Pearl Harbor-C19-bullsh&t

fwiw Harmonica, Pearl Harbor declassified documents are easy to find>>>
By this same standard, we'll get to know what Trump knew and when in 2070

good luck.

i won't be around to see it

plain and simple--FDR didn't know, we can blame Churchill for WW2/Stalin for the German's surprise attack/etc etc's like the Russian Collusion and Jussie Smollet crap
NO POTUS would've known what to do or would've done it in time

Maybe not any given POTUS, but IT IS the job of multiple org's to give him a heads up

and oh, a Pandemic of this caliber has been expected by said entities

so, either they didn't do their job(s) , or the potus refused to listen to them

..same bullshit was said about PH....Billy Mitchell predicted PH just said it!!!!! = EXPECTED, not known ...jesus f christ!!!!hahahahhaha..we EXPECT a BIG earthquake/CAR ACCIDENTS/etc ....

I'm not about to play blame game here Harmonica

I could care less who is at fault

It's about their response to it now

THAT has consequences

Trump ,only because he's potus now, will inherit the 'Covid Economy' , of '20 ....just as Obama inherited the 'Crash economy' of '08

Trump's had it easy up to now, what he does from here on in will either make him or break him, as well as ring on down history for him

Part of the Trump strategy is deflecting and changing the narrative. In this case and situation, the purpose is to deflect away from the response and focus on a false narrative of making him a victim being blamed for him not "predicting" the pandemic.
hahahahhaahhah--exactly what I stated in the OP--they said the same FALSE crap about FDR
True, and FDR did a hell of a lot to prepare for WWII. Also, he prepared in many ways for PH. We were in PH because he moved the fleet there from the west coast in preparation for a war with Japan. He installed a new invention called radar and it worked, only to be ignored by an officer who misinterpreted the sighting of Japanese aircraft. Carriers were absent from PH and safely at sea. They would neutralize the Japanese Navy soon after PH at Midway.
plain and simple--FDR didn't know

believe what you wish then Mr Harmonica

all i know is Trump put me outta work , and that's not cool

and i don't want his 'suck up' $$$ either

so you say he's a fighter?

well i'm waiting for him to be swingin' for guys like me

Cuz you're my friend or my enemy

I got no time for anyone inbettween

I voted for Trump too and thought he was doing a great job until this shit hit the fan. He is not fighting for the average American, he has in effect put everyone under house arrest when it was unnecessary.
The one size fits all lock down is uncomprehensible. Each state is different in population and terrain. NY,NJ, MASS have more cases than a least 30 other states combined. That is where e screwed the pooch....... Unfortunately Biden would be worse Mr Trump KNEW this would FUCK the economy like never before, and did nothing????!!! this what you are saying???
..FDR KNEW the Japanese were going to bomb PH and did nothing????!!!

No. That is not what we are saying.

We are saying that Trump is an ignorant and incompetent idiot. He knew that the virus was spreading fast. He based his actions on the wishful thinking that made him feel better in the moment. He is a man who’s only motivation is immediate personal gratification.

For him, contemplating a worst case scenario is too unpleasant. It would force him to think of others before himself. That’s not in his DNA.

He convinced himself that it would not be a pandemic and that it wouldn’t damage the economy. Just as he convinced himself that his very presence has led to stock market gains.

The fact is that he didn’t take it seriously because he is not able to take anything seriously...unless it impacts him personally.

Now. Stop whining. Mr Trump KNEW this would FUCK the economy like never before, and did nothing????!!! this what you are saying???
..FDR KNEW the Japanese were going to bomb PH and did nothing????!!!

No. That is not what we are saying.

We are saying that Trump is an ignorant and incompetent idiot. He knew that the virus was spreading fast. He based his actions on the wishful thinking that made him feel better in the moment. He is a man who’s only motivation is immediate personal gratification.

For him, contemplating a worst case scenario is too unpleasant. It would force him to think of others before himself. That’s not in his DNA.

He convinced himself that it would not be a pandemic and that it wouldn’t damage the economy. Just as he convinced himself that his very presence has led to stock market gains.

The fact is that he didn’t take it seriously because he is not able to take anything seriously...unless it impacts him personally.

Now. Stop whining.
.....''he based it on wishful thinking''' = hahahhahahahhahaahhahah---sure he did also prove Mr Trump has made you insane = why so much HATE??!!
.....FDR convinced himself it would not be a world war = you see how the OP is correct? Mr Trump KNEW this would FUCK the economy like never before, and did nothing????!!! this what you are saying???
..FDR KNEW the Japanese were going to bomb PH and did nothing????!!!

No. That is not what we are saying.

We are saying that Trump is an ignorant and incompetent idiot. He knew that the virus was spreading fast. He based his actions on the wishful thinking that made him feel better in the moment. He is a man who’s only motivation is immediate personal gratification.

For him, contemplating a worst case scenario is too unpleasant. It would force him to think of others before himself. That’s not in his DNA.

He convinced himself that it would not be a pandemic and that it wouldn’t damage the economy. Just as he convinced himself that his very presence has led to stock market gains.

The fact is that he didn’t take it seriously because he is not able to take anything seriously...unless it impacts him personally.

Now. Stop whining.
.....''he based it on wishful thinking''' = hahahhahahahhahaahhahah---sure he did also prove Mr Trump has made you insane = why so much HATE??!!
.....FDR convinced himself it would not be a world war = you see how the OP is correct?

You are a Trombie. You believe he’s been a good president. There is no reasoned thought which can penetrate that wall of stupid.
plain and simple--FDR didn't know

believe what you wish then Mr Harmonica

all i know is Trump put me outta work , and that's not cool

and i don't want his 'suck up' $$$ either

so you say he's a fighter?

well i'm waiting for him to be swingin' for guys like me

Cuz you're my friend or my enemy

I got no time for anyone inbettween

so it was Mr Trump that put you out of work and not the virus
.. I used to JOKE that if a nuke or earthquake would hit, the libs/''libs'' would make it somehow someone's [ '''conservatives''/KKK/etc ] fault.....but you people are doing it!!!! hahahahhahahahaah --just like they blamed Bush for Katrina, you are blaming Mr Trump for a virus!!! BIG hahahhahahahahah
NO POTUS would've known what to do or would've done it in time

Maybe not any given POTUS, but IT IS the job of multiple org's to give him a heads up

and oh, a Pandemic of this caliber has been expected by said entities

so, either they didn't do their job(s) , or the potus refused to listen to them

..same bullshit was said about PH....Billy Mitchell predicted PH just said it!!!!! = EXPECTED, not known ...jesus f christ!!!!hahahahhaha..we EXPECT a BIG earthquake/CAR ACCIDENTS/etc ....

I'm not about to play blame game here Harmonica

I could care less who is at fault

It's about their response to it now

THAT has consequences

Trump ,only because he's potus now, will inherit the 'Covid Economy' , of '20 ....just as Obama inherited the 'Crash economy' of '08

Trump's had it easy up to now, what he does from here on in will either make him or break him, as well as ring on down history for him

Part of the Trump strategy is deflecting and changing the narrative. In this case and situation, the purpose is to deflect away from the response and focus on a false narrative of making him a victim being blamed for him not "predicting" the pandemic.
hahahahhaahhah--exactly what I stated in the OP--they said the same FALSE crap about FDR
True, and FDR did a hell of a lot to prepare for WWII. Also, he prepared in many ways for PH. We were in PH because he moved the fleet there from the west coast in preparation for a war with Japan. He installed a new invention called radar and it worked, only to be ignored by an officer who misinterpreted the sighting of Japanese aircraft. Carriers were absent from PH and safely at sea. They would neutralize the Japanese Navy soon after PH at Midway.
......I've been reading and researching WW2 for over 40 years--you prove to know NOTHING about WW2/PH
....FYI the fleet/PH/PH airfields and planes were destroyed----not did you think otherwise???!!!!!!! Mr Trump KNEW this would FUCK the economy like never before, and did nothing????!!! this what you are saying???
..FDR KNEW the Japanese were going to bomb PH and did nothing????!!!

No. That is not what we are saying.

We are saying that Trump is an ignorant and incompetent idiot. He knew that the virus was spreading fast. He based his actions on the wishful thinking that made him feel better in the moment. He is a man who’s only motivation is immediate personal gratification.

For him, contemplating a worst case scenario is too unpleasant. It would force him to think of others before himself. That’s not in his DNA.

He convinced himself that it would not be a pandemic and that it wouldn’t damage the economy. Just as he convinced himself that his very presence has led to stock market gains.

The fact is that he didn’t take it seriously because he is not able to take anything seriously...unless it impacts him personally.

Now. Stop whining.
Trump has no comprehension or knowledge of how government works. America needs a leader who has that kind of knowledge and the temperament for allowing experts and experienced people to do their jobs without his ego and narcissism getting in their way and sabotaging their efforts.
NO POTUS would've known what to do or would've done it in time

Maybe not any given POTUS, but IT IS the job of multiple org's to give him a heads up

and oh, a Pandemic of this caliber has been expected by said entities

so, either they didn't do their job(s) , or the potus refused to listen to them

..same bullshit was said about PH....Billy Mitchell predicted PH just said it!!!!! = EXPECTED, not known ...jesus f christ!!!!hahahahhaha..we EXPECT a BIG earthquake/CAR ACCIDENTS/etc ....

I'm not about to play blame game here Harmonica

I could care less who is at fault

It's about their response to it now

THAT has consequences

Trump ,only because he's potus now, will inherit the 'Covid Economy' , of '20 ....just as Obama inherited the 'Crash economy' of '08

Trump's had it easy up to now, what he does from here on in will either make him or break him, as well as ring on down history for him

Part of the Trump strategy is deflecting and changing the narrative. In this case and situation, the purpose is to deflect away from the response and focus on a false narrative of making him a victim being blamed for him not "predicting" the pandemic.
hahahahhaahhah--exactly what I stated in the OP--they said the same FALSE crap about FDR
True, and FDR did a hell of a lot to prepare for WWII. Also, he prepared in many ways for PH. We were in PH because he moved the fleet there from the west coast in preparation for a war with Japan. He installed a new invention called radar and it worked, only to be ignored by an officer who misinterpreted the sighting of Japanese aircraft. Carriers were absent from PH and safely at sea. They would neutralize the Japanese Navy soon after PH at Midway.
PH was a victory FOR the Japanese--not the US!!

NO POTUS would've known what to do or would've done it in time

Maybe not any given POTUS, but IT IS the job of multiple org's to give him a heads up

and oh, a Pandemic of this caliber has been expected by said entities

so, either they didn't do their job(s) , or the potus refused to listen to them

..same bullshit was said about PH....Billy Mitchell predicted PH just said it!!!!! = EXPECTED, not known ...jesus f christ!!!!hahahahhaha..we EXPECT a BIG earthquake/CAR ACCIDENTS/etc ....

I'm not about to play blame game here Harmonica

I could care less who is at fault

It's about their response to it now

THAT has consequences

Trump ,only because he's potus now, will inherit the 'Covid Economy' , of '20 ....just as Obama inherited the 'Crash economy' of '08

Trump's had it easy up to now, what he does from here on in will either make him or break him, as well as ring on down history for him

Part of the Trump strategy is deflecting and changing the narrative. In this case and situation, the purpose is to deflect away from the response and focus on a false narrative of making him a victim being blamed for him not "predicting" the pandemic.
hahahahhaahhah--exactly what I stated in the OP--they said the same FALSE crap about FDR
True, and FDR did a hell of a lot to prepare for WWII. Also, he prepared in many ways for PH. We were in PH because he moved the fleet there from the west coast in preparation for a war with Japan. He installed a new invention called radar and it worked, only to be ignored by an officer who misinterpreted the sighting of Japanese aircraft. Carriers were absent from PH and safely at sea. They would neutralize the Japanese Navy soon after PH at Midway.
......I've been reading and researching WW2 for over 40 years--you prove to know NOTHING about WW2/PH
....FYI the fleet/PH/PH airfields and planes were destroyed----not did you think otherwise???!!!!!!!
Aircraft carriers were saved. I said that in my post. Never mentioned airfields. Anyhow, like you, I have been reading about WWII for over 40 years. In addition, I worked very closely with a Guadalcanal Marine veteran and had many long discussions with him about WWII. Also, I had an uncle who served on the USS Enterprise who was pretty knowledgeable about the war in the Pacific since he was an actual participant. My knowledge for the European theater comes from a couple of uncles who were paratroopers. I also heard a lot of stories about my uncle who became missing in action as a B-17 pilot.
NO POTUS would've known what to do or would've done it in time

Maybe not any given POTUS, but IT IS the job of multiple org's to give him a heads up

and oh, a Pandemic of this caliber has been expected by said entities

so, either they didn't do their job(s) , or the potus refused to listen to them

..same bullshit was said about PH....Billy Mitchell predicted PH just said it!!!!! = EXPECTED, not known ...jesus f christ!!!!hahahahhaha..we EXPECT a BIG earthquake/CAR ACCIDENTS/etc ....

I'm not about to play blame game here Harmonica

I could care less who is at fault

It's about their response to it now

THAT has consequences

Trump ,only because he's potus now, will inherit the 'Covid Economy' , of '20 ....just as Obama inherited the 'Crash economy' of '08

Trump's had it easy up to now, what he does from here on in will either make him or break him, as well as ring on down history for him

Part of the Trump strategy is deflecting and changing the narrative. In this case and situation, the purpose is to deflect away from the response and focus on a false narrative of making him a victim being blamed for him not "predicting" the pandemic.
hahahahhaahhah--exactly what I stated in the OP--they said the same FALSE crap about FDR
True, and FDR did a hell of a lot to prepare for WWII. Also, he prepared in many ways for PH. We were in PH because he moved the fleet there from the west coast in preparation for a war with Japan. He installed a new invention called radar and it worked, only to be ignored by an officer who misinterpreted the sighting of Japanese aircraft. Carriers were absent from PH and safely at sea. They would neutralize the Japanese Navy soon after PH at Midway.
......I've been reading and researching WW2 for over 40 years--you prove to know NOTHING about WW2/PH
....FYI the fleet/PH/PH airfields and planes were destroyed----not did you think otherwise???!!!!!!!
Aircraft carriers were saved. I said that in my post. Never mentioned airfields. Anyhow, like you, I have been reading about WWII for over 40 years. In addition, I worked very closely with a Guadalcanal Marine veteran and had many long discussions with him about WWII. Also, I had an uncle who served on the USS Enterprise who was pretty knowledgeable about the war in the Pacific since he was an actual participant. My knowledge for the European theater comes from a couple of uncles who were paratroopers. I also heard a lot of stories about my uncle who became missing in action as a B-17 pilot. FDR saved the carriers, but not the fleet/AIRPOWER/ or thousands of lives??!!
NO POTUS would've known what to do or would've done it in time

Maybe not any given POTUS, but IT IS the job of multiple org's to give him a heads up

and oh, a Pandemic of this caliber has been expected by said entities

so, either they didn't do their job(s) , or the potus refused to listen to them

..same bullshit was said about PH....Billy Mitchell predicted PH just said it!!!!! = EXPECTED, not known ...jesus f christ!!!!hahahahhaha..we EXPECT a BIG earthquake/CAR ACCIDENTS/etc ....

I'm not about to play blame game here Harmonica

I could care less who is at fault

It's about their response to it now

THAT has consequences

Trump ,only because he's potus now, will inherit the 'Covid Economy' , of '20 ....just as Obama inherited the 'Crash economy' of '08

Trump's had it easy up to now, what he does from here on in will either make him or break him, as well as ring on down history for him

Part of the Trump strategy is deflecting and changing the narrative. In this case and situation, the purpose is to deflect away from the response and focus on a false narrative of making him a victim being blamed for him not "predicting" the pandemic.
hahahahhaahhah--exactly what I stated in the OP--they said the same FALSE crap about FDR
True, and FDR did a hell of a lot to prepare for WWII. Also, he prepared in many ways for PH. We were in PH because he moved the fleet there from the west coast in preparation for a war with Japan. He installed a new invention called radar and it worked, only to be ignored by an officer who misinterpreted the sighting of Japanese aircraft. Carriers were absent from PH and safely at sea. They would neutralize the Japanese Navy soon after PH at Midway.
......I've been reading and researching WW2 for over 40 years--you prove to know NOTHING about WW2/PH
....FYI the fleet/PH/PH airfields and planes were destroyed----not did you think otherwise???!!!!!!!
Aircraft carriers were saved. I said that in my post. Never mentioned airfields. Anyhow, like you, I have been reading about WWII for over 40 years. In addition, I worked very closely with a Guadalcanal Marine veteran and had many long discussions with him about WWII. Also, I had an uncle who served on the USS Enterprise who was pretty knowledgeable about the war in the Pacific since he was an actual participant. My knowledge for the European theater comes from a couple of uncles who were paratroopers. I also heard a lot of stories about my uncle who became missing in action as a B-17 pilot.
..doesn't sound like you know you realize how small/under equipped/under trained/etc our Army/USMC/etc were???!!!! no--FDR did not prepare for WW2//did not prepare in time
NO POTUS would've known what to do or would've done it in time

Maybe not any given POTUS, but IT IS the job of multiple org's to give him a heads up

and oh, a Pandemic of this caliber has been expected by said entities

so, either they didn't do their job(s) , or the potus refused to listen to them

..same bullshit was said about PH....Billy Mitchell predicted PH just said it!!!!! = EXPECTED, not known ...jesus f christ!!!!hahahahhaha..we EXPECT a BIG earthquake/CAR ACCIDENTS/etc ....

I'm not about to play blame game here Harmonica

I could care less who is at fault

It's about their response to it now

THAT has consequences

Trump ,only because he's potus now, will inherit the 'Covid Economy' , of '20 ....just as Obama inherited the 'Crash economy' of '08

Trump's had it easy up to now, what he does from here on in will either make him or break him, as well as ring on down history for him

Part of the Trump strategy is deflecting and changing the narrative. In this case and situation, the purpose is to deflect away from the response and focus on a false narrative of making him a victim being blamed for him not "predicting" the pandemic.
hahahahhaahhah--exactly what I stated in the OP--they said the same FALSE crap about FDR
True, and FDR did a hell of a lot to prepare for WWII. Also, he prepared in many ways for PH. We were in PH because he moved the fleet there from the west coast in preparation for a war with Japan. He installed a new invention called radar and it worked, only to be ignored by an officer who misinterpreted the sighting of Japanese aircraft. Carriers were absent from PH and safely at sea. They would neutralize the Japanese Navy soon after PH at Midway.
..we didn't even have a reliable/etc intelligence service

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