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Peace Prize goes to people and orgs that give hope of peace


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Also, dingbats, you are told Obama got prize right away when ACTUALLY that was just the nomination, the VOTE was months later....

Isn't real life refreshing...change the channel...

Washington Post Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons wins 2013 Nobel Peace ...
Washington Post - *6 minutes ago*

MOSCOW - The small Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was still getting used to its unaccustomed role at the center of world affairs, overseeing the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons, when it won the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize on ...
Related Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons » Nobel Peace Prize » Syria » Chemical-Weapons Watchdog Wins Nobel Peace PrizeWall Street Journal - by Kjetil Malkenes Hovland
Once again from Nobel, a prize for the prospect of peaceJerusalem Post - by Michael WilnerFeatured:OPCW: Will Nobel Peace Prize help wipe out chemical weapons?Christian Science MonitorOpinion:A Nobel piece of my mindFox NewsSee all 1,012 sources »
Related Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons » Nobel Peace Prize » Syria »
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Bump for hater dupes looking for some intelligent opinion/commentary...change your channel ...
Also, dingbats, you are told Obama got prize right away when ACTUALLY that was just the nomination, the VOTE was months later....

"...Nomination forms are sent by the Nobel Committee to about 3,000 individuals, usually in September the year before the prizes are awarded. These individuals are often academics working in a relevant area. For the Peace Prize, inquiries are sent to governments, members of international courts, professors and rectors, former Peace Prize laureates and current or former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The deadline for the return of the nomination forms is 31 January of the year of the award..."

Nobel Prize - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20, 2009.

The deadline for 2009 Award-Year nominations was January 31, 2009.

This means, that, at the latest, Barack Obama was nominated 11 days after his inauguration.

What was the basis for that nomination?

What wars had he stopped in those 11 days (or, indeed, in those 8 months leading up to the September vote and award)?

What wars had he prevented in those 11 days (or...)?

What peace talks had he initiated in those 11 days (or...)?

What impact had he had upon International Diplomacy in those 11 days (or...)?

Or was it because the US now had someone with Muslim connections at the wheel, after the 8 years of tough-on-Muslims George W. Bush (a.k.a., the Shrub)?

Or was it because the US now had a Black President, and that tickled the Norwegian funny-bone?

With him being nominated the day after he won the 2008 General Election, or shortly thereafter - and long before he was even inaugurated - for one of the reasons above, even though he hadn't done a goddamned thing yet?

Or was that the Beginning of the End of the Nobel Peace Prize as a credible instrument of international recognition - devalued by a resorting to cheap cynical preemptive political award-granting before anything had actually been accomplished?


Just goes to show you how pervasive and influential the Orgasmic ObamaBots were, back-in-the-day...

To pull off such a joke as the 2009 Obama Nobel Peace Prize, and to render the thing largely meaningless thereafter, due to its having been devalued or cheapened by such shennanigans...

Fortunately, the Honeymoon is over, and few except the worst of the Mindless Drones still go all orgasmic over Dear Leader nowadays...
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Answer, he wasn't the war mongering fool W, DINGBATS- AND HE WASN'T awarded IT UNTIL months later- do you want a diagram, shytteheads...lol
Answer, he wasn't the war mongering fool W, DINGBATS- AND HE WASN'T awarded IT UNTIL months laterl
Nolo contendere...

No contest...

All of that is conceded and understood...

Which should make you very happy...

But there were many OTHER people who were not war-mongering fools, either, and THEY didn't get a Nobel Peace Prize...


Will you be kind enough to tell us what he DID do, in order to deserve such a high-caliber international award?
Also, dingbats, you are told Obama got prize right away when ACTUALLY that was just the nomination, the VOTE was months later....

"...Nomination forms are sent by the Nobel Committee to about 3,000 individuals, usually in September the year before the prizes are awarded. These individuals are often academics working in a relevant area. For the Peace Prize, inquiries are sent to governments, members of international courts, professors and rectors, former Peace Prize laureates and current or former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The deadline for the return of the nomination forms is 31 January of the year of the award..."

Nobel Prize - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20, 2009.

The deadline for 2009 Award-Year nominations was January 31, 2009.

This means, that, at the latest, Barack Obama was nominated 11 days after his inauguration.

What was the basis for that nomination?

What wars had he stopped in those 11 days (or, indeed, in those 8 months leading up to the September vote and award)?

What wars had he prevented in those 11 days (or...)?

What peace talks had he initiated in those 11 days (or...)?

What impact had he had upon International Diplomacy in those 11 days (or...)?

Or was it because the US now had someone with Muslim connections at the wheel, after the 8 years of tough-on-Muslims George W. Bush (a.k.a., the Shrub)?

Or was it because the US now had a Black President, and that tickled the Norwegian funny-bone?

With him being nominated the day after he won the 2008 General Election, or shortly thereafter - and long before he was even inaugurated - for one of the reasons above, even though he hadn't done a goddamned thing yet?

Or was that the Beginning of the End of the Nobel Peace Prize as a credible instrument of international recognition - devalued by a resorting to cheap cynical preemptive political award-granting before anything had actually been accomplished?


Just goes to show you how pervasive and influential the Orgasmic ObamaBots were, back-in-the-day...

To pull off such a joke as the 2009 Obama Nobel Peace Prize, and to render the thing largely meaningless thereafter, due to its having been devalued or cheapened by such shennanigans...

Fortunately, the Honeymoon is over, and few except the worst of the Mindless Drones still go all orgasmic over Dear Leader nowadays...

Also, dingbats, you are told Obama got prize right away when ACTUALLY that was just the nomination, the VOTE was months later....

.....when he still hadn't done anything to deserve it.

A hint for poor little haterdupe: When you're in a hole of your own making, so deep you can't see out... stop digging. :cuckoo:
What was that you said, Franco? You have something in your mouth, we couldn't understand you...
lol, well they've screwed up with Obama, the middle east is nothing but "peace" thanks to him...

and now Iraq is falling into chaos again...

the man and his comrades in arms in charge of our military are destroyers of peace

And just look at the peace he's brought us...the elected Democrats and their sheep are out there calling you people some of the loveliest (vilest) names, terrorist is the most lovely..and it's all because you are STANDING in their way by using your rights in this country..
and now they can't wait for people and their Republican party to DIE

yep, he's the peace maker for sure...

my ass, I can't wait until he is gone maybe we will get some peace then, doubtful because if there is a Republican elected President we will get more of the same from them as we did with Bush..peace and other people rights aren't in them
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You hater dupes ARE getting all pissed off, aren't you- sorry your bs ''movement'' is exploding under the weight of its disconnect from reality LOL. Good riddance, fools of the greedy idiot rich...

The only thing keeping us from peace now is the the economic mess W left and Pubs obstruct the recovery of...a-holes and ignorant dupes- a DISGRACE.
Sorry Frances, not being someone is not enough to garner a Nobel, that's just foolishness. By giving President Obama the prize before he did anything, anything at all, to advance the cause of peace in the world did nothing but diminish the award itself.
Read the thread title and OP- his speech at Cairo,speech in Berlin, peace feelers to Iran, N. Korea- his ACTUAL withdrawals from Iraq, what your charlatan heroes called the apology tour ETC etc etc- he gave the world HOPE- see thread title, OP. SORRY you were watching Fox etc and missed it...
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Read the thread title and OP- his speech at Cairo,speech in Berlin, peace feelers to Iran, N. Korea- his ACTUAL withdrawals from Iraq, what your charlatan heroes called the apology tour ETC etc etc- he gave the world HOPE- see thread title, OP. SORRY you were watching Fox etc and missed it...
The withdrawal from Iraq was scheduled prior to Obama's election you nitwit. By Bush. All Obama did was implement the plan he inherited... From Bush. So all you have as reason for awarding Obama the Nobel is a handful of speeches and a word, an idea? Hope. Wow. People who play the lottery have "hope," should the lottery commission be awarded a Nobel?

And you have the nerve to call the Republican talking heads charlatan's? Obama, his administration, and people like you are just as big a bunch charlatans as those you despise and denigrate.

Sorry you have your head up your ass, or Obama's balls in your mouth, and can't see it...

Franco, you are so partisan and so ignorant that nothing you post is worthy of any serious consideration.

Now why don't you go gargle, your masters are calling...
Do you have any inkling of just how foolish and childish that sounds?

He got a major international award because he was not somebody else?


Honest-to-Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... really?


I have no doubt that that was a factor in granting him the Prize.

It's just that such an idiotic rationale has no place in the realm of competent, sentient beings, and should never have been allowed to become a factor.

This tells us much - of a pathetic and sad and disgraceful and foolish and frivolous and unworthy nature - about the nominating process and voting as they are presently constituted.

"...You hater dupes ARE getting all pissed off, aren't you..."

Whatever-in-the-world is a 'hater dupe'?

It might be best to identify what a 'hater dupe' is, before telling the audience that they are becoming angry, yes?

"...sorry your bs ''movement'' is exploding under the weight of its disconnect from reality..."

What 'movement' would that be?

What evidence do you have that it is exploding?

Oh, and, concerning a 'disconnect from reality'...

You may wish to refrain from leaning too hard on that one, given that you side with those who see no problem in awarding a Major International Peace Price to someone who had not so much as lifted a finger to earn one, by the time of his nomination.


Did you really and truly L(augh) O(ut) L(oud) when you wrote that?

Were other people nearby when you laughed out loud while writing that?

If so, did those other people look at you strangely?

"... Good riddance..."

Is somebody going somewhere? Who? Where are they going? Shouldn't we buy them a bon voyage card or something?

"... fools of the greedy idiot rich..."

Idiot rich?

I suppose, sometimes, a rich person can also be an idiot; at least within the realm of those who inherit their wealth rather than creating it themselves.

However, within the realm of those who create their own wealth, well... they're rich, and you're not, so, I'm not so sure that the 'idiot' appellation applies in most such cases. They may, indeed, have other and grievous flaws, but idiocy is probably not usually amongst them.

"...The only thing keeping us from peace now..."

...is war.

"...is the the economic mess W left..."

Although it is certainly true that Dubya left Obumble a mess (housing market collapse, huge war-debts, etc.), it is also true that The Mess has been building-up to a Crash since the Great Depression, and certainly since WWII; both Dems and Pubs have a strong hand in its making, and Obumble has done his share to add to the mess.

It has been five (5) years since Dubya left and it is well into Obumble's second term. It is long past time to stop blaming everything on Dubya and for Obumble to take ownership and responsibility for The Mess in its current configuration.

"...and Pubs obstruct the recovery of..."

In the first two years of the first Obama Administration (2009-2010), the Democrats owned the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Obama himself confessed that he had received a 'shellacking' by the American People in the 2010 mid-term elections, as a judgment upon his first two years in office, and the GOP retaining a majority in the House in the 2012 general election confirmed that censure. It is time to stop blaming the Republicans for Democratic failures.

"...a-holes and ignorant dupes- a DISGRACE."

The only 'a-holes' and 'ignorant dupes' and 'disgraces' that I am aware of are the handful of Mindless Drone Orgasmic ObamaBots that are still left standing (most former ObamaBots having regained their sanity and perspective as the years have passed) and that still blame Fearless Leader's failures upon everyone but Fearless Leaders and his cronies - the ones who disgrace themselves and their champion by fostering or perpetuating baseless arrogance and divisiveness.
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