Paul Ryan Insists He Didn’t Take Stimulus Money, Then Realizes He Totally Did

Well, this is unfortunate for the Romney/Ryan campaign. It gives Obama alot of fuel for negative attacks. But Ryan has responded quite well, and it looks to me like there is a good initial chance that he'll be able to avoid losing ground if Obama makes a slug-fest out of this. Will be interesting to see how it plays out, though.
It's really CUTE when the left thinks they have HIT on something BIG

but but they say, it's the hypocrisy

this is SMALL potatoes compared to what Obama HAS lied about and done to US..

voter Obama OUT


Well, this is unfortunate for the Romney/Ryan campaign. It gives Obama alot of fuel for negative attacks. But Ryan has responded quite well, and it looks to me like there is a good initial chance that he'll be able to avoid losing ground if Obama makes a slug-fest out of this. Will be interesting to see how it plays out, though.
if you say so :rolleyes:

Presented With Letters, Ryan Admits Requesting Stimulus Cash - Yahoo! News

After repeated denials, Paul Ryan has admitted he requested stimulus cash even after sharply criticizing the program.
As recently as Wednesday in Ohio, Mitt Romney's running mate told ABC's Cincinnati affiliate, WCPO, he did not.
"I never asked for stimulus," Ryan said. "I don't recall… so I really can't comment on it. I opposed the stimulus because it doesn't work, it didn't work."
Two years ago, during an interview on WBZ's NewsRadio he was asked by a caller if he "accepted any money" into his district. Ryan said he did not.

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Well, this is unfortunate for the Romney/Ryan campaign. It gives Obama alot of fuel for negative attacks. But Ryan has responded quite well, and it looks to me like there is a good initial chance that he'll be able to avoid losing ground if Obama makes a slug-fest out of this. Will be interesting to see how it plays out, though.

boy is Obama desperate he has to attack someones pick of Vice President instead of toot toot tooting his horn on his OUTSTANDING RECORD...Oh wait, he doen't have one that's right
some of you are so friggen shallow
Well, this is unfortunate for the Romney/Ryan campaign. It gives Obama alot of fuel for negative attacks. But Ryan has responded quite well, and it looks to me like there is a good initial chance that he'll be able to avoid losing ground if Obama makes a slug-fest out of this. Will be interesting to see how it plays out, though.

boy is Obama desperate he has to attack someones pick of Vice President instead of toot toot tooting his horn on his OUTSTANDING RECORD...Oh wait, he doen't have one that's right
some of you are so friggen shallow

He's "tooting" alright. That is a term that many use for farting. And Obama and Biden have been passing gas since they entered the WH.
Well, this is unfortunate for the Romney/Ryan campaign. It gives Obama alot of fuel for negative attacks. But Ryan has responded quite well, and it looks to me like there is a good initial chance that he'll be able to avoid losing ground if Obama makes a slug-fest out of this. Will be interesting to see how it plays out, though.

boy is Obama desperate he has to attack someones pick of Vice President instead of toot toot tooting his horn on his OUTSTANDING RECORD...Oh wait, he doen't have one that's right
some of you are so friggen shallow

I challenge you to identify ONE person elected to the Presidency since 1792 where the same has not been true.
Ryan your nose is Growing!


In 2010, Paul Ryan denied appealing for stimulus funds

Ryan, who was selected to be former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s running mate on Saturday, was one of the most vocal critics of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $787 billion package of government investment designed to bolster the economy in the midst of a deepening recession.

In voting against it he called the legislation a “wasteful spending spree” and warned that it would not provide the right kind of help, instead advocating more tax cuts.

“This trillion dollar spending bill misses the mark on all counts,” Ryan said in a statement at the time issued by his office. “This is not a crisis we can spend and borrow our way out of – that is how we got here in the first place.”

Ryan said that he would not vote against something “then write to the government to ask them to send us money.”


The Wisconsin congressman said he had forgotten that his office sent letters -- with his signature -- to the Energy and Labor departments asking for money from the stimulus program on behalf of two companies in his home state.

"They should have been handled differently, and I take responsibility for that," Ryan said in a written statement released only after he again denied requesting stimulus funds Thursday in an Ohio television interview.
Ryan says he did seek economic stimulus money -

Oh, so now he's blaming his staff. So funny... Maybe Ayn Rand made him do it...?
don't matter who drew his request letter up. The Randian, Wall St water-carrier, wonk boi signed it ;)
George W Bush isn't responsible for the debacle in Iraq. His staff came up with that, ya see.
Well, this is unfortunate for the Romney/Ryan campaign. It gives Obama alot of fuel for negative attacks. But Ryan has responded quite well, and it looks to me like there is a good initial chance that he'll be able to avoid losing ground if Obama makes a slug-fest out of this. Will be interesting to see how it plays out, though.

I think we are going to be singing this to Barry throughout Christmas and New Years.

[ame=]Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack (Original) - YouTube[/ame]
Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack (Original)
It should make the right wing fanatics wonder why ryan is so anti government and yet this really is the only type of money he knows how to work for, the government.
He has been in Congress since he was 26 when he was elected ,maybe the age is wrong.
Before he got a job working with some elected politician in DC.
If this doesn't make their head spin and nearly explode they surely don't believe any of what they profess to believe.
Paul Ryan Defended Stimulus -- When George W. Bush Wanted It In 2002 (VIDEO)

By Ryan Grimm

WASHINGTON - When Congressman Paul Ryan has been asked the past few years about the value of stimulus to the sagging economy and the nation's jobless, the Wisconsin Republican has dismissed it as meaningless, and dubbed it "sugar-high economics."

But that's when President Obama is pushing for the spending. When it was President George W. Bush arguing for more stimulus to boost a slow economy in the early 2000s, Ryan's economic analysis was entirely different.

"What we're trying to accomplish today with the passage of this third stimulus package is to create jobs and help the unemployed," Ryan said, in comments unearthed by MSNBC's "Up with Chris Hayes" and provided to HuffPost. "What we're trying to accomplish is to pass the kinds of legislation that when they've passed in the past have grown the economy and gotten people back to work."

Video of the comments will be aired at 8:00 a.m. Sunday on MSNBC.

More: Paul Ryan Defended Stimulus -- When George W. Bush Wanted It In 2002 (VIDEO)

NOTE: Ryan is a hypocritical two-faced un-American lying piece of wingnut shit.
Ryan is exactly what's wrong with this country. A hypocrite that has spent 20 of his 42 years living off taxpayers dollars to buy his mansion his lavish yearly salary complete with life long pension and healthcare yet he screams about Government helping you as a bad thing....His creepy funeral director looks seems well suited to a man that wants to kill so many essential programs for real working families...
How funny the left is now worried about politicians living off the TAXPAYERS

etc etc
It is sad you cannot see past the hypocrisy of your party. Coming from someone who talks about how EVIL government you get that part....then that person; ryan, lives off the government.
Get it now!

How funny the left is now worried about politicians living off the TAXPAYERS

etc etc

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