Paul Krugman points out the elephant in the room

he's just saying what many already know:
Over the longer run the point is that one of America’s two major political parties has basically gone off the deep end; policy content aside, a sane party doesn’t hold dozens of votes declaring its intention to repeal a law that everyone knows will stay on the books regardless. And since that party continues to hold substantial blocking power, we are looking at a country that’s increasingly ungovernable.

The trouble is that it’s hard to give this issue anything like the amount of coverage it deserves on substantive grounds without repeating oneself. So I do try to mix it up. But neither you nor I should forget that the madness of the GOP is the central issue of our time.

They'd rather sink the country than work together for the betterment of this great nation. Sad that :(

no, hes just saying what sheep like you want to hear.

when democrats cannot manage to govern the system always seems to be "broken"....give me a break.
"Stay on the books regardless"? That could mean anything from martial law to treason. The ironic thing is that the president has already violated the law by personally dismantling some sections. You can disregard the ignorant lock-step a-hole democrats in the senate but surely the president should know that he has no Constitutional authority to revise a law once it is passed.
The bill to repeal the healthcare law in the House (HR 2) Reads: Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law. Even the GOP house members aren't taking their bill seriously.

job killing? or you mean JOBS that TAXPAYER will now have to pay for that is killing more and more of their hard worked for earnings ?

but you don't care about that, do you
My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law. The bill does not address what is to be done about all changes that have been made, thus they leave it up to the administration to make all decisions. It turns the clock back to 2008 and would immediately create crisis because there is no time table. In short, this is nothing but a political statement that no one not even the people that wrote it took seriously.

on this I agree-

My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law.

that name for a bill is juvenile.

Now s far as a crisis, I'd say that the obamacare bill has made its own bed. they wanted it, they got it and now provide waivers, exemptions and suspension of statutes that make a joke of it and thats on them.
job killing? or you mean JOBS that TAXPAYER will now have to pay for that is killing more and more of their hard worked for earnings ?

but you don't care about that, do you
My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law. The bill does not address what is to be done about all changes that have been made, thus they leave it up to the administration to make all decisions. It turns the clock back to 2008 and would immediately create crisis because there is no time table. In short, this is nothing but a political statement that no one not even the people that wrote it took seriously.

on this I agree-

My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law.

that name for a bill is juvenile.

Now s far as a crisis, I'd say that the obamacare bill has made its own bed. they wanted it, they got it and now provide waivers, exemptions and suspension of statutes that make a joke of it and thats on them.
I'm not going address the exemptions again. Suffice to say that this issue has been exaggerated. Most of the exemptions are temporary; the major one being the employer mandate which is delayed a year. The major parts of law, the employee mandate, insurance exchanges, tax credits, and insurance policy requirements, and medicaid extension all go into effect Jan 1, 2014.

If and when the day comes that Republicans have control of both houses and the presidency, there will be a change to the law, probably adding some things like tort reform but there will be no real repeal because the country will have gone to far to back out. For example, we will never go back to pre-existing conditions. The healthcare exchanges will still be here as they were part of the Republican plan. If you remove the individual mandates, then you'll drive up the cost of insurance. If you drop extended Medicaid, then you'll be taking health insurance away from millions of people. If you eliminate the tax subsidies you drive up the cost of insurance for the poor and the middle class.
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My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law. The bill does not address what is to be done about all changes that have been made, thus they leave it up to the administration to make all decisions. It turns the clock back to 2008 and would immediately create crisis because there is no time table. In short, this is nothing but a political statement that no one not even the people that wrote it took seriously.

on this I agree-

My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law.

that name for a bill is juvenile.

Now s far as a crisis, I'd say that the obamacare bill has made its own bed. they wanted it, they got it and now provide waivers, exemptions and suspension of statutes that make a joke of it and thats on them.
I'm not going address the exemptions again. Suffice to say that this issue has been exaggerated. Most of the exemptions are temporary; the major one being the employer mandate which is delayed a year. The major parts of law, the employee mandate, insurance exchanges, tax credits, and insurance policy requirements, and medicaid extension all go into effect Jan 1, 2014.

If and when the day comes that Republicans have control of both houses and the presidency, there will be a change to the law, probably adding some things like tort reform but there will be no real repeal because the country will have gone to far to back out. For example, we will never go back to pre-existing conditions. The healthcare exchanges will still be here as they were part of the Republican plan. If you remove the individual mandates, then you'll drive up the cost of insurance. If you drop extended Medicaid, then you'll be taking health insurance away from millions of people. If you eliminate the tax subsidies you drive up the cost of insurance for the poor and the middle class.

Not to mention that the Tea Party- controlled House repealing the Affordable Care Act will increase the deficit :thup:

CBO: Repealing Obama healthcare law will increase budget deficit - The Hill's Floor Action

Republicorp has had a year & 1/2 to come up w/ an alternative :eusa_eh: Where is it? :eusa_whistle: On :doubt:
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My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law. The bill does not address what is to be done about all changes that have been made, thus they leave it up to the administration to make all decisions. It turns the clock back to 2008 and would immediately create crisis because there is no time table. In short, this is nothing but a political statement that no one not even the people that wrote it took seriously.

on this I agree-

My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law.

that name for a bill is juvenile.

Now s far as a crisis, I'd say that the obamacare bill has made its own bed. they wanted it, they got it and now provide waivers, exemptions and suspension of statutes that make a joke of it and thats on them.
I'm not going address the exemptions again. Suffice to say that this issue has been exaggerated. Most of the exemptions are temporary; the major one being the employer mandate which is delayed a year. The major parts of law, the employee mandate, insurance exchanges, tax credits, and insurance policy requirements, and medicaid extension all go into effect Jan 1, 2014.

If and when the day comes that Republicans have control of both houses and the presidency, there will be a change to the law, probably adding some things like tort reform but there will be no real repeal because the country will have gone to far to back out. For example, we will never go back to pre-existing conditions. The healthcare exchanges will still be here as they were part of the Republican plan. If you remove the individual mandates, then you'll drive up the cost of insurance. If you drop extended Medicaid, then you'll be taking health insurance away from millions of people. If you eliminate the tax subsidies you drive up the cost of insurance for the poor and the middle class.

If the Republican Party we know of today is the same Republican Party that takes over both houses and the WH, then they won't give 2 shits about the consequenses of repeal.
My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law. The bill does not address what is to be done about all changes that have been made, thus they leave it up to the administration to make all decisions. It turns the clock back to 2008 and would immediately create crisis because there is no time table. In short, this is nothing but a political statement that no one not even the people that wrote it took seriously.

on this I agree-

My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law.

that name for a bill is juvenile.

Now s far as a crisis, I'd say that the obamacare bill has made its own bed. they wanted it, they got it and now provide waivers, exemptions and suspension of statutes that make a joke of it and thats on them.

I'm not going address the exemptions again.

you don't have to address exemptions again, its not necessary; they are EXEMPTIONS- an exemption is an abrogation or reduction in an obligation, the bill set the obligations then had to grant exemptions, I am sorry if that term and the facts flummoxes you... do I need to explain what a waiver is too?

Suffice to say that this issue has been exaggerated. Most of the exemptions are temporary; the major one being the employer mandate which is delayed a year. The major parts of law, the employee mandate, insurance exchanges, tax credits, and insurance policy requirements, and medicaid extension all go into effect Jan 1, 2014.

If and when the day comes that Republicans have control of both houses and the presidency, there will be a change to the law, probably adding some things like tort reform but there will be no real repeal because the country will have gone to far to back out. For example, we will never go back to pre-existing conditions. The healthcare exchanges will still be here as they were part of the Republican plan. If you remove the individual mandates, then you'll drive up the cost of insurance. If you drop extended Medicaid, then you'll be taking health insurance away from millions of people. If you eliminate the tax subsidies you drive up the cost of insurance for the poor and the middle class.

suffice to say that what you are engaged in is an argument in I need to explain that flopper?
he mops the floor w/ the GOP's economic go-to-guy:

Republicans Against Reality
How did the G.O.P. get to this point? On budget issues, the proximate source of the party’s troubles lies in the decision to turn the formulation of fiscal policy over to a con man. Representative Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, has always been a magic-asterisk kind of guy — someone who makes big claims about having a plan to slash deficits but refuses to spell out any of the all-important details. Back in 2011 the Congressional Budget Office, in evaluating one of Mr. Ryan’s plans, came close to open sarcasm; it described the extreme spending cuts Mr. Ryan was assuming, then remarked, tersely, “No proposals were specified that would generate that path.”
on this I agree-

My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law.

that name for a bill is juvenile.

Now s far as a crisis, I'd say that the obamacare bill has made its own bed. they wanted it, they got it and now provide waivers, exemptions and suspension of statutes that make a joke of it and thats on them.
I'm not going address the exemptions again. Suffice to say that this issue has been exaggerated. Most of the exemptions are temporary; the major one being the employer mandate which is delayed a year. The major parts of law, the employee mandate, insurance exchanges, tax credits, and insurance policy requirements, and medicaid extension all go into effect Jan 1, 2014.

If and when the day comes that Republicans have control of both houses and the presidency, there will be a change to the law, probably adding some things like tort reform but there will be no real repeal because the country will have gone to far to back out. For example, we will never go back to pre-existing conditions. The healthcare exchanges will still be here as they were part of the Republican plan. If you remove the individual mandates, then you'll drive up the cost of insurance. If you drop extended Medicaid, then you'll be taking health insurance away from millions of people. If you eliminate the tax subsidies you drive up the cost of insurance for the poor and the middle class.

Not to mention that the Tea Party- controlled House repealing the Affordable Care Act will increase the deficit :thup:

CBO: Repealing Obama healthcare law will increase budget deficit - The Hill's Floor Action

Republicorp has had a year & 1/2 to come up w/ an alternative :eusa_eh: Where is it? :eusa_whistle: On :doubt:

oh, so you're worried about the ....defitcit :lol: dude, getdafuhouttahere with that BS...:eusa_hand:
Wheres the Republicans health care plan. :dunno: Certainly they have one ready to be voted upon once they repeal the Affordable Care Act (AKA- Romneycare) :eusa_whistle:

Wonder when they'll hold their 41st vote?
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My Krugman threads are guaranteed to draw CrusaderFrank out :)
I pray that capable women opponent down there gives him his pink slip in '14 :thup:
on this I agree-

My point is that the House named the bill "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law", which is a political statement, certainly not a fit name for a law.

that name for a bill is juvenile.

Now s far as a crisis, I'd say that the obamacare bill has made its own bed. they wanted it, they got it and now provide waivers, exemptions and suspension of statutes that make a joke of it and thats on them.

you don't have to address exemptions again, its not necessary; they are EXEMPTIONS- an exemption is an abrogation or reduction in an obligation, the bill set the obligations then had to grant exemptions, I am sorry if that term and the facts flummoxes you... do I need to explain what a waiver is too?

Suffice to say that this issue has been exaggerated. Most of the exemptions are temporary; the major one being the employer mandate which is delayed a year. The major parts of law, the employee mandate, insurance exchanges, tax credits, and insurance policy requirements, and medicaid extension all go into effect Jan 1, 2014.

If and when the day comes that Republicans have control of both houses and the presidency, there will be a change to the law, probably adding some things like tort reform but there will be no real repeal because the country will have gone to far to back out. For example, we will never go back to pre-existing conditions. The healthcare exchanges will still be here as they were part of the Republican plan. If you remove the individual mandates, then you'll drive up the cost of insurance. If you drop extended Medicaid, then you'll be taking health insurance away from millions of people. If you eliminate the tax subsidies you drive up the cost of insurance for the poor and the middle class.

suffice to say that what you are engaged in is an argument in I need to explain that flopper?
The law gives the administration the power to issue regulations such as changes in implementation dates and refinements within the scope of the law. These are not exemptions to the law because the power to make these changes are included in law.

Most of the changes made have been to allow insurers and businesses more time to comply with the law. Obama has said his administration would work with businesses and insurers in the implementation of the law which is exactly what he has done.
The "official" class system has begun. You will do as the elite intellectual government types tell, you, the ignorant masses to do. If you will not do it willingly, you will be enticed or as a last resort, forced. Welcome to the midnight hour on fun island when all the partying people start turning into jackasses to be forced into slavery.....

The GOP wants to take the government away from Ph.D.'s and J.D.'s and give it over to MBA's.

I think the Bush Administration showed how well that worked out.

Well this HAS been the worst stretch of unemployment and poverty in American history. Maybe, next time we should elect a President who grew up in America and does not hate Free enterprise instead of a guy who was "President" of Law Review yet totally unfamiliar with the concept of Judicial review
he's just saying what many already know:
Over the longer run the point is that one of America’s two major political parties has basically gone off the deep end; policy content aside, a sane party doesn’t hold dozens of votes declaring its intention to repeal a law that everyone knows will stay on the books regardless. And since that party continues to hold substantial blocking power, we are looking at a country that’s increasingly ungovernable.

The trouble is that it’s hard to give this issue anything like the amount of coverage it deserves on substantive grounds without repeating oneself. So I do try to mix it up. But neither you nor I should forget that the madness of the GOP is the central issue of our time.

They'd rather sink the country than work together for the betterment of this great nation. Sad that :(

Oh its worse than that.

The PLAN is to erode the nation's economic health to make it subservient to the corporate masters.

And the plan is working.

This PLAN has a political science name, incidently, since it's not anything especially new.

It's called FASCISM.

The Romans had it in place, long before anybody ever heard of Mussolini or Hitler.

Their government too pretended to be a REPUBLIC.
he's just saying what many already know:
Over the longer run the point is that one of America’s two major political parties has basically gone off the deep end; policy content aside, a sane party doesn’t hold dozens of votes declaring its intention to repeal a law that everyone knows will stay on the books regardless. And since that party continues to hold substantial blocking power, we are looking at a country that’s increasingly ungovernable.

The trouble is that it’s hard to give this issue anything like the amount of coverage it deserves on substantive grounds without repeating oneself. So I do try to mix it up. But neither you nor I should forget that the madness of the GOP is the central issue of our time.

They'd rather sink the country than work together for the betterment of this great nation. Sad that :(

Oh its worse than that.

The PLAN is to erode the nation's economic health to make it subservient to the corporate masters.

And the plan is working.

This PLAN has a political science name, incidently, since it's not anything especially new.

It's called FASCISM.

The Romans had it in place, long before anybody ever heard of Mussolini or Hitler.

Their government too pretended to be a REPUBLIC.

So Obama's a fascist

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
The "official" class system has begun. You will do as the elite intellectual government types tell, you, the ignorant masses to do. If you will not do it willingly, you will be enticed or as a last resort, forced. Welcome to the midnight hour on fun island when all the partying people start turning into jackasses to be forced into slavery.....

The GOP wants to take the government away from Ph.D.'s and J.D.'s and give it over to MBA's.

I think the Bush Administration showed how well that worked out.

Well this HAS been the worst stretch of unemployment and poverty in American history. Maybe, next time we should elect a President who grew up in America and does not hate Free enterprise instead of a guy who was "President" of Law Review yet totally unfamiliar with the concept of Judicial review

1) Sorry, the stretch in the Great Depression was much longer and deeper. For that matter, so was the stretch in the 1970's and 1980's Recessions of Ford, Carter and Reagan before we started accepting "less".

2) The Republicans have REPEATEDLY refused to do the k ind of stimulus that has ALWAYS ended recessions.

3) You guys need to stop losing your shit because there's a Negro in the White House.

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