PAYBACK: House GOP launches into investigation of Cassidy Hutchinson

That what she said. Trump tried to grab the wheel.

She's allowed to give testimony of what the SS told her.

She NEVER claimed that she was a witness.

You seem all flustered with your latest response.
Nonsense. She said he did it.

He didn’t. When you give sworn testimony, whether some rube steak like you like it or not, your duty is to tell the truth.

Defend her for lying. You’re being obtuse.

I’m suspect you’re the one who’s flustered. 😂🤣
Privileged? Please do tell!

This should be good.

All presidents are the source of all classified information.
Relaying any private presidential conversations is a violation of executive privilege.
That what she said. Trump tried to grab the wheel.

She's allowed to give testimony of what the SS told her.

She NEVER claimed that she was a witness.

You seem all flustered with your latest response.

No, she is NOT allowed to give testimony of what the SS told her.
And the SS never told her that Trump tried to "grab the wheel".
Nonsense. She said he did it.

He didn’t. When you give sworn testimony, whether some rube steak like you like it or not, your duty is to tell the truth.

Defend her for lying. You’re being obtuse.

I’m suspect you’re the one who’s flustered. 😂🤣
Hey moron… she said she was TOLD he tried to grab the wheel
A House committee that is investigating the 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building and is led by Democrats, has turned its attention to one of its key witnesses who was also a former member of the Trump administration.

BJ -
Yeah, I mentioned a time or 2 that MS. Hutchinson had an extraordinary amount of changes and corresction made to her testimony during the infomercial.

(I love that I am always right)
You know what they say. If you can't do your job, start an investigation. MAGA
A House committee that is investigating the 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building and is led by Democrats, has turned its attention to one of its key witnesses who was also a former member of the Trump administration.

BJ -
Yeah, I mentioned a time or 2 that MS. Hutchinson had an extraordinary amount of changes and corresction made to her testimony during the infomercial.

(I love that I am always right)
Stop pretending that you don't know the reason why she changed her tune. I't already been discussed here.
The entire attack upon Trump, is an orchestration, a massive conspiracy which has consequently destroyed the concept of equal justice under the law, and of course the civil society! Its never, ever coming back, its crucial you folk comprehend the scope of the deceptions, you do not have two party rule in the United States, that is an utter sham.

Depending upon ages, most of you have been watching this opera play out over decades, its always the same, the fascist democrats are always in near perfect lockstep, the republicans left scratching their heads in puzzlement, seemingly always outwitted in the end, every single time!

Do you understand that the two party system is an elaborate ruse, that the so-called leadership is always in near perfect lockstep with the so-called opposing leadership, have you folk not even wondered at that? Well your bodies know what your minds refuse, that the two party system is a profound deception, intended to lull you into stupefied compliance with the fascists who really run your nation!

This is why they target Trump, but the bullseye is you, the American people, Trump was/is the engine of your will, and the little fascists have told you in no uncertain terms, NO! Everything is corrupted, the DOJ, and most especially the unelected administrative state, in GA the Governor refuses to back a criminal probe of an obviously corrupt Fani Willis and her lover/special prosecutor, they no longer even attempt to hide their corrupt hand upon all of the levers!

We have one thing they fear and that one thing only, and its not our votes.....
you and others around here are irrelevant to my integrity and reputation.
Sure, OK. You be you.
It's the internet after all. You can be what you wanna be. With the reputation you think is better than in real life. Go for it.

Still, what is your argument, poster BS, that supports your allegation Cassidy Hutchinson is "corrupt"?
So far, you've frightened yourself away from responding to that reasonable request.

What's up with that?
You do know, your avatar's reputation for, ummm, 'truthiness' on the line.
Saddle up, Skippy. Defend your reputation.


No wonder Americans support Trump and not her.
You too, poster Lenny Partiv?
You too are all in that this career Republican (aide to Mark Meadows, to Ted Cruz, to Steve Scalise, the White House Office of Legislative Affairs).......that she is, as poster BS Filter alleges ...."a slut"?


Lemme ask, how do you tamp down your misogyny when you are out in the real world dealing with real women?
Describe to the forum how it must stress you, and what you do to relieve that stress.

Thanx, in advance.


No, she is NOT allowed to give testimony of what the SS told her.
And the SS never told her that Trump tried to "grab the wheel".
Trained, experienced, practicing Constitutional law attorneys seem to differ with the free opinion offered by an anonymous poster using a fake name on a social media site,...... ala' "Rigby".

I'll be gobsmacked. How dare they?

Hutchinson gave that testimony on the Secret Service information in front of such lawyers. And other such lawyers intently listening to their television. Where was the objection?

As far as the Secret Service agents 'never told her'.......well, she said they did.
Not unimportantly, she said that under oath.

They said they didn't tell her.
Not unimportantly, they refused to go under oath and say they didn't tell her.

You be the judge.


"...the two party system is an elaborate ruse, that the so-called leadership is always in near perfect lockstep with the so-called opposing leadership, have you folk not even wondered at that?

What's the favored alternative you are willing ...and capable of.... describing to the forum?

Batter up, mon ami.



Prove it.
Show us credible vetting that what you claim above is true.
The explain how that is "corrupt".

If you don't, if you can't, then you could be called --- by others, tho not me.....but others could rightfully label you just a motormouth, no there there. A fake and a phony. avatar is merely trying to give you a heads up. For your reputation's sake.
Good luck.

None of that is actually in dispute.
That what she said. Trump tried to grab the wheel.

She's allowed to give testimony of what the SS told her.

She NEVER claimed that she was a witness.

You seem all flustered with your latest response.

That was the whole point of having an infomercial instead of an actual hearing.

I am certain that someone told her that -
She repeated that she was told that - exactly as the script called for.
She told the truth under oath.

In an actual fact finding endeavor the next person to testify would have been the person who told her that -
but that wasn't in the script - so it goes unchallenged.
Ignorant asses like you, who don't have a clue, think that it means something.

It is an infomercial -

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