Pearl Jam Cancel North Carolina Concert

Are you going to have bathroom police that check out the genitals? And if the person is a postoperative tranny? How will you tell? Explain to me how you will enforce your bathroom laws.
That's actually a very sexist thing to say. I've noticed this more and more in these discussions how those on the left stereotype women far more than those on the right.

Plus, straight men, who eventually will be granted this right, rarely wear skirts.

Straight men are not allowed in the ladies rooms.

Right, but how will you tell now ? With rules like this where anyone is allowed to choose the rest room or locker room based on the gender they "claim" they identify with.
With the climate liberals have created, people are now going to be afraid to say anything because they will be afraid of being accused of being a bigot.

I was just reading a story about a woman who was a member at a "Planet Fitness", who complained when she noticed a biological man was using the womens locker room.
She said it made her feel very uncomfortable, and she asked other women at the workout facility how they felt.
Once the business found out the woman was asking other women about it, they revoked her membership.

There's no doubt in my mind that Planet Fitness took this action, because they know the hell they'll pay if they don't side with the tranny, they'll be boycotted and protested by the PC crowd and a huge story will be made of it.

This is the climate the left has created in this country.
The moment a person protests, they are compared to Hitler, they're spat on and called a bigot, etc.

How will you tell? There are plenty of "manly" looking women around. Are you going to demand to look under their skirts, and if they are postoperative? Are you going to demand a DNA test to determine that they are male or female? Like you've already been told, transsexuals ALREADY use the bathroom of their choice. How many women/children have been attacked by transsexuals? Now . . . how many have been attacked by heterosexual men?

I don't think you even read my post.

Yes I did. I asked you how would YOU tell?

In the case of the woman at the Planet Fitness, the guy was obviously a biological man. Is it so bad to ask someone like that to stay out of the womens locker room ?

As for someone being attacked, I mentioned earlier I'm not concerned about that.
I simply believe someone in a rest room or locker room should have the comfort of knowing only members of their own sex are in there.

I would ask trannies to self-police themselves. If they haven't had the reassignment surgeries, then use the rest room that fits their biological condition.
Straight men are not allowed in the ladies rooms.

Right, but how will you tell now ? With rules like this where anyone is allowed to choose the rest room or locker room based on the gender they "claim" they identify with.
With the climate liberals have created, people are now going to be afraid to say anything because they will be afraid of being accused of being a bigot.

I was just reading a story about a woman who was a member at a "Planet Fitness", who complained when she noticed a biological man was using the womens locker room.
She said it made her feel very uncomfortable, and she asked other women at the workout facility how they felt.
Once the business found out the woman was asking other women about it, they revoked her membership.

There's no doubt in my mind that Planet Fitness took this action, because they know the hell they'll pay if they don't side with the tranny, they'll be boycotted and protested by the PC crowd and a huge story will be made of it.

This is the climate the left has created in this country.
The moment a person protests, they are compared to Hitler, they're spat on and called a bigot, etc.

How will you tell? There are plenty of "manly" looking women around. Are you going to demand to look under their skirts, and if they are postoperative? Are you going to demand a DNA test to determine that they are male or female? Like you've already been told, transsexuals ALREADY use the bathroom of their choice. How many women/children have been attacked by transsexuals? Now . . . how many have been attacked by heterosexual men?

I don't think you even read my post.


How dare you!

I read all of your crapola that makes no sense. I should probably not do that anymore. Lol.

Good idea cuz this stuff is wayyyyyy over your head.
Are you going to have bathroom police that check out the genitals? And if the person is a postoperative tranny? How will you tell? Explain to me how you will enforce your bathroom laws.

She's looking for drama, so unless you say the SWAT team will be called, you won't satisfy her, but let's give it a try.

Upon recieving a citizens complaint, police would be dispatched, make contact with the complainant, interview the perp and assertain identification. Let's listen in shall we:

Cop: you appear to be a male, are you?

Tranny: yes, yes I am.

Cop: ok, let's see some ID, I'll be writing you a ticket.

Straight men are not allowed in the ladies rooms.

Right, but how will you tell now ? With rules like this where anyone is allowed to choose the rest room or locker room based on the gender they "claim" they identify with.
With the climate liberals have created, people are now going to be afraid to say anything because they will be afraid of being accused of being a bigot.

I was just reading a story about a woman who was a member at a "Planet Fitness", who complained when she noticed a biological man was using the womens locker room.
She said it made her feel very uncomfortable, and she asked other women at the workout facility how they felt.
Once the business found out the woman was asking other women about it, they revoked her membership.

There's no doubt in my mind that Planet Fitness took this action, because they know the hell they'll pay if they don't side with the tranny, they'll be boycotted and protested by the PC crowd and a huge story will be made of it.

This is the climate the left has created in this country.
The moment a person protests, they are compared to Hitler, they're spat on and called a bigot, etc.

How will you tell? There are plenty of "manly" looking women around. Are you going to demand to look under their skirts, and if they are postoperative? Are you going to demand a DNA test to determine that they are male or female? Like you've already been told, transsexuals ALREADY use the bathroom of their choice. How many women/children have been attacked by transsexuals? Now . . . how many have been attacked by heterosexual men?

I don't think you even read my post.

Yes I did. I asked you how would YOU tell?

In the case of the woman at the Planet Fitness, the guy was obviously a biological man. Is it so bad to ask someone like that to stay out of the womens locker room ?

As for someone being attacked, I mentioned earlier I'm not concerned about that.
I simply believe someone in a rest room or locker room should have the comfort of knowing only members of their own sex are in there.

I would ask trannies to self-police themselves. If they haven't had the reassignment surgeries, then use the rest room that fits their biological condition.

Well, as I said many, many times now, I would agree, but are you going to check? How would you enforce these laws?
Are you going to have bathroom police that check out the genitals? And if the person is a postoperative tranny? How will you tell? Explain to me how you will enforce your bathroom laws.

She's looking for drama, so unless you say the SWAT team will be called, you won't satisfy her, but let's give it a try.

Upon recieving a citizens complaint, police would be dispatched, make contact with the complainant, interview the perp and assertain identification. Let's listen in shall we:

Cop: you appear to be a male, are you?

Tranny: yes, yes I am.

Cop: ok, let's see some ID, I'll be writing you a ticket.


You are the one making all the drama, sorry to point that out. Lol.

Sure, IF there is a complaint. Most of the time, people are not hanging out in the ladies room. They do their business and leave. Some trannies are not so "obvious," so a lot of people would not even notice. We have more important issues to deal with in this country than your transsexual and gay obsessions.
Are you going to have bathroom police that check out the genitals? And if the person is a postoperative tranny? How will you tell? Explain to me how you will enforce your bathroom laws.

She's looking for drama, so unless you say the SWAT team will be called, you won't satisfy her, but let's give it a try.

Upon recieving a citizens complaint, police would be dispatched, make contact with the complainant, interview the perp and assertain identification. Let's listen in shall we:

Cop: you appear to be a male, are you?

Tranny: yes, yes I am.

Cop: ok, let's see some ID, I'll be writing you a ticket.


You are the one making all the drama, sorry to point that out. Lol.

Sure, IF there is a complaint. Most of the time, people are not hanging out in the ladies room. They do their business and leave. Some trannies are not so "obvious," so a lot of people would not even notice. We have more important issues to deal with in this country than your transsexual and gay obsessions.

Jesus, are you dense or what?

If there is no complaint, there is no check.

The problem occurs (I can't believe I have to draw pictures), when the State or a business sanctions the act, then the rights of others, similarily situated (Google it), come into play.

Now go do your nails or look for a cool new pair of shoes and let adults discuss this.
I'm curious what you base this on.

Bruce Jenner and what we've heard from our very own Male Lesbian transgende poster Renae.

Bruce Jenner said that many male transgenders are attracted to women, or that he/she is? Ditto Renae, whoever that is.

I just don't know that I've ever heard transgender people tend to be attracted to the same sex they identify as. :dunno:

Ask Renae. He's married to a woman and attracted to her.

Caitlyn Jenner 'is only attracted to women'


Some Transgender People Are Not Gay

OK. I think your saying that "A large number of male transgenders are, and after the surgery, will remain attracted to women" is a bit misleading. What is a large number? 2? 20? 100? Are you saying that most transgendered males are attracted to women, half of them, just what does a large number mean? It makes it sound as though the odds are good that transgendered males are going to be attracted to females, but is that true? :dunno:

Another question would be if sexual tastes are important to determining which bathroom a person uses, should homosexuals use bathrooms of the opposite gender? After all, a gay man will be in the bathroom with people of the gender he is attracted to, as will a lesbian woman.

1. It would appear that the existence of enough that I can point out 2, of such a small number to start with is adequate. Remember, simalarily situated needs only be 1. I doubled that number.

2. Your confusing the issue, maybe purposefully so. The trans male is sexually attracted to woman PLUS has a male member. That makes them simalar to a straight male, not a female lesbian.

3. The word on the door is Woman, not Woman with dicks

1. Adequate for what? Adequate to mean "a large number"? I disagree. 2 is not a large number in this context.

2. The transgendered male who is attracted to women is similar to a lesbian in that both are attracted to are the one bringing up the attractions of transgendered people. I am trying to find out both where you get the idea that "A large number" of of transgendered men are attracted to women and how you are relating that to the issue of bathroom usage. If who a person is attracted to is to be taken into account in bathroom usage, it would lead to gay men in the women's room and lesbian women in the men's.

3. Yes, the word on the door is going to be women, not women with dicks. The point of this whole bathroom controversy is how we, as a society, define gender. Some people would like to see it change, at least far enough to allow transgendered people to use the bathroom which matches the way they self-identify.

Personally I think if this really is such an issue, either gender-neutral bathrooms need to be added or all bathrooms should be made gender-neutral. This idea that people should use whatever bathroom fits their own self-identity, while maintaining the normal two gender bathroom system, seems silly. If your physical gender is unimportant to which bathroom is used, why should your emotional gender (or however else one might described gender self-identity) matter? What is the point of separate gender bathrooms in the first place? What about people who don't identify with men or women? It can be a muddled mess.
Bruce Jenner and what we've heard from our very own Male Lesbian transgende poster Renae.

Bruce Jenner said that many male transgenders are attracted to women, or that he/she is? Ditto Renae, whoever that is.

I just don't know that I've ever heard transgender people tend to be attracted to the same sex they identify as. :dunno:

Ask Renae. He's married to a woman and attracted to her.

Caitlyn Jenner 'is only attracted to women'


Some Transgender People Are Not Gay

OK. I think your saying that "A large number of male transgenders are, and after the surgery, will remain attracted to women" is a bit misleading. What is a large number? 2? 20? 100? Are you saying that most transgendered males are attracted to women, half of them, just what does a large number mean? It makes it sound as though the odds are good that transgendered males are going to be attracted to females, but is that true? :dunno:

Another question would be if sexual tastes are important to determining which bathroom a person uses, should homosexuals use bathrooms of the opposite gender? After all, a gay man will be in the bathroom with people of the gender he is attracted to, as will a lesbian woman.

1. It would appear that the existence of enough that I can point out 2, of such a small number to start with is adequate. Remember, simalarily situated needs only be 1. I doubled that number.

2. Your confusing the issue, maybe purposefully so. The trans male is sexually attracted to woman PLUS has a male member. That makes them simalar to a straight male, not a female lesbian.

3. The word on the door is Woman, not Woman with dicks

1. Adequate for what? Adequate to mean "a large number"? I disagree. 2 is not a large number in this context.

2. The transgendered male who is attracted to women is similar to a lesbian in that both are attracted to are the one bringing up the attractions of transgendered people. I am trying to find out both where you get the idea that "A large number" of of transgendered men are attracted to women and how you are relating that to the issue of bathroom usage. If who a person is attracted to is to be taken into account in bathroom usage, it would lead to gay men in the women's room and lesbian women in the men's.

3. Yes, the word on the door is going to be women, not women with dicks. The point of this whole bathroom controversy is how we, as a society, define gender. Some people would like to see it change, at least far enough to allow transgendered people to use the bathroom which matches the way they self-identify.

Personally I think if this really is such an issue, either gender-neutral bathrooms need to be added or all bathrooms should be made gender-neutral. This idea that people should use whatever bathroom fits their own self-identity, while maintaining the normal two gender bathroom system, seems silly. If your physical gender is unimportant to which bathroom is used, why should your emotional gender (or however else one might described gender self-identity) matter? What is the point of separate gender bathrooms in the first place? What about people who don't identify with men or women? It can be a muddled mess.

I gave you an additional link talking about other trans lesbians. So there are many more than two, in fact there are you tube channels as well



Then, I never brought up that trans lesbians are situated the same as lesbians for the purpose of excluding males. It would make no sense.

The point was, and still stands, is that a trans lesbian is simalarily situated to a straight male. You can't exclude one without excluding the other. To do so is clear discrimination as outlined in many USSC rulings, from Loving to Obergfell.

I'm glad you think unisex bathrooms should be the norm, but until you can convince the majority, that ain't going to happen.
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I hear Cirque du Soleil has canceled three shows in NC... But they are still scheduled to appear in Dubai... Where the penalty for homosexuality is death.

Doesn't that strike any of you as somewhat hypocritical?

You know, if a group or artist or whatever wants to punish their fans for something they had no control over, that's fine. Just be consistent. Is that too much to ask?
In left wing politics, there is always hypocrisy

Or . . . they don't care about Dubai, but care about what is happening in their own country, which they can partake in.

Cirque du Soleil is out of Canada.

I was more referring to Pearl Jam.

Oh, them... Forgot they started the thread...
Bruce Jenner said that many male transgenders are attracted to women, or that he/she is? Ditto Renae, whoever that is.

I just don't know that I've ever heard transgender people tend to be attracted to the same sex they identify as. :dunno:

Ask Renae. He's married to a woman and attracted to her.

Caitlyn Jenner 'is only attracted to women'


Some Transgender People Are Not Gay

OK. I think your saying that "A large number of male transgenders are, and after the surgery, will remain attracted to women" is a bit misleading. What is a large number? 2? 20? 100? Are you saying that most transgendered males are attracted to women, half of them, just what does a large number mean? It makes it sound as though the odds are good that transgendered males are going to be attracted to females, but is that true? :dunno:

Another question would be if sexual tastes are important to determining which bathroom a person uses, should homosexuals use bathrooms of the opposite gender? After all, a gay man will be in the bathroom with people of the gender he is attracted to, as will a lesbian woman.

1. It would appear that the existence of enough that I can point out 2, of such a small number to start with is adequate. Remember, simalarily situated needs only be 1. I doubled that number.

2. Your confusing the issue, maybe purposefully so. The trans male is sexually attracted to woman PLUS has a male member. That makes them simalar to a straight male, not a female lesbian.

3. The word on the door is Woman, not Woman with dicks

1. Adequate for what? Adequate to mean "a large number"? I disagree. 2 is not a large number in this context.

2. The transgendered male who is attracted to women is similar to a lesbian in that both are attracted to are the one bringing up the attractions of transgendered people. I am trying to find out both where you get the idea that "A large number" of of transgendered men are attracted to women and how you are relating that to the issue of bathroom usage. If who a person is attracted to is to be taken into account in bathroom usage, it would lead to gay men in the women's room and lesbian women in the men's.

3. Yes, the word on the door is going to be women, not women with dicks. The point of this whole bathroom controversy is how we, as a society, define gender. Some people would like to see it change, at least far enough to allow transgendered people to use the bathroom which matches the way they self-identify.

Personally I think if this really is such an issue, either gender-neutral bathrooms need to be added or all bathrooms should be made gender-neutral. This idea that people should use whatever bathroom fits their own self-identity, while maintaining the normal two gender bathroom system, seems silly. If your physical gender is unimportant to which bathroom is used, why should your emotional gender (or however else one might described gender self-identity) matter? What is the point of separate gender bathrooms in the first place? What about people who don't identify with men or women? It can be a muddled mess.

I gave you an additional link talking about other trans lesbians. So there are many more than two, in fact there are you tube channels as well



Then, I never brought up that trans lesbians are situated the same as lesbians for the purpose of excluding males. It would make no sense.

The point was, and still stands, is that a trans lesbian is simalarily situated to a straight male. You can't exclude one without excluding the other. To do so is clear discrimination as outlined in many USSC rulings, from Loving to Obergfell.

I'm glad you think unisex bathrooms should be the norm, but until you can convince the majority, that ain't going to happen.

I think you are misreading what Loving and Obergefell say. You also may not be taking into account the differing state laws regarding what is or is not a person's legal gender. Who can or cannot be excluded from a bathroom is not, I don't think, something the USSC has ruled on; I believe it has remained a state issue to this point.

You brought up the attractions of transgendered people, not me. I merely took the premise that attraction might be relevant to who can use which bathroom and applied it to homosexuals, to show that attraction is not a reasonable factor for segregating by gender.

You have in no way provided any real evidence that "A large number of male transgenders" are attracted to women. It may be true, I'm just not willing to take your word for it, and showing a few examples doesn't equate to "A large number". It seems to be an assumption on your part. :dunno:

I don't think unisex bathrooms should be the norm. I'm pretty on the fence regarding this particular issue. I was trying to say that if someone considers allowing people to use the bathroom for the gender they self-identify with is important, it is silly to use gender segregated bathrooms. At that point I do not see the rationale for having bathrooms for separate genders. I would likely be a bit uncomfortable with unisex bathrooms, but assuming the stalls provide enough privacy, I don't think it would be a horrible thing.

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