Paul Ryan calls out librul reporter; Ends interview!

Yeah, link him saying that.

Chris Wallace was actually pressuring him to explain it. Wallace kind of beat up on the kid.

Paul Ryan On Why He Didn't Discuss Tax Plan Math: 'Everyone Would Start Changing The Channel'


Chris Wallace is trying to do his job which is at question everything. The job of a good non-biased reporter is to try to get at the truth, not ignore what doesn't fit into your ideological beliefs.

Too bad David Gregory and Bob Shieffer refuse to do that.
Yeah, we hate in others what we see in ourselves. I have to go get ready for work now.

Run, plebe. Maybe by the time you return you'll remember what Ryan hasn't explained or what they've been *hazy* on.

I think *hazy* is a good nickname for you....

I've already assigned that nick to you, you've earned it, you own it.

Please explain what I've been hazy about. I'll be happy to expand on whatever topic you think I haven't been clear on.
Of course it was a strange question. Have you ever heard Ryan claim that tax cuts will fix crime in inner cities?
Yeah, link him saying that.

Chris Wallace was actually pressuring him to explain it. Wallace kind of beat up on the kid.

Paul Ryan On Why He Didn't Discuss Tax Plan Math: 'Everyone Would Start Changing The Channel'


He should have never taken the interview in the first place. Another amateurish move by the Romney campaign.

Yea, he should have hid from the press like the great Obama does.
Yeah, link him saying that.

Chris Wallace was actually pressuring him to explain it. Wallace kind of beat up on the kid.

Paul Ryan On Why He Didn't Discuss Tax Plan Math: 'Everyone Would Start Changing The Channel'


Chris Wallace is trying to do his job which is at question everything. The job of a good non-biased reporter is to try to get at the truth, not ignore what doesn't fit into your ideological beliefs.

Too bad David Gregory and Bob Shieffer refuse to do that.

However, Ryan did refuse to answer and ended up saying that his explanation is so complicated, it would cause everyone to change the channel if he got into the math, correct?

Bill Clinton does the math all the time and voters love it. Why won't Ryan talk about his positions?

Anyway, have a nice day.
Chris Wallace was actually pressuring him to explain it. Wallace kind of beat up on the kid.

Paul Ryan On Why He Didn't Discuss Tax Plan Math: 'Everyone Would Start Changing The Channel'


Chris Wallace is trying to do his job which is at question everything. The job of a good non-biased reporter is to try to get at the truth, not ignore what doesn't fit into your ideological beliefs.

Too bad David Gregory and Bob Shieffer refuse to do that.

However, Ryan did refuse to answer and ended up saying that his explanation is so complicated, it would cause everyone to change the channel if he got into the math, correct?

Bill Clinton does the math all the time and voters love it. Why won't Ryan talk about his positions?

Anyway, have a nice day.

Just as you are refusing to answer the question....

When did you stop poisoning your husband??
Chris Wallace was actually pressuring him to explain it. Wallace kind of beat up on the kid.

Paul Ryan On Why He Didn't Discuss Tax Plan Math: 'Everyone Would Start Changing The Channel'


He should have never taken the interview in the first place. Another amateurish move by the Romney campaign.

Yeah, right. It made the reporter look like a chump and got him kudos all around. They had it planned. They were waiting for those stupid comments just so he could do exactly what he did.

It makes him look like an ill-mannered child and his supportes look like ill-mannered morons.
He should have never taken the interview in the first place. Another amateurish move by the Romney campaign.

Yeah, right. It made the reporter look like a chump and got him kudos all around. They had it planned. They were waiting for those stupid comments just so he could do exactly what he did.

It makes him look like an ill-mannered child and his supportes look like ill-mannered morons.


There was nothing strange about the question and Ryan was a coward to run away from it.

The reporter was playing a silly game, Ryan immediately recognized it and gave him the boot.

Ryan is obviously a master of critical thought and sees no purpose in wasting his time..

Um, sorry, I just didn't see how that question was out of bounds.

It wasn't a "Do you still beat your wife" kind of question.

It was a valid question of how can government do more to instill values if you cut its revenues...
Yea, Joey we would expect you to see the validity of that question. What's Biden gonna do about increasing revenues?? Cutting taxes??

I love the liberal left, they follow the idiotic liberal press like flies to honey unless they ask Obama or Biden hard questions. Oh wait.............they don't do that. :lol:
There was nothing strange about the question and Ryan was a coward to run away from it.

The reporter was playing a silly game, Ryan immediately recognized it and gave him the boot.

Ryan is obviously a master of critical thought and sees no purpose in wasting his time..

Um, sorry, I just didn't see how that question was out of bounds.

It wasn't a "Do you still beat your wife" kind of question.

It was a valid question of how can government do more to instill values if you cut its revenues...

Yes it was, when you suppose a position, stance, or event that was not one from the person who was asked the question... They are attempting to make him defend the indefensible... just like the "Are you still beating your wife?" question.. Ryan never stated anything along the lines of handling crime with a tax cut or anything tying gun laws with a tax cut

The one looking like a moronic petulant child was the reporter.. and now you and some others on here are looking like moronic petulant children as well

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