Paul Ryan is against cutting the deficit


I can do math
Jan 12, 2012
Paul Ryan said in interview with Larry Larry Kudlow that the first order of business for him and Romney will be preventing the "fiscal cliff". Well, guess what -- the very same fiscal cliff would cut US budget deficit almost by half, to just $641 billion (compare that to 1.4 trillion in 2009 FY).

The reason for Ryan stance is simple -- the fiscal cliff would also put US back into recession, and we don't want that, do we? But just as clear is Ryan/Romney hypocrisy toward "Obama deficits" and toward Obama stimulus. Obama did not want to cut deficits for the same reason -- it would have hurt the economy. And, following the same logic, the economy would be in a much worse shape if not for the Obama stimulus back in 2009.

Yet Republicans spent last years blaming Obama for deficits and the stimulus.
If we don't stop the fiscal cliff we won't have to worry about the deficit or anything else either.
The first order of business would be to stabilize the economy, everything else can come later.
The first order of business would be to stabilize the economy, everything else can come later.

Then why Republicans were bashing the stimulus? And what that debt limit drama was about? They don't care about the economy. They were doing everything they could to slow down the recovery, hoping that the voters would blame the sitting President. The sad part is that for the most part they got away with it.
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The first order of business would be to stabilize the economy, everything else can come later.

Then why Republicans were bashing the stimulus? And what that debt limit drama was about? They don't care about the economy. They were doing everything they could to slow down the recovery, hoping that the voters would blame the sitting President. The sad part is that for the most part they got away with it.

Hello stupid.

The stimulus was largely a crony payoff.

If Obama had made it all tax issue.

As it was, he didn't get the money out into the economy through is shovel ready jobs in a way that did anything.

The GOP wanted more tax breaks...but Obama needed to buy votes for 2012.
mommy anything the republicans say or do we re going to call them out no matter how small the word we have to use and in what context and really blast them on anything cause we're that scared. if romeny and ryan didnt scare us half the threads wouldnt be created.
The 6 trillion dollars additional debt is surely caused by Obama. Want to disprove that??? 23 million people are out of work and 8+ percent unemployment throughout his entire presidency.

Real people are suffering because of this president.
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The 6 trillion dollars additional debt is surely caused by Obama. Want to disprove that??? 23 million people are out of work and 8+ percent unemployment throughout his entire presidency.

The point is that it would be much worse if not for the deficits. Look at Spain or Greece -- they were forced to cut deficits during the recession and now they have 50% unemployment among the youth.

Ryan understands that, that is why he vowed to prevent the deficit cut in 2013. But he is also hypocritical enough to blame Obama for pursuing the same policy.
The 6 trillion dollars additional debt is surely caused by Obama. Want to disprove that??? 23 million people are out of work and 8+ percent unemployment throughout his entire presidency.

The point is that it would be much worse if not for the deficits. Look at Spain or Greece -- they were forced to cut deficits during the recession and now they have 50% unemployment among the youth.

Ryan understands that, that is why he vowed to prevent the deficit cut in 2013. But he is also hypocritical enough to blame Obama for pursuing the same policy.

Yeah, see the problem with Greece and Spain is the are government run economies, their private sectors are nowhere near ours....and when you cut funding....they dont know how to do things without government....hopefully they learn, because their economies SUUUUUCK
Yeah, see the problem with Greece and Spain is the are government run economies, their private sectors are nowhere near ours....and when you cut funding....they dont know how to do things without government..

You have any numbers to prove it? Most of unemployed both in Greece and Spain were laid off in private sector, especially construction.
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The 6 trillion dollars additional debt is surely caused by Obama. Want to disprove that??? 23 million people are out of work and 8+ percent unemployment throughout his entire presidency.

The point is that it would be much worse if not for the deficits. Look at Spain or Greece -- they were forced to cut deficits during the recession and now they have 50% unemployment among the youth.

Ryan understands that, that is why he vowed to prevent the deficit cut in 2013. But he is also hypocritical enough to blame Obama for pursuing the same policy.

The claim that Greece and Spain have implmented "austerity" budgets doesn't pass the laugh test.
The 6 trillion dollars additional debt is surely caused by Obama. Want to disprove that??? 23 million people are out of work and 8+ percent unemployment throughout his entire presidency.

Real people are suffering because of this president.

Obama inherited a trillion dollar deficit and an economy in free fall. That doesn't turn on a dime, lad, especially when the loyal ( :lmao: ) opposition does everything they can to keep the economy down.

The debt explosion remains Bush's baby.
The 6 trillion dollars additional debt is surely caused by Obama. Want to disprove that??? 23 million people are out of work and 8+ percent unemployment throughout his entire presidency.

The point is that it would be much worse if not for the deficits. Look at Spain or Greece -- they were forced to cut deficits during the recession and now they have 50% unemployment among the youth.

Ryan understands that, that is why he vowed to prevent the deficit cut in 2013. But he is also hypocritical enough to blame Obama for pursuing the same policy.

The claim that Greece and Spain have implmented "austerity" budgets doesn't pass the laugh test.

No wonder -- the right wing propaganda machine made sure you have little idea on what is really happening in the world around you. Goggle "greece austerity" if that is still within your abilities.

Anyway, this is not about Greece -- this is about Ryan faulting Obama for the same policies that Ryan himself vowed to continue.
Paul was awful! He sounds like a spoiled brat! I listened on NPR, we have a Atlas V launch tonight so I could not get the TV.

I do find it funny that I have yet to hear and Ideas from any speaker yet. What is the GOPs plan to turn this around over night? Why have they not offered a thing? I know you hate Obama, I know you thinks he is the devil reincarnate. However, WTF, at least tell me how you will differ from Bush. Its the least this Republican party owns America.

If any of you are interested in watching this launch live, check this link! Its about to launch!
Spaceflight Now | Atlas Launch Report | Mission Status Center

Lift off, you missed it!
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