Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

Her story was never published, so no, it wasn't public. But it's nice to see you finally admit there was no reason to assume he knew about it.


You are contradicting yourself.

You just said a minute ago she was shopping it around and that Cohen and Trump found out about it. How do you know? How do you know they didn't know about it BEFORE Trump was running for President?

The profound idiocy of the “she was shopping it” angle is this. If she had slept with Marco Rubio who was a Senator or Chuck Schumer who was a Senator or someone in federal government; that may make sense. People do devious things. However, Trump was not a politician much less thought to be a serious candidate for anything until he decided to run. Shopping around that a whore slept with a playboy (aka the blob) who has long been suspected of having affairs is kinda like the Pope shopping around that the Church has an issue with predator priests. Duh!
You're just a fucking douchebag. No married man wants some whore claiming he slept with her.

The fact is she was shopping it around. She approached various publications offering her story in exchange for large amounts of cash. The National Enquirer was one of them.
Yeah, let’s not even talk about the scumbag married man who was cheating on his wife with a newborn at home. It’s the whore he slept with who’s the problem. :rolleyes:
Sure thing pal, Pelosi, Schumer, and Waters are such upstanding people.

Buh... buh... buh....... butwhatabout.....!!!
Why? She’s a porn star who’s sleeping with married men. She’s no better than he is. What’s wrong with categorizing her as a whore? Some women are whores, aren’t they? They can be called what they are without being misogynistic.

If she's no better than he is, why don't you call him a "whore"? And yeah, the difference clearly has a smell of misogyny. Moreover, declaring her a "whore" you clearly also declare her to be the problem, which on the other hand you try to deny.

Your call, mate.
Why? She’s a porn star who’s sleeping with married men. She’s no better than he is. What’s wrong with categorizing her as a whore? Some women are whores, aren’t they? They can be called what they are without being misogynistic.

If she's no better than he is, why don't you call him a "whore"? And yeah, the difference clearly has a smell of misogyny. Moreover, declaring her a "whore" you clearly also declare her to be the problem, which on the other hand you try to deny.

Your call, mate.
I called him a scumbag. That’s not good enough for you? Too bad. What woman is a whore to you, if not one who has sex for money?
I called him a scumbag. That’s not good enough for you? Too bad. What woman is a whore to you, if not one who has sex for money?

The issue at hand is the Trumpy's criminal purchase of silence. That, in fact, makes him (more of) a scumbag. In that context, you could have called her a "woman", or a "sex worker", or a "porn star" if you need, but you chose to go for the pejorative instead, even though it sheds no light on the issue at hand. Which, again, is the Trumpy's criminal violation of campaign finance laws. You're a smart guy, and you should be able to figure out how long-standing misogynistic stereotypes are influencing the verbiage you deploy, which sheds a light on you, and makes you more similar to the scumbags you otherwise expose.
Yes, and now you want to impeach Trump for failing to file a form. I'll echo your call though that yes, he should receive a fine like Obama did when Obama failed to file 1,300 forms for the same thing.

Trump should have sexually assaulted a woman in the Oval Office. That you were OK with

Strawman. Please show where I EVER said it was ok to sexually assault someone in the oval office.

Good grief you are one of the most unethical people I'eve ever met.

I'm referring to your silence, Einstein

My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those

I stated from day one I am not a Democrat. I'm a former Republican that is an Independent.

Also, another unethical thing of you to think that ALL people within a political group are as blind a tribal partisan political hack as you. Quit projecting.

If you want to keep a dossier of me, don't do it in your fantasy world head, create a word document. Feel free to create a Q&A thread for more and I'd be more than willing to give you an interview. :abgg2q.jpg:

You and half the other Democrats on the site aren't Democrats You aren't a Democrat, but you just have to admit over and over that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you aren't one. Sure. You, Jake Starkey, Sieta, Moonglow, g5000, and on and on. The list is endless of you non-Democrats who always argue on the side of the Democrats.

Thing is, the Democrat party has now put up the bat signal because of Trump. Come home and defend the party! And you do
Yes, and now you want to impeach Trump for failing to file a form. I'll echo your call though that yes, he should receive a fine like Obama did when Obama failed to file 1,300 forms for the same thing.

Trump should have sexually assaulted a woman in the Oval Office. That you were OK with

Strawman. Please show where I EVER said it was ok to sexually assault someone in the oval office.

Good grief you are one of the most unethical people I'eve ever met.

I'm referring to your silence, Einstein

My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those
No, Lewdog never said he's a Democrat who used to be a Republican. He said he was a Republican before becoming an Independent.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
Strawman. Please show where I EVER said it was ok to sexually assault someone in the oval office.

Good grief you are one of the most unethical people I'eve ever met.

I'm referring to your silence, Einstein

My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those
No, Lewdog never said he's a Democrat who used to be a Republican. He said he was a Republican before becoming an Independent.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."

I'm referring to your silence, Einstein

My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those
No, Lewdog never said he's a Democrat who used to be a Republican. He said he was a Republican before becoming an Independent.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."


There we go, you're back to banging your dick on trees, pounding your chest and saying you own everyone.

The eight year old is strong in this one.

That really gives you a hard on? The bluster and cartoons?
Strawman. Please show where I EVER said it was ok to sexually assault someone in the oval office.

Good grief you are one of the most unethical people I'eve ever met.

I'm referring to your silence, Einstein

My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those

I stated from day one I am not a Democrat. I'm a former Republican that is an Independent.

Also, another unethical thing of you to think that ALL people within a political group are as blind a tribal partisan political hack as you. Quit projecting.

If you want to keep a dossier of me, don't do it in your fantasy world head, create a word document. Feel free to create a Q&A thread for more and I'd be more than willing to give you an interview. :abgg2q.jpg:

You and half the other Democrats on the site aren't Democrats You aren't a Democrat, but you just have to admit over and over that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you aren't one. Sure. You, Jake Starkey, Sieta, Moonglow, g5000, and on and on. The list is endless of you non-Democrats who always argue on the side of the Democrats.

Thing is, the Democrat party has now put up the bat signal because of Trump. Come home and defend the party! And you do

Yeah that's part of what an Independent is dummy. It means you don't completely agree with everything one party does.

Good grief. I've said I'm a slightly right leaning Independent.... I say that because I'm closer to being an Independent than a moderate Republican.
I'm referring to your silence, Einstein

My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those
No, Lewdog never said he's a Democrat who used to be a Republican. He said he was a Republican before becoming an Independent.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."


Yeah Kaz has to make shit up to try and feel better about himself. He can't actually discuss topics so he turns every debate into "Let's argue about Lewdog's (Or insert name here) political affiliation.

I'm still amazed how many times Trump supporters continue to say on here that it isn't illegal to pay for someone's silence. I don't see a single person arguing that point.
I'm referring to your silence, Einstein

My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those

I stated from day one I am not a Democrat. I'm a former Republican that is an Independent.

Also, another unethical thing of you to think that ALL people within a political group are as blind a tribal partisan political hack as you. Quit projecting.

If you want to keep a dossier of me, don't do it in your fantasy world head, create a word document. Feel free to create a Q&A thread for more and I'd be more than willing to give you an interview. :abgg2q.jpg:

You and half the other Democrats on the site aren't Democrats You aren't a Democrat, but you just have to admit over and over that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you aren't one. Sure. You, Jake Starkey, Sieta, Moonglow, g5000, and on and on. The list is endless of you non-Democrats who always argue on the side of the Democrats.

Thing is, the Democrat party has now put up the bat signal because of Trump. Come home and defend the party! And you do

Yeah that's part of what an Independent is dummy. It means you don't completely agree with everything one party does.

Good grief. I've said I'm a slightly right leaning Independent.... I say that because I'm closer to being an Independent than a moderate Republican.

So I see you arguing with people all the time on the exact same thing, that you're a lame fake independent/Republican/non-Democrat At any point do you think maybe you should sometimes tell someone with what you disagree with Democrats on if you aren't one?

If you have any integrity at all, you know that I argue with Republicans all the time. Yes, I argue with Democrats more. Read my sig. The racism/Nazi/Russia crap is over the top, they are destroying their country. But I argue with Republicans about social security, economics, the military, abortion, Republican out of control spending regularly as well. I notice when leftists argue with Democrats. It happens only very rarely. And I don't see you doing it
My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those
No, Lewdog never said he's a Democrat who used to be a Republican. He said he was a Republican before becoming an Independent.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."


Yeah Kaz has to make shit up to try and feel better about himself. He can't actually discuss topics so he turns every debate into "Let's argue about Lewdog's (Or insert name here) political affiliation.

I'm still amazed how many times Trump supporters continue to say on here that it isn't illegal to pay for someone's silence. I don't see a single person arguing that point.

You have no idea how I feel. Thanks for offering to be my girlfriend, but I'll pass
My silence? I have said REPEATEDLY I thought Clinton should have been impeached back then for lying under oath.

Jesus Christ it is like some kind of incurable widespread sickness on this forum for Trump supporters to just make shit up about what people say or support.

Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those

I stated from day one I am not a Democrat. I'm a former Republican that is an Independent.

Also, another unethical thing of you to think that ALL people within a political group are as blind a tribal partisan political hack as you. Quit projecting.

If you want to keep a dossier of me, don't do it in your fantasy world head, create a word document. Feel free to create a Q&A thread for more and I'd be more than willing to give you an interview. :abgg2q.jpg:

You and half the other Democrats on the site aren't Democrats You aren't a Democrat, but you just have to admit over and over that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you aren't one. Sure. You, Jake Starkey, Sieta, Moonglow, g5000, and on and on. The list is endless of you non-Democrats who always argue on the side of the Democrats.

Thing is, the Democrat party has now put up the bat signal because of Trump. Come home and defend the party! And you do

Yeah that's part of what an Independent is dummy. It means you don't completely agree with everything one party does.

Good grief. I've said I'm a slightly right leaning Independent.... I say that because I'm closer to being an Independent than a moderate Republican.

So I see you arguing with people all the time on the exact same thing, that you're a lame fake independent/Republican/non-Democrat At any point do you think maybe you should sometimes tell someone with what you disagree with Democrats on if you aren't one?

If you have any integrity at all, you know that I argue with Republicans all the time. Yes, I argue with Democrats more. Read my sig. The racism/Nazi/Russia crap is over the top, they are destroying their country. But I argue with Republicans about social security, economics, the military, abortion, Republican out of control spending regularly as well. I notice when leftists argue with Democrats. It happens only very rarely. And I don't see you doing it

I have... when I first got here Democrats hated me because of my posts about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Jesus dude, give up.

If you don't want to listen to a Democrat bring up racism and Nazis then maybe don't elect a President that supports conspiracy shit, retweets white nationalists, and then tweets lies about other races.
Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those
No, Lewdog never said he's a Democrat who used to be a Republican. He said he was a Republican before becoming an Independent.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."


Yeah Kaz has to make shit up to try and feel better about himself. He can't actually discuss topics so he turns every debate into "Let's argue about Lewdog's (Or insert name here) political affiliation.

I'm still amazed how many times Trump supporters continue to say on here that it isn't illegal to pay for someone's silence. I don't see a single person arguing that point.

You have no idea how I feel. Thanks for offering to be my girlfriend, but I'll pass

I know exactly how you feel, I've seen this same story with you in EVERY thread, even when you agree with me. :abgg2q.jpg:
Ah, so you're another Democrat who used to be a Republican? You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting one of those

I stated from day one I am not a Democrat. I'm a former Republican that is an Independent.

Also, another unethical thing of you to think that ALL people within a political group are as blind a tribal partisan political hack as you. Quit projecting.

If you want to keep a dossier of me, don't do it in your fantasy world head, create a word document. Feel free to create a Q&A thread for more and I'd be more than willing to give you an interview. :abgg2q.jpg:

You and half the other Democrats on the site aren't Democrats You aren't a Democrat, but you just have to admit over and over that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you aren't one. Sure. You, Jake Starkey, Sieta, Moonglow, g5000, and on and on. The list is endless of you non-Democrats who always argue on the side of the Democrats.

Thing is, the Democrat party has now put up the bat signal because of Trump. Come home and defend the party! And you do

Yeah that's part of what an Independent is dummy. It means you don't completely agree with everything one party does.

Good grief. I've said I'm a slightly right leaning Independent.... I say that because I'm closer to being an Independent than a moderate Republican.

So I see you arguing with people all the time on the exact same thing, that you're a lame fake independent/Republican/non-Democrat At any point do you think maybe you should sometimes tell someone with what you disagree with Democrats on if you aren't one?

If you have any integrity at all, you know that I argue with Republicans all the time. Yes, I argue with Democrats more. Read my sig. The racism/Nazi/Russia crap is over the top, they are destroying their country. But I argue with Republicans about social security, economics, the military, abortion, Republican out of control spending regularly as well. I notice when leftists argue with Democrats. It happens only very rarely. And I don't see you doing it

I have... when I first got here Democrats hated me because of my posts about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Jesus dude, give up.

If you don't want to listen to a Democrat bring up racism and Nazis then maybe don't elect a President that supports conspiracy shit, retweets white nationalists, and then tweets lies about other races.

Ding, ding, ding, another leftist with massive Trump butt hurt.

And Trump hasn't tweeted about other races, leftist bigot. How surprising, another racist race baiter. Race baiting is in itself racism. You're exploiting races for political gain
No, Lewdog never said he's a Democrat who used to be a Republican. He said he was a Republican before becoming an Independent.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."


Yeah Kaz has to make shit up to try and feel better about himself. He can't actually discuss topics so he turns every debate into "Let's argue about Lewdog's (Or insert name here) political affiliation.

I'm still amazed how many times Trump supporters continue to say on here that it isn't illegal to pay for someone's silence. I don't see a single person arguing that point.

You have no idea how I feel. Thanks for offering to be my girlfriend, but I'll pass

I know exactly how you feel, I've seen this same story with you in EVERY thread, even when you agree with me. :abgg2q.jpg:

So you admit that I speak up when I agree with someone no matter who they are. Interesting ...
I stated from day one I am not a Democrat. I'm a former Republican that is an Independent.

Also, another unethical thing of you to think that ALL people within a political group are as blind a tribal partisan political hack as you. Quit projecting.

If you want to keep a dossier of me, don't do it in your fantasy world head, create a word document. Feel free to create a Q&A thread for more and I'd be more than willing to give you an interview. :abgg2q.jpg:

You and half the other Democrats on the site aren't Democrats You aren't a Democrat, but you just have to admit over and over that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you aren't one. Sure. You, Jake Starkey, Sieta, Moonglow, g5000, and on and on. The list is endless of you non-Democrats who always argue on the side of the Democrats.

Thing is, the Democrat party has now put up the bat signal because of Trump. Come home and defend the party! And you do

Yeah that's part of what an Independent is dummy. It means you don't completely agree with everything one party does.

Good grief. I've said I'm a slightly right leaning Independent.... I say that because I'm closer to being an Independent than a moderate Republican.

So I see you arguing with people all the time on the exact same thing, that you're a lame fake independent/Republican/non-Democrat At any point do you think maybe you should sometimes tell someone with what you disagree with Democrats on if you aren't one?

If you have any integrity at all, you know that I argue with Republicans all the time. Yes, I argue with Democrats more. Read my sig. The racism/Nazi/Russia crap is over the top, they are destroying their country. But I argue with Republicans about social security, economics, the military, abortion, Republican out of control spending regularly as well. I notice when leftists argue with Democrats. It happens only very rarely. And I don't see you doing it

I have... when I first got here Democrats hated me because of my posts about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Jesus dude, give up.

If you don't want to listen to a Democrat bring up racism and Nazis then maybe don't elect a President that supports conspiracy shit, retweets white nationalists, and then tweets lies about other races.

Ding, ding, ding, another leftist with massive Trump butt hurt.

And Trump hasn't tweeted about other races, leftist bigot. How surprising, another racist race baiter. Race baiting is in itself racism. You're exploiting races for political gain

You understand this is stuff that can be proven right?

Video: Trump faces more fallout from retweets of far-right group

Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

"They are good people on both sides... both sides."

It goes on and on. It's pretty simple. Don't want to hear about racism and Nazism, don't elect and support a guy that says and does things to support Alt-Right groups.
I never said that he didn't say that, you're just kazzing again. I said he's a Democrat, I didn't say he said he's a Democrat. He runs around the board lock step with you idiots. If an animal that runs around looking like a wildebeest in a wildebeest pack claims it's a zebra, the only one he's fooling is himself.

He didn't fool me, I said he's a Democrat. And he didn't fool you either, you're here being his codpiece and defending him. He's only fooling himself
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."


Yeah Kaz has to make shit up to try and feel better about himself. He can't actually discuss topics so he turns every debate into "Let's argue about Lewdog's (Or insert name here) political affiliation.

I'm still amazed how many times Trump supporters continue to say on here that it isn't illegal to pay for someone's silence. I don't see a single person arguing that point.

You have no idea how I feel. Thanks for offering to be my girlfriend, but I'll pass

I know exactly how you feel, I've seen this same story with you in EVERY thread, even when you agree with me. :abgg2q.jpg:

So you admit that I speak up when I agree with someone no matter who they are. Interesting ...

No I admit that you bring up the same shit about ME even when you agree with me.
You are contradicting yourself.

You just said a minute ago she was shopping it around and that Cohen and Trump found out about it. How do you know? How do you know they didn't know about it BEFORE Trump was running for President?

The profound idiocy of the “she was shopping it” angle is this. If she had slept with Marco Rubio who was a Senator or Chuck Schumer who was a Senator or someone in federal government; that may make sense. People do devious things. However, Trump was not a politician much less thought to be a serious candidate for anything until he decided to run. Shopping around that a whore slept with a playboy (aka the blob) who has long been suspected of having affairs is kinda like the Pope shopping around that the Church has an issue with predator priests. Duh!
You're just a fucking douchebag. No married man wants some whore claiming he slept with her.

The fact is she was shopping it around. She approached various publications offering her story in exchange for large amounts of cash. The National Enquirer was one of them.
Yeah, let’s not even talk about the scumbag married man who was cheating on his wife with a newborn at home. It’s the whore he slept with who’s the problem. :rolleyes:
Sure thing pal, Pelosi, Schumer, and Waters are such upstanding people.

Buh... buh... buh....... butwhatabout.....!!!
In other words, you're proud to be a hypocrite.
"you're just kazzing again"


Kaz lies so much, even he acknowledges his name is synonymous with "liar."


Yeah Kaz has to make shit up to try and feel better about himself. He can't actually discuss topics so he turns every debate into "Let's argue about Lewdog's (Or insert name here) political affiliation.

I'm still amazed how many times Trump supporters continue to say on here that it isn't illegal to pay for someone's silence. I don't see a single person arguing that point.

You have no idea how I feel. Thanks for offering to be my girlfriend, but I'll pass

I know exactly how you feel, I've seen this same story with you in EVERY thread, even when you agree with me. :abgg2q.jpg:

So you admit that I speak up when I agree with someone no matter who they are. Interesting ...

No I admit that you bring up the same shit about ME even when you agree with me.

Is he kazzing again?

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