PBS alters transcript to hide Obama gaffe


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
Barack Obama has gone to Congress asking for more money to spend. The President, in a rambling and tedious exercise mixing blame with demands, made quite a few dubious statements in laying out the case for Congress to vote for the plan which as yet does not exist. Much like Obamacare, Congress must ultimately vote for the bill to know what is in it.

At one point Mr. Obama made a major gaffe; he identified Abraham Lincoln as the founder of the Republican Party...Such a gaffe would have brought huge amounts of ridicule and derision on George W. Bush, but in the case of Obama the media yawned.

Actually, they did more than yawn; government-funded PBS has altered the transcript of the President's speech, removing the offending comment.

The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/09/us/politics/09text-obama-jobs-speech.html?pagewanted=6&_r=1) transcript has the following quote:

"We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party. But in the middle of a civil war, he was also a leader who looked to the future -- a Republican President who mobilized government to build the Transcontinental Railroad -- (applause) -- launch the National Academy of Sciences, set up the first land grant colleges. (Applause.) And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set."

But how does it appear in the PBS transcript (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/business/july-dec11/obamaspeech_09-08.html)?

"We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. But in the middle of a Civil War, he was also a leader who looked to the future - a Republican president who mobilized government to build the transcontinental railroad; launch the National Academy of Sciences; and set up the first land grant colleges. And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set."

So PBS has purposely altered a transcript containing a major gaffe by the President.

Blog: PBS alters transcript to hide Obama gaffe
Ahh but the difference is that is thhis is true a head or two will roll at PBS. Not so with Fox, they give them a bonus?
Left leaning news services give Democrat candidates "do-overs" when covering them. They did the same for John Kerry and Algore so it's no surprise that they do it for Barry.
They sure will roll.

PBS has a reputation to keep.

Fox does too but lies are part of that reputation.

Hell they paid the big bucks in court to lie
I just sent an email about this to PBS asking them if it was true and if so why did they do it.

And expressed my dissapointment in them if it was true.
Another minor point here.
PBS does not have the only transcript and people watched and heard so why was this lincoln thing not made a big deal of as you seem to suggest it would have been had not PBS altered the transcript?
Whitehouse.gov still has the boo boo. Wonder if they'll redact it:

Address by the President to a Joint Session of Congress | The White House

We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party. But in the middle of a civil war, he was also a leader who looked to the future -- a Republican President who mobilized government to build the Transcontinental Railroad -- (applause) -- launch the National Academy of Sciences, set up the first land grant colleges. (Applause.) And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set.
Another minor point here.
PBS does not have the only transcript and people watched and heard so why was this lincoln thing not made a big deal of as you seem to suggest it would have been had not PBS altered the transcript?

It was not made a big deal because as usual hardly anyone in the media cared that Obama messed up in a prepared speech which was so important that he needed to call together the whole congress and should have been fact checked by many people before he went forward with it. So the error, along with the rest of the speech, was being well on its way to being forgotten.

PBS messed up by not just ignoring what the rest of the media ignored.

As usual ... the coverup makes things worse.

So thank you PBS for making this the big deal that your usual accomplices had managed not to turn it into.
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After going to the website you provided and watched the supposed proof Fox News manipulated Hoffa's incendiary remarks I can say that you simply read and believe. In the video Fox News said two times of Hoffa's remark, "We'll remember in November who's with the working people, and then his language got a lot stronger he said of the Tea Party and Republicans 'let's take these son of a bitches out" which I believe captures the context in which he said it. In any context, though, something like take these son of a bitches out is inappropriate at a presidential event.

Your link shows why you are so misinformed, don't just read and believe.

After going to the website you provided and watched the supposed proof Fox News manipulated Hoffa's incendiary remarks I can say that you simply read and believe. In the video Fox News said two times of Hoffa's remark, "We'll remember in November who's with the working people, and then his language got a lot stronger he said of the Tea Party and Republicans 'let's take these son of a bitches out" which I believe captures the context in which he said it. In any context, though, something like take these son of a bitches out is inappropriate at a presidential event.

Your link shows why you are so misinformed, don't just read and believe.

Fox is as bad as PBS according to you.

Fox News Lies About CAP’s Islamophobia Report By Making Up False Anti-Semitic Quote | ThinkProgress

So that's the excuse for PBS shilling for Obama? That Fox has done some questionable things?

Does that mean that liberals are now ready to admit that PBS is part of the liberal machine?

No one pretending that PBS is an above board straight shooting purveyor of news now.

So that's the excuse for PBS shilling for Obama? That Fox has done some questionable things?

Does that mean that liberals are now ready to admit that PBS is part of the liberal machine?

No one pretending that PBS is an above board straight shooting purveyor of news now.


No, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of any media outlets, there is no 'truth' in media it seems.

Take your lumps like a good girl now.
The Republican Party first came to power in 1860 with the election of Lincoln to the Presidency and Republicans in control of Congress and the northern states.

And then Lincoln left the republican party when he ran for his second term.
So that's the excuse for PBS shilling for Obama? That Fox has done some questionable things?

Does that mean that liberals are now ready to admit that PBS is part of the liberal machine?

No one pretending that PBS is an above board straight shooting purveyor of news now.


Ofcourse PBS is part of the liberal media, after all,the republicans wanted it to be defunded.
Has anyone noticed that when you debate with the left it's like arguing with a pre teen adolescent !!
Has anyone noticed that when you debate with the left it's like arguing with a pre teen adolescent !!

Why are you talking about preteens yidnar? Do we need to report you again?

You are one sick freak!
Shame on you! :evil:
So that's the excuse for PBS shilling for Obama? That Fox has done some questionable things?

Does that mean that liberals are now ready to admit that PBS is part of the liberal machine?

No one pretending that PBS is an above board straight shooting purveyor of news now.


No, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of any media outlets, there is no 'truth' in media it seems.

Take your lumps like a good girl now.

Take my lumps?

What lumps do I deserve? I don't watch Fox. And PBS has been outed as a liberal outlet. And all liberals can say is Fox did it too.

That's the size of it. I should take lumps for posting the score?

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