Patriots yearn for the America we used to know

So then it's free for the majority of blacks to vote democrat without hearing or reading the garbage from morons like you.

If dems promise you a free shoe shine go for it
No, they aren't guilt ridden. Nor do they hate their culture. They are what sane folk call people who are taking responsibility for the bad behavior of whites like you. People who are working to make this country what it can actually be. The belief in white supremacy is not an inherent right that comes with being white and America is not a white country. It is whites like you who hate your culture and country.
White lib apologists for black underperformance do hate their own country and are willing see America take it on the chin as punishment for slavery
They have fond memories of the past. They want the return of the glory days of America. They understand what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be.

---It’s the name Jesus, talk about it, say it. Pray to Him, talk about the sacrifice on the cross, that’s the answer. Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers---

What's your favorite part? Jim Crow? Genocide of Natives? Women as second class citizens? Blacklists?
White lib apologists for black underperformance do hate their own country and are willing see America take it on the chin as punishment for slavery
No right wing white racists who contine the behavior then talk about black underperformance while they do it hate America. You can stop pretending that it's only about slavery. Your racism is evidence that the argument is all about the present time.
What have “they” given Jews?
Democrats have not given blacks anything.

But the government has given whites, to include whites who practice the Jewish religion, plenty.

Democrats have not given blacks anything.

But the government has given whites, to include whites who practice the Jewish religion, plenty.

1830 is your black rage reference point?


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