Pedophilia not a crime Rutgers law professor says

Back in the day pedos were not tolerated by communities, I recall stories from my grandparents how if it was found out a pedo was molesting a child a court of law wasn't needed, the community dispensed their own justice

You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form
Back in the day pedos were not tolerated by communities, I recall stories from my grandparents how if it was found out a pedo was molesting a child a court of law wasn't needed, the community dispensed their own justice

You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.
Back in the day pedos were not tolerated by communities, I recall stories from my grandparents how if it was found out a pedo was molesting a child a court of law wasn't needed, the community dispensed their own justice

You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?[/QUOTE]

AGAIN!!!!! People sexually abuse children and my comment referred to that. Pedos would invariably slip through the cracks of any prevention program, besides that numerous studies have confirmed it can't be cured.
"Pedos", if they want to learn to enjoy adult sex in the same way, need to experience frequent mindblowing sex with hot, beautiful grown women or men.

People think that our sexual orientation is some permanent genetic thing than can never be altered. It can. Every single time you hook up with somebody, you are either becoming more attracted to their gender, or more unattracted to it. Depending on the quality of the encounter... that sum or difference might be really really small or something significant.

"Pedos" who have never had sexual relations with children don't need to be locked up for their sexual fantasies. There are people who fantasize about commiting murder, rape, genocide... yet they never do so. They weigh the consequences against the potential "thrill" of that particular crime and decide against it... as do many "pedos".

AGAIN!!!!! People sexually abuse children and my comment referred to that.
But they don't necessarily have to. With treatment pedophiles don't have to abuse any child.

Which is exactly the point of author of the article in the OP. You have yet to disagree with her on anything she's actually said. You know that, right?

Pedos would invariably slip through the cracks of any prevention program, besides that numerous studies have confirmed it can't be cured.

They slip through the cracks now. What would be the downside of prevention?

You lose nothing in prevention programs. And gain thousands upon thousands of pedophiles in treatment, making them far less likely to actually molest children.

So what's the downside?
Back in the day pedos were not tolerated by communities, I recall stories from my grandparents how if it was found out a pedo was molesting a child a court of law wasn't needed, the community dispensed their own justice

You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.
Back in the day pedos were not tolerated by communities, I recall stories from my grandparents how if it was found out a pedo was molesting a child a court of law wasn't needed, the community dispensed their own justice

You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?
Back in the day pedos were not tolerated by communities, I recall stories from my grandparents how if it was found out a pedo was molesting a child a court of law wasn't needed, the community dispensed their own justice

You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

You're steering away from my original comment to suit your needs. I SAID they should be castrated if they molest a child, go ahead and try and "cure" them, you can't and they will offend, after they are punished they will re offend. It's a no sum game and is perpetual
You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

You're steering away from my original comment to suit your needs. I SAID they should be castrated if they molest a child, go ahead and try and "cure" them, you can't and they will offend, after they are punished they will re offend. It's a no sum game and is perpetual

I'm addressing the points raised in the article in the OP. Points you have yet to even disagree with:

Pedophilia should be treated as a disorder BEFORE molestation occurs.

Which is the OP article in a nutshell.
Back in the day pedos were not tolerated by communities, I recall stories from my grandparents how if it was found out a pedo was molesting a child a court of law wasn't needed, the community dispensed their own justice

You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

At no point did I say I disagreed with the idea of calling pedophilia a mental disorder. I merely stated the downside to doing so.

Obviously , it IS a mental disorder, and it's one that all the science says is incurable. So , yes I disagree with the notion that we should treat it with some outpatient therapy and leave known pedophiles on the streets unless they actually assault a child.

Sorry you believe a pedophiles "rights" are more important than a child's safety. That's some sick thinking.
Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

You're steering away from my original comment to suit your needs. I SAID they should be castrated if they molest a child, go ahead and try and "cure" them, you can't and they will offend, after they are punished they will re offend. It's a no sum game and is perpetual

I'm addressing the points raised in the article in the OP. Points you have yet to even disagree with:

Pedophilia should be treated as a disorder BEFORE molestation occurs.

Which is the OP article in a nutshell.

And I commented if they offend they should be castrated. Don't like it?... stop responding to me
The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

wrong... no one can claim a right to harm children.

"If you find yourself disagreeing with me on any given topic, you are wrong about that topic."

^ :rolleyes:
You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

At no point did I say I disagreed with the idea of calling pedophilia a mental disorder. I merely stated the downside to doing so.

Obviously , it IS a mental disorder, and it's one that all the science says is incurable. So , yes I disagree with the notion that we should treat it with some outpatient therapy and leave known pedophiles on the streets unless they actually assault a child.

Sorry you believe a pedophiles "rights" are more important than a child's safety. That's some sick thinking.

Think it's a physiological disorder as per the 'smaller brains' thing. If we can figure out why the smaller brains are happening, we can perhaps prevent it thereby eliminating pedophilia altogther (assuming they're actually related.)

If we treat it as a mental disorder though it'll never be eliminated and just as schitozophrenics and other mentally ill people can stop taking their meds and go on shooting sprees, a pedophile can still offend against children.

Pedophilia and related things like hebephilia and ebopophilia have been realities for the human species all along. But if we can prevent it outright, that's the approach to take. Prevention is always preferable to mitigation.
The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

wrong... no one can claim a right to harm children.

"If you find yourself disagreeing with me on any given topic, you are wrong about that topic."

^ :rolleyes:

That's correct, but what they COULD do is argue that a child has a right co consent , and guess what ? That would make it legal.

Hell, there are already states where it is legal for a grown person to have sex with a 16 year old child. Consent laws certainly aren't written in stone. Though I admit that actual pedophilia ha no chance of ever becoming legal, no majority is ever likely to advocate lowering the consent age to 7 or 8 years old.
You clearly didn't read the article. She's not calling for 'tolerance of sex offenders'. She's calling for treatment of pedophiles BEFORE they become sex offenders.

Wouldn't it be smarter to deal with the issue of pedophilia BEFORE children are victimized. Rather than to get our revenge only AFTER it has happened?

Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

At no point did I say I disagreed with the idea of calling pedophilia a mental disorder. I merely stated the downside to doing so.

I don't see your 'downside', as even you recognize that pedophilia is a disorder. No one is arguing that pedophilia is an alternate maybe NAMBLA. And they're a sick joke.

So where do we even disagree? On ever point made by the OP article that you address, you agree.

So , yes I disagree with the notion that we should treat it with some outpatient therapy and leave known pedophiles on the streets unless they actually assault a child.

Sorry you believe a pedophiles "rights" are more important than a child's safety. That's some sick thinking.

So what would you propose charging a pedophile with if they've never commited a crime?

Or is this just imprisonment with no charges.
The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

wrong... no one can claim a right to harm children.

"If you find yourself disagreeing with me on any given topic, you are wrong about that topic."

^ :rolleyes:

That's correct, but what they COULD do is argue that a child has a right co consent , and guess what ? That would make it legal.

Hell, there are already states where it is legal for a grown person to have sex with a 16 year old child. Consent laws certainly aren't written in stone. Though I admit that actual pedophilia ha no chance of ever becoming legal, no majority is ever likely to advocate lowering the consent age to 7 or 8 years old.

You guys are just obliterating strawmen, tearing down argument no one is making.

No one has argued for the 'right to molest children'. No one has argued that pedophilia is a 'lifestyle choice'.

Instead, its been argued that pedophiles should be treated BEFORE they molest to prevent child abuse. And so far, no one has even disagreed.
The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

wrong... no one can claim a right to harm children.

"If you find yourself disagreeing with me on any given topic, you are wrong about that topic."

^ :rolleyes:

That's correct, but what they COULD do is argue that a child has a right co consent , and guess what ? That would make it legal.

Hell, there are already states where it is legal for a grown person to have sex with a 16 year old child. Consent laws certainly aren't written in stone. Though I admit that actual pedophilia ha no chance of ever becoming legal, no majority is ever likely to advocate lowering the consent age to 7 or 8 years old.

You guys are just obliterating strawmen, tearing down argument no one is making.

No one has argued for the 'right to molest children'. No one has argued that pedophilia is a 'lifestyle choice'.

Instead, its been argued that pedophiles should be treated BEFORE they molest to prevent child abuse. And so far, no one has even disagreed.

No one is arguing for that YET. You didn't ask that, You asked what the downside to the OP was. I answered.
Do people sexually abuse children? Hence my comment.

I worry about anyone trying to justify or support pedos in anyway shape or form

Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

At no point did I say I disagreed with the idea of calling pedophilia a mental disorder. I merely stated the downside to doing so.

I don't see your 'downside', as even you recognize that pedophilia is a disorder. No one is arguing that pedophilia is an alternate maybe NAMBLA. And they're a sick joke.

So where do we even disagree? On ever point made by the OP article that you address, you agree.

So , yes I disagree with the notion that we should treat it with some outpatient therapy and leave known pedophiles on the streets unless they actually assault a child.

Sorry you believe a pedophiles "rights" are more important than a child's safety. That's some sick thinking.

So what would you propose charging a pedophile with if they've never commited a crime?

Or is this just imprisonment with no charges.

Once again and for the last time, I said IF one offends they should be castrated, you can't charge someone for a thought...that would be a leftist's wet dream for that to start taking place
Let me put it this way: what's the downside of treating pedophilia as a disorder and PREVENTING child molestation?

I don't see you actually disagreeing with anything this woman actually said.

The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

At no point did I say I disagreed with the idea of calling pedophilia a mental disorder. I merely stated the downside to doing so.

I don't see your 'downside', as even you recognize that pedophilia is a disorder. No one is arguing that pedophilia is an alternate maybe NAMBLA. And they're a sick joke.

So where do we even disagree? On ever point made by the OP article that you address, you agree.

So , yes I disagree with the notion that we should treat it with some outpatient therapy and leave known pedophiles on the streets unless they actually assault a child.

Sorry you believe a pedophiles "rights" are more important than a child's safety. That's some sick thinking.

So what would you propose charging a pedophile with if they've never commited a crime?

Or is this just imprisonment with no charges.

Once again and for the last time, I said IF one offends they should be castrated, you can't charge someone for a thought...that would be a leftist's wet dream for that to start taking place

So you seem to agree with the OP article completely.

I think the OP article has a lot of useful suggestions on how to prevent child molestation.
The potential downside is obvious.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness, until a minority convinced the majority that it was an "alternative lifestyle" now gays are getting married.

One day down the road a small minority will be petitioning for the right to have sex with children. "we were born this way, we have rights" is coming.

And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

At no point did I say I disagreed with the idea of calling pedophilia a mental disorder. I merely stated the downside to doing so.

I don't see your 'downside', as even you recognize that pedophilia is a disorder. No one is arguing that pedophilia is an alternate maybe NAMBLA. And they're a sick joke.

So where do we even disagree? On ever point made by the OP article that you address, you agree.

So , yes I disagree with the notion that we should treat it with some outpatient therapy and leave known pedophiles on the streets unless they actually assault a child.

Sorry you believe a pedophiles "rights" are more important than a child's safety. That's some sick thinking.

So what would you propose charging a pedophile with if they've never commited a crime?

Or is this just imprisonment with no charges.

Once again and for the last time, I said IF one offends they should be castrated, you can't charge someone for a thought...that would be a leftist's wet dream for that to start taking place

So you seem to agree with the OP article completely.

I think the OP article has a lot of useful suggestions on how to prevent child molestation.

You can't prevent it, there lies the problem

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