Paul Ryan Exit

"Best argument for the tax bill: Paul Ryan likely to retire next year if it passes." - Nasty Ann Coulter

the coultergeist is a vile human being.

that's why trumpscum love her.

You have to take her condition into account:

"Look, the sole purpose for smoking pot or eating a pot brownie is to get high. That is not true with alcohol," she said.

While Morgan made the case that partaking in spirits is purely for the purpose of getting "slightly higher than when they start drinking it," Coulter suggested that there are other uses for alcohol, including, apparently, loosening up for an on-camera appearance:

"I have done TV after a drink. I bet you have too. I'm drunk right now," she laughed.

Morgan quickly quipped that such a revelation "would explain a lot."

Ann Coulter on potheads: "They can't perform any useful jobs"
Nancy was able to get democrats to march in lockstep...

not really that great an accomplishment.

That is what Speakers do
Something Republicans are incapable of

That's what shepherds do


Often, it is more like herding cats
Something Pelosi was able to do that Republicans can't

Herding cats?


Then why do Republicans have such a hard time?

they aren't as sheeplike.
If Ryan is a rino then who ever that replaces him will have a bone in their nose and be anti-government to the core.

America needs to wake up and elect a majority democratic house next year.

Yeah..right after they impeach trump. snicker
Might as well

Nancy Pelosi will be taking over as Speaker of the House

Would you seriously want that insane babbling fruitloop as Speaker?

Unlike Ryan or Boehner, Nancy Pelosi was actually able to pass legislation as Speaker

Can't wait for Pelosi to take the gavel in 2019

The crazy nut job doesnt even know who's president half the time.
And anyone who would support her as speaker is just as nutty.

Pelosi was one of the most effective Speakers in the last 30 years.....she has the legislative record to prove it
Having an extremely hive minded political party will do that for you.

the country in moving more to the center every day, and dipshit RW want to celebrate and move it further right.

dumb fuckers won't ever get it will they ?
BREAKING: Paul Ryan Retiring After 2018 Midterm Elections (VIDEO)

WOO HOO! Now if we can just get McConnell gone and elect Nehlen in Ryan's place!

Oh and whiny mod NOTHING was cut and paste except the damn link so learn you job and your place! You were reported.

Again, since your idiocy on the thread that was shut simply isn't enough for you....

Ryan is not the Rino... YOU imbecile trumptards are.

and no, Donald and your merry band of lowlives are not bringing the GOP back to what it was.

the GOP was never the angry stupid people. it was the social and economic elites.

moron... you're such a dupe.
Ryan is absolutely a rino, in fact he’s a progressive shit stain. Dumbass
BREAKING: Paul Ryan Retiring After 2018 Midterm Elections (VIDEO)

WOO HOO! Now if we can just get McConnell gone and elect Nehlen in Ryan's place!

Oh and whiny mod NOTHING was cut and paste except the damn link so learn you job and your place! You were reported.

How do you define a “rino”? Vs a real republican?
RINO doesn't back what the people want. The people overwhelmingly voted for President Trump and what he was offering Ryan refuses to back that and push that agenda. RINO acts like a democrat,sounds like a democrat etc.

Lol! You need to check your math Comrade.

Your definition of a rino is someone who does follow Trump blindly?
BREAKING: Paul Ryan Retiring After 2018 Midterm Elections (VIDEO)

WOO HOO! Now if we can just get McConnell gone and elect Nehlen in Ryan's place!

Oh and whiny mod NOTHING was cut and paste except the damn link so learn you job and your place! You were reported.

Again, since your idiocy on the thread that was shut simply isn't enough for you....

Ryan is not the Rino... YOU imbecile trumptards are.

and no, Donald and your merry band of lowlives are not bringing the GOP back to what it was.

the GOP was never the angry stupid people. it was the social and economic elites.

moron... you're such a dupe.
Ryan is absolutely a rino, in fact he’s a progressive shit stain. Dumbass
Don't mind the progressive trolls....

"Lowlives"...what an interesting choice of words...

"The meeting was evacuated before the vote for about 10 minutes on the basis of what Commission Chairman Ajit Pai called 'advice from security,' and resumed after sniffer dogs checked the building.

"An FCC official told that police had concerns after a bomb threat was phoned in. "

Read more: FCC regulators overturn controversial net neutrality rules | Daily Mail Online
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FCC regulators overturn controversial net neutrality rules | Daily Mail Online
"Paul Ryan knows November 2018 will be his swan song. He will have billions in donor dollars tucked away in off-shore bank accounts...and he will have what he needs, after gutting 99% of us". ~ Cathy Elmore
Apparently, this is another made-up story. Ryan denies he's going anywhere.
Ryan gave a long riff in his press conference yesterday about things he wants to accomplish in 2018. Talked about Entitlement reform. Dealing with poverty. criminal justice reform. When asked if he was quitting, he laughed & said "no."
Might as well

Nancy Pelosi will be taking over as Speaker of the House

Would you seriously want that insane babbling fruitloop as Speaker?

Unlike Ryan or Boehner, Nancy Pelosi was actually able to pass legislation as Speaker

Can't wait for Pelosi to take the gavel in 2019

The crazy nut job doesnt even know who's president half the time.
And anyone who would support her as speaker is just as nutty.

Pelosi was one of the most effective Speakers in the last 30 years.....she has the legislative record to prove it
Having an extremely hive minded political party will do that for you.

Hey....its your hive

Republicans promised to deliver on their agenda if elected. They have proven unable to govern

Time to bring back Pelosi
If he quits, it will be to run for president. That's how they do. Remember Hillary resigning as Senator from New York to run for prez.

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