Paul Ryan: Give the Rich Tax Cuts to Motivate and Take Away from Poor to Motivate

Moreover, the OP startedd this thread because Paul Ryan wrote a report that points out massive waste in the 92 federal programs geared for low-income people cost $799 billion per year. It is an analysis of the effectiveness of the federal money going into these programs and whether or not throwing more money at the same problems can actually help the situation.

Lets just say what we already knew - the OP is a hyperpartisan, low information hack troll.
Still waiting on that link.

Oh no problem champ. I always source my shit.

Paul Ryan wages war on the War on Poverty -

House GOP poverty report focuses on reforming welfare, overhauling social programs - The Washington Post

Now heres the part when all the repubs do this:


Or claim some shit isnt true and then dont provide the source. Asking for sources is what they're good at...providing them? Not so much

Evidently you do have a problem sourcing your shit, it only took 4 pages into the thread, then you give three. Which one was your little rant from so I can respond to the correct one.]

Wait, so now you want less sourcing? All 4 of them. I'll let you choose since you'll cry if I do
Sorry, yeah tax cuts for the rich, not corporations. The shit gets so thick in these trolly threadds I get confused.
You will be waiting for ever. Unless they produce a Daily Kos, MSNBC, CNN, Mother Jones, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYTimes, LaTimes, etc. style link from one of the millions of far left lies out there that re not based in reality.

I don't care who the link is for, for all I know the OP dreamed a personal conversation with Ryan. You know most of these lefties aren't real stable.

done for you. Did you notice that the dude named almost every media there is? Kinda ensures his ignorance on ignoring any link provided but never stated why those links arent acceptable.

Whats even more funny is if I asked him what links are good he wouldnt be able to answer that either. :lol::lol: That bubble is mad tight son!

well well lets see leftard; why those outlets arent acceptable.

MSNBC is a hate-filled leftist agitprop water-carrier for failed progressive policies. their newspeople are basically unhinged left-wing nutjobs who spout hatred until even their left-wing bosses cant keep them. same for CNN on a lesser basis. the New York Times lost all credibility long ago; for paul krugman, for revealing secrets on their front page........etc
Because being able to sustain on government handouts is a fucking paradise.

Entitlements allow people who might just be able to claw their way up with some motivation to basically sit there and do nothing to better themselves.

But it allows progressives to show that THEY CARE (TM).

I'm with ya!

People do better when you give them less. A hungry man will work harder than a man with a full belly. Starving children has always been the best motivator with the poor

But with the wealthy....the more ya give them, the more they want to trickle on down

You really don't understand basic economics, do you? The money the wealthy have is PRODUCED from something, be it work or investment. Production creates it, and gives it to those who either produced it, or who's investments produced it. That they then spend it allows OTHERS to receive said wealth via their own PRODUCTION, either in goods or services.

When you hand people with nothing money and ask for nothing in return, you SPEND money without receiving any valuable PRODUCTION in return.

According to the liberal lexicon, if a thug doesn't mug you and take your wallet, he's "giving" you the contents.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

I think he was saying that we should give people a nudge. If you do everything for a person, it's highly unlikely they'll ever take initiative and do for themselves. If you tell them that their future is dependent on their own actions, it might give them a much needed wake up call and cause them to start getting out of their comfort zone and actually progressing. I thought liberals were supposed to be all about progressive actions, so why would you object to lighting a little fire under some people's butts to get them moving?

As it is, more and more settle in to the liberal plantation and will never leave unless we take more drastic measures to motivate them.

The driving force behind taking action is need. We need things and act to obtain them. Many parents issued ultimatums to lazy teens, which caused them to finally get their shit together and eventually leave the nest. In the long run, it's the kindest thing you can do for a person. Without that sort of nudging, they might find themselves in the same sad place years down the road and life will have passed them by.

Taxing the rich is such a popular idea with the left, though they rarely follow through. It's all talk aimed at dividing the classes. We should all pay our fair share, but the left goes further to insinuate that the wealthy should be punished. Redistribution talk from the left is designed to give idiots the idea that government gave more to some than others.

The pie is not finite. If one guy has two pieces that doesn't mean someone will go without a piece. Understand that everyone is supposed to keep making more pies. It's infinite, but the pies don't bake themselves.

A good kick in the butt causes people to start reaching their potential. The liberals would rather people stay put, stay angry and stay needy. That is so mean!!
oh boy; here we go

the idiotic, pandering Left that cant create jobs or even an atmosphere of job growth is trying to paint the Right as catering to the rich. funny how left-wing losers pretend they arent in charge; but can you blame them?

i mean under obama the RICH AND ONLY THE RICH HAVE GOTTEN AHEAD; gotten richer that is; while the Middle Class and poor have gotten poorer

true story

idiots n hypocrites

So, are you saying that you think the Republicans are for the working man and the poorer people?

I think Republican politicians favor rich people and have wondered why they didn't like Obama better when Obama has done so well for the very very rich.

At least the very very rich Democrats like Obama. Why don't the very very rich Repubs. They have all done well under his presidency.

Or are the very very rich Republicans lying and deceiving their voting base and like Obama just fine? They just can't show it? They gotta like him (Obama) better than Bush when it comes to their money.
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

Still waiting on that link.

Oh no problem champ. I always source my shit.

Paul Ryan wages war on the War on Poverty -

House GOP poverty report focuses on reforming welfare, overhauling social programs - The Washington Post

Now heres the part when all the repubs do this:


Or claim some shit isnt true and then dont provide the source. Asking for sources is what they're good at...providing them? Not so much

Hey ace, when you make a claim, it is incumbent on you to provide proof of your claim. Other wise, it's all hot air and you get laughed at. It isn't the job of the person who questions your unsubstantiated claim to prove or disprove it. You need to learn that lesson.

That being said, the articles you provided don't say what you claim they say. Well, possibly the NYT piece, but it's an editorial opinion piece and not actual news reporting.

Here is a quote from the CNN article.

"Ryan's report questions the size and scope of the government's effort to tackle poverty. It says 92 federal programs geared for low-income people cost $799 billion per year.

"For too long, we have measured compassion by how much we spend instead of how many people get out of poverty," Ryan wrote said in a statement. "We need to take a hard look at what the federal government is doing and ask, 'Is this working?'""

What specifically do you disagree with here? That there are 92 federal programs? That they cost $800,000,000,000? That we measure compassion by how much we spend instead of how many people get out of poverty? That we need to ask if it is working? Where is your problem here?

So tell us, where does it say he wants to give more to rich people and less to the poor? Where?

You aren't half as clever as you think you are. Liar.
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KWC so you're saying Ryans budget doesnt contain tax cuts. And you are sticking with that?
KWC so you're saying Ryans budget doesnt contain tax cuts. And you are sticking with that?

Not only is your logic, common sense and intelligence lacking, so are your reading comprehension skills. I never mentioned tax cuts. Reread my post and respond to the content instead of pulling stuff out of your ass. Dunce.
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KWC so you're saying Ryans budget doesnt contain tax cuts. And you are sticking with that?

Not only is your logic, common sense and intelligence lacking, so are your reading comprehension skills. I never mentioned tax cuts. Reread my post and respond to the content instead of pulling stuff out of your ass. Dunce.

So you it does contain tax cuts or nah?
KWC so you're saying Ryans budget doesnt contain tax cuts. And you are sticking with that?

Not only is your logic, common sense and intelligence lacking, so are your reading comprehension skills. I never mentioned tax cuts. Reread my post and respond to the content instead of pulling stuff out of your ass. Dunce.

So you it does contain tax cuts or nah?

Your links refer to Ryan's welfare reform and don't mention tax cuts anywhere in the links. It's obvious you got caught with your pants down for posting without evidence. When you finally went looking for some, you just grabbed something that looked good. You never bothered to even read them. You really aren't very good at this. May I suggest the General Discsuuions forum? Amateur.
Not only is your logic, common sense and intelligence lacking, so are your reading comprehension skills. I never mentioned tax cuts. Reread my post and respond to the content instead of pulling stuff out of your ass. Dunce.

So you it does contain tax cuts or nah?

Your links refer to Ryan's welfare reform and don't mention tax cuts anywhere in the links. It's obvious you got caught with your pants down for posting without evidence. When you finally went looking for some, you just grabbed something that looked good. You never bothered to even read them. You really aren't very good at this. May I suggest the General Discsuuions forum? Amateur.

So you're saying Ryans budget doesnt have tax cuts then?
During the last few years, a key liberal talking point has been "red state welfare." The argument is that the states that get more from the federal government than they pay in taxes tend to be red states, whereas the states that give more to the federal government than they pay in taxes tend to be blue states. This "red state welfare" hypothesis falls completely apart when we look at the data.

The so-called top 10 "red states" on welfare are New Mexico, Mississippi, Alaska, Louisiana, West Virginia, North Dakota, Alabama, South Dakota, Virginia, and Kentucky.

The purportedly bottom 10 "blue states" not on welfare are New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York, and Colorado.

To show how mindless this liberal proposition is, the "red state welfare" argument appears to be entirely based only on how each state voted in the most recent presidential election. This results in entirely junk science.
the idiotic Left also counts dishonestly; couting military and federal pension as welfare spending

idiots and hypocrites

How else do you determine a red state or a blue state?

Federal spending is more than welfare. It includes all federal spending in a state
Funny how Ryan sees giving the rich more is a motivation and it works in reverse when its poor people.

Still waiting on that link.

Oh no problem champ. I always source my shit.

Paul Ryan wages war on the War on Poverty -

House GOP poverty report focuses on reforming welfare, overhauling social programs - The Washington Post

Now heres the part when all the repubs do this:


Or claim some shit isnt true and then dont provide the source. Asking for sources is what they're good at...providing them? Not so much

Two links and a link to some ass commenting on the subject of the other two, None of them really support your lying OP because there was no quote that even remotely resembled what you said. So you're dismissed, better luck next time.
So you it does contain tax cuts or nah?

Your links refer to Ryan's welfare reform and don't mention tax cuts anywhere in the links. It's obvious you got caught with your pants down for posting without evidence. When you finally went looking for some, you just grabbed something that looked good. You never bothered to even read them. You really aren't very good at this. May I suggest the General Discsuuions forum? Amateur.

So you're saying Ryans budget doesnt have tax cuts then?

DUDE.......pull your head out of your ass. You're links have nothing to do with Ryan's budget. Sheesh!

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