Pay no attention to man made climate change folks

It's good to see the tards paying attention to the OP and ignoring AGW. Or deflecting. Or denying.

I will ask you then, since the OP can't provide it. Post us a link to ACTUAL scientific experiments that tell you how much CO2 cause x amount of warming.

...and how much is contributed by Humans.

They can't do it.

Because they can't do it they have invented this scam and fabricate data to support it.
I have a news flash: You are a fucking idiot.

The planet naturally emits CO2 & naturally absorbs CO2.

Along comes the Industrial Revolution & now we have emissions my man. These emissions push the total emitted past the amount the Earth can absorb. This raised the CO2 concentration & this heightened the greenhouse effect & this leads to warming.

Get t yet? Dumbass.

Impressive.. You've done some work.. "man" recently is about 5% of that entire "carbon cycle" Nature outweighs it by 20 to 1... And so far, OF that 5%, nature absorbs in excess sink capability.. Furthermore, what's CHARGED to "man" is highly debatable.. Since we get charged with livestock emissions that simply replaced the endless herds of buffalo and other big grazers that got displaced by domestic farming..

A doubling of CO2 in the atmos causes about a 1DegC change in surface temperature.. THis is the RAW warming power of CO2 as gas in the atmos.. WITHOUT the more hysterical GW adjunct theories about "runaway feedbacks, accelerations (not in evidence) and trigger temps from which the planet just trashes itself to death...

The 415 ppm today IS NOT EVEN a doubling since we started the Industrial Revolution at about 280 ppm.. Will be 2050 or so til we get there... That's 1degC for a 280ppm increase... Then to get the NEXT 1degC, we'd have to load the atmos with TWICE AS MUCH CO2 to get the same effect.. Because CO2 warming power is quite saturated and does not LINEARLY increase temp... So we'd need 560 additional ppm to get to 2 deg..

THIS is the basic science without the exaggeration, speculation, phony modeling and hype. And this is what I believe is true.. By 2050 the temp anomaly due to anthro CO2 will be about 1degC... Anything above or below that is natural variance... And it will probably be WAY past 2100 until the anthropomorphic part of climate change accounts for 2DegC...

While the hyped SUPERPOWERS of CO2 that SOME climate scientists believe in are creating models that predict 2100 temp anomalies anywhere between 4 and 8 DegC.. That's not likely IMO....

...and that my friends is a great summary of why the Environmental Wackos have to fabricate data and why none of their predictions ever come true. Because AGW is a nothing burger.
Ad that my friend is a stupid assfuck who will condemn yout children & grandchildren to a more difficult life due to their ignorance.
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?
Record cold for Southeast US

10:55 AM - Jul 24, 2019
Climate change / global warming does not mean everywhere will just be a couple degrees warmer every day.

Average global temperatures. Some areas will be lots warmer and some not. There can be really hot times & really cold times. Hence the word "average"

Climsate change is more than temperatures. It is changes in precipitation. It is changes in the seasons.

Keep running around on cold days & screaming AGW is a hoax proving just how fucking stupid you really are.
So, some of my posts on this thread were deleted by a moderator.... "Your post in the thread Pay no attention to man made climate change folks was deleted. Reason: feuds over off topic chemtrail shit and all personal content posts"

And then this beauty " Reason: Dont do chem trails in GW threads..."

My reply? Then ban me from this's not like I give a flying fuck. I don't live here like some of you do. The truth isn't pretty but it's truth nonetheless. This forum is short on those that talk about the ugly facts in lieu of pretty little lies where partisanship rules. I don't NEED this forum at all.
Take your Chem Trail bullshit & stasrt your own thread.
And on top of that EVERY SINGLE prediction made by the warmers has been false NOT one has proven to be correct EVER.
Global temperature was predicted to rise, it has risen. Do you deny that?

No, you'll pretend you haven't seen it.

It was supposed to have risen 8.0 deg C, not 0.67 Deg C as we have seen by empirical evidence. Now prove that the warming was caused by man and not natural variation.....
NO WHERE was it predicted to rise 8 C by now.

You god damn assholes really need to get a fucking education.

We know for a fact that man is responsible for the rise in CO2 levels and we know that means a heightened greenhouse effect

What natural cause do you have?
It's good to see the tards paying attention to the OP and ignoring AGW. Or deflecting. Or denying.

I will ask you then, since the OP can't provide it. Post us a link to ACTUAL scientific experiments that tell you how much CO2 cause x amount of warming.

...and how much is contributed by Humans.

They can't do it.

Because they can't do it they have invented this scam and fabricate data to support it.
I have a news flash: You are a fucking idiot.

The planet naturally emits CO2 & naturally absorbs CO2.

Along comes the Industrial Revolution & now we have emissions my man. These emissions push the total emitted past the amount the Earth can absorb. This raised the CO2 concentration & this heightened the greenhouse effect & this leads to warming.

Get t yet? Dumbass.

Impressive.. You've done some work.. "man" recently is about 5% of that entire "carbon cycle" Nature outweighs it by 20 to 1... And so far, OF that 5%, nature absorbs in excess sink capability.. Furthermore, what's CHARGED to "man" is highly debatable.. Since we get charged with livestock emissions that simply replaced the endless herds of buffalo and other big grazers that got displaced by domestic farming..

A doubling of CO2 in the atmos causes about a 1DegC change in surface temperature.. THis is the RAW warming power of CO2 as gas in the atmos.. WITHOUT the more hysterical GW adjunct theories about "runaway feedbacks, accelerations (not in evidence) and trigger temps from which the planet just trashes itself to death...

The 415 ppm today IS NOT EVEN a doubling since we started the Industrial Revolution at about 280 ppm.. Will be 2050 or so til we get there... That's 1degC for a 280ppm increase... Then to get the NEXT 1degC, we'd have to load the atmos with TWICE AS MUCH CO2 to get the same effect.. Because CO2 warming power is quite saturated and does not LINEARLY increase temp... So we'd need 560 additional ppm to get to 2 deg..

THIS is the basic science without the exaggeration, speculation, phony modeling and hype. And this is what I believe is true.. By 2050 the temp anomaly due to anthro CO2 will be about 1degC... Anything above or below that is natural variance... And it will probably be WAY past 2100 until the anthropomorphic part of climate change accounts for 2DegC...

While the hyped SUPERPOWERS of CO2 that SOME climate scientists believe in are creating models that predict 2100 temp anomalies anywhere between 4 and 8 DegC.. That's not likely IMO....

You are a fucking idiot.

What percent of CO2 in the atmosphere comes from man is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that the amount man has added through emissions pushed the total CO2 emissions over the amount the Earth removes. Thereby raising the level.

You asssfucks have no logic whatsover.

Then, being a stupids fuck, claim that doubling the CO2 concentration adds one degree. Really? So if the level now is 400, we can increase it to 800 & only get one degree warmer? Jesus fuck, buddy, how stupid can you get. produces. An example would be man's efforts causes warming that exposes & thaws the tundra & that causes a massive release of CO2.

We can limit the increae but we have to drastically reduce emissions to getg there.

Evidently, before we can dfo that, we have to overcome the crowd of dumbasses like you so action can be taken.

Nothing like a bunch of uneducated people telling scientists that they are wrong.

How much it rises goes beyond what man
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Q. Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

A. On Jan. 20, 2021 if Trump and his ineptness is defeated and The Democrats take the Senate and keep the H. or Rep. Only then is it possible to protect the earth, its people and all other living creatures.

See my post above Dufus... America is doing their part to curb CO2 emissions. WITHOUT govt direction and IN SPITE of govt interference.. We've done more than most of the countries still signed on to Kyoto...

There are plenty of laws that called fr reduced emissions.
So, some of my posts on this thread were deleted by a moderator.... "Your post in the thread Pay no attention to man made climate change folks was deleted. Reason: feuds over off topic chemtrail shit and all personal content posts"

And then this beauty " Reason: Dont do chem trails in GW threads..."

My reply? Then ban me from this's not like I give a flying fuck. I don't live here like some of you do. The truth isn't pretty but it's truth nonetheless. This forum is short on those that talk about the ugly facts in lieu of pretty little lies where partisanship rules. I don't NEED this forum at all.

Some of the micromanagement here is less than neutral.

It's good to see the tards paying attention to the OP and ignoring AGW. Or deflecting. Or denying.

I will ask you then, since the OP can't provide it. Post us a link to ACTUAL scientific experiments that tell you how much CO2 cause x amount of warming.

...and how much is contributed by Humans.

They can't do it.

Because they can't do it they have invented this scam and fabricate data to support it.
I have a news flash: You are a fucking idiot.

The planet naturally emits CO2 & naturally absorbs CO2.

Along comes the Industrial Revolution & now we have emissions my man. These emissions push the total emitted past the amount the Earth can absorb. This raised the CO2 concentration & this heightened the greenhouse effect & this leads to warming.

Get t yet? Dumbass.

Impressive.. You've done some work.. "man" recently is about 5% of that entire "carbon cycle" Nature outweighs it by 20 to 1... And so far, OF that 5%, nature absorbs in excess sink capability.. Furthermore, what's CHARGED to "man" is highly debatable.. Since we get charged with livestock emissions that simply replaced the endless herds of buffalo and other big grazers that got displaced by domestic farming..

A doubling of CO2 in the atmos causes about a 1DegC change in surface temperature.. THis is the RAW warming power of CO2 as gas in the atmos.. WITHOUT the more hysterical GW adjunct theories about "runaway feedbacks, accelerations (not in evidence) and trigger temps from which the planet just trashes itself to death...

The 415 ppm today IS NOT EVEN a doubling since we started the Industrial Revolution at about 280 ppm.. Will be 2050 or so til we get there... That's 1degC for a 280ppm increase... Then to get the NEXT 1degC, we'd have to load the atmos with TWICE AS MUCH CO2 to get the same effect.. Because CO2 warming power is quite saturated and does not LINEARLY increase temp... So we'd need 560 additional ppm to get to 2 deg..

THIS is the basic science without the exaggeration, speculation, phony modeling and hype. And this is what I believe is true.. By 2050 the temp anomaly due to anthro CO2 will be about 1degC... Anything above or below that is natural variance... And it will probably be WAY past 2100 until the anthropomorphic part of climate change accounts for 2DegC...

While the hyped SUPERPOWERS of CO2 that SOME climate scientists believe in are creating models that predict 2100 temp anomalies anywhere between 4 and 8 DegC.. That's not likely IMO....

You are a fucking idiot.

What percent of CO2 in the atmosphere comes from man is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that the amount man has added through emissions pushed the total CO2 emissions over the amount the Earth removes. Thereby raising the level.

You asssfucks have no logic whatsover.

Then, being a stupids fuck, claim that doubling the CO2 concentration adds one degree. Really? So if the level now is 400, we can increase it to 800 & only get one degree warmer? Jesus fuck, buddy, how stupid can you get. produces. An example would be man's efforts causes warming that exposes & thaws the tundra & that causes a massive release of CO2.

We can limit the increae but we have to drastically reduce emissions to getg there.

Evidently, before we can dfo that, we have to overcome the crowd of dumbasses like you so action can be taken.

Nothing like a bunch of uneducated people telling scientists that they are wrong.

How much it rises goes beyond what man
And yet YOU can not cite a single proven experiment that shows other wise.
And on top of that EVERY SINGLE prediction made by the warmers has been false NOT one has proven to be correct EVER.
Global temperature was predicted to rise, it has risen. Do you deny that?

No, you'll pretend you haven't seen it.

It was supposed to have risen 8.0 deg C, not 0.67 Deg C as we have seen by empirical evidence. Now prove that the warming was caused by man and not natural variation.....
NO WHERE was it predicted to rise 8 C by now.

You god damn assholes really need to get a fucking education.

We know for a fact that man is responsible for the rise in CO2 levels and we know that means a heightened greenhouse effect

What natural cause do you have?
Ok you lying little fuck here ya go..

IPCC CLAIMS; Temperatures to rise 0.3-4.8 C this century, UN panel says

"A UN panel said Friday it was more certain than ever that humans were causing global warming and predicted temperatures would rise by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius (0.5-8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) this century."

As for natural items... The CLOUD experiment shows how clouds regulate the temperature on the planet and far exceed anything man could do in time spans of weeks, not years or months..

Your beloved man made crap is total bullshit of the highest order and you still do not have a verified and credible link that man is causing anything.

Thanks for showing us you have no grasp of how the system works and your faith is all you have..
Last edited:
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

There is an easy way for you to end your own carbon footprint....

Ya, take out a denier....

Are you advocating murder, in abeyance of the board rules?

Was the poster previous to mine?

I made an inference. you explicitly stated taking out so called "deniers"

Yeah, I didn't state where.
And on top of that EVERY SINGLE prediction made by the warmers has been false NOT one has proven to be correct EVER.
Global temperature was predicted to rise, it has risen. Do you deny that?

No, you'll pretend you haven't seen it.

It was supposed to have risen 8.0 deg C, not 0.67 Deg C as we have seen by empirical evidence. Now prove that the warming was caused by man and not natural variation.....
NO WHERE was it predicted to rise 8 C by now.

You god damn assholes really need to get a fucking education.

We know for a fact that man is responsible for the rise in CO2 levels and we know that means a heightened greenhouse effect

What natural cause do you have?
Ok you lying little fuck here ya go..

IPCC CLAIMS; Temperatures to rise 0.3-4.8 C this century, UN panel says

"A UN panel said Friday it was more certain than ever that humans were causing global warming and predicted temperatures would rise by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius (0.5-8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) this century."

As for natural items... The CLOUD experiment shows how clouds regulate the temperature on the planet and far exceed anything man could do in time spans of weeks, not years or months..

Your beloved man made crap is total bullshit of the highest order and you still do not have a verified and credible link that man is causing anything.

Thanks for showing us you have no grasp of how the system works and your faith is all you have..

You don't have to have faith to believe in science, but you do have to have it to deny it.
There is an easy way for you to end your own carbon footprint....

Ya, take out a denier....

Are you advocating murder, in abeyance of the board rules?

Was the poster previous to mine?

I made an inference. you explicitly stated taking out so called "deniers"

Yeah, I didn't state where.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
And on top of that EVERY SINGLE prediction made by the warmers has been false NOT one has proven to be correct EVER.
Global temperature was predicted to rise, it has risen. Do you deny that?

No, you'll pretend you haven't seen it.

It was supposed to have risen 8.0 deg C, not 0.67 Deg C as we have seen by empirical evidence. Now prove that the warming was caused by man and not natural variation.....
NO WHERE was it predicted to rise 8 C by now.

You god damn assholes really need to get a fucking education.

We know for a fact that man is responsible for the rise in CO2 levels and we know that means a heightened greenhouse effect

What natural cause do you have?
Ok you lying little fuck here ya go..

IPCC CLAIMS; Temperatures to rise 0.3-4.8 C this century, UN panel says

"A UN panel said Friday it was more certain than ever that humans were causing global warming and predicted temperatures would rise by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius (0.5-8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) this century."

As for natural items... The CLOUD experiment shows how clouds regulate the temperature on the planet and far exceed anything man could do in time spans of weeks, not years or months..

Your beloved man made crap is total bullshit of the highest order and you still do not have a verified and credible link that man is causing anything.

Thanks for showing us you have no grasp of how the system works and your faith is all you have..

You said this: "It was supposed to have risen 8.0 deg C, not 0.67 Deg C as we have seen by empirical evidence"

You said it suposed to risen 8 degree totally ignoring they were talking the year 2100.

So Mr Assfuck, how is that prediction false?
I will ask you then, since the OP can't provide it. Post us a link to ACTUAL scientific experiments that tell you how much CO2 cause x amount of warming.

...and how much is contributed by Humans.

They can't do it.

Because they can't do it they have invented this scam and fabricate data to support it.
I have a news flash: You are a fucking idiot.

The planet naturally emits CO2 & naturally absorbs CO2.

Along comes the Industrial Revolution & now we have emissions my man. These emissions push the total emitted past the amount the Earth can absorb. This raised the CO2 concentration & this heightened the greenhouse effect & this leads to warming.

Get t yet? Dumbass.

Impressive.. You've done some work.. "man" recently is about 5% of that entire "carbon cycle" Nature outweighs it by 20 to 1... And so far, OF that 5%, nature absorbs in excess sink capability.. Furthermore, what's CHARGED to "man" is highly debatable.. Since we get charged with livestock emissions that simply replaced the endless herds of buffalo and other big grazers that got displaced by domestic farming..

A doubling of CO2 in the atmos causes about a 1DegC change in surface temperature.. THis is the RAW warming power of CO2 as gas in the atmos.. WITHOUT the more hysterical GW adjunct theories about "runaway feedbacks, accelerations (not in evidence) and trigger temps from which the planet just trashes itself to death...

The 415 ppm today IS NOT EVEN a doubling since we started the Industrial Revolution at about 280 ppm.. Will be 2050 or so til we get there... That's 1degC for a 280ppm increase... Then to get the NEXT 1degC, we'd have to load the atmos with TWICE AS MUCH CO2 to get the same effect.. Because CO2 warming power is quite saturated and does not LINEARLY increase temp... So we'd need 560 additional ppm to get to 2 deg..

THIS is the basic science without the exaggeration, speculation, phony modeling and hype. And this is what I believe is true.. By 2050 the temp anomaly due to anthro CO2 will be about 1degC... Anything above or below that is natural variance... And it will probably be WAY past 2100 until the anthropomorphic part of climate change accounts for 2DegC...

While the hyped SUPERPOWERS of CO2 that SOME climate scientists believe in are creating models that predict 2100 temp anomalies anywhere between 4 and 8 DegC.. That's not likely IMO....

You are a fucking idiot.

What percent of CO2 in the atmosphere comes from man is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that the amount man has added through emissions pushed the total CO2 emissions over the amount the Earth removes. Thereby raising the level.

You asssfucks have no logic whatsover.

Then, being a stupids fuck, claim that doubling the CO2 concentration adds one degree. Really? So if the level now is 400, we can increase it to 800 & only get one degree warmer? Jesus fuck, buddy, how stupid can you get. produces. An example would be man's efforts causes warming that exposes & thaws the tundra & that causes a massive release of CO2.

We can limit the increae but we have to drastically reduce emissions to getg there.

Evidently, before we can dfo that, we have to overcome the crowd of dumbasses like you so action can be taken.

Nothing like a bunch of uneducated people telling scientists that they are wrong.

How much it rises goes beyond what man
And yet YOU can not cite a single proven experiment that shows other wise.

Experiments have proven the greenhouse effect.
It's good to see the tards paying attention to the OP and ignoring AGW. Or deflecting. Or denying.

I will ask you then, since the OP can't provide it. Post us a link to ACTUAL scientific experiments that tell you how much CO2 cause x amount of warming.

...and how much is contributed by Humans.

They can't do it.

Because they can't do it they have invented this scam and fabricate data to support it.
I have a news flash: You are a fucking idiot.

The planet naturally emits CO2 & naturally absorbs CO2.

Along comes the Industrial Revolution & now we have emissions my man. These emissions push the total emitted past the amount the Earth can absorb. This raised the CO2 concentration & this heightened the greenhouse effect & this leads to warming.

Get t yet? Dumbass.

Impressive.. You've done some work.. "man" recently is about 5% of that entire "carbon cycle" Nature outweighs it by 20 to 1... And so far, OF that 5%, nature absorbs in excess sink capability.. Furthermore, what's CHARGED to "man" is highly debatable.. Since we get charged with livestock emissions that simply replaced the endless herds of buffalo and other big grazers that got displaced by domestic farming..

A doubling of CO2 in the atmos causes about a 1DegC change in surface temperature.. THis is the RAW warming power of CO2 as gas in the atmos.. WITHOUT the more hysterical GW adjunct theories about "runaway feedbacks, accelerations (not in evidence) and trigger temps from which the planet just trashes itself to death...

The 415 ppm today IS NOT EVEN a doubling since we started the Industrial Revolution at about 280 ppm.. Will be 2050 or so til we get there... That's 1degC for a 280ppm increase... Then to get the NEXT 1degC, we'd have to load the atmos with TWICE AS MUCH CO2 to get the same effect.. Because CO2 warming power is quite saturated and does not LINEARLY increase temp... So we'd need 560 additional ppm to get to 2 deg..

THIS is the basic science without the exaggeration, speculation, phony modeling and hype. And this is what I believe is true.. By 2050 the temp anomaly due to anthro CO2 will be about 1degC... Anything above or below that is natural variance... And it will probably be WAY past 2100 until the anthropomorphic part of climate change accounts for 2DegC...

While the hyped SUPERPOWERS of CO2 that SOME climate scientists believe in are creating models that predict 2100 temp anomalies anywhere between 4 and 8 DegC.. That's not likely IMO....

...and that my friends is a great summary of why the Environmental Wackos have to fabricate data and why none of their predictions ever come true. Because AGW is a nothing burger.

It's just shy of a nothing burger.. There IS an effect.. The problem is that GW is not just ONE question.. It's many questions and theories.. Some are better than others.. And it's the CATASTROPHIC theories that have lit the flames of social/political confrontation.. Most of those are NOT "settled science"... But there is an effect assuming the CO2 doubling by (say) 2050 is "somewhat" attributable to man..
I will ask you then, since the OP can't provide it. Post us a link to ACTUAL scientific experiments that tell you how much CO2 cause x amount of warming.

...and how much is contributed by Humans.

They can't do it.

Because they can't do it they have invented this scam and fabricate data to support it.
I have a news flash: You are a fucking idiot.

The planet naturally emits CO2 & naturally absorbs CO2.

Along comes the Industrial Revolution & now we have emissions my man. These emissions push the total emitted past the amount the Earth can absorb. This raised the CO2 concentration & this heightened the greenhouse effect & this leads to warming.

Get t yet? Dumbass.

Impressive.. You've done some work.. "man" recently is about 5% of that entire "carbon cycle" Nature outweighs it by 20 to 1... And so far, OF that 5%, nature absorbs in excess sink capability.. Furthermore, what's CHARGED to "man" is highly debatable.. Since we get charged with livestock emissions that simply replaced the endless herds of buffalo and other big grazers that got displaced by domestic farming..

A doubling of CO2 in the atmos causes about a 1DegC change in surface temperature.. THis is the RAW warming power of CO2 as gas in the atmos.. WITHOUT the more hysterical GW adjunct theories about "runaway feedbacks, accelerations (not in evidence) and trigger temps from which the planet just trashes itself to death...

The 415 ppm today IS NOT EVEN a doubling since we started the Industrial Revolution at about 280 ppm.. Will be 2050 or so til we get there... That's 1degC for a 280ppm increase... Then to get the NEXT 1degC, we'd have to load the atmos with TWICE AS MUCH CO2 to get the same effect.. Because CO2 warming power is quite saturated and does not LINEARLY increase temp... So we'd need 560 additional ppm to get to 2 deg..

THIS is the basic science without the exaggeration, speculation, phony modeling and hype. And this is what I believe is true.. By 2050 the temp anomaly due to anthro CO2 will be about 1degC... Anything above or below that is natural variance... And it will probably be WAY past 2100 until the anthropomorphic part of climate change accounts for 2DegC...

While the hyped SUPERPOWERS of CO2 that SOME climate scientists believe in are creating models that predict 2100 temp anomalies anywhere between 4 and 8 DegC.. That's not likely IMO....

...and that my friends is a great summary of why the Environmental Wackos have to fabricate data and why none of their predictions ever come true. Because AGW is a nothing burger.
Ad that my friend is a stupid assfuck who will condemn yout children & grandchildren to a more difficult life due to their ignorance.

One of things about GW/CC projections and predictions is that they have been a moving target since the 80s.. Key guesses at critical constants like "climate sensitivity" that determines the conversion of heat forcing to surface temperature have been revised CONSTANTLY DOWNWARDS since the start.

And it used to be that there would MONTHLY "modeling papers" predicting future temperatures and rates of rise.. Those started disappearing (or got very rare) about 2005 because the modeling failing just 10 or 15 years in....

So -- how about you get a grip, stop trying to panic yourself and the herd --- and TELL US what the Global Mean Anonomaly Surface Temperature (GMAST) will BE in 2100 -- using the MOST RECENT ACADEMIC sources you can find. And provide the following...

1) The assumptions USED for that number about Worldwide carbon emission for the 80 year period.

2) The VARIANCE on that number or +/- range.

3) The TYPE of model they used and whether it's been "back-tested"...

In YOUR lifetime, the temp anomaly has risen by about 0.6DegC +/- about 0.15DegC (depending on your age).. This is FAR below the initial predictions that got this circus started.. And where you LIVE, the VARIANCE in temperature on any day of the year is PROBABLY in the range of +/- 8DegF... Which is a statistical expectation that the NORMAL range of high temps is SEVEN times HIGHER than the 1.1DegF of "GW" that you've experienced...

A little perspective will keep your panties drier.....
Last edited:
...and how much is contributed by Humans.

They can't do it.

Because they can't do it they have invented this scam and fabricate data to support it.
I have a news flash: You are a fucking idiot.

The planet naturally emits CO2 & naturally absorbs CO2.

Along comes the Industrial Revolution & now we have emissions my man. These emissions push the total emitted past the amount the Earth can absorb. This raised the CO2 concentration & this heightened the greenhouse effect & this leads to warming.

Get t yet? Dumbass.

Impressive.. You've done some work.. "man" recently is about 5% of that entire "carbon cycle" Nature outweighs it by 20 to 1... And so far, OF that 5%, nature absorbs in excess sink capability.. Furthermore, what's CHARGED to "man" is highly debatable.. Since we get charged with livestock emissions that simply replaced the endless herds of buffalo and other big grazers that got displaced by domestic farming..

A doubling of CO2 in the atmos causes about a 1DegC change in surface temperature.. THis is the RAW warming power of CO2 as gas in the atmos.. WITHOUT the more hysterical GW adjunct theories about "runaway feedbacks, accelerations (not in evidence) and trigger temps from which the planet just trashes itself to death...

The 415 ppm today IS NOT EVEN a doubling since we started the Industrial Revolution at about 280 ppm.. Will be 2050 or so til we get there... That's 1degC for a 280ppm increase... Then to get the NEXT 1degC, we'd have to load the atmos with TWICE AS MUCH CO2 to get the same effect.. Because CO2 warming power is quite saturated and does not LINEARLY increase temp... So we'd need 560 additional ppm to get to 2 deg..

THIS is the basic science without the exaggeration, speculation, phony modeling and hype. And this is what I believe is true.. By 2050 the temp anomaly due to anthro CO2 will be about 1degC... Anything above or below that is natural variance... And it will probably be WAY past 2100 until the anthropomorphic part of climate change accounts for 2DegC...

While the hyped SUPERPOWERS of CO2 that SOME climate scientists believe in are creating models that predict 2100 temp anomalies anywhere between 4 and 8 DegC.. That's not likely IMO....

You are a fucking idiot.

What percent of CO2 in the atmosphere comes from man is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that the amount man has added through emissions pushed the total CO2 emissions over the amount the Earth removes. Thereby raising the level.

You asssfucks have no logic whatsover.

Then, being a stupids fuck, claim that doubling the CO2 concentration adds one degree. Really? So if the level now is 400, we can increase it to 800 & only get one degree warmer? Jesus fuck, buddy, how stupid can you get. produces. An example would be man's efforts causes warming that exposes & thaws the tundra & that causes a massive release of CO2.

We can limit the increae but we have to drastically reduce emissions to getg there.

Evidently, before we can dfo that, we have to overcome the crowd of dumbasses like you so action can be taken.

Nothing like a bunch of uneducated people telling scientists that they are wrong.

How much it rises goes beyond what man
And yet YOU can not cite a single proven experiment that shows other wise.

Experiments have proven the greenhouse effect.
Then cite them Link to them. Then highlight the section that shows the amount of CO2 needed to cause it. Cause science says CO2 has a diminishing effect on rising temperature and Flat just posted you need to double the CO2 for a one degree rise and then double it again for the next one degree.
I will ask you then, since the OP can't provide it. Post us a link to ACTUAL scientific experiments that tell you how much CO2 cause x amount of warming.

...and how much is contributed by Humans.

They can't do it.

Because they can't do it they have invented this scam and fabricate data to support it.
I have a news flash: You are a fucking idiot.

The planet naturally emits CO2 & naturally absorbs CO2.

Along comes the Industrial Revolution & now we have emissions my man. These emissions push the total emitted past the amount the Earth can absorb. This raised the CO2 concentration & this heightened the greenhouse effect & this leads to warming.

Get t yet? Dumbass.

Impressive.. You've done some work.. "man" recently is about 5% of that entire "carbon cycle" Nature outweighs it by 20 to 1... And so far, OF that 5%, nature absorbs in excess sink capability.. Furthermore, what's CHARGED to "man" is highly debatable.. Since we get charged with livestock emissions that simply replaced the endless herds of buffalo and other big grazers that got displaced by domestic farming..

A doubling of CO2 in the atmos causes about a 1DegC change in surface temperature.. THis is the RAW warming power of CO2 as gas in the atmos.. WITHOUT the more hysterical GW adjunct theories about "runaway feedbacks, accelerations (not in evidence) and trigger temps from which the planet just trashes itself to death...

The 415 ppm today IS NOT EVEN a doubling since we started the Industrial Revolution at about 280 ppm.. Will be 2050 or so til we get there... That's 1degC for a 280ppm increase... Then to get the NEXT 1degC, we'd have to load the atmos with TWICE AS MUCH CO2 to get the same effect.. Because CO2 warming power is quite saturated and does not LINEARLY increase temp... So we'd need 560 additional ppm to get to 2 deg..

THIS is the basic science without the exaggeration, speculation, phony modeling and hype. And this is what I believe is true.. By 2050 the temp anomaly due to anthro CO2 will be about 1degC... Anything above or below that is natural variance... And it will probably be WAY past 2100 until the anthropomorphic part of climate change accounts for 2DegC...

While the hyped SUPERPOWERS of CO2 that SOME climate scientists believe in are creating models that predict 2100 temp anomalies anywhere between 4 and 8 DegC.. That's not likely IMO....

You are a fucking idiot.

What percent of CO2 in the atmosphere comes from man is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that the amount man has added through emissions pushed the total CO2 emissions over the amount the Earth removes. Thereby raising the level.

You asssfucks have no logic whatsover.

Then, being a stupids fuck, claim that doubling the CO2 concentration adds one degree. Really? So if the level now is 400, we can increase it to 800 & only get one degree warmer? Jesus fuck, buddy, how stupid can you get. produces. An example would be man's efforts causes warming that exposes & thaws the tundra & that causes a massive release of CO2.

We can limit the increae but we have to drastically reduce emissions to getg there.

Evidently, before we can dfo that, we have to overcome the crowd of dumbasses like you so action can be taken.

Nothing like a bunch of uneducated people telling scientists that they are wrong.

How much it rises goes beyond what man
And yet YOU can not cite a single proven experiment that shows other wise.

The GHouse effect is not currently refutable. If you've camped in the desert at night, you'd FEEL IT when a cloud deck comes in and warms the surface by MANY degrees.. That's a "colder object" retarding the heat loss to the sky..

The Earth ALWAYS loses heat to the sky.. That's the net transfer of heat. But having GHouse gases is what keeps you from being a popsicle in a matter of hours..

Some things can be calculated from Basic Chemistry/Physics/Geometry. They are mathematical proofs that don't NEED a large scale, planet sized experiment to prove...
"A UN panel said Friday it was more certain than ever that humans were causing global warming and predicted temperatures would rise by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius (0.5-8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) this century."

Gee thanks IPCC -- with that range from NOTHING_Burger to CALAMITY, that's NOT "settled science".... That's the point I was making to RealDave above... And that's the problem..

Because ANY actual result in that range is "likely" and THAT is NOT sufficient guidance to send our economies back to the Stone Age.. EVEN IF --- we could....

Furthermore, what's NOT STATED in that article is EQUALLY important.. What WAS the "co2 emission assumptions" that were used for THAT number.. And does the same modeling "back project" accurately?

There is no adequate consensus.. Because a consensus is on ONE question at a time. And GW/CC has about 100 key questions.. So there is no "general" consensus on ALL of it...

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