Paul Ryan's Free School Lunch Story Never Actually Happened

Yeah, what an over privileged louse..... :eusa_whistle:
I'm not shocked that you think working at McDonalds for a couple of months and driving the Weinermobile for a week add up to having "worked for a living".

He's been living off the taxpayer since he left school.

And now that the taxpayer has fed and clothed him, and provided a steep pension for him and his family, along with free medical, NOW he wants to cut that same Social Security that he had no problem grabbing when he needed it.


These people are all about watching people suffer on the street. What could make someone have such evil beliefs?

Ryan ALLEGEDLY (because you can't trust lying libs) wants to cut something, liberals lose their minds. Obama and the democrats cut 700 billion from Medicare, it's party time........:cuckoo:
Barry Obama was still the president last time I looked. Why does the radical left continue to whine about the Tea Party?
Tea Party darlings are known to plagiarize. Nothing new here..
Paul Ryan's Free School Lunch Story Never Actually Happened
"..the story closely paralleled an exchange from a book called "An Invisible Thread," in which an executive offers to either give a young, homeless panhandler money to eat for the week or else make lunch for him each day. The boy insists on having his lunch made for him in a brown-paper bag, because that means "somebody cares" about him."
Can the tea party ever tell a true story.
These guys don't let facts get in the way. They believe in the Bible remember? If it got written down it must therefore be true.

Makes you wonder what else they believe in.
Again the reality of the entire event and ideology of a party escapes you.
So be it.

No, quite the contrary but you can believe what you must.
It sure seems that the total point of what dear mr ryan said and used in his speech
has escaped you.

You all lie when it suits your agenda. It only bothers you when the other side does it, though

Nothing has escaped me, not even you feigning outrage.
My understanding of your entire post is well understood. And it shows the callousness of a certain elitist part of this country.
Sad as it is.

Values? Is that what you are trying to make a stand on? Values?
Please enlighten us with the "values" you seem to be so enamored.

Well sonny, it's the progressive change of culture instilled by your democrat heroes that have robbed our children of those type of good values. Now you have OWS, well done assholes....... :thup:

It was clearly explained in my post, re-read it slowly a few hundred times and you might get it.....
Regardless whether the story is true or not, providing lunch for the child should always be the responsibility of the parents and never of the school.

There is no excuse to send a child to school without lunch.

Well yeah..there is..

It's called poverty.
Yeah, we all know plenty of rich kids that flip burgers at McDonalds just for the fun of it..... :thup:

Well sonny, back then rich Republican parents insisted on their children getting jobs. It was a part of learning about responsibility. Something today's parents do not instill. I would almost guarantee you that George Romney made Mitt get a job when he was a teen.

Well sonny, it's the progressive change of culture instilled by your democrat heroes that have robbed our children of those type of good values. Now you have OWS, well done assholes....... :thup:

What could values are those?

That if you are born non-white your ancestors get put into slavery? And after a war to effectively free them 100 years or so later, de facto apartheid gets put into place starving them of opportunity and sticking them into inner city ghettoes?

Like wealth? Poverty is inherited. The MAJORITY of the super wealthy did absolutely nothing to accrue wealth.

What value is that?

The roll of the dice value?

Seriously. It's like you were born yesterday.
you know how it is....."a full belly but an empty soul." Sure paulie baby. Tell us about an empty soul. Maybe he needs to do some soul searching.

Republicans believe in if you aren't successful. Well, the kids can also be damned.

Pre-new deal is what they believe. Heartless...


It's not bull at all.

Ryan's new catch slogan is "A full belly but soulless".

That's ridiculous and cruel.
Paul Ryan's Free School Lunch Story Never Actually Happened
"..the story closely paralleled an exchange from a book called "An Invisible Thread," in which an executive offers to either give a young, homeless panhandler money to eat for the week or else make lunch for him each day. The boy insists on having his lunch made for him in a brown-paper bag, because that means "somebody cares" about him."
Can the tea party ever tell a true story.
These guys don't let facts get in the way. They believe in the Bible remember? If it got written down it must therefore be true.

Even those who put the Bible together had no intention of it being taken literally word for word. And the Bible was not written as a book. It is a compilation of many books written by many men. There were many books that were not included in the Bible also. That does not mean that the Bible has no merit, nor should it be used as justification for or against the existence of God.
Well sonny, back then rich Republican parents insisted on their children getting jobs. It was a part of learning about responsibility. Something today's parents do not instill. I would almost guarantee you that George Romney made Mitt get a job when he was a teen.

Well sonny, it's the progressive change of culture instilled by your democrat heroes that have robbed our children of those type of good values. Now you have OWS, well done assholes....... :thup:

What could values are those?

That if you are born non-white your ancestors get put into slavery? And after a war to effectively free them 100 years or so later, de facto apartheid gets put into place starving them of opportunity and sticking them into inner city ghettoes?

Like wealth? Poverty is inherited. The MAJORITY of the super wealthy did absolutely nothing to accrue wealth.

What value is that?

The roll of the dice value?

Seriously. It's like you were born yesterday.

How about racism be it against blacks or whites = bad? Why choose?

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