Paul Ryan: Give the Rich Tax Cuts to Motivate and Take Away from Poor to Motivate

I'm with ya!

People do better when you give them less. A hungry man will work harder than a man with a full belly. Starving children has always been the best motivator with the poor

But with the wealthy....the more ya give them, the more they want to trickle on down

You really don't understand basic economics, do you? The money the wealthy have is PRODUCED from something, be it work or investment. Production creates it, and gives it to those who either produced it, or who's investments produced it. That they then spend it allows OTHERS to receive said wealth via their own PRODUCTION, either in goods or services.

When you hand people with nothing money and ask for nothing in return, you SPEND money without receiving any valuable PRODUCTION in return.

I'm with ya brother..

I worship at the alter of Supply Side Economics. The more you give people who already have more than they will ever need, the more they will want to share the wealth with those less fortunate....its just how they are

It is the poor people we have to keep an eye on. They are poor for a reason. Mostly, because they are shiftless and lazy and can't be trusted with money like rich folks are

No one is proposing to give anything to the wealthy, numskull.
Under far left rule income inequality has sky rocketed, which clearly shows that the far left should not be allowed to be in charge of anything.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

Still waiting on that link.

You will be waiting for ever. Unless they produce a Daily Kos, MSNBC, CNN, Mother Jones, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYTimes, LaTimes, etc. style link from one of the millions of far left lies out there that re not based in reality.
I love bringing this out. It makes all you guys disperse

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

In most of these states, the people receiving welfare are blacks - Democrats, in other words.

In the red states all the dems use the welfare but they dont vote. thats what you're going with huh?

No, they vote, but they're outnumbered by the taxpayers. However, you are working diligently to change that ratio.
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Because being able to sustain on government handouts is a fucking paradise.

Entitlements allow people who might just be able to claw their way up with some motivation to basically sit there and do nothing to better themselves.

But it allows progressives to show that THEY CARE (TM).

I'm with ya!

People do better when you give them less. A hungry man will work harder than a man with a full belly. Starving children has always been the best motivator with the poor

But with the wealthy....the more ya give them, the more they want to trickle on down

You really don't understand basic economics, do you? The money the wealthy have is PRODUCED from something, be it work or investment. Production creates it, and gives it to those who either produced it, or who's investments produced it. That they then spend it allows OTHERS to receive said wealth via their own PRODUCTION, either in goods or services.

When you hand people with nothing money and ask for nothing in return, you SPEND money without receiving any valuable PRODUCTION in return.

You're putting far too much logic, common sense and thought into this. Liberals will not understand it. Try the emotional and irrational approach instead. They gobble that shit up like cereal for breakfast.
I love bringing this out. It makes all you guys disperse

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

In most of these states, the people receiving welfare are blacks - Democrats, in other words.

In the red states all the dems use the welfare but they dont vote. thats what you're going with huh?

so the white people in red states are the welfare users and Black people have it better. is that what you're going with?
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

Still waiting on that link.

You will be waiting for ever. Unless they produce a Daily Kos, MSNBC, CNN, Mother Jones, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYTimes, LaTimes, etc. style link from one of the millions of far left lies out there that re not based in reality.

I don't care who the link is for, for all I know the OP dreamed a personal conversation with Ryan. You know most of these lefties aren't real stable.
During the last few years, a key liberal talking point has been "red state welfare." The argument is that the states that get more from the federal government than they pay in taxes tend to be red states, whereas the states that give more to the federal government than they pay in taxes tend to be blue states. This "red state welfare" hypothesis falls completely apart when we look at the data.

The so-called top 10 "red states" on welfare are New Mexico, Mississippi, Alaska, Louisiana, West Virginia, North Dakota, Alabama, South Dakota, Virginia, and Kentucky.

The purportedly bottom 10 "blue states" not on welfare are New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York, and Colorado.

To show how mindless this liberal proposition is, the "red state welfare" argument appears to be entirely based only on how each state voted in the most recent presidential election. This results in entirely junk science.
the idiotic Left also counts dishonestly; couting military and federal pension as welfare spending

idiots and hypocrites
Poverty is now so comfortable that people live their entire lives with their air conditioning, two color television sets, two cars, Xboxes, subsized housing and utilities and never need to stir themselves. Poverty should hurt so badly that no one would ever want to be poor. They shouldn't get food stamps, they should have swollen bellies from starvation. That's motivation. When a poor person has their hand out, instead of money, put a broom in their hands.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

Still waiting on that link.

Oh no problem champ. I always source my shit.

Paul Ryan wages war on the War on Poverty -

House GOP poverty report focuses on reforming welfare, overhauling social programs - The Washington Post

Now heres the part when all the repubs do this:


Or claim some shit isnt true and then dont provide the source. Asking for sources is what they're good at...providing them? Not so much
In most of these states, the people receiving welfare are blacks - Democrats, in other words.

In the red states all the dems use the welfare but they dont vote. thats what you're going with huh?

No, they vote, but they're out numbered by that taxpayers. However, you are working diligently to change that ratio.

So they do vote but they are red states who use the most welfare nationwide because they are filled with Democrats. Twisted logic you got there. If there are enough dems in the red states to make the red states welfare queens...

Wouldnt they be blue states? :lol::lol:
Still waiting on that link.

You will be waiting for ever. Unless they produce a Daily Kos, MSNBC, CNN, Mother Jones, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYTimes, LaTimes, etc. style link from one of the millions of far left lies out there that re not based in reality.

I don't care who the link is for, for all I know the OP dreamed a personal conversation with Ryan. You know most of these lefties aren't real stable.

done for you. Did you notice that the dude named almost every media there is? Kinda ensures his ignorance on ignoring any link provided but never stated why those links arent acceptable.

Whats even more funny is if I asked him what links are good he wouldnt be able to answer that either. :lol::lol: That bubble is mad tight son!
Anyone else shocked that the OP's links have nothing to do with "the government giving corporations more" by suggesting tax decreases?
Let people keep more of their earnings and give less to the non-working? Blasphemy, that's unAmerican.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

Still waiting on that link.

Oh no problem champ. I always source my shit.

Paul Ryan wages war on the War on Poverty -

House GOP poverty report focuses on reforming welfare, overhauling social programs - The Washington Post

Now heres the part when all the repubs do this:


Or claim some shit isnt true and then dont provide the source. Asking for sources is what they're good at...providing them? Not so much

Evidently you do have a problem sourcing your shit, it only took 4 pages into the thread, then you give three. Which one was your little rant from so I can respond to the correct one.]

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