Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights, Says New York Times’ Op-ed

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noun \ˌpe-də-ˈfi-lē-ə, ˌpē-\
: sexual feelings or activities that involve children

Full Definition of PEDOPHILIA
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object."

You're welcome. I do not see the word "love" in that definition.

Though pedophiles maintain their sexual feelings for children are the same as *love*.

Pedophilia - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
"Pedophilia is considered a paraphilia, an "abnormal or unnatural attraction." Pedophilia is defined as the fantasy or act of sexual activity with prepubescent children. Pedophiles are usually men, and can be attracted to either or both sexes. How well they relate to adults of the opposite sex varies.Perpetrators often delude themselves into viewing their actions as helpful to children. They might tell themselves they are contributing to a child's development or that the child is enjoying the act; however, they do tell their victims not to alert their parents or authorities.An estimated 20 percent of American children have been sexually molested, making pedophilia the most common paraphilia. Offenders are usually family friends or relatives. Types of activities vary and may include just looking at a child or undressing and touching a child. However, acts often do involve oral sex or touching of genitals of the child or offender. Studies suggest that children who feel uncared for or lonely may be at higher risk."

And pedophiles say things like "This is how I show you I love you."

Pedophilia Psychology Today
Pedophilia isn't illegal so of course they're entitled to civil rights like everyone else.

Child sexual abusers on the other hand, are breaking the law, and even if it weren't illegal it's still immoral and unethical.
That's like saying "tigers on the loose aren't illegal. It's just when they start killing people and their pets that it becomes illegal".

There's a very thin line between a pedophile and the act of pedophilia. They are some of the most aggressive and intractable of the sexual orientations we find under the LGBTQ umbrella.

The act of pedophilia is loving children. That's it's become synonymous with child sexual abuse is unfortunate as most who work with children are pedophiles.

Word wasn't coined to describe sex with children. It's become that but in the same way 'terrorist' has become synonymous with arabs or Muslims.

"pedophilia (n.) Look up pedophilia at
1900, from Greek pais (genitive paidos) "child" (see pedo-) + philos "loving" see -phile). First attested in an abstract of a report by Krafft-Ebing."

Lovers of children who're strictly defined pedophiles include teachers, daycare center operators, those pohotographers who come to public school for picture days, etc. to say nothing of those who advocate the protection of children and the punishing of child sexual abusers, the antithesis of pedophile. Not loving children if you're harming them.

Yes, thank you. Those of us who have worked in the abused population have heard this garbage before.

Like Anita Bryant did in the 70s, you're trying to mischaracterize things to foward your agenda. Your posts appeal to ignorant people who you know will knee-jerk react to key words. Rather than bothering to post accurate information, you seek applause from well-intentioned people on here hitting them with buzzwords and psychologically charged words and assertions.

Professionals see right through you.
Actually, no, I don't have an agenda. You're misrepresenting pedophilia to try to downplay both the incidence, the risk, and the degree of harm it does.

Pedophilia is not LOVE for children. It is a sexual perversion that involves sexual attraction towards children. Stop spinning it, puke.

And I am a professional. Professionals have words for people like you. It's "client", "customer" and "patient". Or "con".
"Pedophilia is considered a paraphilia, an "abnormal or unnatural attraction." Pedophilia is defined as the fantasy or act of sexual activity with prepubescent children. Pedophiles are usually men, and can be attracted to either or both sexes. How well they relate to adults of the opposite sex varies.Perpetrators often delude themselves into viewing their actions as helpful to children. They might tell themselves they are contributing to a child's development or that the child is enjoying the act; however, they do tell their victims not to alert their parents or authorities.An estimated 20 percent of American children have been sexually molested, making pedophilia the most common paraphilia. Offenders are usually family friends or relatives. Types of activities vary and may include just looking at a child or undressing and touching a child. However, acts often do involve oral sex or touching of genitals of the child or offender. Studies suggest that children who feel uncared for or lonely may be at higher risk."

And pedophiles say things like "This is how I show you I love you."

Pedophilia Psychology Today

And heterosexuals who make love say what? "This is how I get rid of a raging boner?"
"Pedophilia is considered a paraphilia, an "abnormal or unnatural attraction." Pedophilia is defined as the fantasy or act of sexual activity with prepubescent children. Pedophiles are usually men, and can be attracted to either or both sexes. How well they relate to adults of the opposite sex varies.Perpetrators often delude themselves into viewing their actions as helpful to children. They might tell themselves they are contributing to a child's development or that the child is enjoying the act; however, they do tell their victims not to alert their parents or authorities.An estimated 20 percent of American children have been sexually molested, making pedophilia the most common paraphilia. Offenders are usually family friends or relatives. Types of activities vary and may include just looking at a child or undressing and touching a child. However, acts often do involve oral sex or touching of genitals of the child or offender. Studies suggest that children who feel uncared for or lonely may be at higher risk."

And pedophiles say things like "This is how I show you I love you."

Pedophilia Psychology Today

And heterosexuals who make love say what? "This is how I get rid of a raging boner?"

Thank you for again showing us you equate pedophilia with normal sexual relations.
Actually, no, I don't have an agenda. You're misrepresenting pedophilia to try to downplay both the incidence, the risk, and the degree of harm it does.

Pedophilia is not LOVE for children. It is a sexual perversion that involves sexual attraction towards children. Stop spinning it, puke.

And I am a professional. Professionals have words for people like you. It's "client", "customer" and "patient". Or "con".

Etymology of the word pedophilia IS lover of children. What we define it as today is considerably different than the etymology of the word.
Well, that is disgusting, but that doesn't mean that every homosexual is a pedophile. There are also (obviously) very many heterosexual pedophiles.

No it doesn't mean every Gay person is a Pedophile, However - Statistically homosexual
pedophiles represent a ridiculously disproportionate percentage of the Population. Yes Heterosexuals are also Pedophiles - but they represent approximately 95% of the population - whereas Homosexuals represent approximately 5% - that 5% of the population is responsible for approximately 35% of all Child Molestation cases.

So basically 5% of the Population is committing 35% of all Child Molestation cases

Actually, your 5% figure is too high. Homosexuals constitutes about 2% of the population and women homosexuals aren't that big of a problem in terms of child molestation, so it's the 1% of the population, male homosexuals, who are the problem.
Actually, no, I don't have an agenda. You're misrepresenting pedophilia to try to downplay both the incidence, the risk, and the degree of harm it does.

Pedophilia is not LOVE for children. It is a sexual perversion that involves sexual attraction towards children. Stop spinning it, puke.

And I am a professional. Professionals have words for people like you. It's "client", "customer" and "patient". Or "con".

Etymology of the word pedophilia IS lover of children. What we define it as today is considerably different than the etymology of the word.

I don't give a shit. Bugger off, freak.
Well, that is disgusting, but that doesn't mean that every homosexual is a pedophile. There are also (obviously) very many heterosexual pedophiles.

No it doesn't mean every Gay person is a Pedophile, However - Statistically homosexual
pedophiles represent a ridiculously disproportionate percentage of the Population. Yes Heterosexuals are also Pedophiles - but they represent approximately 95% of the population - whereas Homosexuals represent approximately 5% - that 5% of the population is responsible for approximately 35% of all Child Molestation cases.

So basically 5% of the Population is committing 35% of all Child Molestation cases

Actually, your 5% figure is too high. Homosexuals constitutes about 2% of the population and women homosexuals aren't that big of a problem in terms of child molestation, so it's the 1% of the population, male homosexuals, who are the problem.

Is there a 'kinda agree' button? :)

Number of exclusive homosexuals is very low, number of 'not entirely/exclusive heterosexuals' is about 30%. Most LGBT are some degree of bisexual moreso than exclusively hetero or homosexual.
Well, that is disgusting, but that doesn't mean that every homosexual is a pedophile. There are also (obviously) very many heterosexual pedophiles.

No it doesn't mean every Gay person is a Pedophile, However - Statistically homosexual
pedophiles represent a ridiculously disproportionate percentage of the Population. Yes Heterosexuals are also Pedophiles - but they represent approximately 95% of the population - whereas Homosexuals represent approximately 5% - that 5% of the population is responsible for approximately 35% of all Child Molestation cases.

So basically 5% of the Population is committing 35% of all Child Molestation cases

Actually, your 5% figure is too high. Homosexuals constitutes about 2% of the population and women homosexuals aren't that big of a problem in terms of child molestation, so it's the 1% of the population, male homosexuals, who are the problem.

If my 7 year old child has two a hetero and one a homo...guess which one poses the statistically higher threat?
Well, that is disgusting, but that doesn't mean that every homosexual is a pedophile. There are also (obviously) very many heterosexual pedophiles.

No it doesn't mean every Gay person is a Pedophile, However - Statistically homosexual
pedophiles represent a ridiculously disproportionate percentage of the Population. Yes Heterosexuals are also Pedophiles - but they represent approximately 95% of the population - whereas Homosexuals represent approximately 5% - that 5% of the population is responsible for approximately 35% of all Child Molestation cases.

So basically 5% of the Population is committing 35% of all Child Molestation cases

Actually, your 5% figure is too high. Homosexuals constitutes about 2% of the population and women homosexuals aren't that big of a problem in terms of child molestation, so it's the 1% of the population, male homosexuals, who are the problem.

If my 7 year old child has two a hetero and one a homo...guess which one poses the statistically higher threat?

The heterosexual male one.
"Most child sexual abuse is committed by men; studies show that women commit 14% to 40% of offenses reported against boys and 6% of offenses reported against girls."

While I'm sure kosher'd say that's heterosexual offending, in fact the literature calls is female-male offending differentiating between heterosexuality and child sexual abuse directed at " ".

"Some sources report that most offenders who have sexually abused a prepubescent child are pedophiles,[19] but some offenders who have sexually abused a prepubescent child do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia."


More offenders are male than female, though the percentage varies between studies. The percentage of incidents of sexual abuse by female perpetrators that come to the attention of the legal system is usually reported to be between 1% and 4%.[121] Studies of sexual misconduct in US schools with female offenders have shown mixed results with rates between 4% to 43% of female offenders.[122] Maletzky (1993) found that, of his sample of 4,402 convicted pedophilic offenders, 0.4% were female.[123] Another study of a non-clinical population found that, among those in the their sample that had been molested, as much as a third were molested by women.[124]

In U.S. schools, educators who offend range in age from "21 to 75 years old, with an average age of 28".

Early research in the 1970s and 1980s began to classify offenders based on their motivations and traits. Groth and Birnbaum (1978) categorized child sexual offenders into two groups, "fixated" and "regressed."[126] Fixated were described as having a primary attraction to children, whereas regressed had largely maintained relationships with other adults, and were even married. This study also showed that adult sexual orientation was not related to the sex of the victim targeted, e.g. men who molested boys often had adult relationships with women.[126]

Later work (Holmes and Holmes, 2002) expanded on the types of offenders and their psychological profiles. They are divided as follows:[127]

* Situational – does not prefer children, but offend under certain conditions.
o Regressed – Typically has relationships with adults, but a stressor causes them to seek children as a substitute.
o Morally Indiscriminate – All-around sexual deviant, who may commit other sexual offenses unrelated to children.
o Naive/Inadequate – Often mentally disabled in some way, finds children less threatening.
* Preferential – has true sexual interest in children.
o Mysoped – Sadistic and violent, target strangers more often than acquaintances.
o Fixated – Little or no activity with own age, described as an "overgrown child."

Causal factors

Causal factors of child sex offenders are not known conclusively.[128] The experience of sexual abuse as a child was previously thought to be a strong risk factor, but research does not show a causal relationship, as the vast majority of sexually abused children do not grow up to be adult offenders, nor do the majority of adult offenders report childhood sexual abuse. The US Government Accountability Office concluded, "the existence of a cycle of sexual abuse was not established." Before 1996, there was greater belief in the theory of a "cycle of violence," because most of the research done was retrospective—abusers were asked if they had experienced past abuse. Even the majority of studies found that most adult sex offenders said they had not been sexually abused during childhood, but studies varied in terms of their estimates of the percentage of such offenders who had been abused, from 0 to 79 percent. More recent prospective longitudinal research—studying children with documented cases of sexual abuse over time to determine what percentage become adult offenders—has demonstrated that the cycle of violence theory is not an adequate explanation for why people molest children.[129]

Offenses may be facilitated by cognitive distortions of the offender, such as minimization of the abuse, victim blaming, and excuses.[130]
Main article: Pedophilia

The term pedophilia refers to persistent sexual feelings of attraction in an adult or older adolescent toward prepubescent children, whether the attraction is acted upon or not.[131][132] A person with this attraction is called a pedophile

In law enforcement, the term pedophile is sometimes used to describe those accused or convicted of child sexual abuse under sociolegal definitions of child (including both prepubescent children and adolescents younger than the local age of consent);[19] however, not all child sexual offenders are pedophiles and not all pedophiles engage in sexual abuse of children.[20][133][134] Law enforcement and legal professionals have begun to use the term predatory pedophile,[135] a phrase coined by children's attorney Andrew Vachss, to refer specifically to pedophiles who engage in sexual activity with minors.[136] The term emphasizes that child sexual abuse consists of conduct chosen by the perpetrator."

lots more at link
Child sexual abuse - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yes, pedophlia is not just generic love for children. It's perverted sexual attraction.

We already know that. You're the one who was arguing.
[QUOTE="ChrisL, post: 9933076, member: 50165"

Find me an UNBIASED source.

Like OUT magazine? The Williams Institute? lol ...

I would like to see a scholarly study, and not something from an organization that is a "traditional family values" organization. Is that too much to ask around here?
A liberal scholarly study. Liberals own the schools.
[QUOTE="ChrisL, post: 9933076, member: 50165"

Find me an UNBIASED source.

Like OUT magazine? The Williams Institute? lol ...

I would like to see a scholarly study, and not something from an organization that is a "traditional family values" organization. Is that too much to ask around here?
A liberal scholarly study. Liberals own the schools.

Could check Liberty University. :)
Hmm, ok, will do this the old-fashioned way.

> ChrisL, one of many 'impartial' sources for information you exhibited an interest in.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

FAQ-like presentation on homosexuality and how it relates to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

Okay, but this one is biased in the OTHER direction. The author is the writer of a blog about homophobia.

I would like to see an impartial study that was performed by, say, a university, perhaps more than one study, and one that was peer reviewed.

Another thing about "studies" is that there are always other studies to contradict that study's findings. It gets confusing and it's important to know how they conducted study, what were the questions asked, how were the questions asked, the size of the sample, etc. ALL of those things are important to determine the efficacy of the study IMO, because anyone can find any "study" or "article" that agrees with them when it comes to something as complicated as CSA.

I can speak with some knowledge about how difficult it is to get funding for a politically touchy subject. It's career suicide to go against prevailing orthodoxy and so most reseachers investigate other topics. Academia leans waaaaay Left, there is a sympathy for stigmatized groups. there is a lot of agenda driven researched focused on lessening stigma, so any research which strengthens stigma is going to make a lot of fierce enemies for the researcher(s) who manage to get published.

Career suicide to publish on racial, sexual or orientation differences. This means that our understanding is skewed by bias which exists before research is even launched. It a question can't be asked, then you're never going to get an answer to that question.
Pedophilia is not genetically determined. It is not something someone is *born* with. It's not the same as skin color or gender, which ARE genetically determined. These are facts. Do you know what a fact is?


And currently, the only people who are claiming that pedophilia is genetic are the psychotic pro-pedo lunatics that are trying to normalize it.

Could you at least link to something that shows this?
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