Paul Ryan desperately trying to get Fox News to go more left

Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
It's slowly getting to the point where the only time Fox News isn't leftist BS is during 3 hours from 8pm Eastern beginning with Tucker Carlson and ending with Laura Ingram. The rest of the day is filled with Bush Administration lackeys and faggots like Shepard Smith. It's getting less and less watchable. The only show I will watch during the day is The Five....but even that show has Juan Williams who used to work for PBS until they fired him for being on Fox.
Tucker is a little Beotch.
Maybe so....but he's obviously more honest than most of the talking-heads on Fox.
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
It's slowly getting to the point where the only time Fox News isn't leftist BS is during 3 hours from 8pm Eastern beginning with Tucker Carlson and ending with Laura Ingram. The rest of the day is filled with Bush Administration lackeys and faggots like Shepard Smith. It's getting less and less watchable. The only show I will watch during the day is The Five....but even that show has Juan Williams who used to work for PBS until they fired him for being on Fox.
Tucker is a little Beotch.
Maybe so....but he's obviously more honest than most of the talking-heads on Fox.
I wouldn't go that far but I for sure liked him better when he was on PBS. Made more sense then.
What made Fox kick everyone else’s ass in what ultimately matters - ratings - was filling the void for conservative views yet keeping open and welcoming all voices and views. Why mess with success?
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
It's slowly getting to the point where the only time Fox News isn't leftist BS is during 3 hours from 8pm Eastern beginning with Tucker Carlson and ending with Laura Ingram. The rest of the day is filled with Bush Administration lackeys and faggots like Shepard Smith. It's getting less and less watchable. The only show I will watch during the day is The Five....but even that show has Juan Williams who used to work for PBS until they fired him for being on Fox.
Tucker is a little Beotch.
Maybe so....but he's obviously more honest than most of the talking-heads on Fox.
I wouldn't go that far but I for sure liked him better when he was on PBS. Made more sense then.
Well, that was a long time ago.....and PBS wouldn't have him today.
PBS is so far left now that Juan Williams looks like a conservative in comparison.....and was fired for it.
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
Fox needs to report the news and provide balanced commentary. Nothing else.

Same for CNN and all the others.

Fox News does.. it’s why I watch. People see more of cnn on Fox then they have viewers because fox tells both sides of the story
That's what they should do. To the extent Paul Ryan wants them to do something else, he can fuck off and go say that shit to CNN. He can tell them to break ties with the DNC.

Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
Fox needs to report the news and provide balanced commentary. Nothing else.

Same for CNN and all the others.


Why would they do that? Infotainment is what their target audience wants and what their customers (advertisers) pay for. If senior management even proposed just doing "news and balanced commentary", the shareholders would replace all of them in a heartbeat.

Face it, all of the major "news" outlets on television (cable or otherwise) are just entertainment networks using current events and punditry as fodder for generating content, in other words they've become nothing more than soap operas for confirmation bias junkies.

"The conscience of an editor is purely decorative." -- Oscar Wilde
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
It's slowly getting to the point where the only time Fox News isn't leftist BS is during 3 hours from 8pm Eastern beginning with Tucker Carlson and ending with Laura Ingram. The rest of the day is filled with Bush Administration lackeys and faggots like Shepard Smith. It's getting less and less watchable. The only show I will watch during the day is The Five....but even that show has Juan Williams who used to work for PBS until they fired him for being on Fox.
Tucker is a little Beotch.
Maybe so....but he's obviously more honest than most of the talking-heads on Fox.
I wouldn't go that far but I for sure liked him better when he was on PBS. Made more sense then.
Well, that was a long time ago.....and PBS wouldn't have him today.
PBS is so far left now that Juan Williams looks like a conservative in comparison.....and was fired for it.
Like I said, he made more sense then. To me he wasn't Liberal. But to each his own.
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
Fox needs to report the news and provide balanced commentary. Nothing else.

Same for CNN and all the others.


Why would they do that? Infotainment is what their target audience wants and what their customers (advertisers) pay for. If senior management even proposed just doing "news and balanced commentary", the shareholders would replace all of them in a heartbeat.

Face it, all of the major "news" outlets on television (cable or otherwise) are just entertainment networks using current events and punditry as fodder for generating content, in other words they've become nothing more than soap operas for confirmation bias junkies.

"The conscience of an editor is purely decorative." -- Oscar Wilde
They can report, provide balanced commentary AND be entertaining in their current format.

I was not necessarily saying Fox need to change what they are doing. Like I said, to the extent Paul Ryan is asking them to change their behavior, he needs to say the same thing to CNN and the rest of the gang and tell them all to stop being wholly owned and controlled by the DNC.

A dog's breakfast. I see you are still making a complete ass of your Commie self on USMB. Fox news is garbage. So is Breitbart.
Triggered lol
Nope. Every waking moment of your simplistic existence. "What just fuckin' happened?"

I’ve seen a lot more then you ever will
Based on your comments, that is definitively not true.
Cool story
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
Fox needs to report the news and provide balanced commentary. Nothing else.

Same for CNN and all the others.


Why would they do that? Infotainment is what their target audience wants and what their customers (advertisers) pay for. If senior management even proposed just doing "news and balanced commentary", the shareholders would replace all of them in a heartbeat.

Face it, all of the major "news" outlets on television (cable or otherwise) are just entertainment networks using current events and punditry as fodder for generating content, in other words they've become nothing more than soap operas for confirmation bias junkies.

"The conscience of an editor is purely decorative." -- Oscar Wilde
They can report, provide balanced commentary AND be entertaining in their current format.

I was not necessarily saying Fox need to change what they are doing. Like I said, to the extent Paul Ryan is asking them to change their behavior, he needs to say the same thing to CNN and the rest of the gang and tell them all to stop being wholly owned and controlled by the DNC.


IMHO You have to keep in mind, human beings are analog devices, our bandwidth for taking in data is very low and in today's environment we have a TON of distractions that are more pleasurable than listening to news or "balanced commentary" (reality TV, video games, movies, social media and on and on and on...), they all compete for our attention. All the "news" networks have to counter that is playing to confirmation bias, which activates our pleasure centers FAR more effectively than what you or I would think of as "unbiased journalism" or "balanced commentary".

It's not like the days of yore, when all you had was 3 TV channels, books, magazines and newspapers where actual journalism and "balanced commentary" could draw and keep the audiences attention long enough to actually get enough data across to get processed into INFORMATION.
I watch FOX, CNN, MSNBC and while FOX does lean right and provide positive coverage of TRUMP, out of the 3 networks FOX would be the closes to providing center based coverage. The fact that they have several shows that lean left, Shep, Cavuto, Special Report, FOX news Sunday, is more than any of the other networks offer. CNN and MSNBC in comparison have 2-3 conservative pro-TRUMP commentators who might get a total of 15 minutes of coverage throughout the day between the 2 networks.
Trickle down Ryan is an establishment elitist. He only represents the wealthiest 1% of people. He's a RINO who is the enemy of the working man. He's a big government, big spending RINO who is far more like a Democrat than a Republican. Naturally, Rupert Murdock who is also a RINO, is one of his targets. But in the end, Ryan is an anti worker anti taxpayer, anti citizen POS.
I said don’t worry about the cowardly Ryan. He’s probably bored being retired and he wants to pick up the pieces of the Republican Party. It’s not happening.
It’s because of him and his ilk that we have Donald Trump.
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
It’s not the only place. You also have Breitbart and Newsmax and a whole host of conspiracy sites.
To Republicans, all that is “real news“.

Oh look, the pot is giving another sermon about the kettle being black. :cool:
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump | Breitbart

For the love of god it’s the most watched news on earth, because it’s the only place we can watch real news! And Paul hates being called out.

FCUK OFF PAUL! You hack rino
It’s not the only place. You also have Breitbart and Newsmax and a whole host of conspiracy sites.
To Republicans, all that is “real news“.
Yea but it’s the only place on cable news that offers NEWS
Trickle down Ryan is an establishment elitist. He only represents the wealthiest 1% of people. He's a RINO who is the enemy of the working man. He's a big government, big spending RINO who is far more like a Democrat than a Republican. Naturally, Rupert Murdock who is also a RINO, is one of his targets. But in the end, Ryan is an anti worker anti taxpayer, anti citizen POS.

Agreed. Ryan joins the Globalist Elitists like Mitt Romney in my list of RINO's. I put people like Boehner in there as well and possibly McConnell. There are many Republicans that go off the reservation, but notice NO DEMOCRATS ever do.
I wanting Nancy Pelosi go on MSNBC they never ask her a hard question like,, what law was broken? Lol

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