Paul Ryan: Give the Rich Tax Cuts to Motivate and Take Away from Poor to Motivate

yeah sure we are to just take your word on this

gawd you people are desperate
Taking less from them translates to giving them more?

Once you get your GED, take a logic class.
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oh boy; here we go

the idiotic, pandering Left that cant create jobs or even an atmosphere of job growth is trying to paint the Right as catering to the rich. funny how left-wing losers pretend they arent in charge; but can you blame them?

i mean under obama the RICH AND ONLY THE RICH HAVE GOTTEN AHEAD; gotten richer that is; while the Middle Class and poor have gotten poorer

true story

idiots n hypocrites
So far all good responses. Ranging from Poopy face to Na na na boo boo.

Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

You obviously don't appreciate the wonders of trickle down

Poor people work harder when they are hungry. It is an extra motivation
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

More money gives rich people more to spend. Giving money to poor people on the other hand, reduces any production you may get out of them.

All Taxing rich people more does is fill the pockets of the ruling class, as government takes its cut and adds more overhead via government. Little of the money actually makes it to poor people, but allows that $150k a year bureaucrat to add an addition to their house.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

You obviously don't appreciate the wonders of trickle down

Poor people work harder when they are hungry. It is an extra motivation

Its the most basic motivation. Society cannot function when people who are fully capable of producing SOMETHING of value do not do it because the government is caring for them.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

More money gives rich people more to spend. Giving money to poor people on the other hand, reduces any production you may get out of them.

All Taxing rich people more does is fill the pockets of the ruling class, as government takes its cut and adds more overhead via government. Little of the money actually makes it to poor people, but allows that $150k a year bureaucrat to add an addition to their house.

Or pay off that debt thing Republicans often cry about.

BTW did you just equate rich people spending as "production"? Jesus take the wheel
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

You obviously don't appreciate the wonders of trickle down

Poor people work harder when they are hungry. It is an extra motivation

Its the most basic motivation. Society cannot function when people who are fully capable of producing SOMETHING of value do not do it because the government is caring for them.

Poor people do not suffer enough
Taking less from them translates to giving them more?

Once you get your GED, take a logic class.

Yeah, those greedy F*&^ks want to keep their own property! In that means the government is giving them more!

Oh the huge manity.

You obviously don't appreciate the wonders of trickle down

Poor people work harder when they are hungry. It is an extra motivation

Its the most basic motivation. Society cannot function when people who are fully capable of producing SOMETHING of value do not do it because the government is caring for them.

Poor people do not suffer enough

Because being able to sustain on government handouts is a fucking paradise.

Entitlements allow people who might just be able to claw their way up with some motivation to basically sit there and do nothing to better themselves.

But it allows progressives to show that THEY CARE (TM).
How about give tax breaks to corporations and rich people that stay American? American first policies!!!! On the other hand tax the hell out of companies that stab our nation in the back...

I understand taking it away from the dead beats BUT the working poor do deserve some help...wouldn't you think?
How about give tax breaks to corporations and rich people that stay American? American first policies!!!! On the other hand tax the hell out of companies that stab our nation in the back...

I understand taking it away from the dead beats BUT the working poor do deserve some help...wouldn't you think?

the "working poor" deserve the ability to not be impeded from trying to succeed. After that, they do not derserve someone elses money confiscated by government. Or any other freebies.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."
- George Carlin
That's two for our logic class. Taking less means giving more!!! Can you believe these greedy fucks want to keep their own property?? UNREAL!!!
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."
- George Carlin

It makes perfect sense to those of us who produce something, unlike the entitlement sucking swill that populate the progressive side of this board.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

How is letting rich people keep their money instead of confiscating in via taxation "giving" it to them? How is not giving someone more in tax refunds then they paid in the first place "taking" it from them?

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