Patricia Smith, mother of Benghazi victim - Republican National Convention


she is whore . whore sale their body for money .but she did sale her son soul for money
what is different ?

No...she's a grieving mother......but others are using her grief.

You mean like Democrats used Cindy Sheehan, a grieving mother of a son killed in Iraq, to further their opposition of G. Bush?

You know...she's still around, blaming Obama....

When Democrats were using her and considering her relevant, she was blaming Bush. Don't hear anything about her like you did when Bush was President. The Democrats threw her away like a piece of used up trash.
Failed to do her job. Gross Negligence is a criminal act.

Gross negligence to a level of a criminal act? Yea? Really? Where did you pull those words from?

Your ass or perhaps one of the Republican run committees that have been probing this matter for years now?

I'll go with your ass, because I'm sure as hell the reason those Republicans buried their report was not because they found something on Hillary.

This is another one of those examples where conservatives can't stand reality's liberal bias so much that they have to make sht up as a coping mechanism.

Reported for gross malfeasance and totally misrepresenting my post

Here's what my quote actually said,

"Hillary lied to the face of the families who were killed at Benghazi

“We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest" - Hillary Clinton

Is she a registered idiot or just a freelancer?

We all know you are a REGISTERED IDIOT....You will vote for this murderer!


Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi

Republicans are swine to use this unstable woman for what they perceive as political gain.



Is she a registered idiot or just a freelancer?

We all know you are a REGISTERED IDIOT....You will vote for this murderer!


Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi

Republicans are swine to use this unstable woman for what they perceive as political gain.



You forgot the bang! Bang! Oink oink bang bang,

she is whore . whore sale their body for money .but she did sale her son soul for money
what is different ?

No...she's a grieving mother......but others are using her grief.

You mean like Democrats used Cindy Sheehan, a grieving mother of a son killed in Iraq, to further their opposition of G. Bush?

You know...she's still around, blaming Obama....

When Democrats were using her and considering her relevant, she was blaming Bush. Don't hear anything about her like you did when Bush was President. The Democrats threw her away like a piece of used up trash.

FOX broken?
Why was the ambassador there when all other countries had pulled their ambassadors knowing it was too dangerous?

Because he knew too much? They were done "using" him. They set it up? Sent no help? Hide the ISIS arming story? Just a thought......
Of course a scumbag fucking DemoRAT piece of shit has to make a truly stupid comment!

CapitalZero ^ | 07/18/2016 | Josh Feldman
Chris Matthews immediately reacted to the RNC speech delivered by a mother of one of the Benghazi victims by saying the GOP “ruined their evening” with that speech. Matthews tore into “this gross accusation that somehow Hillary Clinton had anything to do with the death of Chris Stevens” and the three other victims. He didn’t understand why the GOP “would choose to put this on primetime television” and said it’s just “not true” no matter what Smith’s personal feelings are.

Common LIES and SPINNING from a known LIAR and SPINNER!
Did Hillary tell Mrs Smith it was a video that caused the riots or not Chris Mathews? She lied to that woman whose son was being carried off the transport plane at that moment.
Why wouldn't Hillary tell her that? That's what the CIA was telling State.
Sounds like everyone is blaming somebody else. Shows nobody is willing to accept responsibility. Regardless of what Hillary said, or the CIA said or how she gamed the Benghazi committee, Hiliary is a champion liar and a murderer, True story.

Just more fabrications.

FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

Zeifman had no authority to "terminate" Hillary. They were members of different staffs, and Zeifman had no hiring or firing authority over members of the Impeachment Inquiry staff for which Hillary worked.
Yes she is a pathological liar. Regardless of the improper use of English in that picture. She also attacked a twelve year old that was brutally raped in her early career even though she knew the perps were guilty. She is an unconscionable witch no matter how much you try to defend her.
Hillary Rodham Clinton History

Yes she is a pathological liar.

Yea? Because it seems conservatives are the ones performing the pathological lying about Hillary.
I see so you like your pathological liar.

I lean towards the Tea Party republicans not the investment bankers who claim to be conservatives filling their own pocket books regardless of us peons in the cheap seats.
I heard that poor woman stumble through her speech on the radio last night. I felt sorry for her. She was obviously given a slogan-laden script by someone who wrote that jingoistic shit for her, and she read it as though she had never seen it before. It is terrible they have exploited a grieving mother like this. And the mob's hoots and hollers were creepy.

I would bet hard money 99 percent of the rubes who shed crocodile tears over the Four Dead Americans™ can't even name them.
She also attacked a twelve year old that was brutally raped in her early career even though she knew the perps were guilty.

Isn't that what we pay public defenders to do? To the best of their ability? Of course the most damning part of the case was when she challenged the evidence, and turns out the Sheriff's office had lost it! What lawyer wouldn't take advantage of that, and make a plea deal?

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