PAYBACK: House GOP launches into investigation of Cassidy Hutchinson

The lefties appear a bit agitated this evening after Trump's convincing stomping in Iowa. Reality hurts.
Trump is a fucking pig with no morals & his HOR lackeys like Comer & Jordan are no better. THEY should be investigated for using taxpayer dollars in an effort to destroy Hutchinson just for telling the truth.
Actually you have no morals supporting a man that took inappropriate showers with his daughter. Started with Clinton, now your perversion has no limits.
In what way?
How would you know?
You allege it, so explain yourself poster BS.

It's a corrosive and derogatory the burden to credibly explain it is your responsibility.

Please do so.
It seems that only the accusation is needed that's days.
  • the facts and the Secret Service agents who were THERE
  • For one: Trump tried to grab the wheel. Were you asleep or just in denial?
  • In fact we know she lied, because everyone else in the presidential SUV said Trump did not grab the wheel as Hutchinson said.

Posters Winco & Clipper have already appropriately responded to the above misperceptions. (see below)

But hell, as so many hold misinformation as their gospel, it's fitting to drive the nail a little deeper.

So it is like this --- Hutchinson testified as to what she was told by one SS agent who described to her what happened in the presidential vehicle. Another agent who evidently was the driver during the alleged incident was in the room when the agent described what happened.
She was asked in her testimony what she had heard.
She described what she heard.

Both agents allegedly stated the incident in the vehicle didn't happen but
neither one would state on the record that the incident didn't happen when requested to do so by the Committee.

Neither agent would state on the record that Hutchinson was NOT told the story she relayed to the Committee.

Whether the dispute...or some degree of dispute.....occurred between the then-POTUS and the driver of the SUV cannot yet be determined as the two or three participants won't credibly confirm that it did or did not.

But what is clear is that two agents, one of which was known to be in the vehicle, relayed to Hutchinson a story. And Hutchinson relayed that story to the Committee.

Or she's full of shit and none of her stories are true.
Which elements of her testimony before the Congressional Committee is not true?
How would you know. And what do you know?
You allege it. So you explain it.
Batter up, amigo.

Making privileged conversation public is a criminal offense.
Which 'privileged conversation was that?
Explain yourself, poster Rigby.

These guys below....I followed and added just 2-cents. They said it better than me.

She NEVER claimed that she was a witness.
If she admitted it was "second hand', how was she lying, dupe?

ps...for those sincerely interested in observing Hutchinson's testimony here is a YouTuber of it:

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The lefties appear a bit agitated this evening after Trump's convincing stomping in Iowa. Reality hurts.
Trump’s standing in Iowa is irrelevant.
He placed third in 2016. :rolleyes:
Then he claimed it was rigged.

What a dupe you turned out to be.
Query to poster BS Filter: (posted earlier)

How would you know?
You allege it, so explain yourself poster BS.
It's a corrosive and derogatory the burden to credibly explain it is your responsibility. Please do so.

It is a sincere inquiry. Meant to better understand the derogatory allegation the poster BS made. To date he has not. Perhaps, he cannot. Perhaps, he chooses not to.
Thus, refusing his responsibility to back up his own word.
You be the judge.
Query to poster BS Filter: (posted earlier)

It is a sincere inquiry. Meant to better understand the derogatory allegation the poster BS made. To date he has not. Perhaps, he cannot. Perhaps, he chooses not to.
Thus, refusing his responsibility to back up his own word.
You be the judge.
She hired her boyfriend lawyer. Pays him over $600,000. She takes Caribbean cruises with him, fancy hotels and restaurants, all on the people's money. Then she goes to church and gets up and whines about being a victim of racism when she's caught.
She hired her boyfriend lawyer. Pays him over $600,000. She takes Caribbean cruises with him, fancy hotels and restaurants, all on the people's money.

Prove it.
Show us credible vetting that what you claim above is true.
The explain how that is "corrupt".

If you don't, if you can't, then you could be called --- by others, tho not me.....but others could rightfully label you just a motormouth, no there there. A fake and a phony. avatar is merely trying to give you a heads up. For your reputation's sake.
Good luck.
I'm one of the most honest posters here and you know it.

Prove it.
Show us credible vetting that what you claim above is true.
The explain how that is "corrupt".

If you don't, if you can't, then you could be called --- by others, tho not me.....but others could rightfully label you just a motormouth, no there there. A fake and a phony. avatar is merely trying to give you a heads up. For your reputation's sake.
Good luck.
You call me whatever you want. I really don't give a damn. My reputation is just fine. Putrid pusillanimous punk like you and others around here are irrelevant to my integrity and reputation.

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