Paul Ryan is wrong - again

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
The Facts Are In and Paul Ryan Is Wrong -- Daily Intelligencer

Changes in the way we think about the world are not “news” in the classic sense — they occur gradually, without discrete events to signal them. But they matter. Two such developments have come together recently, both reported in the New York Times. The first is the collapse of intellectual support for the notion that immediate austerity can boost economic growth. The second is a growing consensus that health-care-cost inflation is slowing for deep structural reasons, rather than having undergone a mere temporary dip from the recession. These trends have something in common: They blow to smithereens the intellectual foundations of the Obama-era Republican policy agenda.

Ryan is an excellent example of what you get when you start with the end and work to make everything fit that end.

He's also an example of far too many Rs who were born to money and never had to accomplish anything on their own. He's simply not very smart. Lucky for him, gerrymandering and voter suppression guarantees him a place at the public trough for life. He will never have to actually earn a living based on his own abilities.
LOL, Ted Kennedy's Party talking shit about people who "actually earn a living based on his own abilities"


Fuck Off too

The Facts Are In and Paul Ryan Is Wrong -- Daily Intelligencer

Changes in the way we think about the world are not “news” in the classic sense — they occur gradually, without discrete events to signal them. But they matter. Two such developments have come together recently, both reported in the New York Times. The first is the collapse of intellectual support for the notion that immediate austerity can boost economic growth. The second is a growing consensus that health-care-cost inflation is slowing for deep structural reasons, rather than having undergone a mere temporary dip from the recession. These trends have something in common: They blow to smithereens the intellectual foundations of the Obama-era Republican policy agenda.

Ryan is an excellent example of what you get when you start with the end and work to make everything fit that end.

He's also an example of far too many Rs who were born to money and never had to accomplish anything on their own. He's simply not very smart. Lucky for him, gerrymandering and voter suppression guarantees him a place at the public trough for life. He will never have to actually earn a living based on his own abilities.

HAHAHA the Kennedys, wow what projection.

What about Bill Richardson, who's more hispanic than Ted Cruz?

I love to crush these're a troll and a horrible one at that.
The first is the collapse of intellectual support for the notion that immediate austerity can boost economic growth.

they cry because the Obama Administration - Federal Reserve did not succumb to the Depressionary economic trap laid by Republicans to promote their reactionary politics.
Has anyone from the left side of the aisle ever thought Paul Ryan was correct about anything?


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