Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

So I see you arguing with people all the time on the exact same thing, that you're a lame fake independent/Republican/non-Democrat At any point do you think maybe you should sometimes tell someone with what you disagree with Democrats on if you aren't one?

If you have any integrity at all, you know that I argue with Republicans all the time. Yes, I argue with Democrats more. Read my sig. The racism/Nazi/Russia crap is over the top, they are destroying their country. But I argue with Republicans about social security, economics, the military, abortion, Republican out of control spending regularly as well. I notice when leftists argue with Democrats. It happens only very rarely. And I don't see you doing it

I have... when I first got here Democrats hated me because of my posts about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Jesus dude, give up.

If you don't want to listen to a Democrat bring up racism and Nazis then maybe don't elect a President that supports conspiracy shit, retweets white nationalists, and then tweets lies about other races.

Ding, ding, ding, another leftist with massive Trump butt hurt.

And Trump hasn't tweeted about other races, leftist bigot. How surprising, another racist race baiter. Race baiting is in itself racism. You're exploiting races for political gain

You understand this is stuff that can be proven right?

Video: Trump faces more fallout from retweets of far-right group

Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

"They are good people on both sides... both sides."

It goes on and on. It's pretty simple. Don't want to hear about racism and Nazism, don't elect and support a guy that says and does things to support Alt-Right groups.

Confirmation bias.


Trump: “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

Lewdog: Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

It is true, WTF is wrong with you? Some of that land has been in farmer's families for centuries. It's just your typical leftist bull shit that racism is only white on black, blacks can't by your leftist definition be racists


What Trump said: “You also had some very fine people on both sides."

This is how you lie, "They are good people on both sides... both sides."

You changed that he said some to all and you said he repeated it, which he didn't.

So just to be clear, you think there are not SOME good people who are both for and against removing southern statues of former slave owners? One side has in your view literally zero good people?


So other than your just flat outright lie/misquote of Trump and a factually true statement that you lied wasn't factually true, you have anything or you going to hang your hat on that, racist? Again, race baiting is in itself racist

It's a true as making a political statement that Blacks are being systematically exterminated in America. Yes, there are white people who are killing Blacks in the U.S. but it isn't anywhere near the levels it used to be.

The killing of white farmers in South Africa is actually DOWN from in the past, and South Africa isn't taking away land at some crazy rate in South Africa. It is no different than here in the U.S. where Trump wants to build his wall, which will include the federal government taking the land of U.S. citizens under imminent domain so they can build the wall.

That's are why these are called half-truths.


Trump Echoes Neo-Nazi Propaganda About South Africa (That He Heard on Fox News)

So please explain to me how I paraphrased what Trump said was different from the EXACT quote.

I said they are, when it is "there are." Yes, that is the quote and even with that quote, he is trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth so that he can try to say he spoke out against the violence, YET not offend the white nationalist base, one of which ran over protesters and killed a woman.

The fact that they have a category called "white farm murders" shows you what the situation is. Anyone who believes statistics published by the communists in the SA government is terminally gullible.
Last edited:
My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those

I stated from day one I am not a Democrat. I'm a former Republican that is an Independent.

Also, another unethical thing of you to think that ALL people within a political group are as blind a tribal partisan political hack as you. Quit projecting.

If you want to keep a dossier of me, don't do it in your fantasy world head, create a word document. Feel free to create a Q&A thread for more and I'd be more than willing to give you an interview. :abgg2q.jpg:

You and half the other Democrats on the site aren't Democrats You aren't a Democrat, but you just have to admit over and over that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you aren't one. Sure. You, Jake Starkey, Sieta, Moonglow, g5000, and on and on. The list is endless of you non-Democrats who always argue on the side of the Democrats.

Thing is, the Democrat party has now put up the bat signal because of Trump. Come home and defend the party! And you do

Yeah that's part of what an Independent is dummy. It means you don't completely agree with everything one party does.

Good grief. I've said I'm a slightly right leaning Independent.... I say that because I'm closer to being an Independent than a moderate Republican.
Trump's behavior is drawing criticism from people that rarely if ever vote and know nothing about the two parties, the issues or which party supports which issue. That actually might be one good thing Trump may accomplish as president, involve people in the political process that previously had no interest at all.
True. Trump has made it clear that leftwingers are all lying psycho scumbags
The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points

And they are, but that wasn't how Tucker Carlson of Trump played it. They used it as a white nationalist talking point to exploit.

There are difference between the truth, and using the "truth" in an exploitative manner.

No, I did not "just flat out lie and misquote him." I paraphrased what he said off the top of my head because I didn't feel like going and watching the video at the time. And what I said has very little difference from what he said. You can't even explain the difference, yet continue to harp on it.

See there is a big difference from what HE says that I point out is racist, and what you are accusing me of. I can provide proof to back up what I say... you on the other hand just use the same bullshit cowardly defense of calling everyone that points it out a race-baiting racist. I've never done a racist thing in my life and have actually lost good friends due to the fact they wouldn't quit using the "n" word quite often. And pointing out when Trump does things to appease his white nationalist base isn't "race-baiting." It's called the truth, and as long as you defend him for it and accuse those that point it out as race-baiting, you're enabling it.

So you're not able to support your stupid crap on Trump without lying on both points, so you switch to "Tucker Carlson."

We are talking about Trump, not Tucker Carlson. I don't give a shit about Tucker Carlson. You're just moving the goal posts again.

Back to the subject.

Trump said there are "some" good people both on the side of people who want to remove confederate statues and those who don't.

You lied and said he said everyone on both sides is good. And you only did that because you wanted to have any racists caught in your net, so you included everyone. When called on it, you dropped it.

Trump said the government of South Africa is taking the land of white farmers, which they are. First you lied and said they aren't doing that. Then you started talking about the murder of white farmers, which Trump didn't address.

Keep in mind these were your choice. The first, go to examples of Trump being a racist that you chose.

You sir, are guilty of race baiting, which makes you a racist for exploiting races for cheap political points

He got the idea from watching Tucker Carlson. Good grief. You are either extremely naive, or do blindly partisan if Trump told you to jump you'd ask "How long, how far, how high, and who it will hurt by doing it." Of course it could also be that you are just stupid, or a combination of any of the three.

The United States takes land from U.S. citizens too. Why are you ignoring that? Also when South Africa does take land, they don't just take it, they pay for it.

The government has to compensate people when it takes their land. SA isn't doing that, moron.

Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

That's true, but that only shows how corrupt our government is. However, the government does pay a large fraction of the market price. SA is paying nothing. You seem to endorse the idea that government should be free to confiscate private property. How beautifully liberal!
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Patience darlin.
Benghazi took 3 years for nothing
Did you read the guardian?
It's not paying off, it's paying off to influence an election.
Trump should bless Comey, it was his Hillary statement just before the election that did her in
And they are, but that wasn't how Tucker Carlson of Trump played it. They used it as a white nationalist talking point to exploit.

There are difference between the truth, and using the "truth" in an exploitative manner.

No, I did not "just flat out lie and misquote him." I paraphrased what he said off the top of my head because I didn't feel like going and watching the video at the time. And what I said has very little difference from what he said. You can't even explain the difference, yet continue to harp on it.

See there is a big difference from what HE says that I point out is racist, and what you are accusing me of. I can provide proof to back up what I say... you on the other hand just use the same bullshit cowardly defense of calling everyone that points it out a race-baiting racist. I've never done a racist thing in my life and have actually lost good friends due to the fact they wouldn't quit using the "n" word quite often. And pointing out when Trump does things to appease his white nationalist base isn't "race-baiting." It's called the truth, and as long as you defend him for it and accuse those that point it out as race-baiting, you're enabling it.

So you're not able to support your stupid crap on Trump without lying on both points, so you switch to "Tucker Carlson."

We are talking about Trump, not Tucker Carlson. I don't give a shit about Tucker Carlson. You're just moving the goal posts again.

Back to the subject.

Trump said there are "some" good people both on the side of people who want to remove confederate statues and those who don't.

You lied and said he said everyone on both sides is good. And you only did that because you wanted to have any racists caught in your net, so you included everyone. When called on it, you dropped it.

Trump said the government of South Africa is taking the land of white farmers, which they are. First you lied and said they aren't doing that. Then you started talking about the murder of white farmers, which Trump didn't address.

Keep in mind these were your choice. The first, go to examples of Trump being a racist that you chose.

You sir, are guilty of race baiting, which makes you a racist for exploiting races for cheap political points

He got the idea from watching Tucker Carlson. Good grief. You are either extremely naive, or do blindly partisan if Trump told you to jump you'd ask "How long, how far, how high, and who it will hurt by doing it." Of course it could also be that you are just stupid, or a combination of any of the three.

The United States takes land from U.S. citizens too. Why are you ignoring that? Also when South Africa does take land, they don't just take it, they pay for it.

The government has to compensate people when it takes their land. SA isn't doing that, moron.

Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

That's true, but that only shows how corrupt our government is. However, the government does pay a large fraction of the market price. SA is paying nothing. You seem to endorse the idea that government should be free to confiscate private property. How beautifully liberal!

I assume you know the def of liberal?
For the individual and small gov ?
Liber, Latin, free?
I digress, like the South Africans did in the beginning?
And USA/Mexico?
Ironic that we are squatting on their lands and want to build a wall
So you're not able to support your stupid crap on Trump without lying on both points, so you switch to "Tucker Carlson."

We are talking about Trump, not Tucker Carlson. I don't give a shit about Tucker Carlson. You're just moving the goal posts again.

Back to the subject.

Trump said there are "some" good people both on the side of people who want to remove confederate statues and those who don't.

You lied and said he said everyone on both sides is good. And you only did that because you wanted to have any racists caught in your net, so you included everyone. When called on it, you dropped it.

Trump said the government of South Africa is taking the land of white farmers, which they are. First you lied and said they aren't doing that. Then you started talking about the murder of white farmers, which Trump didn't address.

Keep in mind these were your choice. The first, go to examples of Trump being a racist that you chose.

You sir, are guilty of race baiting, which makes you a racist for exploiting races for cheap political points

He got the idea from watching Tucker Carlson. Good grief. You are either extremely naive, or do blindly partisan if Trump told you to jump you'd ask "How long, how far, how high, and who it will hurt by doing it." Of course it could also be that you are just stupid, or a combination of any of the three.

The United States takes land from U.S. citizens too. Why are you ignoring that? Also when South Africa does take land, they don't just take it, they pay for it.

The government has to compensate people when it takes their land. SA isn't doing that, moron.

Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

That's true, but that only shows how corrupt our government is. However, the government does pay a large fraction of the market price. SA is paying nothing. You seem to endorse the idea that government should be free to confiscate private property. How beautifully liberal!

I assume you know the def of liberal?
For the individual and small gov ?
Liber, Latin, free?
I digress, like the South Africans did in the beginning?
And USA/Mexico?
Ironic that we are squatting on their lands and want to build a wall
The current definition of "liberal" is sleazy lying Stalinist douchebag. You quote the definition of an 18th Century liberal.

Otherwise, what the fuck are you talking about?
My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those

I stated from day one I am not a Democrat. I'm a former Republican that is an Independent.

Also, another unethical thing of you to think that ALL people within a political group are as blind a tribal partisan political hack as you. Quit projecting.

If you want to keep a dossier of me, don't do it in your fantasy world head, create a word document. Feel free to create a Q&A thread for more and I'd be more than willing to give you an interview. :abgg2q.jpg:

You and half the other Democrats on the site aren't Democrats You aren't a Democrat, but you just have to admit over and over that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you aren't one. Sure. You, Jake Starkey, Sieta, Moonglow, g5000, and on and on. The list is endless of you non-Democrats who always argue on the side of the Democrats.

Thing is, the Democrat party has now put up the bat signal because of Trump. Come home and defend the party! And you do

Yeah that's part of what an Independent is dummy. It means you don't completely agree with everything one party does.

Good grief. I've said I'm a slightly right leaning Independent.... I say that because I'm closer to being an Independent than a moderate Republican.
Trump's behavior is drawing criticism from people that rarely if ever vote and know nothing about the two parties, the issues or which party supports which issue. That actually might be one good thing Trump may accomplish as president, involve people in the political process that previously had no interest at all.

Unfortunately, he is also causing people that may not be bad people, to start and accept behavior that might otherwise be viewed as abhorrent, just because he is President and a representative of their party. Now when people point out the things he is doing, they excuse it and they become even more combative than before. So while it may be getting more people involved, it is also creating a greater divide between the two parties making it less possible for any bi-partisan resolutions. Guys like John McCain, Kasich, and Joe Manchin are a dying breed in this new political atmosphere.
And they are, but that wasn't how Tucker Carlson of Trump played it. They used it as a white nationalist talking point to exploit.

There are difference between the truth, and using the "truth" in an exploitative manner.

No, I did not "just flat out lie and misquote him." I paraphrased what he said off the top of my head because I didn't feel like going and watching the video at the time. And what I said has very little difference from what he said. You can't even explain the difference, yet continue to harp on it.

See there is a big difference from what HE says that I point out is racist, and what you are accusing me of. I can provide proof to back up what I say... you on the other hand just use the same bullshit cowardly defense of calling everyone that points it out a race-baiting racist. I've never done a racist thing in my life and have actually lost good friends due to the fact they wouldn't quit using the "n" word quite often. And pointing out when Trump does things to appease his white nationalist base isn't "race-baiting." It's called the truth, and as long as you defend him for it and accuse those that point it out as race-baiting, you're enabling it.

So you're not able to support your stupid crap on Trump without lying on both points, so you switch to "Tucker Carlson."

We are talking about Trump, not Tucker Carlson. I don't give a shit about Tucker Carlson. You're just moving the goal posts again.

Back to the subject.

Trump said there are "some" good people both on the side of people who want to remove confederate statues and those who don't.

You lied and said he said everyone on both sides is good. And you only did that because you wanted to have any racists caught in your net, so you included everyone. When called on it, you dropped it.

Trump said the government of South Africa is taking the land of white farmers, which they are. First you lied and said they aren't doing that. Then you started talking about the murder of white farmers, which Trump didn't address.

Keep in mind these were your choice. The first, go to examples of Trump being a racist that you chose.

You sir, are guilty of race baiting, which makes you a racist for exploiting races for cheap political points

He got the idea from watching Tucker Carlson. Good grief. You are either extremely naive, or do blindly partisan if Trump told you to jump you'd ask "How long, how far, how high, and who it will hurt by doing it." Of course it could also be that you are just stupid, or a combination of any of the three.

The United States takes land from U.S. citizens too. Why are you ignoring that? Also when South Africa does take land, they don't just take it, they pay for it.

The government has to compensate people when it takes their land. SA isn't doing that, moron.

Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

That's true, but that only shows how corrupt our government is. However, the government does pay a large fraction of the market price. SA is paying nothing. You seem to endorse the idea that government should be free to confiscate private property. How beautifully liberal!

At what point did I say I agreed with it? Strawman.
So you're not able to support your stupid crap on Trump without lying on both points, so you switch to "Tucker Carlson."

We are talking about Trump, not Tucker Carlson. I don't give a shit about Tucker Carlson. You're just moving the goal posts again.

Back to the subject.

Trump said there are "some" good people both on the side of people who want to remove confederate statues and those who don't.

You lied and said he said everyone on both sides is good. And you only did that because you wanted to have any racists caught in your net, so you included everyone. When called on it, you dropped it.

Trump said the government of South Africa is taking the land of white farmers, which they are. First you lied and said they aren't doing that. Then you started talking about the murder of white farmers, which Trump didn't address.

Keep in mind these were your choice. The first, go to examples of Trump being a racist that you chose.

You sir, are guilty of race baiting, which makes you a racist for exploiting races for cheap political points

He got the idea from watching Tucker Carlson. Good grief. You are either extremely naive, or do blindly partisan if Trump told you to jump you'd ask "How long, how far, how high, and who it will hurt by doing it." Of course it could also be that you are just stupid, or a combination of any of the three.

The United States takes land from U.S. citizens too. Why are you ignoring that? Also when South Africa does take land, they don't just take it, they pay for it.

Another lie. They don't pay for it. Watch the British video I already provided you, dumb ass. So this is the false equivalency by the racist Lewdog

- The US takes land from some unspecified people for unspecified reasons. No idea what you're even talking about

- South Africa takes land from white farmers and gives it to blacks

Here are two facts:

1) Race baiting is racism, it's exploiting races for political points

2) That makes you a racist.

There is no doubt about that.

You haven't shown any racism in Trump or any racist thing he's said. That's because he's not a racist and hasn't said anything racist.

It's all just leftist Democrat hackery because you voted for Hillary and you're bitter and want to overturn the election

They do pay for it.

"He says the 139 white landowners are simply asking the government to pay too much for their land, so the state will ask a court to determine a fair price for the farms."

South Africa Denies Plan to Seize White Farmers' Land

See how you are letting yourself be brainwashed? Sure sounds like a big difference in talking points between, "They are just TAKING the land" and "They are forcing some of the farmers to sell their land."

Even the British were reporting that the white farmers were not getting paid for the land, this isn't just a US claim. It was widely reported. You're blindly believing a statement by the South African government. But let's say for the moment it's true.

Trump Tweeted that South Africa is confiscating land from whites.

That was widely reported across multiple national medias, he has no reason to not believe it's true.

However, you're saying the South African government issued a claim confirming they are confiscating land from whites, but that they are going to pay for it. Which doesn't contradict what Trump said.

And that ... according to you ... even if what you said is all true ... makes Trump a racist.

Yeah ...

And according to you, it's fine if government confiscates the land owned by families for centuries as long as they are paid for it. That's no thang

You're reading it wrong. An ANC Chairman said "they should just take it without compensation" but that isn't the ACTUAL South African law and policy. See what happens when you look at reports with blind partisanship? You can't use critical reading skills to comprehend the truth.

Radical South African politician Julius Malema confirmed President Donald Trump’s concerns Thursday, declaring defiantly that the point of the country’s proposed new “expropriation without compensation” policy would be to take land from white farmers.

“Through land expropriation, we are forcing white people to share the land which was gained through a crime against the humanity of black and African people,” Malema said in a press conference, referring to the racist land policies of colonialism and apartheid. On Wednesday evening, President Donald Trump’s tweeted that he had directed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers.
He got the idea from watching Tucker Carlson. Good grief. You are either extremely naive, or do blindly partisan if Trump told you to jump you'd ask "How long, how far, how high, and who it will hurt by doing it." Of course it could also be that you are just stupid, or a combination of any of the three.

The United States takes land from U.S. citizens too. Why are you ignoring that? Also when South Africa does take land, they don't just take it, they pay for it.

Another lie. They don't pay for it. Watch the British video I already provided you, dumb ass. So this is the false equivalency by the racist Lewdog

- The US takes land from some unspecified people for unspecified reasons. No idea what you're even talking about

- South Africa takes land from white farmers and gives it to blacks

Here are two facts:

1) Race baiting is racism, it's exploiting races for political points

2) That makes you a racist.

There is no doubt about that.

You haven't shown any racism in Trump or any racist thing he's said. That's because he's not a racist and hasn't said anything racist.

It's all just leftist Democrat hackery because you voted for Hillary and you're bitter and want to overturn the election

They do pay for it.

"He says the 139 white landowners are simply asking the government to pay too much for their land, so the state will ask a court to determine a fair price for the farms."

South Africa Denies Plan to Seize White Farmers' Land

See how you are letting yourself be brainwashed? Sure sounds like a big difference in talking points between, "They are just TAKING the land" and "They are forcing some of the farmers to sell their land."

Even the British were reporting that the white farmers were not getting paid for the land, this isn't just a US claim. It was widely reported. You're blindly believing a statement by the South African government. But let's say for the moment it's true.

Trump Tweeted that South Africa is confiscating land from whites.

That was widely reported across multiple national medias, he has no reason to not believe it's true.

However, you're saying the South African government issued a claim confirming they are confiscating land from whites, but that they are going to pay for it. Which doesn't contradict what Trump said.

And that ... according to you ... even if what you said is all true ... makes Trump a racist.

Yeah ...

And according to you, it's fine if government confiscates the land owned by families for centuries as long as they are paid for it. That's no thang

You're reading it wrong. An ANC Chairman said "they should just take it without compensation" but that isn't the ACTUAL South African law and policy. See what happens when you look at reports with blind partisanship? You can't use critical reading skills to comprehend the truth.

Radical South African politician Julius Malema confirmed President Donald Trump’s concerns Thursday, declaring defiantly that the point of the country’s proposed new “expropriation without compensation” policy would be to take land from white farmers.

“Through land expropriation, we are forcing white people to share the land which was gained through a crime against the humanity of black and African people,” Malema said in a press conference, referring to the racist land policies of colonialism and apartheid. On Wednesday evening, President Donald Trump’s tweeted that he had directed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers.

A politician said it... it's not the law or policy of South Africa. Hell it even says, "Radical" in front of his name. :290968001256257790-final:
Another lie. They don't pay for it. Watch the British video I already provided you, dumb ass. So this is the false equivalency by the racist Lewdog

- The US takes land from some unspecified people for unspecified reasons. No idea what you're even talking about

- South Africa takes land from white farmers and gives it to blacks

Here are two facts:

1) Race baiting is racism, it's exploiting races for political points

2) That makes you a racist.

There is no doubt about that.

You haven't shown any racism in Trump or any racist thing he's said. That's because he's not a racist and hasn't said anything racist.

It's all just leftist Democrat hackery because you voted for Hillary and you're bitter and want to overturn the election

They do pay for it.

"He says the 139 white landowners are simply asking the government to pay too much for their land, so the state will ask a court to determine a fair price for the farms."

South Africa Denies Plan to Seize White Farmers' Land

See how you are letting yourself be brainwashed? Sure sounds like a big difference in talking points between, "They are just TAKING the land" and "They are forcing some of the farmers to sell their land."

Even the British were reporting that the white farmers were not getting paid for the land, this isn't just a US claim. It was widely reported. You're blindly believing a statement by the South African government. But let's say for the moment it's true.

Trump Tweeted that South Africa is confiscating land from whites.

That was widely reported across multiple national medias, he has no reason to not believe it's true.

However, you're saying the South African government issued a claim confirming they are confiscating land from whites, but that they are going to pay for it. Which doesn't contradict what Trump said.

And that ... according to you ... even if what you said is all true ... makes Trump a racist.

Yeah ...

And according to you, it's fine if government confiscates the land owned by families for centuries as long as they are paid for it. That's no thang

You're reading it wrong. An ANC Chairman said "they should just take it without compensation" but that isn't the ACTUAL South African law and policy. See what happens when you look at reports with blind partisanship? You can't use critical reading skills to comprehend the truth.

Radical South African politician Julius Malema confirmed President Donald Trump’s concerns Thursday, declaring defiantly that the point of the country’s proposed new “expropriation without compensation” policy would be to take land from white farmers.

“Through land expropriation, we are forcing white people to share the land which was gained through a crime against the humanity of black and African people,” Malema said in a press conference, referring to the racist land policies of colonialism and apartheid. On Wednesday evening, President Donald Trump’s tweeted that he had directed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers.

A politician said it... it's not the law or policy of South Africa. Hell it even says, "Radical" in front of his name. :290968001256257790-final:
All the politicians in SA are just as "radical." they're a bunch of marxist thugs. SA is getting ready to vote on a bill to make land expropriation legal. As for now, it's done by extra legal means. Plenty of white SA farmers have been run off their land.
My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those
No, Lewdog never said he's a Democrat who used to be a Republican. He said he was a Republican before becoming an Independent.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."


There we go, you're back to banging your dick on trees, pounding your chest and saying you own everyone.

The eight year old is strong in this one.

That really gives you a hard on? The bluster and cartoons?

I never said I own anyone, no less everyone.

But I did get you to admit your name is synonymous with liar.

The profound idiocy of the “she was shopping it” angle is this. If she had slept with Marco Rubio who was a Senator or Chuck Schumer who was a Senator or someone in federal government; that may make sense. People do devious things. However, Trump was not a politician much less thought to be a serious candidate for anything until he decided to run. Shopping around that a whore slept with a playboy (aka the blob) who has long been suspected of having affairs is kinda like the Pope shopping around that the Church has an issue with predator priests. Duh!
You're just a fucking douchebag. No married man wants some whore claiming he slept with her.

The fact is she was shopping it around. She approached various publications offering her story in exchange for large amounts of cash. The National Enquirer was one of them.
Yeah, let’s not even talk about the scumbag married man who was cheating on his wife with a newborn at home. It’s the whore he slept with who’s the problem. :rolleyes:
Sure thing pal, Pelosi, Schumer, and Waters are such upstanding people.

Buh... buh... buh....... butwhatabout.....!!!
In other words, you're proud to be a hypocrite.
Oh? Which of those Democrats cheated on their spouse? When you can't name one, let this serve as a reminder for why you're a fucking moron.
You're just a fucking douchebag. No married man wants some whore claiming he slept with her.

The fact is she was shopping it around. She approached various publications offering her story in exchange for large amounts of cash. The National Enquirer was one of them.
Yeah, let’s not even talk about the scumbag married man who was cheating on his wife with a newborn at home. It’s the whore he slept with who’s the problem. :rolleyes:
Sure thing pal, Pelosi, Schumer, and Waters are such upstanding people.

Buh... buh... buh....... butwhatabout.....!!!
In other words, you're proud to be a hypocrite.
Oh? Which of those Democrats cheated on their spouse? When you can't name one, let this serve as a reminder for why you're a fucking moron.

People of both parties are humans... and that means people of both parties cheat on their spouses. Kennedy cheated on his wife, but he most certainly wasn't the first, and we know he wasn't the last.
I have... when I first got here Democrats hated me because of my posts about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Jesus dude, give up.

If you don't want to listen to a Democrat bring up racism and Nazis then maybe don't elect a President that supports conspiracy shit, retweets white nationalists, and then tweets lies about other races.

Ding, ding, ding, another leftist with massive Trump butt hurt.

And Trump hasn't tweeted about other races, leftist bigot. How surprising, another racist race baiter. Race baiting is in itself racism. You're exploiting races for political gain

You understand this is stuff that can be proven right?

Video: Trump faces more fallout from retweets of far-right group

Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

"They are good people on both sides... both sides."

It goes on and on. It's pretty simple. Don't want to hear about racism and Nazism, don't elect and support a guy that says and does things to support Alt-Right groups.

Confirmation bias.


Trump: “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

Lewdog: Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

It is true, WTF is wrong with you? Some of that land has been in farmer's families for centuries. It's just your typical leftist bull shit that racism is only white on black, blacks can't by your leftist definition be racists


What Trump said: “You also had some very fine people on both sides."

This is how you lie, "They are good people on both sides... both sides."

You changed that he said some to all and you said he repeated it, which he didn't.

So just to be clear, you think there are not SOME good people who are both for and against removing southern statues of former slave owners? One side has in your view literally zero good people?


So other than your just flat outright lie/misquote of Trump and a factually true statement that you lied wasn't factually true, you have anything or you going to hang your hat on that, racist? Again, race baiting is in itself racist

It's a true as making a political statement that Blacks are being systematically exterminated in America. Yes, there are white people who are killing Blacks in the U.S. but it isn't anywhere near the levels it used to be.

The killing of white farmers in South Africa is actually DOWN from in the past, and South Africa isn't taking away land at some crazy rate in South Africa. It is no different than here in the U.S. where Trump wants to build his wall, which will include the federal government taking the land of U.S. citizens under imminent domain so they can build the wall.

That's are why these are called half-truths.


Trump Echoes Neo-Nazi Propaganda About South Africa (That He Heard on Fox News)

So please explain to me how I paraphrased what Trump said was different from the EXACT quote.

I said they are, when it is "there are." Yes, that is the quote and even with that quote, he is trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth so that he can try to say he spoke out against the violence, YET not offend the white nationalist base, one of which ran over protesters and killed a woman.

The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points

I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.
Ding, ding, ding, another leftist with massive Trump butt hurt.

And Trump hasn't tweeted about other races, leftist bigot. How surprising, another racist race baiter. Race baiting is in itself racism. You're exploiting races for political gain

You understand this is stuff that can be proven right?

Video: Trump faces more fallout from retweets of far-right group

Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

"They are good people on both sides... both sides."

It goes on and on. It's pretty simple. Don't want to hear about racism and Nazism, don't elect and support a guy that says and does things to support Alt-Right groups.

Confirmation bias.


Trump: “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

Lewdog: Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

It is true, WTF is wrong with you? Some of that land has been in farmer's families for centuries. It's just your typical leftist bull shit that racism is only white on black, blacks can't by your leftist definition be racists


What Trump said: “You also had some very fine people on both sides."

This is how you lie, "They are good people on both sides... both sides."

You changed that he said some to all and you said he repeated it, which he didn't.

So just to be clear, you think there are not SOME good people who are both for and against removing southern statues of former slave owners? One side has in your view literally zero good people?


So other than your just flat outright lie/misquote of Trump and a factually true statement that you lied wasn't factually true, you have anything or you going to hang your hat on that, racist? Again, race baiting is in itself racist

It's a true as making a political statement that Blacks are being systematically exterminated in America. Yes, there are white people who are killing Blacks in the U.S. but it isn't anywhere near the levels it used to be.

The killing of white farmers in South Africa is actually DOWN from in the past, and South Africa isn't taking away land at some crazy rate in South Africa. It is no different than here in the U.S. where Trump wants to build his wall, which will include the federal government taking the land of U.S. citizens under imminent domain so they can build the wall.

That's are why these are called half-truths.


Trump Echoes Neo-Nazi Propaganda About South Africa (That He Heard on Fox News)

So please explain to me how I paraphrased what Trump said was different from the EXACT quote.

I said they are, when it is "there are." Yes, that is the quote and even with that quote, he is trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth so that he can try to say he spoke out against the violence, YET not offend the white nationalist base, one of which ran over protesters and killed a woman.

The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points

I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.

Bullshit. Gangs of thugs are squatting on private farms, stealing all the cattle and other animals, and often killing the owners. The government does nothing about it. thousands of farms have been expropriated this way.
You're just a fucking douchebag. No married man wants some whore claiming he slept with her.

The fact is she was shopping it around. She approached various publications offering her story in exchange for large amounts of cash. The National Enquirer was one of them.
Yeah, let’s not even talk about the scumbag married man who was cheating on his wife with a newborn at home. It’s the whore he slept with who’s the problem. :rolleyes:
Sure thing pal, Pelosi, Schumer, and Waters are such upstanding people.

Buh... buh... buh....... butwhatabout.....!!!
In other words, you're proud to be a hypocrite.
Oh? Which of those Democrats cheated on their spouse? When you can't name one, let this serve as a reminder for why you're a fucking moron.
I didn't say the people on the list cheated on their spouses, but there's a long list of Dims who have.
You understand this is stuff that can be proven right?

Video: Trump faces more fallout from retweets of far-right group

Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

"They are good people on both sides... both sides."

It goes on and on. It's pretty simple. Don't want to hear about racism and Nazism, don't elect and support a guy that says and does things to support Alt-Right groups.

Confirmation bias.


Trump: “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

Lewdog: Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

It is true, WTF is wrong with you? Some of that land has been in farmer's families for centuries. It's just your typical leftist bull shit that racism is only white on black, blacks can't by your leftist definition be racists


What Trump said: “You also had some very fine people on both sides."

This is how you lie, "They are good people on both sides... both sides."

You changed that he said some to all and you said he repeated it, which he didn't.

So just to be clear, you think there are not SOME good people who are both for and against removing southern statues of former slave owners? One side has in your view literally zero good people?


So other than your just flat outright lie/misquote of Trump and a factually true statement that you lied wasn't factually true, you have anything or you going to hang your hat on that, racist? Again, race baiting is in itself racist

It's a true as making a political statement that Blacks are being systematically exterminated in America. Yes, there are white people who are killing Blacks in the U.S. but it isn't anywhere near the levels it used to be.

The killing of white farmers in South Africa is actually DOWN from in the past, and South Africa isn't taking away land at some crazy rate in South Africa. It is no different than here in the U.S. where Trump wants to build his wall, which will include the federal government taking the land of U.S. citizens under imminent domain so they can build the wall.

That's are why these are called half-truths.


Trump Echoes Neo-Nazi Propaganda About South Africa (That He Heard on Fox News)

So please explain to me how I paraphrased what Trump said was different from the EXACT quote.

I said they are, when it is "there are." Yes, that is the quote and even with that quote, he is trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth so that he can try to say he spoke out against the violence, YET not offend the white nationalist base, one of which ran over protesters and killed a woman.

The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points

I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.

Bullshit. Gangs of thugs are squatting on private farms, stealing all the cattle and other animals, and often killing the owners. The government does nothing about it. thousands of farms have been expropriated this way.

Are you part parrot? Seriously... why do you continue to spout the SAME lies over and over?

The articles actually state that not as many farms have been bought since they created the program in the 90's.
Yeah, let’s not even talk about the scumbag married man who was cheating on his wife with a newborn at home. It’s the whore he slept with who’s the problem. :rolleyes:
Sure thing pal, Pelosi, Schumer, and Waters are such upstanding people.

Buh... buh... buh....... butwhatabout.....!!!
In other words, you're proud to be a hypocrite.
Oh? Which of those Democrats cheated on their spouse? When you can't name one, let this serve as a reminder for why you're a fucking moron.
I didn't say the people on the list cheated on their spouses, but there's a long list of Dims who have.
So what, fucking moron?

I was talking about Trump being a piece of shit scumbag who cheated on his wife who had recently birthed his child. A brain-dead con asked, but what about Pelosi, Schumer and Waters.

I noted how their only defense of trump was another, butwhataboutism, to which you idiotically thought that made me a hypocrite.

Well, fucking moron, for me to be a hypocrite here, at least one of those Democrats would need to be a piece of shit scumbag cheater like trump.

Yeah, let’s not even talk about the scumbag married man who was cheating on his wife with a newborn at home. It’s the whore he slept with who’s the problem. :rolleyes:
Sure thing pal, Pelosi, Schumer, and Waters are such upstanding people.

Buh... buh... buh....... butwhatabout.....!!!
In other words, you're proud to be a hypocrite.
Oh? Which of those Democrats cheated on their spouse? When you can't name one, let this serve as a reminder for why you're a fucking moron.

People of both parties are humans... and that means people of both parties cheat on their spouses. Kennedy cheated on his wife, but he most certainly wasn't the first, and we know he wasn't the last.
At that time, marital indiscretions were considered a personal issue and most politicians did not want to cross that line. There were people in the White House who knew about JFK's extramarital relations but most people in Washington considered it just a rumor and the public was unaware.

Of course it's a different world today where there are no boundaries in regard to the personal life of politicians. Everything is fair game.

Trump has even used his promiscuous behavior and bedroom adventures as a stepping stone to notoriety. Whatever was needed to keep his name on the front page, he considered good press. Consider the following.


Former New York Post journalist speaks out about the famous story—and, yes, the backstory is just as ridiculous as you’d imagine.

The Story Behind Trump’s Infamous ‘Best Sex I Ever Had’ Headline

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