Paul Gosar is Censured

Can you tell me who the fuck circe is referring to? I've asked her civilly TWICE

Near as I can tell she wants Congress to do the same thing to someone not a member of Congress as they do with members of Congress.
I guess she did. I didn't pay much attention. She doesn't represent my district.

However, I'm pretty sure whatever her "anti-Semitic remarks" were, they were not directed at any of her colleagues in the House. Nor was there implied violence?
Actually you have to listen carefully to get offended by Omar...

"It's all about the Benjamins baby," a line about $100 bills from a Puff Daddy song. Critics jumped on the tweet and said Omar was calling up a negative and harmful stereotype of Jewish Americans.

In another tweet soon after, Omar named the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, saying it was funding Republican support for Israel.

So her anti-Semitic comment was mentioning money concerning Isreal... Yes that is the country which pumps money into the US lobby industry, but take offence if that is pointed out...
Actually you have to listen carefully to get offended by Omar...

"It's all about the Benjamins baby," a line about $100 bills from a Puff Daddy song. Critics jumped on the tweet and said Omar was calling up a negative and harmful stereotype of Jewish Americans.

In another tweet soon after, Omar named the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, saying it was funding Republican support for Israel.

So her anti-Semitic comment was mentioning money concerning Isreal... Yes that is the country which pumps money into the US lobby industry, but take offence if that is pointed out...
Omar is a fraud. Middle East women are not extreme feminists. She is a plant for the Islamic agendas and Progs promote anything that is not white male. With white males as Progs pushing laws that are to their own suicide, she is empowered although she is beholden to the real male patriarchy of Islamic values. That is why it was so easy for an Islamic man to kill 50 people at a Prog club with mostly males in Orlando and put another 50 into the hospital. It can be done easily anywhere with a little thought.
Let's just keep that spotlight right on him. He just says out loud what a lot of other GOPers are thinking.
That is definitely a better strategy and narrative to keep afloat for Democrats. They are going to need something to have a fighting chance to hang on to the House.
A republican tweets a cartoon and SHOULD BE PROSECUTED according to the left.

A democrat holds up a severed Trump head and we hear crickets.

Fuck you you fucking sons of bitchs pussy ass democrats.

Near as I can tell she wants Congress to do the same thing to someone not a member of Congress as they do with members of Congress.
It is just another lame attempt by Conservatives to say……But you do it too!

Conservatives suck at comparables
She was investigated by the Secret Service and spent like 6 hours being questioned by them. Did they do the same with Gosar?

I must say, I think she SHOULD have been interrogated by the Secret Service!!! I'm surprised it didn't occur to her that wasn't -------- quite the thing.
What part of SHE IS NOT AN ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE does your pea sized brain still not understand?
Why does that matter?

Madonna should have been arrested, too. What, she wants to blow up the White House, and for that she gets cheered by thousands??

Why does that matter?

Madonna should have been arrested, too. What, she wants to blow up the White House, and for that she gets cheered by thousands??

But they are not congress people. They may be loathsome individuals but they are not elected to represent voters of all parties in their districts. And as was already pointed out, congress cannot "censure" soemone who isn't in congress.

But again, imo censuring Gosar was a mistake. The gop should stew in his toxic waste. And while Omar hasn't threated, or given support to those who threaten, another member of congress, she's not very nice.
But they are not congress people. They may be loathsome individuals but they are not elected to represent voters of all parties in their districts. And as was already pointed out, congress cannot "censure" soemone who isn't in congress.
Okay, I see what you mean. True dat.
I don't think hanging a public figure in effigy is illegal. It's not constructive free speech in persuading people, but it is free speech.
You must be right, as neither this Griffin woman or Madonna was charged!

It does seem to me to be inciting to violence, though, and I did think that was illegal.
Won't happen. Sorry. You have to understand that you apoplectic freaks are simply.ply not taken seriously. Not even by the people you vote for.
Oh it will happen.......just wait.....the next time she threatens a republican....girl can't help it.........all too easy.....and we know the squad is good for some old fashioned jew hating.................
They don’t even realize the new normal they have created. Just look at these posts. When this starts happening to dems after next year they will change their tune.
The cries of racism and white supremacy will start....oh wait they already do that on a daily basis........if a democrat doesn't get their way.....RACIIIIIIIISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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