Paul Ryan is rumored to be throwing his hand in the rest as well as ...

America will never elect him to potus.

It would take way too much right wing cheating to get him there.
America will never elect him to potus.

It would take way too much right wing cheating to get him there.

A lot of people said the same of Barry boy. Yet there he is in the WH.

Cheating?? As a Dem should know all about cheating.
Christie's my governor, and I'm a conservative, but I still wouldn't vote for him either, regardless of his favorability. I voted for his main opponent in our primary and didn't vote for him in the general.

I don't trust him.
Christie's my governor, and I'm a conservative, but I still wouldn't vote for him either, regardless of his favorability. I voted for his main opponent in our primary and didn't vote for him in the general.

I don't trust him.

can you tell us why? what has he done to make you distrust him?
Chris Christie.. I just on the news. No links yet as soon I find them I will post

Paul Ryan entering the race is Barack Obama's worst nightmare. Putting the two of them on stage debating economics would be like having the Pittsburg Steelers play St. Mary's School for Girls in the Super Bowl.
Chris Christie.. I just on the news. No links yet as soon I find them I will post

Paul Ryan entering the race is Barack Obama's worst nightmare. Putting the two of them on stage debating economics would be like having the Pittsburg Steelers play St. Mary's School for Girls in the Super Bowl.
You have that right and I like your analogy anything with the Steelers in it LOL
He is unelectable unless he can flip flop his way out of his call to privatize Medicare.
Medicare needs fixing and I give Ryan credit for trying to fix it. Of course he was attacked by everyone including the greedy seniors.

None of the other Clowns in DC are going to touch that hot potatoe. They will let it fall off the cliff and then get off their asses and try to fix it. Will be interesting to see what those idiots come up with.

I wonder how popular Medicare would be if you could only use the money you put in. Dont' think the seniors would like it so well then.
Medicare needs fixing and I give Ryan credit for trying to fix it. Of course he was attacked by everyone including the greedy seniors.

None of the other Clowns in DC are going to touch that hot potatoe. They will let it fall off the cliff and then get off their asses and try to fix it. Will be interesting to see what those idiots come up with.

I wonder how popular Medicare would be if you could only use the money you put in. Dont' think the seniors would like it so well then.

Medicare has been repeatedly fixed over the past 40 years without ending it as we know it. Privatizing medicare is just a scheme to let the profiteers in the insurance industry take another big bite out of everyone's ass.
2 articles out that seem to be saying he's thinking it over. I'm guessing there's lots of pressure on Ryan to run, he's got the experience and he's got the message:

Ryan for President? | The Weekly Standard

...Sykes pressed him. “Do you think that it is absolutely essential that there be a Republican candidate who is able to articulate…”

Ryan cut him off. “I do. Because this is how we get our country back. We do it through a referendum letting the country pick the path not by having a committee of 12 people pick the path or not by having just the inertia of just letting the status quo just stumble through by winning a campaign based on dividing people.”

Sykes asked if Ryan understands why people think that person should be him.

“Well, I keep hearing that. I’m hoping that people will step up and I’m hoping that somebody – I can help them fashion this. You know my story and you know my answer – and I haven’t changed it. We’ve got a long way to go. There’s 15 months left.”

Ryan has been talking to friends and advisers about a run since last spring. Those familiar with his thinking say that he expected that Indiana governor Mitch Daniels would run. Hours before Daniels released a letter he’d sent to supporters informing them of his decision not to run, he called Ryan to give him a heads up. That phone call profoundly changed Ryan’s thinking...

Rove still sees Ryan, Christie as possible GOP '12 candidates - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Rove still sees Ryan, Christie as possible GOP '12 candidates
By Daniel Strauss - 08/16/11 11:24 AM ET

Republican strategist Karl Rove doubled down Tuesday on comments suggesting New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie or Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) could enter the GOP presidential race.

In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, Rove said that he had talked to supporters of the two high-profile Republicans who were convinced after meeting with them that they would reconsider jumping into the race.

Rove indicated some of the supporters had met with Christie and others with Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee. He said it was possible the supporters were engaging in “wishful thinking” and that they were only hearing what they wanted to hear. But the veteran Republican strategist also said there was so much chatter, it had to be given some credence...
Christie's my governor, and I'm a conservative, but I still wouldn't vote for him either, regardless of his favorability. I voted for his main opponent in our primary and didn't vote for him in the general.

I don't trust him.

can you tell us why? what has he done to make you distrust him?

Because he's establishment, Willow. I'm sick and tired of the establishment. They fuck us every chance they get regardless of which party it is.

We had a MUCH better conservative running against him in the primary, named Steve Lonegan, and Lonegan was beating him in the polls leading into the primary election. Christie's establishment hack team of Steve Forbes and Giuliani put together an 11th hour TV ad spinning Lonegan's tax policy as an increase in taxes, which was just a blatant lie.

Christie is a lawyer. Since when do we conservatives trust lawyers? Lonegan was mayor of Bogota, NJ and had an excellent fiscal record there.

Christie has a lot of connection to liberals in his past, and in fact ran as a democrat in 1993 for state senator.

His position on guns is moderate at best, but leans to the left in my opinion. His position on assault weapons is definitely liberal.

He's done a few decent things so far as governor, like take on the teachers union, but it's mostly been rhetoric for the most part which means nothing to me. And he had no other choice but to take on the union because that was probably the biggest reason he was elected in the first place.

So no, I don't trust him to be a true conservative, because he isn't one.
He is unelectable unless he can flip flop his way out of his call to privatize Medicare.

I think you're dead wrong on this one, Carbineer. Ryan took major heat when his proposal to fix entitlements was first released...much of it coming from Democrats who demonized him for wanting to "gut" Medicare. That was a year ago. Now that we've been downgraded for the first time in our nation's history because of a failure to address entitlement reform and a runaway deficit, I think the American public is finally waking up to the fact that we CAN'T go on with the status quo and that entitlement reform isn't just a debate topic but a real problem. I think when you compare Obama's total lack of willingness to address something as simple as submitting a real budget let alone real entitlement reform, Ryan in contrast looks very appealing if for nothing else then because he's willing to risk himself by putting forth a plan.

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