PC Has Now Entered Full Retard Mode


A statue offends lefties to the point of insanity.
A 150 year old corpse....must be dug up and purged .

But dozens of fresh dead black youths killed on US streets daily by other blacks? They dont give a fuck.

Priorities. ...check.

After 150 years, what of the corpse is left at all anyway? Maybe some of the coffin, but what else?

The whole thing is symbolic bullshit while in REAL LIFE actual real black people are being shot down in cold blood in the streets of every Democrat controlled city in our country.

No wonder the Democrats want everyone focused on the CBF instead of what is happening NOW.

After 150 years, what of the corpse is left at all anyway? Maybe some of the coffin, but what else?

The whole thing is symbolic bullshit while in REAL LIFE actual real black people are being shot down in cold blood in the streets of every Democrat controlled city in our country.

No wonder the Democrats want everyone focused on the CBF instead of what is happening NOW.

Why would you even bother to care how many black people are killed by other black people? Every thug killed by another thug is one less innocent person beaten to death. The murders of blacks by other blacks has exactly the same meaning as al quaeda killing isis.
Dollar to a thousand stale donuts, when the time comes some gay person shoots up some establishment killing many people, not one single progressive will call for banning the rainbow flag.

Because mental cases cant connect the dots.:spinner:

:lol: as evidenced by your posts...
On Tuesday, the Memphis City Council unanimously approved a resolution to move the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife from Health Sciences Park.

Gen. Forrest is a popular yet highly controversial figure. After the Civil War, he served as the first leader or “grand wizard” of the Ku Klux Klan when it formed in 1866.

State officials across the country have been calling for the eradication of Confederate symbols, icons, and monuments from key sites in recent weeks.

While the statue of the Confederate general in Health Sciences Park is still standing, Lowery is hopeful that will change soon. After Tennessee saw a bipartisan call to remove a bust of Forrest from its Senate chamber alcove, he says, “We feel that we have support from the state."

Forrest’s remains were in Elmwood Cemetery before they were moved to the Health Sciences Park in the early 19th century. The park was originally dubbed Forrest Park. But in 2013, officials renamed it along with other parks named to honor Confederates.

The cemetery said it would accept the graves of Forrest and his wife,Mary Ann Montgomery, but nothing is set in stone just yet. “It’s not a done deal,” Lowery says.

The city council’s decision is one of many recent efforts to change the face of the southern states.

US Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky has called to evict a statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis from the Kentucky statehouse rotunda.

Kenneth Janken, a University of North Carolina historian, discussed the post-Charleston shift in thinking among both liberals and conservatives in a recent interview with The Christian Science Monitor. “Things can be reversed, they can be revoked,” he said.

“Compared to 1898, people now have a more broadly democratic idea of how power should be exercised. Why should that not be reflected in the monuments you choose to have, or the monuments you choose to retire?”

Remains of Confederate general and KKK leader no longer welcome in historic park - CSMonitor.com

I didn't think you could come up with an answer ... Guess that makes me stupid just because you don't have anything better to say.
At least I got the silly-assed hatred part right ... That guy is a douche ... Friend of yours?.

Let me make it clear...re-read post #16...

Let me make it clear ... I understand you have nothing to offer ... No matter how many times you would like to think you are anything other than a douche.

The far right idiot mode better be over, or the younger genexers and the millennials will punish your folks in the elections next year.

Join American in the 21st century. Give up the hatred. This is over.
Dylan Roof is the exception that proves millennials are normal and hate the far right.

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