Paul Gosar is Censured

That video is threatening and intimidating.

Which is illegal.

That law clearly says that it's illegal to intimidate and threaten an elected official.

You aren't the person who determines what is threatening and intimidating.

Our courts and judicial system does.

I want our courts and judicial system to have their say.

You don't seem to want that.

Nobody threatened anyone, shit for brains. It's satire. What a bunch hysterical snowflakes.
R-Boebert completely destroyed Omar and the squad, and burnt down the House by kicking hypocritical Democrat ass!

She f*ing stepped on Omar like she was a bug, ripping her for her crimes of marrying her brother and violating US Immigration law, marrying & f*ing some other guy, cheating on her next husband, giving her lover millions in campaign cash then marrying the guy, who had the $2 Mill she had given him....

Ripped the squads anti-Semite me.ber after that...

And she finished off by kicking Swalewll in the proverbial nuts by pointing out this traitor had slept WITH CCP spy Fang Fang....

And pointing out bag-o-bones Pelosi had refused to Censure / punish any of them for their crimes and unethical behavior.
Who held up Trumps bloody decapitated head, and which Dem congressperson or senator said it was OK?
None of them censured HER. Worthless no-goods, one and all.

I take no interest in their whining if they aren't going to put that woman in jail.
Censured by the democrat majority and stripped of meaningless committee membership. Boo hoo. When are the investigators going to get around to investigating the president's money laundering scheme through his son who is selling amateur art junk for more than Picasso originals?
"Boo hoo"

Yet here you are, whining like a little B about it.
From what I understand, there will be Censures of Progs who open up their mouths and are corrupted and traitors. Maxine Walters should have been censured easily for her remarks. Republicans were threatened and injured and worse if you fail to remember. Progs pushed violence. And they got it. Repubs follow what Progs do. Trump tried to warn the proletariat that votes Prog but to no avail as the media/entertainer/elites shills were jus to strong with endless pockets. Repubs will do what you did come a little over a year from now. They better deal with the new Prog programs also.
If LibProgs publish or speak threats of violence or even memes illustrating violence against colleagues, then you can bitch-slap them too. It's only fair.
None of them censured HER. Worthless no-goods, one and all.

I take no interest in their whining if they aren't going to put that woman in jail.
Which congress person or senator held up a dead Trump's head? I honestly don't know to whom you're referring?

But I don't think Gosar should have been censured. Better to let him be gop poster boy, as was Steve King. He's their dog shit, so let them clean it up.
I quite agree that what Gosar did was poor taste, juvenile, and dumb. Not criminal.

But beyond that idiot Representative who has long left a trail of breadcrumbs to his level of aspect of this whole brouhaha that I found notable was: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

I listened to her speak today about this vote. She is impressive in these situations of high-dudgeon. She can bring it. Credibly.

Recall how she appropriately, righteously, gut & skinned that boneheaded Representative, Ted Yoho of Florda, on the floor of the House for calling front of a journalist and one or more other legislators.....a "f****** bitch".

The way she articulately and earnestly excoriated that mutt was very impressive. You can catch it on YouTube. It is worth the view.
It becomes criminal based on intent. If he let it slip that he intended it as a call to action to violent extremists (who he has a long history of supporting) then it would be criminal. This same question of intent came up years ago when Michelle Bachman produced pictures of Polirical opponents with crosshairs on them and claimed that they were all traitors who wanted to destroy America and some of her supported then tried to assassinate some of them.
Seems to me the head-hunting lady ought to be in jail if this Gosar was censured.

She was investigated by the Secret Service and spent like 6 hours being questioned by them. Did they do the same with Gosar?
But I don't think Gosar should have been censured. Better to let him be gop poster boy, as was Steve King. He's their dog shit, so let them clean it up
Only McCarthy is saying he will give Gosar and Greene more prestigious assignments if Republicans take the House

But I agree….Let them become the face of the NEW Republican Party
If LibProgs publish or speak threats of violence or even memes illustrating violence against colleagues, then you can bitch-slap them too. It's only fair.
Repubs do not do this like Progs. There are many Progs that can be taken to task including TV broadcasters and entertainers. Alec Baldwin deserves anything against him and is even now being treated kindly compared to what it would be if he was a Repub. By Prog agendas he is a murderer. He is a mysoginist for killing a woman. And that is just the beginning. What the hell was he doing holding that weapon. Why did he point it at someone? Why was he there anyway? More questions can be asked. He needs to go to jail more then Rittenhouse.
Repubs do not do this like Progs.
Not unless your Orange Baboon-God returns to power...
There are many Progs that can be taken to task including TV broadcasters and entertainers. Alec Baldwin deserves anything against him and is even now being treated kindly compared to what it would be if he was a Repub. By Prog agendas he is a murderer. He is a mysoginist for killing a woman. And that is just the beginning. What the hell was he doing holding that weapon. Why did he point it at someone? Why was he there anyway? More questions can be asked. He needs to go to jail more then Rittenhouse.
You're way-the-hell off the center line on this one... when someone breaks the law, they get nailed... Pub... Dem... whatever...

And none of this plays to whether or not a sitting Congressman publishing memes depicting violence against a colleague should be censured...

The miserable un-thinking un-American piece-of-$hit got EXACTLY what he deserved...

If a Dem does the same thing, then hammer him-or-her as well....

Wake me up when that happens...

But none of that gets YOUR boy off-the-hook TODAY for what
HE did...
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