Paul Ryan: Give the Rich Tax Cuts to Motivate and Take Away from Poor to Motivate

Its the most basic motivation. Society cannot function when people who are fully capable of producing SOMETHING of value do not do it because the government is caring for them.

Poor people do not suffer enough

Because being able to sustain on government handouts is a fucking paradise.

Entitlements allow people who might just be able to claw their way up with some motivation to basically sit there and do nothing to better themselves.

But it allows progressives to show that THEY CARE (TM).

I'm with ya!

People do better when you give them less. A hungry man will work harder than a man with a full belly. Starving children has always been the best motivator with the poor

But with the wealthy....the more ya give them, the more they want to trickle on down
Poor people do not suffer enough

Because being able to sustain on government handouts is a fucking paradise.

Entitlements allow people who might just be able to claw their way up with some motivation to basically sit there and do nothing to better themselves.

But it allows progressives to show that THEY CARE (TM).

I'm with ya!

People do better when you give them less. A hungry man will work harder than a man with a full belly. Starving children has always been the best motivator with the poor

But with the wealthy....the more ya give them, the more they want to trickle on down

You really don't understand basic economics, do you? The money the wealthy have is PRODUCED from something, be it work or investment. Production creates it, and gives it to those who either produced it, or who's investments produced it. That they then spend it allows OTHERS to receive said wealth via their own PRODUCTION, either in goods or services.

When you hand people with nothing money and ask for nothing in return, you SPEND money without receiving any valuable PRODUCTION in return.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."
- George Carlin

It makes perfect sense to those of us who produce something, unlike the entitlement sucking swill that populate the progressive side of this board.

I love bringing this out. It makes all you guys disperse

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

New Mexico: $2.03
Mississippi: $2.02
Alaska: $1.84
Louisiana: $1.78
West Virginia: $1.76
North Dakota: $1.68
Alabama: $1.66
South Dakota: $1.53
Kentucky: $1.51
Virginia: $1.51
Montana: $1.47
Hawaii: $1.44
Maine: $1.41
Arkansas: $1.41
Oklahoma: $1.36
South Carolina: $1.35
Missouri: $1.32
Maryland: $1.30
Tennessee: $1.27
Idaho: $1.21
Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Read more: Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."
- George Carlin

Taking less, as said so many damn times, is not the same as giving someone something.. especially considering that even with taking less, they are paying more per dollar than the average entitlement junkie DEM voter

But hey.. comedians, blogs, wingers, and winger links... governmental experts for progressives
I thought Republicans cared about Debt and Deficits?

Or do you care about the Rich keeping more money more than the US being in debt? Priorities.
Let's talk risk vs. reward here. If I have a reasonable expectation that by risking my time or money I can make more money I'm probably going to do it. When you reduce the amount of that reward that I am going to keep you make the risk less worthwhile. In other words: when you take more taxes from people you make them less likely to invest (risk) their money in new ways.

The same principle applies (if applied the same way) to poor people and rich people alike. If you take more bucks out of Billy MacDo-Flipper's paycheck he has less incentive to risk his time working. If you take more bucks out of Joe Billionaire's investment earnings he has less incentive to invest.

What gives an even bigger incentive for Billy not to work? Money for not working.
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."
- George Carlin

It makes perfect sense to those of us who produce something, unlike the entitlement sucking swill that populate the progressive side of this board.

I love bringing this out. It makes all you guys disperse

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

New Mexico: $2.03
Mississippi: $2.02
Alaska: $1.84
Louisiana: $1.78
West Virginia: $1.76
North Dakota: $1.68
Alabama: $1.66
South Dakota: $1.53
Kentucky: $1.51
Virginia: $1.51
Montana: $1.47
Hawaii: $1.44
Maine: $1.41
Arkansas: $1.41
Oklahoma: $1.36
South Carolina: $1.35
Missouri: $1.32
Maryland: $1.30
Tennessee: $1.27
Idaho: $1.21
Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Read more: Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

This debunked shit again

We'll let you use it when you show that all government spending in a state is for welfare, and when all residents of your so-called 'red states' are indeed 'red'
the red state welfare talking point has been dubunked thoroughly; it's hilarious watching these left-wing nutjobs regurgitate their spoon-fed propaganda!
I thought Republicans cared about Debt and Deficits?

Or do you care about the Rich keeping more money more than the US being in debt? Priorities.

what does the amount of money people are keeping have to do with configuring the proper amount of taxation?

besides your lleft-wing talking points are garbage.
Because being able to sustain on government handouts is a fucking paradise.

Entitlements allow people who might just be able to claw their way up with some motivation to basically sit there and do nothing to better themselves.

But it allows progressives to show that THEY CARE (TM).

I'm with ya!

People do better when you give them less. A hungry man will work harder than a man with a full belly. Starving children has always been the best motivator with the poor

But with the wealthy....the more ya give them, the more they want to trickle on down

You really don't understand basic economics, do you? The money the wealthy have is PRODUCED from something, be it work or investment. Production creates it, and gives it to those who either produced it, or who's investments produced it. That they then spend it allows OTHERS to receive said wealth via their own PRODUCTION, either in goods or services.

When you hand people with nothing money and ask for nothing in return, you SPEND money without receiving any valuable PRODUCTION in return.

I'm with ya brother..

I worship at the alter of Supply Side Economics. The more you give people who already have more than they will ever need, the more they will want to share the wealth with those less fortunate....its just how they are

It is the poor people we have to keep an eye on. They are poor for a reason. Mostly, because they are shiftless and lazy and can't be trusted with money like rich folks are
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."
- George Carlin

It makes perfect sense to those of us who produce something, unlike the entitlement sucking swill that populate the progressive side of this board.

I love bringing this out. It makes all you guys disperse

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

New Mexico: $2.03
Mississippi: $2.02
Alaska: $1.84
Louisiana: $1.78
West Virginia: $1.76
North Dakota: $1.68
Alabama: $1.66
South Dakota: $1.53
Kentucky: $1.51
Virginia: $1.51
Montana: $1.47
Hawaii: $1.44
Maine: $1.41
Arkansas: $1.41
Oklahoma: $1.36
South Carolina: $1.35
Missouri: $1.32
Maryland: $1.30
Tennessee: $1.27
Idaho: $1.21
Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Read more: Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

In most of these states, the people receiving welfare are blacks - Democrats, in other words.
the amount of money we have in debt is more a function of what we spend than what we take in you dolt. there is NO amount of taxation on the rich that can keep pace with left-wing spending.

but you know this; you just arent capable of making a point that isnt a red herring or straw man

idiots and hypocrites
I thought Republicans cared about Debt and Deficits?

Or do you care about the Rich keeping more money more than the US being in debt? Priorities.

what does the amount of money people are keeping have to do with configuring the proper amount of taxation?

besides your lleft-wing talking points are garbage.

Nothing...thats why I'm not talking about the proper amount of taxation. Pretty simple.
Red States have the highest percentages and largest numbers overall of African-Americans.

why do left-wingers want to take away their welfare and social safety net?

are you left-wing nutjobs racist?
It makes perfect sense to those of us who produce something, unlike the entitlement sucking swill that populate the progressive side of this board.

I love bringing this out. It makes all you guys disperse

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

New Mexico: $2.03
Mississippi: $2.02
Alaska: $1.84
Louisiana: $1.78
West Virginia: $1.76
North Dakota: $1.68
Alabama: $1.66
South Dakota: $1.53
Kentucky: $1.51
Virginia: $1.51
Montana: $1.47
Hawaii: $1.44
Maine: $1.41
Arkansas: $1.41
Oklahoma: $1.36
South Carolina: $1.35
Missouri: $1.32
Maryland: $1.30
Tennessee: $1.27
Idaho: $1.21
Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Read more: Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

In most of these states, the people receiving welfare are blacks - Democrats, in other words.

In the red states all the dems use the welfare but they dont vote. thats what you're going with huh?
I thought Republicans cared about Debt and Deficits?

Or do you care about the Rich keeping more money more than the US being in debt? Priorities.

what does the amount of money people are keeping have to do with configuring the proper amount of taxation?

besides your lleft-wing talking points are garbage.

Nothing...thats why I'm not talking about the proper amount of taxation. Pretty simple.

no you arent; you're relating the number to the amount of debt and totally leaving out the spending side of it

ur a loser lying to himself

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