Patriots yearn for the America we used to know

lennypartiv in #1 said: They have fond memories of the past. They want the return of the glory days of America. They understand what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be. • ¥ • ---It’s the name Jesus, talk about it, say it. Pray to Him, talk about the sacrifice on the cross, that’s the answer. Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers--- • ¥¥ • lnnyprtv.23.12.12 #1

NotfooledbyW in #156 said: “John Adams was a Deistic Unitarian, which meant he didn’t believe in original sin, salvation through the blood of Christ, the concept of the Trinity, and all the rest that goes with a thousand years of organized superstition. •••• Why do you call him a “Christian?”” nf.23.10.06 #156 to nmdc.23.07.22 #129

to lnnyprtv.23.12.12 #1
They have fond memories of the past. They want the return of the glory days of America. They understand what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be.

---It’s the name Jesus, talk about it, say it. Pray to Him, talk about the sacrifice on the cross, that’s the answer. Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers---

Praise God, we need to return to the American past. Look at all the poor Black people and white people in America today. It’s a disgrace.

I think we had to respect our American ancestors, whatever color they were. They had traditional Christian values.

We definitely need to go back to how things were in the 1940s and 50s without the segregation. But it’s really important for all the BLM supporters to stop lying to themselves. They do it every day. They never talk about the blacks in Africa that owned white slaves. And they’re part of the problem in this country. We all must accept that slavery and racism was a worldwide issue, but America was one of the greatest countries to fight against it.
A few years down the road, many folks are gonna look back, and pine for the "good Ole days" of the present.
I will respectfully disagree. Simply because nowadays you have insanity boys going into the girls bathrooms, hatred of America. I think it’s safe to say that generations down the road people will look back at America of the 2020s and say what the heck is wrong with the government of this time. Why did they stab themselves in the foot.
They have fond memories of the past. They want the return of the glory days of America. They understand what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be.

---It’s the name Jesus, talk about it, say it. Pray to Him, talk about the sacrifice on the cross, that’s the answer. Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers---

The death penalty is against Christianity. So is abortion. It’s all about forgiveness and love.
But, those people support trump, who is against the constitution, even though he took an oath to protect and defend it, which he broke, like he does all oaths before God or anybody else. Now he says he will be a dictator on day one. Even Hannity gave him opportunity to correct, but no. He is danger and his supporters are dangerous. Better put your money on Nikki, or just plain lose.
Haley is paid for by lobbyist for Israel and Ukraine. We don’t need that. That’s unacceptable.

She’s one of those people who think America can invade other countries, but other countries can’t invade other countries. So it doesn’t make any sense to support Ukraine because Russia did not support Iraq in 2003. Among many other reasons.
I know I do.

We don't even need to go back that far. I don't want 1864 America or anything. Just 1980 America would be fine, even 1990.

All I want is when America had American values, pride, morals, and standards. When kids said the pledge of allegiance, when people were proud to sing the national anthem at events, when crime didn't pay and drugs were bad, when "America is for Americans", when being a Christian was something most people were, and so on.
This 100%. But we should think about the 1950s because back then the children born out of Wedlock rate among blacks and white was astronomically lower. Look at the inner cities where it’s mostly Black people living in degradation. By the 1980s we had a crack cocaine epidemic bought. At least we did not have the mass school shootings.

The anti-gun people are very ignorant because most of them are pro BLM. And they don’t care about the fact that we had zero or a few mass shootings from 1900 to 1990 per year. Now there’s mass shootings in America every week.

The BLM people are some of the most racist people around, or they simply are brainwashed. You can see it in this form they lie all the time they tell people what their views are they’re completely dishonest… they don’t care about blacks who owned white slaves throughout history.

That’s what blm politics gets you its poverty and degradation.
What exactly is the America we used to know? If you're talking g about the 50s I lived thru them. Plenty of abject misery.
That’s not what all of my senior citizen friends tell me. They love the times of Elvis Presley and The Beatles. There were no mass school shootings in that era. Hell parent could walk into the school without any security and pick their kid up. Now look at how ugly and degraded this country is. You have to go through all these security checkpoints to get into a school to pick up your kid.
I will respectfully disagree. Simply because nowadays you have insanity boys going into the girls bathrooms, hatred of America. I think it’s safe to say that generations down the road people will look back at America of the 2020s and say what the heck is wrong with the government of this time. Why did they stab themselves in the foot.
I wasn't talking generations...
That’s not what all of my senior citizen friends tell me. They love the times of Elvis Presley and The Beatles. There were no mass school shootings in that era. Hell parent could walk into the school without any security and pick their kid up. Now look at how ugly and degraded this country is. You have to go through all these security checkpoints to get into a school to pick up your kid.

And women had fewer rights. Minorities were treated badly with impunity. Gays were beaten up. Yeah, it was paradise.

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