Patriots yearn for the America we used to know

They have fond memories of the past. They want the return of the glory days of America. They understand what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be.

---It’s the name Jesus, talk about it, say it. Pray to Him, talk about the sacrifice on the cross, that’s the answer. Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers---

Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods

The Right Wing of the toxic ruling class, or its slaves, is always trying to bring in the ruling class's God or the ruling class's Constitution. They're the same superstition, a tyranny we are brainwashed to worship.
What glory days? This nation was built on a godless foundation. Talking about Jesus and saying his name means nothing. Your works mean something and praising Jesus name while simultaneously committing genocide, enslaving people and practicing apartheid while abusing your own women is what you want to return to?

IF you go back to that, you will gain a first hand understand of the reality called God's wrath. Disagree if you want, click the fake news and laughing smileys all you want, but if you think COVIID was bad, try returning to the days you talk about.

Nope, this time around we wil not allow democrats to do all those horrible things again.
They have fond memories of the past. They want the return of the glory days of America. They understand what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be.

---It’s the name Jesus, talk about it, say it. Pray to Him, talk about the sacrifice on the cross, that’s the answer. Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers---

Do you agree with his call for the death penalty to non-Christians?
What's your favorite part? Jim Crow? Genocide of Natives? Women as second class citizens? Blacklists?
I dont see human behavior improved in other parts of the world

So take your white guilt trip somewhere else

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