror.

then she screeched "what difference at this point does it make" Well, bitch, the difference it makes is that you LIED.
Nothing new with Hitlery's lies.
View attachment 82108
More lies on top of lies. That's all you rightwingnuts have.

Zeifman didn't fire Hillary. He couldn't, he wasn't her boss. The reality to that story is that Nixon resigned and the panel on which Hillary was seated was disbanded because it was no longer needed.
Yes she is a pathological liar.

Yea? Because it seems conservatives are the ones performing the pathological lying about Hillary.
I see so you like your pathological liar.

I lean towards the Tea Party republicans not the investment bankers who claim to be conservatives filling their own pocket books regardless of us peons in the cheap seats.

She's no angel (except when compared to pants-on-fire Trump), but it strikes me a bit odd that the people that keep asserting that Hillary is a liar, keep needing to resort to discredited lies to support that argument.
Oh like I didn't know they would find Hitlery guilty of nothing? She did nothing criminal.

Well that's refreshing - at least one conservative has managed to admit that Patricia Smith is wrong.

Glad you think she was wrong because I sure don't.

The incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department were the cause of the death of her son. Then Hitlery lied her ass off about the whole thing.

Hitlery will never be held accountable for anything she does and only and idiot would ever think she would be.
Funny how not one of eight GOP-led investigations could find the hallucinations you see.
Sorry, but you can't get away with telling lies like that anymore. Not after 8 GOP-led investigations. None of which found the lies you are telling to be true.

The CIA knew it was terrorists. They were in contact with the CIA at the Annex numbnuts.

Of course you are the idiot who needs an investigation to tell you what to believe.

Carry on numbnuts.

This has been beyond thoroughly investigated.

None of the 8 GOP-led investigations found the lies you spew.


You prefer to believe that the video was the cause. Just shows what a mindless drone you are.

The CIA was in contact with the Annex. You don't think those at the Annex knew who was attacking them and there was no demonstration.

You are a mindless, clueless fool.

Carry on mindless.
No, I prefer what 8 GOP-led investigations uncovered. I have no doubt you were all Gung-ho while those investigations were on-going. Probably wringing your hands in anticipation. Now that all 8 have found neither Obama nor Hillary loed, you idiotically think you can cast them aside and ignore their findings.

Well, shit... that isn't gonna happen.

Like it or not, you're stuck with what they found. And what they found is that for two weeks, the CIA informed the White House and the State Department that the video the catalyst for the attack.

Deal with it or choke on it. Either way, it's a win-win for me.

Oh like I didn't know they would find Hitlery guilty of nothing? She did nothing criminal. Incompetence isn't criminal. Its just cost the lives of four good men because she and her State Department were grossly incompetent.

Oh and the FBI had no problem telling one and all about how stupid, careless and incompetent she was with her emails.

To bad you can't be thrown in jail for incompetence because she and her entire State Department would be sharing a cell.

Oh and I don't need an investigation to know incompetence when I see it. You apparently do.

You can choke on that dumbasss.
You're fucking insane to think the GOP was covering for Hillary.

Eight times!

Why wouldn't Hillary tell her that? That's what the CIA was telling State.

Bullshit. The CIA knew it was terrorists from the get go and that's what they told the administration.

Its was that douche in the white house and his crew that started that crap about the video. He was more worried about his reelection than he was four dead men and an attack in Libya.
Sorry, but you can't get away with telling lies like that anymore. Not after 8 GOP-led investigations. None of which found the lies you are telling to be true.

actually the investigations proved that Hillary and obozo lied to the American people and sent Rice on the Sunday shows as their stooge.

At the same time HRC was telling America and the families of the dead that it was a video, she was telling her daughter and the Egyptian prime minister that it was an act of terror.

then she screeched "what difference at this point does it make" Well, bitch, the difference it makes is that you LIED.
Nothing new with Hitlery's lies.
View attachment 82108
More lies on top of lies. That's all you rightwingnuts have.

Zeifman didn't fire Hillary. He couldn't, he wasn't her boss. The reality to that story is that Nixon resigned and the panel on which Hillary was seated was disbanded because it was no longer needed.
Sure just like the lies about that slitch making off with national antiquities, silverware etc. and then not even returning those irreplaceable items. Instead she was made to pay a paltry amount of cash. I hope she rots in hell and the attorneys strips her and all that are associated with her to the bare bones and her and Bill have to go live back at the old home place in Hope, Arkansas.
Oh like I didn't know they would find Hitlery guilty of nothing? She did nothing criminal.

Well that's refreshing - at least one conservative has managed to admit that Patricia Smith is wrong.

Glad you think she was wrong because I sure don't.

The incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department were the cause of the death of her son. Then Hitlery lied her ass off about the whole thing.

Hitlery will never be held accountable for anything she does and only and idiot would ever think she would be.
Funny how not one of eight GOP-led investigations could find the hallucinations you see.

Glad you find anyone seeing Hitlery's incompetence a hallucination.

From where I stand you are the one hallucinating. Seems you are ignoring her incompetence.

Ah well. You can't cure stupid.

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