PC fascism... Donald Sterling fined 2.5 million for comments made at home.

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Welcome to todays Orwellian nightmare.

Where a person can be fined for comments made in the privacy in his own home. .. :doubt:
Ann Coulter's column today says it all. See it at Townhall.com.

Her main point is that this guy has been a publicly known dirtbag for decades, and the NBA was fine with his adulterous affairs, notorious cavorting with prostitutes, and disgusting public demeanor, but when he said something that could be construed as having animus toward African Americans, he went too far.

Thought crimes.

If we shoot everyone who has ever expressed a bigoted thought in private conversation, I would be the only one left standing.

Just kidding, of course.
Remember that today's ORWELLIAN nightmare is taking place in a PRIVATE CORPORATE setting.

Our government could not nothing about this man's words, nor should they.

If any of you think getting rid of oppressive government is going to liberate you from the totalitarians?

You are a damned fools.

Corporations are TOTALITARIAN by nature.

And it is to those that so many of American Conservatives want to hand power by denying your government power over them.

damned fools
Guy, you need to read your posts a little more closely before posting them. I am not sure what the hell you are trying to say.
Remember that today's ORWELLIAN nightmare is taking place in a PRIVATE CORPORATE setting.

Our government could not nothing about this man's words, nor should they.

If any of you think getting rid of oppressive government is going to liberate you from the totalitarians?

You are a damned fools.

Corporations are TOTALITARIAN by nature.

And it is to those that so many of American Conservatives want to hand power by denying your government power over them.

damned fools

Factions currently in our government encourage the witch hunt that's happening in the corporate world.
I can see where the NBA can make their own rules regarding ownership.
But the idea that they think they can fine him 2.5 mill is fucken ridiculous!!!
You either fine him and let him keep the team or kick him out of the NBA. Not both.
I really dont care for this thought police BS,but I can't imagine his team will want to play for him after what he said.

If I were him I'd sell the team and tell the NBA to stick their fine where the sun dont shine.
I can see where the NBA can make their own rules regarding ownership.
But the idea that they think they can fine him 2.5 mill is fucken ridiculous!!!
You either fine him and let him keep the team or kick him out of the NBA. Not both.
I really dont care for this thought police BS,but I can't imagine his team will want to play for him after what he said.

If I were him I'd sell the team and tell the NBA to stick their fine where the sun dont shine.

It will be interesting to see if he mounts a campaign to keep the team. I'd bet a nickel that there is plenty of mud for him to sling back at the other owners and players.
I can see where the NBA can make their own rules regarding ownership.
But the idea that they think they can fine him 2.5 mill is fucken ridiculous!!!
You either fine him and let him keep the team or kick him out of the NBA. Not both.
I really dont care for this thought police BS,but I can't imagine his team will want to play for him after what he said.

If I were him I'd sell the team and tell the NBA to stick their fine where the sun dont shine.

It will be interesting to see if he mounts a campaign to keep the team. I'd bet a nickel that there is plenty of mud for him to sling back at the other owners and players.

I dont know why he would want to keep it. No one's going to want to play for him.
He might as well sell it before it loses even more value.

And of course give the NBA the big:up_yours: on the fine issue.
I can see where the NBA can make their own rules regarding ownership.
But the idea that they think they can fine him 2.5 mill is fucken ridiculous!!!
You either fine him and let him keep the team or kick him out of the NBA. Not both.
I really dont care for this thought police BS,but I can't imagine his team will want to play for him after what he said.

If I were him I'd sell the team and tell the NBA to stick their fine where the sun dont shine.

It will be interesting to see if he mounts a campaign to keep the team. I'd bet a nickel that there is plenty of mud for him to sling back at the other owners and players.

I dont know why he would want to keep it. No one's going to want to play for him.
He might as well sell it before it loses even more value.

And of course give the NBA the big:up_yours: on the fine issue.

He may want a little revenge against all the hypocrites who are trying to nail him. He's fricking rich and powerful--he likes these power games.
It will be interesting to see if he mounts a campaign to keep the team. I'd bet a nickel that there is plenty of mud for him to sling back at the other owners and players.

I dont know why he would want to keep it. No one's going to want to play for him.
He might as well sell it before it loses even more value.

And of course give the NBA the big:up_yours: on the fine issue.

He may want a little revenge against all the hypocrites who are trying to nail him. He's fricking rich and powerful--he likes these power games.

I guess everyone needs a hobby.:lol:
Welcome to todays Orwellian nightmare.

Where a person can be fined for comments made in the privacy in his own home. .. :doubt:

This has nothing to do with "today".

He asked to be recorded. He knew his words were not private. He had said the same kind of shit many times in the past and had even been fined for his slums.

This is the marketplace reacting. If you don't like Capitalism, leave the US.

And, please, don't try to say this is a First Amendment issue. Its not. Nor are his First Amendment rights being denied.

It gets SO tiresome watching the idiots who seem to think everything is a First Amendment issue.
I am a flaming liberal, as many here know. That being said - I pretty much agree with the sentiments expressed on this thread. Of course the comments he made are not acceptable in today's society. But the proposed excoriation is far worse. Gross overreaction.

But, then, the mobs that form outside of the homes of those who transgress these days with all of their faux outrage, bother me probably more than the transgressors to begin with. It seems to me the majority of those who would skin people alive who make ill-advised, public comments, are much more into watching another person suffer than they are into trying to rectify the original problem.
What you say at home doesn't count?

What if his girlfriend had just said........He doesn't want me hanging around with black people
Would Sterling have admitted it?

What if more and more people started saying....You know, Sterling is a racist
Would anyone believe it?

Sterling was taped saying what he said. You can't unring a bell

He lost the confidence of his team, his fans and the sport

He had to go

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