Pay Cut For Congress: Yea Or Nay?

Pay Cut For Congress

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On Thursday, Mega-Millionaire House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said she was against cutting Congressional pay because it would undermine the dignity of her job. But what do you all think?

Those traitors have no dignity left to worry about undermining.
Beside with the kickbacks that they get from other countries and corporations, what they receive as official pay is inconsequential.
Like I have always said: We have the best Politicians money can buy".
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On Thursday, Mega-Millionaire House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said she was against cutting Congressional pay because it would undermine the dignity of her job. But what do you all think?

I think we should draw a huge "X" on the Mainland map between the northeasternmost edge of Maine to the San Diego southernmost beach And the northwesternmost tip of the Olympic peninsula of Washington to the southeasternmost tip of Florida. Where the "X" meets, all land for 25 miles radius from the point should be purchased at a premium and Washington, D.C. moved there to be the center of the nation and capitol, and leave the DC area as a national heritage museum center, if anyone dares to go there with the criminal element as it is.

I think from the new Capitol, also named "Washington Center," we should draw up new terms of contract to Senators and Representatives to serve for free. That would keep out those hoping to gain everything from their service to country to include all the amenities, of which there would be few in the middle of the USA. Then, knowing how the rest of the country lives, let them draw from their own experience the sacrifice that public service is, and that if they cannot act in an honorable manner, they are out on their ears.

I'm sick of fighting, spin rooms, lies manufactured for election time, and congresscritters lining up armored vehicles at the US Treasury to take home goodies to their states. I'm sick of unsportsmanlike conduct and congressmen and women acting like court jesters instead of the dignified people they should be.

And somebody, please spank Nancy Pelosi. If she wants dignity to be a part of the Congressional carryings-on, she should NEVER have told congressmen and congresswomen not to read the health bill, just pass so then they could know what was in it later.

That is the least dignified thing I've ever seen a woman congresswoman say or do. She will have dirt under her talons for the remainder of her animalistic life for the hatred and angst she has elicited by her planned avarice against the American taxpayer and withholding the informationn from the American people that she was foisting upon them the highest tax in the history of the United States Congress.

Snake snot has more dignity than Airforce jet heister Nancy Pelosi who demands personal safety for herself while she spends this nation into a disasterous oblivion that will result in international bitterness when America fails on account of her dishonesty.


I assume you are not serious
I always assume she's not serious.
What do you want to change?

Take away Social Security?

are you kidding? do you think congress only gets SS retirement? better look it up. They get a huge retirement for life plus free medical for life.

I'm sure you will be able to prove this Congressional Pensions

I can do it using your link.

It is true that, if current pension levels and cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for Congress members continue to apply in the future, some former members of Congress could conceivably collect millions of dollars in annuities over the course of their lifetimes.


As of 2007, the average annuities for retired members of Congress were $63,696 for those who retired under CSRS and $36,732 for those who retired under FERS. Those figures are quite good (about "2-3 times more generous than what a similarly-salaried executive could expect to receive upon retiring from the private sector," according to the National Taxpayers Union)...

Want to shut the fuck up now?
Really? I'm the only one as of now that says nay? The ONLY one?

My gripe is that we want our lawmakers to be the best and brightest... Most of the people in such positions are talented lawyers and communicators who could make a lot more in private practice as it is. Cutting their pay would be an insult ($174k for Senators, hardly Rockafeller money); and while most of them are already wealthy before they assume office, it's hardly due to the salary they make therein...

My take anyway. :shrug:

I don't necessarily want the best and brightest, not at all. I want them to be the most representativist, i.e. the most reflective of my wishes. That's what they're (supposed to be) there for. That doesn't take talent; it just takes integrity.

It's estimated that 37% of Congresscritters are lawyers. Lawyers make up 0.36% of the population. That means attorneys are overrepresented in Congress by a factor of a hundred. At least.

There are way too many damn lawyers in Congress. I understand the advantage of having one there; I don't understand the advantage of having a hundred times the population. That ain't representation.
We only know of Pelosi's overt wealth. She plays footsie with liars and obfuscators and is one herself. The truth may not be pretty as her "millions" when she is gaining wealth for others, who's to know if there are any kickbacks going into a numbered account somewhere "just in case" someone lights a fire under journalists to cough up the whole truth for a change. I'd go light on Paulitician. He's a no-nonsense man and doesn't want to take a chance if gut instincts cannot be proved. When you have one party pushing omerta, only the silent know for sure. Those saying they are gonna tell may wish to end it all like Hill Clinton's man, Vincent Foster, rather than get reamed as a traitor by a lying, obfuscating press owing their success to the carrot sticks distributed by the DNC omerta boys and girls.

Pelosi's wealth comes from her husband.

Could you please not let your mouth run ahead of your brain?
Come on, they banned light bulbs. They saved the World. What more do you want from em? ;)
I can't be the only one who feels that everytime Congress acts, it ends up very badly for Citizens. That's how it's been in recent memory anyway. Who are they serving at this point? It doesn't look like they're serving the People anymore.
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I wonder if Paulitician has bought the Ron Paul Commemorative Eyebrow Set?

Personally, i feel Congress should only meet a couple times a year. A 'Do-Nothing Congress' is exactly what our Country needs at this point. They're just doing too much now. I don't know who they're serving these days. Whenever they pass something, it's usually awful for the People.

So them meeting less often is the only logical way forward. When they're away, they can't do harm. The country can take a big sigh of relief knowing they're not in session. Unfortunately, that is the current state of things in this Country. Require them to hold very short sessions and only a few times a year. The Country will be much better off.
I don't necessarily want the best and brightest, not at all. I want them to be the most representativist, i.e. the most reflective of my wishes. That's what they're (supposed to be) there for. That doesn't take talent; it just takes integrity.

It's estimated that 37% of Congresscritters are lawyers. Lawyers make up 0.36% of the population. That means attorneys are overrepresented in Congress by a factor of a hundred. At least.

There are way too many damn lawyers in Congress. I understand the advantage of having one there; I don't understand the advantage of having a hundred times the population. That ain't representation.
We only know of Pelosi's overt wealth. She plays footsie with liars and obfuscators and is one herself. The truth may not be pretty as her "millions" when she is gaining wealth for others, who's to know if there are any kickbacks going into a numbered account somewhere "just in case" someone lights a fire under journalists to cough up the whole truth for a change. I'd go light on Paulitician. He's a no-nonsense man and doesn't want to take a chance if gut instincts cannot be proved. When you have one party pushing omerta, only the silent know for sure. Those saying they are gonna tell may wish to end it all like Hill Clinton's man, Vincent Foster, rather than get reamed as a traitor by a lying, obfuscating press owing their success to the carrot sticks distributed by the DNC omerta boys and girls.

Pelosi's wealth comes from her husband.

Could you please not let your mouth run ahead of your brain?

Her husband has an uncanny ability to invest in things that suddenly turn profitable after his wife does something to help them. I am sure that is simply a coincidence, but I remind you that the law that prohibited Congress from profiting from insider knowledge was not passed until after Boehner became Speaker. Not that he wanted to pass it either, but it took that long for people to become outraged.
At $177,000 a year

They are underpaid

Since January 1, 2009, the compensation for most Representatives and Senators has been
$174,000. Compensation for the Speaker of the House is $223,500, while the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive a salary of $193,400.
The three components result in a single MRA authorization for each Representative that can be
used to pay for any of the official expenses. Allowances are authorized from January 3 of each
year through January 2 of the following year. These allowances are authorized in statute and are
regulated and adjusted by the Committee on House Administration. Funding is provided under a
single appropriations heading, “Members’ Representational Allowances,” within the House
account “Salaries and Expenses.”
On January 6, 2011, the House agreed to H.Res. 22, which reduced each Member’s authorized
level for 2011 and 2012 by 5% from the 2010 level. The 2011 allowances range from $1,356,975
to $1,671,596, with an average MRA of $1,446,009.10

Not to mention, health, life and retirement benefits.

That $174,000 is simply free income as everything else is basically paid for through their expenses.

And of course we all know there are other perks as well such as travel allowance.
At $177,000 a year

They are underpaid

Since January 1, 2009, the compensation for most Representatives and Senators has been
$174,000. Compensation for the Speaker of the House is $223,500, while the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive a salary of $193,400.
The three components result in a single MRA authorization for each Representative that can be
used to pay for any of the official expenses. Allowances are authorized from January 3 of each
year through January 2 of the following year. These allowances are authorized in statute and are
regulated and adjusted by the Committee on House Administration. Funding is provided under a
single appropriations heading, “Members’ Representational Allowances,” within the House
account “Salaries and Expenses.”
On January 6, 2011, the House agreed to H.Res. 22, which reduced each Member’s authorized
level for 2011 and 2012 by 5% from the 2010 level. The 2011 allowances range from $1,356,975
to $1,671,596, with an average MRA of $1,446,009.10

Not to mention, health, life and retirement benefits.

That $174,000 is simply free income as everything else is basically paid for through their expenses.

And of course we all know there are other perks as well such as travel allowance.

Are those allowances taxable? What a wonderful way to avoid paying taxes.
At $177,000 a year

They are underpaid

Since January 1, 2009, the compensation for most Representatives and Senators has been
$174,000. Compensation for the Speaker of the House is $223,500, while the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive a salary of $193,400.
The three components result in a single MRA authorization for each Representative that can be
used to pay for any of the official expenses. Allowances are authorized from January 3 of each
year through January 2 of the following year. These allowances are authorized in statute and are
regulated and adjusted by the Committee on House Administration. Funding is provided under a
single appropriations heading, “Members’ Representational Allowances,” within the House
account “Salaries and Expenses.”
On January 6, 2011, the House agreed to H.Res. 22, which reduced each Member’s authorized
level for 2011 and 2012 by 5% from the 2010 level. The 2011 allowances range from $1,356,975
to $1,671,596, with an average MRA of $1,446,009.10

Not to mention, health, life and retirement benefits.

That $174,000 is simply free income as everything else is basically paid for through their expenses.

And of course we all know there are other perks as well such as travel allowance.

Are those allowances taxable? What a wonderful way to avoid paying taxes.

from what I can find they only pay taxes on their official salary.
At $177,000 a year

They are underpaid

Since January 1, 2009, the compensation for most Representatives and Senators has been
$174,000. Compensation for the Speaker of the House is $223,500, while the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive a salary of $193,400.
The three components result in a single MRA authorization for each Representative that can be
used to pay for any of the official expenses. Allowances are authorized from January 3 of each
year through January 2 of the following year. These allowances are authorized in statute and are
regulated and adjusted by the Committee on House Administration. Funding is provided under a
single appropriations heading, “Members’ Representational Allowances,” within the House
account “Salaries and Expenses.”
On January 6, 2011, the House agreed to H.Res. 22, which reduced each Member’s authorized
level for 2011 and 2012 by 5% from the 2010 level. The 2011 allowances range from $1,356,975
to $1,671,596, with an average MRA of $1,446,009.10

Not to mention, health, life and retirement benefits.

That $174,000 is simply free income as everything else is basically paid for through their expenses.

And of course we all know there are other perks as well such as travel allowance.

That expense allowance isn't just for their personal use. Out of that comes all their office expenses, including salaries for their staff, and to pay for trips back home to meet with constituents. In some cases, foreign trips come out of that too. It's not just a million and half bucks to stick in their pockets.
I'm absolutely fine with cutting pay for congress a fair bit.
Since January 1, 2009, the compensation for most Representatives and Senators has been
$174,000. Compensation for the Speaker of the House is $223,500, while the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive a salary of $193,400.
The three components result in a single MRA authorization for each Representative that can be
used to pay for any of the official expenses. Allowances are authorized from January 3 of each
year through January 2 of the following year. These allowances are authorized in statute and are
regulated and adjusted by the Committee on House Administration. Funding is provided under a
single appropriations heading, “Members’ Representational Allowances,” within the House
account “Salaries and Expenses.”
On January 6, 2011, the House agreed to H.Res. 22, which reduced each Member’s authorized
level for 2011 and 2012 by 5% from the 2010 level. The 2011 allowances range from $1,356,975
to $1,671,596, with an average MRA of $1,446,009.10

Not to mention, health, life and retirement benefits.

That $174,000 is simply free income as everything else is basically paid for through their expenses.

And of course we all know there are other perks as well such as travel allowance.

Are those allowances taxable? What a wonderful way to avoid paying taxes.

from what I can find they only pay taxes on their official salary.

Most people don't pay taxes on expense accounts.
At $177,000 a year

They are underpaid

Since January 1, 2009, the compensation for most Representatives and Senators has been
$174,000. Compensation for the Speaker of the House is $223,500, while the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive a salary of $193,400.
The three components result in a single MRA authorization for each Representative that can be
used to pay for any of the official expenses. Allowances are authorized from January 3 of each
year through January 2 of the following year. These allowances are authorized in statute and are
regulated and adjusted by the Committee on House Administration. Funding is provided under a
single appropriations heading, “Members’ Representational Allowances,” within the House
account “Salaries and Expenses.”
On January 6, 2011, the House agreed to H.Res. 22, which reduced each Member’s authorized
level for 2011 and 2012 by 5% from the 2010 level. The 2011 allowances range from $1,356,975
to $1,671,596, with an average MRA of $1,446,009.10

Not to mention, health, life and retirement benefits.

That $174,000 is simply free income as everything else is basically paid for through their expenses.

And of course we all know there are other perks as well such as travel allowance.

Those allowances are used to run a congressional office, pay staff and pay travel expenses

It is not salary
At $177,000 a year

They are underpaid

Since January 1, 2009, the compensation for most Representatives and Senators has been
$174,000. Compensation for the Speaker of the House is $223,500, while the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive a salary of $193,400.
The three components result in a single MRA authorization for each Representative that can be
used to pay for any of the official expenses. Allowances are authorized from January 3 of each
year through January 2 of the following year. These allowances are authorized in statute and are
regulated and adjusted by the Committee on House Administration. Funding is provided under a
single appropriations heading, “Members’ Representational Allowances,” within the House
account “Salaries and Expenses.”
On January 6, 2011, the House agreed to H.Res. 22, which reduced each Member’s authorized
level for 2011 and 2012 by 5% from the 2010 level. The 2011 allowances range from $1,356,975
to $1,671,596, with an average MRA of $1,446,009.10

Not to mention, health, life and retirement benefits.

That $174,000 is simply free income as everything else is basically paid for through their expenses.

And of course we all know there are other perks as well such as travel allowance.

Those allowances are used to run a congressional office, pay staff and pay travel expenses

It is not salary

So they can fire half of their staff.

Then, maybe, they would read the bills they vote on.
Since January 1, 2009, the compensation for most Representatives and Senators has been
$174,000. Compensation for the Speaker of the House is $223,500, while the President pro
tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive a salary of $193,400.
The three components result in a single MRA authorization for each Representative that can be
used to pay for any of the official expenses. Allowances are authorized from January 3 of each
year through January 2 of the following year. These allowances are authorized in statute and are
regulated and adjusted by the Committee on House Administration. Funding is provided under a
single appropriations heading, “Members’ Representational Allowances,” within the House
account “Salaries and Expenses.”
On January 6, 2011, the House agreed to H.Res. 22, which reduced each Member’s authorized
level for 2011 and 2012 by 5% from the 2010 level. The 2011 allowances range from $1,356,975
to $1,671,596, with an average MRA of $1,446,009.10

Not to mention, health, life and retirement benefits.

That $174,000 is simply free income as everything else is basically paid for through their expenses.

And of course we all know there are other perks as well such as travel allowance.

Those allowances are used to run a congressional office, pay staff and pay travel expenses

It is not salary

So they can fire half of their staff.

Then, maybe, they would read the bills they vote on.

Now we are getting ridiculous
My thought is to set a base salary of, say, $200,000. From that, deduct double the percentage expenditures out pace revenue. In other words, if there was a 30% deficit, the base pay would fall 60% to $80,000.
If, however, there was a >$1.00 surplus, they would receive a $50,000 bonus.
535 x $50,000 = $26,750,000; a small price to pay for preventing a $1.5 trillion deficit.
More than likely, given the way Congress manages our money, we'd save twice that.

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