Paycheck FAIRNESS Act Blocked By Republicans! What's New!

Who really thinks that women are paid only 77 cents on the dollar compared to men FOR DOING THE SAME JOB? This lie is repeated in the article linked in the OP.
Warren is not a presidential candidate. And Jake may not live in her district to be able to vote for her even if he had a mind to.

You don't know if she will run yet or not.

Jake is a widower....he is available.
I have heard her say she isn't running. No doubt she doesn't want to stand in Hillary's way by her bowing out of consideration.

Nope, you've heard her say that at this time she hasn't decided.
hey, wuckfit, female America has no use for the anti-woman policies of the stupid part of the GOP.

55% of all women, 66% of unmarried women, 80% of millennial women voted against our GOP in 2012.

If we keep pissing women off, what do you think will happen in every national then state then local elections from then on?

So, the more dumb and gullible they were, the more they went for Obama. That's true of the electorate in general.
Women are a significant voting block so don't ever underestimate or denigrate them. Respect them! And let's not forget that many Republicans also voted for Obama. And the electorate could not have been that dumb to have voted for President Obama TWICE so that he won yet again despite his first term and was re-elected.

Another failed thread. Lol.

Obama's war on White House women: Column
hey, wuckfit, female America has no use for the anti-woman policies of the stupid part of the GOP.

55% of all women, 66% of unmarried women, 80% of millennial women voted against our GOP in 2012.

If we keep pissing women off, what do you think will happen in every national then state then local elections from then on?

So, the more dumb and gullible they were, the more they went for Obama. That's true of the electorate in general.
Women are a significant voting block so don't ever underestimate or denigrate them. Respect them! And let's not forget that many Republicans also voted for Obama. And the electorate could not have been that dumb to have voted for President Obama TWICE so that he won yet again despite his first term and was re-elected.

I don't denigrate women, only the dumb gullible ones who voted for Obama. I doubt you'll find any Republicans who voted for Obama. They may have stayed home rather than vote for Romney, but no self respecting Republican would ever vote for a Stalinist douche bag like Obama.

And voting for Obama twice shows that stupid people are easily fooled.
All these posts by the right wing and nothing that addresses the fact that women are not paid equally. Just anti government rants. Leads me to believe that if we still had slavery, this right wing mentality would be against freeing the slaves.

"What right has government government got interferring." "Plantation owners paid good money for these slaves etc" Another opinion that went around back then "Slave owners should be reimbursed for the money they invested in these now freed slaves. Spare me the "republicans were for freeing the slaves routine". There's no comparison between those republicans of old and you people that always side with authority and big money. So don't flatter yourself that you're in the same league with freedom fighters anywhere.
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The GOP is going to be astounded even though it has worked at pissing off women voters the last six years.

"how did this happen?", asks the wuckfits in the GOP leadership

Hey genius. Nobody knows about it. Nor do they care.

hey, wuckfit, female America has no use for the anti-woman policies of the stupid part of the GOP.

55% of all women, 66% of unmarried women, 80% of millennial women voted against our GOP in 2012.

If we keep pissing women off, what do you think will happen in every national then state then local elections from then on?
A guy pretending to know what women need and then telling them so.
Imagine that
Why should women be treated differently because they're a woman? I believe the federal government just maintain only a general minimum wage but no more. I don't think they should check each pay check.
Then once and for all bring DOWN the salaries that men currently make to be on par with what women make. Then you and others would be putting your money where your mouth is.

You first.
Wasn't the Lilly Leadbetter Act good enough?

Same type of bullshit law created to offer opportunities for plaintiff's attorneys to fill their pockets.
Remember. Lawyers make the laws. And they will take any opportunity to make laws that help their brethren.
Lilly Ledbetter is a political prop.
This latest silliness is another political play.
The dems that floated this idea knew it had a snowball's chance in Miami. It is going to be used for 10 second soundbites.
Hey genius. Nobody knows about it. Nor do they care.

hey, wuckfit, female America has no use for the anti-woman policies of the stupid part of the GOP.

55% of all women, 66% of unmarried women, 80% of millennial women voted against our GOP in 2012.

If we keep pissing women off, what do you think will happen in every national then state then local elections from then on?
A guy pretending to know what women need and then telling them so.
Imagine that

Imagine someone like you making a statement like that when the stats are against you.

It seems to me the GOP is intentionally trying to lose the upcoming election.
The Democrats knew that this legislation would be rejected, that's why they introduced the legislation.
Consider this; there are about 68 women in the workforce and the Democrats are going to pound this issue and legislation. Many of these women come from dual income households, so now this legislation effects men. A majority of these working women come from the middle class. The middle class has suffered from flat wage growth for decades and of course the US middle class has weakened because of this.
68 women in the work force? I think I've met a couple of them.

Democrats propose legislation they know the Republicans will reject? Do they think that toying with the process is funny or something? That this kind of faux pas finger-pointing is cool?
politicalhack should be the op's name

they are like little democrat parrots...peat repeat wash rinse regurgitate the same old chit
Watch out when democrats introduce a bill with the word "fairness" in it.
Oh, don't I know! That's such Horror to the Republicans who don't know the meaning of the word because they have never engaged in it nor do they plan to. :D

I wait patiently for your thread railing against Obama and the disparity in pay and raises between the women and men working at the White House...

Hope you ain't holding your breath there buddy cause your in for a long wait. No way will she say a bad word about that fuck in the WH. He's her hero. A hero who doesn't salute the flag and turns his back on it. Funny no lefty on this board seems to want to address that little factoid. The guy could care less about America or Americans.

War on women. What a load of horseshit.

Potliticaltouchhole is all for those lawyers making millions of her war on women horseshit.

To bad she doesn't take a closer look at the fuck in the WH.
It seems to me the GOP is intentionally trying to lose the upcoming election.
The Democrats knew that this legislation would be rejected, that's why they introduced the legislation.
Consider this; there are about 68 women in the workforce and the Democrats are going to pound this issue and legislation. Many of these women come from dual income households, so now this legislation effects men. A majority of these working women come from the middle class. The middle class has suffered from flat wage growth for decades and of course the US middle class has weakened because of this.

and you and a lot others don't seem to care that Democrats are PLAYING with our lives
this is the GAME we are paying for?

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