Paul Ryan desperately trying to get Fox News to go more left

I wanting Nancy Pelosi go on MSNBC they never ask her a hard question like,, what law was broken? Lol

Er..umm.. that's not a hard question, whether or not any law was broken isn't the determining factor given that Congress has sole authority to decide what constitutes "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." , which means it's within the Constitutional authority of the HoR to impeach the President (and the Senate to Convict him) because he tied his shoe laces the wrong way.

If you want MSNBC to ask her a hard question, how about inquiring as to whether or not she actually believes the bullshit she tells the public, that one usually causes politicians to go into vapor lock.
I wanting Nancy Pelosi go on MSNBC they never ask her a hard question like,, what law was broken? Lol

Er..umm.. that's not a hard question, whether or not any law was broken isn't the determining factor given that Congress has sole authority to decide what constitutes "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." , which means it's within the Constitutional authority of the HoR to impeach the President (and the Senate to Convict him) because he tied his shoe laces the wrong way.

If you want MSNBC to ask her a hard question, how about inquiring as to whether or not she actually believes the bullshit she tells the public, that one usually causes politicians to go into vapor lock.

Impeachment is not a criminal process. It is a political process. It is a form of political recall, but is exercised by congress as a check/balance to the executive, rather than by the people, as is done in some states.

There is no legally-defined standard of proof. There is no burden of proof. Congress does not even need to have ANY proof.

The only thing required for impeachment is votes.


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